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Author Topic: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits  (Read 10679 times)

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2017, 10:10:11 am »
I wish we could take away their generous "socialised medicine" benefits and see how they vote when a member of their family requires tens of thousands of dollars a year in medical care.  Oh, on that note, lets cap their salaries at 100 grand, so the expense really hurts.
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Offline Wade

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2017, 10:47:22 am »
I have still not been able to accept anything to do with this new administration.

The fact that half our Country voted for that buffoon still has me scratching my head, what pisses me off even more are the ones who sat on their lazy asses and did not vote at all. Many of those are young and will find out the hard way what a fight they have ahead of them.
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Offline Almost2late

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2017, 02:06:43 pm »
I think we're headed to a pretty fucked up place in this country but I don't blame the voters for this. I blame the Democratic establishment for coranating a candidate who couldn't excite the younger voters.

The Democrats have even killed a bill that would have allowed us access to cheaper drugs from Canada, most of them made right here in the USA. 13 Dems voted against it bc they're in the pockets of big pharma. Yeah, the repubs are horrible sob's but the dems are worst bc they play good cop just enough to get your trust and they fuck you too.

Offline RobbyR

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2017, 03:36:36 pm »
This has been like a living nightmare. Trump is a pervert and disgusting human being. Scary thing is, he's not even the most conservative. It's the party cronies like Paul Ryan I fear, who are just jumping at the chance to undo healthcare benefits. I feel like we're in a bad episode of the Twilight Zone only this is real. Where to begin..I also blame the Democratic establishment for trying to coronate an unpopular corporate candidate when millions of people myself included passed out flyers and wanted Bernie Sanders as someone who represented true progressive ideas and working people. So we are where we are, it's too late now. I'm not sure what the future holds, but the predictable right wing agenda will soon be reality.
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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2017, 09:49:05 pm »
I think we're headed to a pretty fucked up place in this country but I don't blame the voters for this. I blame the Democratic establishment for coranating a candidate who couldn't excite the younger voters.

The Democrats have even killed a bill that would have allowed us access to cheaper drugs from Canada, most of them made right here in the USA. 13 Dems voted against it bc they're in the pockets of big pharma. Yeah, the repubs are horrible sob's but the dems are worst bc they play good cop just enough to get your trust and they fuck you too.

There's enough fault to go around. Yes Dems are to blame for putting up a candidate with such a tattered reputation.  Voters are to blame for sitting out of the election and throwing away what actually did get changed from the Bush era.  Voters are so hypnotized by this two party system and are more prone to blaming Democrats than rembering the damage Republicans have done in the past.  Lots of voters in the states that Hillary should've won (PA, WI and MI) sat out because they didn't like Hillary, or voted third party, thinking she was going to win those states.  They didn't like her, but didn't want Trump to win.  They didn't think their votes counted. Well, they would have, but they have to be cast first.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2017, 06:37:35 am »
I saw a billboard as I drove through a very latin working class/poor neighborhood in Miami yesterday that read, "Trump will replace Obamacare with dial-a-prayer".. sad thing is that I'll bet that more than half of them in that neighborhood voted for Trump.
I held my nose and voted for Clinton but hate the dems almost as much as I hate the repubs. They said universal healthcare was too expensive so we'll just have to settle for Romneycare, I mean Obamacare, but somehow they can give Israel 38 billion dollars, a country that has universal healthcare for their own citizens. Yeah, we are in the twilight zone alright but have been for over a decade, it's just that we are waking up to the ugly truth now that an ugly face has been attached to it.. 

Offline RobbyR

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2017, 06:20:00 pm »
It's too late to do anything now, the Republicans have won everything. Progressives have got to go back to the basics and stop with these corporate establishment candidates and give people like Bernie who had massive grassroots support a chance. Progressives need to go back to the basics of embracing working people and rural voters on the basic basis of economic fairness, worker's rights, and jobs. Everything else is just noise. Those are the crux of what matter. That's why Bernie got so much support. I'll say this too...there needs to be MAJOR investigations into Russian interference into our election. This is a hostile foreign power who crosses us at every turn and is contrary to every principle most free people hold dear, and the fact that they tampered with our election process is not only deeply disturbing on its face, but is a hostile subversive act. There must be serious consequences.
"I survived because I was tougher than anybody else".--Bette Davis




Offline Wade

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2017, 01:03:50 pm »
Did you vote Robbie ?
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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2017, 08:23:44 am »
I agree with Mightysure, "Lots of finger pointing going on" and that's exactly how they have been doing it for years, the corporate media and corporate politicians.. the russian bullshit excuse is to throw us off the scent of whats been uncovered already and if you've been paying attention you'll notice those stories are coming from the same "intelligence community" that gave us WMD's in Iraq and a long history of overthrowing democratic elected officials throughout the world to install corporate puppets, many of whom were murderous dictators.. and they don't offer any evidence bc it's "secret".
Many people are wide awake but not enough, the job now of the corporate powers that be is to put you back to sleep with deception. Stop listening to corporate media propaganda and find better sources.
Jordan Chariton is a good start, https://youtu.be/AiWvkzuwndA

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2017, 02:57:33 pm »
And this is worth a watch.. https://youtu.be/fPAh4mN-96Y

Offline bocker3

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2017, 04:28:14 pm »
I agree with Mightysure, "Lots of finger pointing going on" and that's exactly how they have been doing it for years, the corporate media and corporate politicians.. the russian bullshit excuse is to throw us off the scent of whats been uncovered already and if you've been paying attention you'll notice those stories are coming from the same "intelligence community" that gave us WMD's in Iraq and a long history of overthrowing democratic elected officials throughout the world to install corporate puppets, many of whom were murderous dictators.. and they don't offer any evidence bc it's "secret".
Many people are wide awake but not enough, the job now of the corporate powers that be is to put you back to sleep with deception. Stop listening to corporate media propaganda and find better sources.
Jordan Chariton is a good start, https://youtu.be/AiWvkzuwndA

Why, this could have come from Trump's Twitter account.....

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2017, 09:51:56 pm »
Why, this could have come from Trump's Twitter account.....

Funny how sometimes even that asshole tells the truth, he just doesn't say it as pretty as Obama lies..

And this.. https://youtu.be/2HAqDPfj8B8

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2017, 05:20:19 pm »
Funny how sometimes even that asshole tells the truth, he just doesn't say it as pretty as Obama lies..

And this.. https://youtu.be/2HAqDPfj8B8

What lies??  I don't think that Obama has been the best president ever (as many fans like to say), but if not for him, we wouldn't be having this discussion about healthcare.  He enabled something to get through and signed into law.  Yes, it is imperfect, yes, it was mainly written by the hospital and pharma lobby.  However, that falls onto Congress -- they "write" the bills, Obama signs them into law.  He could have vetoed the ACA, as it didn't look the way he envisioned, but then we'd have had diddly squat.  So, he signed it with the hope of incremental progress that would take root and grow.  Guess what, it took root -- even the Republicans will not jettison some parts of it.  Obama was not a great Foreign Policy president, IMO (think the red line in Syria), but he got the ACA enacted when no President since LBJ had been able to tackle healthcare in a winning way.

I mean really -- you have been on an agenda for over a year that basically says Bernie Sanders is a god and everyone else is an idiot, in the pocket of someone else.
Unfortunately for you -- Bernie Sanders is as much a Washington insider as anyone else you "hate" -- he's been in Washington for decades and has done nothing.  I will say, he has been remarkably consistent in saying the same stuff since he was the mayor of Burlington, VT (he was mayor while I was in college there), but he has actually gotten none of it done.  Bernie Sanders doesn't have to worry about healthcare, his pension or many laws that everyone else must follow.  I've not heard him offer to join the "common man" and have the same struggles.  So please spare me the elevation of him to a white steed on a pedestal somewhere.

Now -- I don't say all this to "bash" Bernie -- I actually think he is a fairly earnest guy, who would like to see things change.  I would have voted for him with a smile, had he won the nomination.  However, all he does is talk -- like most of the rest of them.  He isn't putting any of his own skin in the game, so for that reason he's really not all that different.  Plus -- he quickly compromised his own "independence" when he decided to run for President by joining the Dems, because he KNEW (unlike you, apparently), that a third-party candidate wasn't going to stand a snowball's chance in hell.  So, even Bernie, has compromised his principles to advance his own ambitions.  He is a politician - FIRST and ALWAYS.  That is why he has been living off taxpayers for close to 40 years.


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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2017, 07:37:19 pm »
What lies??  I don't think that Obama has been the best president ever (as many fans like to say), but if not for him, we wouldn't be having this discussion about healthcare.  He enabled something to get through and signed into law.  Yes, it is imperfect, yes, it was mainly written by the hospital and pharma lobby.  However, that falls onto Congress -- they "write" the bills, Obama signs them into law.  He could have vetoed the ACA, as it didn't look the way he envisioned, but then we'd have had diddly squat.  So, he signed it with the hope of incremental progress that would take root and grow.  Guess what, it took root -- even the Republicans will not jettison some parts of it.  Obama was not a great Foreign Policy president, IMO (think the red line in Syria), but he got the ACA enacted when no President since LBJ had been able to tackle healthcare in a winning way.

I mean really -- you have been on an agenda for over a year that basically says Bernie Sanders is a god and everyone else is an idiot, in the pocket of someone else.
Unfortunately for you -- Bernie Sanders is as much a Washington insider as anyone else you "hate" -- he's been in Washington for decades and has done nothing.  I will say, he has been remarkably consistent in saying the same stuff since he was the mayor of Burlington, VT (he was mayor while I was in college there), but he has actually gotten none of it done.  Bernie Sanders doesn't have to worry about healthcare, his pension or many laws that everyone else must follow.  I've not heard him offer to join the "common man" and have the same struggles.  So please spare me the elevation of him to a white steed on a pedestal somewhere.

Now -- I don't say all this to "bash" Bernie -- I actually think he is a fairly earnest guy, who would like to see things change.  I would have voted for him with a smile, had he won the nomination.  However, all he does is talk -- like most of the rest of them.  He isn't putting any of his own skin in the game, so for that reason he's really not all that different.  Plus -- he quickly compromised his own "independence" when he decided to run for President by joining the Dems, because he KNEW (unlike you, apparently), that a third-party candidate wasn't going to stand a snowball's chance in hell.  So, even Bernie, has compromised his principles to advance his own ambitions.  He is a politician - FIRST and ALWAYS.  That is why he has been living off taxpayers for close to 40 years.

Ha,ha   ;D.. fucking hilarious, Obama doesn't lie.. Fuck the repubs and dems, and there fucking good cop, bad cop, corporate mind fuck.. Bernie rules bc he stands by the people, he's the best we got in Washington.. Trump got in bc of corporate Democrats turning their backs and latte liberals eating shit.. Damn fucking right I like Bernie. And if you don't like it, tough shit.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2017, 09:09:14 pm »
Lol, more from Trump's Twitter feed, won't it be something if the orange orangutan out does Mr.pretty talker..
"The Democrats are paid to lose"..

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 09:28:21 pm »

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2017, 10:05:26 pm »
More "real" progressive left wing facts..
Chew on that..

Offline bocker3

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2017, 10:26:31 am »
Ha,ha   ;D.. fucking hilarious, Obama doesn't lie.. Fuck the repubs and dems, and there fucking good cop, bad cop, corporate mind fuck.. Bernie rules bc he stands by the people, he's the best we got in Washington.. Trump got in bc of corporate Democrats turning their backs and latte liberals eating shit.. Damn fucking right I like Bernie. And if you don't like it, tough shit.

You, sir, can like whoever you want -- doesn't faze me at all. 

You can also continue to wear your blinders - if you think Bernie is not a typical politician, have at it (despite, becoming a Dem to run for Pres, then leaving after he lost -- that smells of political expediency to me).  And, of course, like a politician, I didn't expect you to acknowledge any actual POINTS made, just restate your position over and over.  Again, just like the entire Trump camp.  And, just like the Trump camp, you resort to personal attacks vs. stating any true facts.  No real reason to care about facts in our post-factual world now, is there.   ::)


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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2017, 01:28:39 pm »
You, sir, can like whoever you want -- doesn't faze me at all. 

You can also continue to wear your blinders - if you think Bernie is not a typical politician, have at it (despite, becoming a Dem to run for Pres, then leaving after he lost -- that smells of political expediency to me).  And, of course, like a politician, I didn't expect you to acknowledge any actual POINTS made, just restate your position over and over.  Again, just like the entire Trump camp.  And, just like the Trump camp, you resort to personal attacks vs. stating any true facts.  No real reason to care about facts in our post-factual world now, is there.   ::)

Like you are posting "facts", alright then Mr.Facts, how much money is Bernie taking from the health insurance companies?, or big pharma?, or the fossil fuel industries?, or the military industrial complex? or Wallstreet?..and please supply links and sources.. Tell me which politicians aren't "owned" whores.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 01:55:26 pm by Almost2late »

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2017, 01:41:34 pm »

"You can blame Russia for a lot of things, but you can’t blame Putin for deceiving Clinton into elevating Donald Trump. A Salon piece by Ben Norton titled How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy highlights exactly why WikiLeaks was so valuable this election."

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2017, 02:47:05 pm »
Hey -- point out in any of my posts where I said that politicians didn't take money from lobbyists?  Never did - you have an agenda and aren't responding to anything I actually say, you are simply spewing your same mantra over and over and over.  Here's a fact -- Bernie has paid his wife for years from the campaign contributions of the people he believes are screwed over by "politicians" and others.  Paying his wife, means he pockets their contributions.  So, they support him with taxes and then he steals their money to line his own pockets.  Personally, I don't really think he's stealing by paying his wife for her work, but if you heard that Hillary had paid Bill from her campaign, this is what you would have wrote.

It is impossible to have a rational discussion when one side has a closed mind.  Whereas, I have given some props to Bernie (and not called him any names, I might add).  I actually find him to be a very genuine guy and, unlike most other politicians, has been mostly consistent in his stances over the years.  You are simply blinded by your beliefs and can't even step back and look at anything from an open-minded POV.

With that -- I will leave you to your inane rants, that get us no where, and step out of this.


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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2017, 03:15:43 pm »
I knew you couldn't come up with shit but toolbagery. Bernie is not a corporate whore like most of those fucks, dems and repubs in dc and I've made my point bc you painted him to be like all the others. Make up your fucking mind already.
And if Bernie paid his wife for her service to him, that is a service to us, the voters and donors on our behalf.  I prefer that than the corporate politician who serves corporations to fuck over the people. So fuck Trump, fuck repubs, fuck latte liberals. Now go fart somewhere else.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2017, 01:11:09 pm »

I understand, trust me I do that this is a heated topic, however just because the rest of world can't behave itself today does not mean we get to behave uncivilised here.

This thread has no form of discussion, its just shouting over each other, now if you can't listen to each other and think before responding in a civil manner than don't respond.  Also if you can't talk to each other without "effing and blinding" every second word than don't post either.


I cannot allow discussions to become heated to the point where they become abusive. You are expected to be civil towards other forum members, even when you have a different point of view.

Your posts are crossing a line and being abusive towards or attacking the other posters and it will not be tolerated .

Please do not post in this thread again, and let me clear I will not be tolerating any of this behavior in any thread, this is my only warning.



Ill add for everybody that the same goes for the youtube links, look 1 or 2 for a laugh or a debate item is grand but if you can't express yourself or bother to write a reply to someone than don't reply at all. Every man and dog has a youtube video its not fact and it means nothing.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 01:24:45 pm by JimDublin »
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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2017, 01:42:33 pm »
Oh please, he was begging for an argument from the get go.. but whatever.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2017, 01:55:28 pm »

Look a heated topic and debate is the not the issue, people have them all the time but the manner that you respond to it is.

Its simple abusive language, personal attacks, and posting comments that are designed to provoke an angry response - a practice known as flame-baiting will not be tolerated. State your opinion in a civil manner. You have been warned before and I warned you not to post here.

You wanted a response from me well you got it, you have been banned for 7 days for ignoring the warning and flame bating. If you do this again after the ban is lifted it will be extended to 30 days.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2017, 10:50:15 am »
And Trump says he wants healthcare for all because he doesn't think before he speaks and his whole party is cringing at the thought.
Pray God you can cope
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2017, 10:54:07 pm »

I see you find the warning funny "
Oooh, I'm being Watched, LOL
" Well you have been warned and banned once before for 7 days in relation to abusive language, personal attacks, and posting comments that are designed to provoke an angry response and now you find the latest incident and warning funny, so you got my attention here have a free 30 day ban.

If you are abusive again or flame bait again after the 30 days there will be no 3rd time out or warning, continue the harassment,trolling and abusive manner and it will result in a full permanent ban.

This forum is for the enjoyment and support of all the members so your behavior will not be tolerated, and you are pushing the limits of my patience. That said I do not want to exclude you and I hope you return more calm after the 30 days




Look a heated topic and debate is the not the issue, people have them all the time but the manner that you respond to it is.

Its simple abusive language, personal attacks, and posting comments that are designed to provoke an angry response - a practice known as flame-baiting will not be tolerated. State your opinion in a civil manner. You have been warned before and I warned you not to post here.

You wanted a response from me well you got it, you have been banned for 7 days for ignoring the warning and flame bating. If you do this again after the ban is lifted it will be extended to 30 days.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 10:57:23 pm by JimDublin »
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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2017, 09:30:58 pm »

I see you find the warning funny "" Well you have been warned and banned once before for 7 days in relation to abusive language, personal attacks, and posting comments that are designed to provoke an angry response and now you find the latest incident and warning funny, so you got my attention here have a free 30 day ban.

Hey man, I wasn't trying to make you angry with that response but trying to calm myself with bc I was angry about the "watched" sign under my avatar.. I'll try and keep it rainbows and unicorns from here on in.
Not looking to ruffle any more feathers.✌

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Re: Recent Republican Vote to Strip Away Essential Health Care Benefits
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2017, 01:53:17 am »

I'm not angry and no unicorns and rainbows needed, just be civil and no more flame-baiting.

Your posts in this thread are well over the line and it resulted in mod reports on the topic from other members more than 1 and you being banned for 30 days.  Let it go and move on.


@rest - You are more than welcome to open a new thread on the topic, however I am locking this one and I do apologize for it getting out of hand.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 01:58:20 am by JimDublin »
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