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Author Topic: You're gonna move what to where!!!  (Read 46962 times)

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Offline leatherman

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2015, 08:51:01 pm »
Yeah!! You didn't die. ;D
cause, you know, this thread would have had a terrible ending if you had. LOL

glad to hear things went .... well. (ouch. yuck. ouch again)
Glad to hear you are recovering.

Continued best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery  :P
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2015, 08:12:44 pm »
Then I awoke...sort of...with an ice pack wrapped around my face. My arms and legs loosely tied to the sides of the bed and some hard disk thing stuck behind my teeth and filling my mouth,..ah, yes the acrylic hardware. Still remember something.

Gaining consciousness this time was slightly different than last time. This time the medical staff weren't worried that I was brain damaged from lack of oxygen like they were last time. Other than that they seemed kind enough in their actions. Not that I could exactly tell you what they were being kind about.

After 10 hours in surgery and another 24 hours sedated in ICU your brain and motor skills...lack. I just sat there and stared at things...like my hands...and wondered what do I do with them. It's a strange mental state you inhabit. Time goes slow for you...while every one else is zipping around like the Energizer Bunny...or they are the Energizer Bunny. To some extent you have regressed to an infant like state. There's lots of bright, shiny things all around and noises constantly beeping and chirping and you can't move anything other than your head to turn and try to focus on whatever it is you're looking for at that moment. Once seen clearly, still makes no sense.

Eventually it was deemed safe to move me to different quarters...sort of...something called a Step-Room. There were three other patients in there. Never saw them. Step-Room is apparently what comes after ICU. Less nurses than ICU but more nurses then if you were in a regular room. Other than the nurses trying to get me to eat I have very little memory of that time.

Next came my regular hospital room, shared with some man who had to listen to me scream bloody murder whenever the doctors decided to come in and play with my mouth. (Every now and then I could hear him whisper...God, I'm so sorry for you). You know things are bad when the other patient in the room who is dying feels sorry for you. While the outside of your face feels like it's left the room to roam about the halls the inside of your mouth is perfectly aware of where it is and doesn't like anything the doctors are doing. Which impels the brain to send word to your lungs and vocals cords to express this...in no uncertain terms. Not that you can do anything about it. So I sat there screaming bloody murder while the doctor did his thing and all the while he was saying "You hate me now, but when it's all done you'll thank me later." When he was done I gave him the "Bird." I thought that was thanks enough. Oh...and afterward I moped. Not that it helped but I thought a good mope was called for considering the circumstances.

After I had moved into the hospital room apparently it was time to change the linens and bed clothes...again. I thought they did this before you moved in to a room. But, hey, who am I to question the wisdom of the hospital cleaning crew. They have this all worked out. Lean here, lean there, lean yonder...then you're back on clean sheets. Unfortunately the lady replacing the bed linens had on perfume so strong that it was difficult for me to breathe. I'm sure she did it to cover any unpleasant smells she might come across in her duties. I was so happy when she finally left even though the scent lingered for a good thirty minutes. Personally I wanted to shove her into the shower unit and turn it on full hot till I didn't smell the perfume any more or she stopped struggling...preferably the latter.

After that I managed to shuffle around the hallways trying to get some strength and stamina back. Always shuffling a little faster when I came across "the perfume counter from Macy's." All the time hoping I was building up enough energy to get from the entry door to the car when it came time to go home. The path to my freedom which arrived the next day.

The drive home was so slow. Some taxi drivers think they're at the Indianapolis 500...not this one. You would have thought he was still in the "old country" from the way he kept peering at street signs, testing the wind with a wet finger, and throwing pebbles and seashells on the floor. I would have said something but was too tired and just lay my head back on the seat and spaced. I left it to my friend who picked me up from the hospital to take care of getting home.

Ahhh home...home...where the other horrors await...
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Offline leatherman

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #52 on: June 09, 2015, 11:06:29 pm »
There's lots of bright, shiny things all around and noises constantly beeping and chirping and you can't move anything other than your head to turn and try to focus on whatever it is you're looking for at that moment. Once seen clearly, still makes no sense.
are you certain that was "recovery"? It sounds a lot like dying with PCP. At least my almost "dying with PCP" episodes in the hospital were very like this, only without enough energy to turn my head.

is it terrible of me to say that I really enjoyed reading your tale? I know, I know! It was a horrible time for you; but, on this side of the screen, I found your story interesting and entertaining and it made me laugh.

thanks for sharing! best wishes on the recovery!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2015, 08:31:31 pm »
Leatherman...it's perfectly acceptable to laugh at other peoples suffering. Hospital staffs do it all the time. Sometimes they even try to hide it.

Instead of moaning and groaning about what all went on during my brief stay in the hospital I figure try to get to the humor in the situation. I mean, really, it's funny that the guy dying next to me feels sorry for me. He just lays there, no one comes to poke and pry and stick sharp objects in his mouth. It's only the ones who might live and he's glad he's not one of them.

So, yes, it's great that you enjoyed the post. It's even better that you got a laugh out of all that transpired. Lord knows I didn't.

So...hope you're doing great. Will try to get the third and final (there will be a fourth but will come as happening long after the events covered now) post up soon.
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Offline Wade

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2015, 10:30:58 am »
are you certain that was "recovery"? It sounds a lot like dying with PCP. At least my almost "dying with PCP" episodes in the hospital were very like this, only without enough energy to turn my head.

sounds like my near death experience with PCP !

LTS ,you are one tough cookie ,
Hope you are feeling better.
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Offline Richie_R2

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2015, 11:35:49 am »

sounds a lot like dying with PCP"

sounds like my near death experience with PCP !"

I know, you know, everyone on this forum knows that this means "Pneumo-Cystis Pneumonia", a common HIV/AIDS-related opportunistic infection.

But guests who just happen to chance by this thread have got to think we're all on Angel Dust, by now! Hehe.  ;D
Richie "R2". the Rocket Surgeon

Offline leatherman

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2015, 02:14:00 pm »
guests who just happen to chance by this thread
guests who just happen to chance by this thread... should learn the history of HIV before reading stuff in the LTS forum  ;)  ;D

The older name Pneumocystis carinii (which now only applies to the Pneumocystis species that is found in rats[16]) is still in common usage. As a result, Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is also known as Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia and (incorrectly) as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.[17][18][19]

Regarding nomenclature, when the name of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) changed from P. carinii pneumonia to P. jirovecii pneumonia, it was at first felt that "PJP" should replace "PCP". However, because the term PCP was already used among physicians that managed patients with Pneumocystis infection, it was rationalized that the term PCP could continue to be used, as it could stand for PneumoCystis (jirovecii) Pneumonia.[20]
- wikipedia

Leatherman...it's perfectly acceptable to laugh at other peoples suffering. Hospital staffs do it all the time. Sometimes they even try to hide it.
So, yes, it's great that you enjoyed the post. It's even better that you got a laugh out of all that transpired. Lord knows I didn't.
I wasn't laughing at your suffering; but from your storytelling skills. I promise to not laugh or smile at the next post, no matter how humorously you write about your awful experiences.    :) . . . .  oops  :(
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Richie_R2

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2015, 02:51:59 pm »
Well, I thought the joke was hilarious!

Woo, tough crowd!

 :P ::)
Richie "R2". the Rocket Surgeon

Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2015, 07:29:43 pm »
Finally made it home…just. While it was nice to be out of the hospital I wasn’t exactly excited to be on my own. Except for the first night when one of my friends stayed over, if something went wrong, I’d have to get help on my own. Yelling into the phone I would have sounded like Chris Pine in that Star Trek movie where he gets "Numm tonguun."

The other worry was getting some rest. Luckily I had bought a recliner a couple of months earlier. Without it I’m not sure how I would have been able to sleep. The bed was out…tried it, didn’t work. I had thought maybe the couch with the back being able to adjust to a 60 degree slant would work. Nope…would slowly slip toward to edge of the couch. There was nothing to stop me. The recliner could recline and the way the seat angled kept me from sliding. With a pillow and some covers I was actually “comfortable.” I could sleep and that’s all I cared about at that time.

Since this is being written two months after my arrival home I may not remember all of what transpired. What I do remember was how difficult it was to consume anything because of the acrylic contraption stuck in my mouth to keep my teeth in place. When leaving the hospital I had absconded with something, it was sort of a like a very large syringe with a flexible “needle," normally it was used to clean out clotted blood...I was going to use it to feed myself. I had copped a new one…I think. It would suck up the liquid meal replacement when I pulled out the plunger. Then I would attempt to place the “needle” in my mouth and reverse the previous step pushing the plunger back into the syringe. The "food" would then spew out...but not necessarily into my mouth. Skin doesn’t stain…thank god.

Can’t say I was in pain since the whole lower part of my face was numb…and swollen. Being numb though has its downside. Can’t tell what’s going on when trying to clean out your mouth after eating.  Oh you can make a guess but, unless you’re in front of a mirror, it devolves into a 50/50 chance you’re going to do something you shouldn’t have done.

The other downside to numb is not being able to tell that the braces have develop sharp points that are now making mincemeat out of your inner cheek. Unfortunately those are also the areas that recover their feeling once you’ve left the city to go out to Fire Island to escape for a bit…and forgot to bring the ortho wax that can be used to cover the sharp points. Island trip was aborted and headed back into town, after a night of hell while waiting for morning, to go see the surgeon to get him to snip the offending wires that had been having fun stabbing me all night long.

Of course it wasn’t all fun and games…I was actually able to sleep despite all the above. This was the main purpose of the surgery. Even with swelling the x-ray showed my windpipe had more than doubled in width. Once swelling was gone it would be even wider. I no longer would fall asleep while standing up on the subway…or any other place standing or sitting. I slept and continue to sleep like a contented baby now…sort of looked like one too with my swollen cheeks.

Next I’ll write about how things have been going since the four-week recovery period ended.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2015, 05:53:19 pm »
Another update:

After four weeks I returned to work. Not too bad. A little slow but got back into the rhythm of work and settled back into my routine.

Some feeling had returned...unfortunately in the guise of pain. Othro and surgeon were somewhat mystified. Usually patients wouldn't be experiencing pain after four weeks. They told me to take some over-the-counter pain meds like Advil. Said it was odd but expected it would go away soon.

Wrong...didn't get better.

Had to go in to get the surgical wire removed and regular wire attached to my braces. Still had the pain but was able to deal with it. The next day I was in agony. Thought it was the new wires. Called both ortho and surgeon begging for pain relief...like maybe a mouthwash or ointment that I could rub on similar to lidocaine. They decided it wasn't a good idea. That I might chew the inside of my cheeks and make things even worse.

The next day was better so thought in a few days I'd get use to the wires and the pain level would decrease. For a few days it did improve but then started to increase again. The pain would be bearable after I woke up in the morning but by afternoon it would engulf my whole lower face and begin to work its way up to the top of my head into a headache. Told the ortho and surgeon that things weren't improving. They could not figure out what the problem was so I just had to deal with it. Ended up taking 4 Advil at a time. That helped but only in making the pain bearable. From the moment I woke to when I fell asleep I was in pain. The only good thing was I could fall asleep. The pain didn't seem to cause a problem there. I'd be asleep in about ten minutes.

Then on Tuesday of this week something happened. After lunch about 2PM I rubbed my fingers over the beard on my left side at the jaw line. Felt a bump there that hadn't been there at lunch. So called the surgeon and arranged to come in so he could check it out. First he thought it was an inflamed hair follicle. I told him I knew what inflamed hair follicles felt like and this wasn't one. He looked inside my mouth at my left cheek and agreed. Not a hair follicle but an infection around my jaw. Or rather an infection that had decided to drain out under the skin of my left cheek. An x-ray was the next order of business.

Sitting back in the chair looking at the image of the x-ray with the surgeon he turned to me and said I had broken the titanium plate on my right side and that had caused the screws on the left side to loosen because of uneven pressure. The loose screws had initiated bleeding and once some bacteria found their way into my gum they fed on the blood and the rest was history. He put me on antibiotics and said I'd need to come in to get the screws and plate removed to keep the infection from reoccuring.

When I got in Friday morning the surgeon met me with the news that actually I had broken both plates. He said breaking one plate was very unusual, breaking two plates was unheard of. When he had called my orthodontist to relay this info the ortho said "Are you surprised?" since I had only broken every single wire that had been attached to my braces. Surgeon thought he might write me up and present my case at a medical conference.

Anyway, once the infection drained my extreme pain stopped. Had the surgery. Went fine. But, as is the case with me, the attempt to keep swelling to a minimum failed. I now look like I'm hiding a baseball in my left cheek as if I'm impersonating a squirrel getting ready for winter. A really long winter.

However I know the swelling will go down...eventually. Since the pain is gone I really don't care what I look like. Anything is better than what I was going through. Surgeon said I'd probably have to have the plate and screws on the right side removed but we could leave that to a later date. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with anything that will get this episode of my life over with...the sooner the better.

Okay, this brings my continuing adventure up to date. Will update as there's a reason to update.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2015, 09:54:04 pm »
Holly Crap !!!!!
I hope things start improving for you !
Are your sleeping habits any better ?
All the best I can muster , Wade
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Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2015, 03:13:03 pm »
Since we're about to exit September and mosey into October an update seems appropriate.

Finally had the second broken titanium plate removed this past Friday. The usual laugh riot. Put me on gas, jab me with syringes full of stuff that deadens half my face, wield the scalpel and cut away. Everything came out easier than last time. Surgeon didn't have to get up on my chair with the wrench to get things moving. Go back in a week to get the sutures removed.

I've spent most of the weekend sleeping. For some reason getting sliced open makes me sleepy afterward. Kind of a bummer though. It's been a beautiful fall weekend. The kind where you want to get out and walk around and see what you can't afford here in the city.

Hopefully this is the last of the hack and whacks. Now mostly adjustments to the braces. Working to get my teeth to line up correctly. This week I'll get a new wire. First one since my MMA surgery. Wonder how many wires I'll break this time.

Braces are scheduled to come off some time in November. No set date. Guess they'll surprise me. Once off then I'll be fitted for a retainer. Just one fun thing after another.

Still I am coming to the end of this little adventure. Will have to see surgeon for about a year so he can check on things. Same with orthodontist. But after that should be free and clear.

That's about it. Any questions ask away.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2015, 04:39:26 pm »
Still I am coming to the end of this little adventure.
kudos to you for all you have been through. You have been quite the trooper for a long time.

Does this mean this "adventure" will be finally over by the first of the year?
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #63 on: October 26, 2015, 08:33:06 pm »
Free at last (and that's as far as I'm going with that quote)...

Braces came off this morning (October 26th) and not a minute too soon. My machine gun order was delayed so now I have to send it back when it arrives. No reason to use it now.

Actually took longer to get the braces off then it was to put them on. In case you're wondering...having braces removed sounds like someone is using special pliers to crush your teeth. Sort of feels that way too.

But before the braces could come off the permanent retainers had to be attached to the backs of my top and bottom front incisors. Not sure why I have to have permanent retainers, forgot to ask the reason, I'll try to remember to ask when I go back in for the temp retainers. Those are worn only at night.

So...I seem to be on the tail end of the major stuff. See my surgeon in three months, same for orthodontist. Next year will get my teeth whitened once I'm fairly sure there will be no more cutting done on my mouth. The mouth rinse used to keep the germs at bay after the mouth cutting turns teeth brown...dark brown..matches-my-eyes dark brown. Some of that is gone due to the grinding that is done to remove the bits that the teeth-breaking pliers couldn't snap off from the front of my teeth. Mainly my teeth are a nice shade of yellow now.

The upside is I actually sleep at night and wake up rested. No more falling asleep while standing in the subway car. It's also easier for me to exercise now. Use to take me hours to get through my routines. Now I'm done in about an hour. Same routines just more oxygen getting to my lungs and then to my muscles. I had a very narrow throat. Some of my friends were confused by that considering...

That brings things up-to-date for now. Any questions, fire away.
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Offline Jeff G

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2015, 09:02:52 pm »
I had sympathy dental pain … Good to hear you are on the mend .
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Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #65 on: October 26, 2015, 10:31:12 pm »
And...as I predicted...

Just after I finished the post below I decide to have a little soft chocolate ice cream. After a couple of spoonfuls I felt something sharp. Thought maybe some ice had formed. So spit it out and...

...it was a part of one of my back molars.

Pretty much par-for-the-course with my life. My teeth never break on something hard. It's either scrambled eggs, bread or, now, soft ice cream. I think I'll start eating bricks. My teeth will last longer.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #66 on: October 26, 2015, 10:46:49 pm »
back in the day, when the meds were making me puke 30 days month and my teeth starting breaking, it was a bowl of mashed potatoes that broke a tooth.  ::)

The upside is I actually sleep at night and wake up rested.
Try to keep focusing on the positive! I'm glad to hear you're sleeping better and are getting more oxygen.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2015, 08:33:55 pm »
Just a short note...

Had to have my gums cut open again this week. There was a piece of bone that had parted ways with the rest of my jawbone and wanting to leave. So I obliged with a trip to the surgeon...again.

Apparently when the titanium plate that was screwed to my left jaw broke whatever broke it also broke lose a piece of my jawbone. Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

And to think some people wonder what drives my sense of humor...
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Offline Jeff G

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #68 on: November 21, 2015, 09:01:38 pm »

And to think some people wonder what drives my sense of humor...

I will guess  … screwdriver ? impact wrench ? . I had a bone splinter from a pulled molar that was poking through and I pulled it with tweezers … I had no idea at the time what I was doing or what it was but what came out was freaky .
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #69 on: November 26, 2015, 10:18:04 am »
...screwdriver...impact wrench...pfft...

Apparently, in my case, a jackhammer...at least when it comes to my jaws and teeth.

But a pretty good guess, nonetheless... ;D
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2015, 08:29:57 am »
I read lots caught up and award you respect if all this had ended in failure I would of joined in with the machine gun stuff.
Don,t fret about the colour off the teeth as I award you Euro status , teeth do change colour it's natural . Nought worse than an Hollywood elder with blinding teeth , my lumps off plastic where made age related or light grey if you want to insist.

So all joking aside thanks for this thread it's a realistic picture of medical intervention and that is much needed in our advertisement soaked age.
"If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people ."  Tony Benn

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #71 on: November 29, 2015, 06:23:45 pm »
Theyer, still haven't sent the machine gun back. I can reroute it if you feel a need.

Not sure I deserve respect but thank you for the thought. Very solicitous of you. I kind of forget everything once past. Don't know if it's a coping mechanism or just not enough room left in my brain.

My friends always say I'm going through so much. It never feels that way to me. Especially when I see news stories of people who have no face or lost their limbs. My experiences seem minor in comparison.

So I decided to list what all has happened in my life. Almost drowning when 7, rear-end collisions, the summer of hospital stays culminating in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, finding out I could drop dead from a heart condition, almost dying after a minor op, and so on. The list seems mighty impressive...but I'd much rather have an egg. You English folk will probably get that Mog joke.

Guess I've had some miserable experiences but why dwell. Nice to know my tales of woe bring a smile or two to all y'all who follow along.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #72 on: December 12, 2015, 03:03:19 pm »
If I believed in reincarnation I would have to assume I must have led a very bad set of previous lives. Ah...the latest...

Probably will have to start a new topic if this continues to play out but since I'm still in mouth-mode figured I pop it in here.

Went to my heart doc. A six month checkup. Basically they attach sticky things to my hairy chest and, when everything looks good, they rip them off, along with a bit of my chest hair.

However, this time was a little different. Yes, they ripped them off but only after asking did I know my heart was beating very fast. Since I really don't feel anything important like my heart beating the answer was "no."

Yes children, my heart is racing away. The current normal for a male who exercises regularly, doesn't smoke, eats good, sleeps well, etc. is 40 to 70 bpm. My heart has decided it's a Porsche after being a VW Beetle. I was going at 137 bpm.

So...now I'm on some medication that is suppose to, hopefully, slow my heart down. I go back this Wednesday and, if things haven't slowed down, I get a 24-hour monitor to wear. See if that can shed some light on why this is happening.

If it doesn't show or, I guess, even if it does show what's going on I'm not sure what the doc will be doing about it. I've refrained from googling anything about what is done about a speeding heart. Figured I'd let them surprise me.

Anyway, this is par for the course in my life. Something comes to an end and then my body decides to play spin-the-bottle and see what the next surprise will be. Anyone want to trade lives?
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #73 on: December 25, 2015, 01:38:54 pm »
Quick update:

Had to get off the Bystolic. Got my heart rate down but otherwise was killing me. Felt so bad went in for an emergency EKG to see what was happening. Off of it for now. Regaining strength, leg pain is lessening, dizziness gone, don't feel like something is really, really wrong. See heart doc this Tuesday when he's back in town.


Merry Christmas to anyone who happens to read this today, the 25th!
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #74 on: January 23, 2016, 08:21:55 pm »
As of now I'm scheduled to undergo a cardiac ablation for Atrial Flutter on Monday, February 8th. The procedure takes about 3 hours. Usually you are in a twilight state but I told the doc that she would be better off knocking me out totally. Expecting me to try to stay still for 3 hours while she shoves things through my blood vessels was asking a bit too much. If I lasted five minutes without jumping off the table and running out of the room with blood and tubing trailing behind she'd be lucky.

She agreed.

There is always a chance that I'll go into fibrillation during the procedure. In which case, the doc would finish the flutter ablation, after reviving me, and then I'd have to undergo an ablation for fib at a later date. Cardiac ablation for fibrillation takes about 8 hours and has to be mapped out very carefully before hand. Hence the delay...

Aside from the always present "dying from the procedure"...been there, done that...the list of bad things includes stroke, damage to blood vessels, accidentally puncturing the heart itself, and so on.

Quite frankly I think my body hates me.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 08:25:48 pm by LongTimeSurvivor »
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #75 on: February 03, 2016, 09:26:51 pm »
Procedure got moved up to this past Monday, February 1st. Doc had a cancellation and called to see if I wanted to come in. So I agreed. Unfortunately that was before my sinuses decided to get infected...again...and I developed diarrhea from the antibiotic. My body likes to multitask illnesses.

Procedure was successful. But...there's always a but...I have to go in this coming Monday, February 8th to have a computer chip inserted into my chest to monitor my heart. Doc thinks I'm probably having episodes of fib but since I never feel my heartbeat she needs a way to check. I feel like I'm becoming a part of the Matrix.

If I do have the fib it's back to the hospital for another ablation for fib. That's eight hours on the slab.

Also I can't go to the gym to work out since the above referenced antibiotic for my sinus infection has the unfortunate side effect of weakening your tendons so they tear easily. I have to wait at least a month before I can get back to weight training to give it time to get out of my system. Even then your tendons could rip over the next few months. It appears my fate is starting to pre-plan what it has in store for me.

With all of this going on I had to cancel my summer holiday plans since I might have to use vacation days for medical leave like last summer.

Still am dealing with the digestive system issues. Underwent a test in that regard Monday morning before the ablation. It was to see how the muscles in my rectum were functioning. Basically squeeze, push...squeeze, push. Starved myself over the weekend to make sure that the only thing that would come out from the test would be...results. Report should be ready by next week.

That's about it for now. I'm sure something will rear its head though. It always does.

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #76 on: February 04, 2016, 05:44:52 am »
That's about it for now. I'm sure something will rear its head though. It always does.
best wishes with all this and I'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing else happens to you until you get all these things under control. ;)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2016, 07:48:26 pm »
And...something reared its head…(reference previous post)...

Finally got the results from the sleep study back at the end of January…still have sleep apnea. Apparently my upper palate gets tired at night and beds down on the back of my throat (Lazy bastard). Sleep study doc didn’t catch it the first go round.

Which means…surgery…what a surprise.

This time it’s a procedure called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Say that fast three times…say it fast one time. Same result. For short just use UUUP. It involves gouging out the back of your upper throat with something similar to an ice cream scoop. Then the surgeon sews back up whatever remains. Lovely procedure. The result is you’re in extreme pain for several weeks afterward. Might still lose that weight I gained after the last operation that was supposed to result in weight loss…but we know how that turned out…gained 27 pounds.

Surgery is tentatively scheduled for the Friday before Memorial Day. Date can't be finalized till the surgeon gets the approval from the insurance company to hack and whack. Then we have to fight the insurance company because they’ll forget I’ve already done the CPAP and didn’t work the first time. Insurance companies have short memories when it comes to them having to pay money.

Once we’ve managed to get the insurance company in a headlock the tentative date can become the actual date. Then I have to obtain the clearances from my internist and my cardiologist. Then there’s the blood work. Not sure why I have to do blood work. It never changes. My blood has a horror of change.

Then there’s still my digestive system issue. Finally get to see the next butt doc end of April. Nothing will probably come of the visit. It’s a follow-up on the balloon test. The test showed that my outer sphincter was opposing my inner sphincter when it was time to go. I said you think so...I wonder why. Could it be forty years of squeezing as hard as I can so nothing comes out till I can get to a bathroom? I’m going to see her to keep the other doctors happy. Keep telling them a fecal transplant might do me good. That...or put my brain in a different body.

Other than all the above...nothing particularly important going on with me. Got my raise and bonus. So paid down my credit card some more. Figure I can always charge it back up if the need arises.

Anyway...that’s where I am at this point in time. Any questions just ask. I'm a treasure trove of medical trivia.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #78 on: April 10, 2016, 10:09:18 am »
Holly Shit.... :o

I've heard of getting it from both ends but that's just ridiculous ...  lol
Good thing you've got a sense of humor because you have been through a mess !
Seriously my heart goes out and hope this will be the last of your surgeries.
Keep us posted !

Best, Wade

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #79 on: April 10, 2016, 02:34:08 pm »
Got my raise and bonus.
;D WooHoo! ;D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #80 on: April 15, 2016, 08:21:04 pm »

Not UUUP, that was a Northern Ireland political party back in the day...should read UPPP! After awhile all the medical and political acronyms are hard to keep straight.

Hey...it's an election year.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #81 on: April 18, 2016, 08:57:05 pm »
Monday, April 18th...went to Mt. Sinai today.

No, sillies, not THE Mt. Sinai...

The other one...the hospital in NYC. Had my x-rays, CT scan and pictures for my upcoming surgery at the end of May. Much fun was had by all.

Next up is getting clearances from my internist and cardiologist, that yes, the surgeons can operate on me and most likely I will not croak on them mid-surgery. Can't vouch for not croaking in recovery though.

Anybody got any good jokes I can tell in the OR before they begin the 'Whack and Hack'? My knock-knock joke (I only know one) is wearing thin at the hospital. This will be the third go-round and I need some new material.

Oh yes...

Hey, Mr. Leatherman...no, I can't lend you any money from my raise...it's for me...me,me,me,me...
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #82 on: May 14, 2016, 01:18:54 pm »
Well...looky, looky...if it isn't another health problem popping its head up from the sh*t.

Found out Friday afternoon I am having episodes of A-Fib. Some are as much as nine hours long which are then followed by my heart beating in a slow, erractic pattern with extended time between beats. Guess my heart hates me now. Must have talked to my digestive tract. Damn lies, I tells ya...damn lies!

The UPPP set for May 24th is still on. The Cardiac Ablation (said with an upper class english accent) will happen as soon as possible after the UPPP. I'll skip the four week blood thinner period. Instead they'll do a transesophageal echocardiogram (say that fast three times) to make sure there are no clots. It's the three months afterward that I'll be on  blood thinner...yay.

Anyone want to place bets on what body part will go to hell next?
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2016, 08:31:55 pm »
Surgery at noon...May 24th...wouldn't miss it for the world...
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #84 on: June 15, 2016, 08:30:05 pm »
It's been three weeks since the UPPP and additional jaw surgery. Surgeries went well. Throat only took 30 minutes. Jaw took about an hour and a half. Went home afterward. Not much pain really. Not much feeling of any type...really. Both doctors said the individual surgeries went well.

But, as is usual with my body, that one percent probability became probable. I developed infections in the edemas that formed around my lower jaw. So have been on clindamycin pretty much the whole time. Surgeon said that this might require removal of everything from my jaws. I'd take three months to make sure the infection was totally clear and my body had healed and then I'd have to go back into the OR and have all new stuff put in and hope an infection didn't develop...again.

On the upside...yes, there is always an upside with me even if it means I died...last night one of the infected areas on the right side of my face started draining through the incision and has continued through today. If that keeps up then it will be less likely to have the stuff removed. If the places on the left side of my face also start draining then it's almost certain I won't face more surgery.

As to the throat surgery post-op it's been a breeze. Mainly a little scratchy early on but almost nothing now. See that surgeon in two weeks. If there are any of the dissolving stitches left he will remove them at that time. After that at some point I will have another sleep study to see what the results are from the UPPP. If good then no more throat surgery. If not so good...ehh...

That's about it for now. Any questions just give me a holler.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #85 on: July 11, 2016, 09:24:56 pm »
Eh...apparently I belong to the 1%...

...just not the right 1%.

Everything had to come out. Infection got really bad just before July 4th. Pus was actually leaking through my skin by the time I saw the doctor Tuesday morning (imagine peanut butter on crackers hue). He put me on the happy gas and shot me full of numbing agents then sliced into my mouth between the cheek and the jaw bone. Got about 2 shot glasses worth of pus. Lovely experience but not the end.

After that, doc had to contact Mt. Sinai to arrange for an OR for the next day. Said that he needed to get everything out. The sooner the better and so Wednesday after July 4th I was back in the hospital getting my mouth sliced open again and all the hardware removed. Then doc spent an hour or so rinsing the area around my jaw bone with antibiotics. Said there was a lot of pus to get out (I thought considering the size my cheek had swelled to...well...duh). Sent me home after I woke up...no nighty-night in the hospital.

Spent last week at home trying to recover from the whole episode. First night was unbelievable. The doc had to scrap all of the bone to clean the damage from the infection. There's no pain like scraped-bone pain...except maybe childbirth and and in-the-bone infection. The rest of the time has been dealing with nonstop headaches and tooth-pain. When it goes wrong...it really goes wrong.

Have to see the new cardiologist next. Find out when he wants to do the cardiac ablation for my fibrillation. Just what I want...another operation. In this case they keep me in the hospital for a night...just in case I want to croak the first night (they hate when you do that).

One bright item is the doc said I can go ahead with my trip to see my parents. So I head out this Wednesday. REALLY want to see Mom and Dad. Been a while and would like to see them before I have another operation. Not sure the odds are in my favor lately.

Any questions...fire away...
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #86 on: July 12, 2016, 09:13:09 am »
 Questions...yes, yes....When are you going to Fire Island ?

Think its time you had some fun !

As for PCP ....well its just easier to spell
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #87 on: September 15, 2016, 09:38:59 pm »
Knock, knock…

Who’s there?

Just open the damn door!

Been a bit since I’ve updated so thought I should let y’all know I had the cardiac ablation last Friday. Got to the hospital at 7AM. Went through the routine; remove your clothes, put on a paper gown, get led into a large containing many beds already occupied by other paper gown-wearing people, hop into bed and wait your turn. In my case I kept getting bumped. Apparently there were people dying to get ahead of me…literally. Around 4PM that afternoon finally got my turn to play dead.

Being in an OR doesn’t bother me. The whole thing is very interesting to watch. It’s like being in a movie that you’re experiencing in immersive 3D. Everyone is playing their role and you just happen to be there to act as the main prop. A prop that is moved here, there and yon. You get to have your chest and back hair shaved into interesting patterns that will take months to grow out. And best of all you get to have sharp objects shoved into your arms and extremities for the entertainment of some unseen audience...sort of like in that "Saw" movie franchise.

Once done and awake you are moved to the recovery area where you have to lay on your back motionless for four hours while trying to eat sandwiches to blunt the hunger from not eating for 24 hours. Can only imagine the mess if they decided soup was better for your recovery. I chose the PB&J in case you’re wondering.

Went home the next day and mainly slept since hospitals are not known for the quality of their beds or sound insulation. Sunday is when I started to feel some of the aftereffects; tiring easily, some pain in my chest, dizziness if I got up too quick but overall not unbearable. Could have been worse…and has.

The jaw surgeon and I are still planning on having another go at surgery to replace the corrective implants that had to be cut out because of the severe infection. Tentatively the week before Thanksgiving is when the replacement is to be attempted.

Even though the insurance company paid all the hospital bills for the initial surgery I’ve decided I want to get what is called a Pre-Determination Letter for this go around. Instead of the crap shoot you normally go through with insurance companies this letter states clearly that the surgery will be paid for by the company.

I’m tired of hearing that someone hasn’t written the insurance submission with blue ink made from some obscure mineral only available from a war-torn country that hasn’t seen a shipment of said mineral come out into the world the last one hundred years. Therefore we can't pay for your covered (HA!) surgery. My luck they probably have to write the letter using that same ink for it to be valid. Damn, sneaky insurance companies.

That’s where things stand for the moment.

Feel free to comment...
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #88 on: September 16, 2016, 09:44:12 am »
Glad to hear things went well...
Of all things for you to eat a PB&J... :o
Anyway, Onward !
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2016, 08:25:20 pm »
That didn't take long...

Today, September 28th, went into see my regular cardiologist for a checkup before returning to see the specialist cardiologist to follow up my fib ablation. I have flutter again with a heart rate of 118 bpm. My heart hates me.

So I see the specialist tomorrow, September 29th. I assume I'll probably have to have another ablation. The fib/flutter meds just don't work for me. After a few weeks I have extreme fatigue, pain in my extremities (not that one though) and feel like I'm dying...which I might be based on previous history.

Anyway, knew something would pop up. It always does. Just didn't figure it would be so quick to arrive.

Oh well...such is life...

Any questions, fire away now...who knows if I'll be around if you wait...
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #90 on: November 08, 2016, 09:11:10 pm »
Figures I’d update on the same day as Election Day…bad news travels together…

Actually don’t have any bad news but couldn’t resist using it as the opening for this update. I went to the heart specialist about the reoccurrence of rapid heartbeats after my cardiac ablation. He said it was normal to have this happen. During recovery the heart will at times speed up or slow down until it’s completely healed. Guess I’m not completely healed.

Then there is the matter of my jaw surgery redux. As Gomer would say “Surprise, surprise”…the insurance company pre-cleared my surgery. No fretting if the surgery will be covered. One more worry out of the way. Not use to having drama-less medical issues.

Surgery is set for the week of Thanksgiving. The surgeon will cut open my neck this time instead of going through my mouth. Going through the neck makes it less likely to have an infection develop. I’ll have a scar but at 57 who cares. The surgeon wasn’t amused when I told him to give me “Frankenstein-Style” stitches when he closes me up. I’ll spend the holiday recuperating. I hope to be back at work the following Monday.

With any luck this will be the last surgery of the year…maybe even the last surgery for years to come.

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #91 on: December 09, 2016, 06:36:50 pm »
I’m baaaaack…

Surgery was a success. My head hasn't fallen off. ..yet.

It's been a little over two weeks since surgery. Doing pretty good considering I have an incision that runs from just under one ear to just under the other ear in a somewhat straight line…if you factor in the curve of my neck. Surgeon said everything went like clockwork. No sign of infection which is good. Incision has an itch now and again but nothing that stays for long.

My neck is still swollen and will probably stay that way for longer than normal mainly because the muscles in my neck had to be cut to access my jaw. So the normal path for drainage is blocked and excess fluid has pooled in the tissue between my chin and the incision. The excess fluid will eventually go away but for now I have a goiter-like neck.

Hopefully I am now approaching the end of my adventure with sleep apnea cures and associated ills from said cures. Suppose there will be one or more entries before I close this particular thread out. Other adventures, I'm sure, will shortly arrive on my door sill…they usually do… and I can regale everyone with new tales of madness and mayhem.

Happy Holidays!!!
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #92 on: December 17, 2016, 11:45:22 am »
Happy Holidays to you too !
Heres to hoping you can chew Christmas dinner  :)
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #93 on: December 17, 2016, 05:05:28 pm »
Yayyyyyyyyy! Someone replied. There are people out there!

The incision was through my neck, not my mouth, so no interference with eating...other than the limited amount my mouth can open due to muscles being cut and sewn back together. Eventually it'll all be back to normal...as normal is normal for me.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #94 on: December 19, 2016, 10:36:31 am »
Sorry LTS I lost track of your adventure ...lol
I still hope you can eat Christmas dinner  :)
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #95 on: December 19, 2016, 01:14:13 pm »
It's good to hear that you are recovering! Hopefully this will soon all just be a story to regale your friends and family with, while you have peaceful nights sleeping.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #96 on: August 01, 2017, 08:34:57 pm »
Now where was I? (papers shuffling) Oh yes, I was recovering...


Thought this would be the year free of medical issues. What a sap. Anyone want to sell me a bridge that goes from Manhattan to Brooklyn? There're other things but I'll stick with the latest for now.

Ever since my MMA operation I've tasted blood in my mouth upon waking up in the morning. My temporary retainers would also be stained reddish pink. Ended up having to see a periodontist about it. He checked everything out. Could find nothing wrong. I was the first patient, he said, that he had ever been able to say that to after his exam of my mouth...figures...

Fast forward a couple of months into this year. Still tasting blood when I woke up. Then one morning my mouth tasted normal. The next morning the same thing. Well, I thought, maybe wherever the blood was coming from had plugged...ha...

Next morning woke up with pain in my left jaw. Not too bad but it was there. By the next morning it was bad...very bad. The pain had moved around and now seemed centered on my jaw hinge. Great. Just what I need. An infected jaw hinge. Visions of operating rooms danced in my head. Filled with grinning nurses and laughing doctors. Made an appointment with the oral surgeon who has been dealing with my mouth.

First thing, had an image taken of my jaw. Then sit in the examining room while the doc brought up the image on the computer screen. Took a look at it and said, no, your jaw hinge is fine. I waited for the bad news. I knew bad news would follow. It always does. Bad news thinks I'm its best friend. It hates not being a part of my life.

Turns out I had an infection below my lower left back molar. A BIG infection below my lower left molar. I never have small infections. Why infect if you can't go big. So got put on double doses of antibiotics. Was to come back the following Tuesday to get the molar and it's companion on the upper jaw removed.




Upper too?



Over the weekend the infection had had enough of where it was and exited while I was in the supermarket. Nothing like having a mouthful of pus with nowhere to spit to make your day.

Come Tuesday back at the surgeon's office. He would need to deaden the left side of my jaw. Unlike previous times when deadening my jaw, this time required the needle to go to a different part of my mouth. The part of my mouth which elicits an involuntary, extremely loud scream of excruciating pain followed by another shot to go into the other part of my mouth that elicits an involuntary, extremely loud scream of excruciating pain. I'm talking take a broken, rust piece of jagged iron and rip it across the inside of your cheek to get to the outside of your cheek...

Doc asked how I was doing. I said fine.

Then he proceeded to remove my lower back left molar. After a few tugs and twists it came out. In one piece. Amazing. Then he went after the upper left back molar. After a period of tugging and twisting doc said he needed to go get another tool. I figured he had to get something from his Black & Decker toolbox. Perhaps a chisel and hammer. Back again and he dived into my mouth...

Doc asked how I was doing. I said fine.

More tugging, a bit of twisting, a small amount of cursing. Doc said he needed to go get another tool. At that point I hoped it was a hammer and chisel from his Black & Decker toolbox. He came back with something that looked like an ice cream scoop. An ice cream scoop that a serial killer would use. With sharp metal prongs. More tugging and twisting...

Doc asked how I was doing. I said fine.

Finally after a bit more struggling and more cursing out popped my upper back left molar. In one piece. Amazing. Of course, the rest of my upper jaw was shattered into many small pieces but, hey, the tooth was free.

After the two molars were out, my mouth got stuffed with wads of cotton pads to stem the blood flow. Apparently I like to bleed. After several wads of cotton had gone in white and come out red the doc decided he needed to sew up the upper gum a bit. Since my mouth was still dead to the world that was a breeze. More cotton pads went in white and came out red. Finally one pad went in white and came out only partially red. Bleeding seem to be stemmed.

Doc asked how I was doing. I said fine.

Upon hearing that he sent me home.

That, my dears, was my Tuesday afternoon. I took the rest of the week off.
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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #97 on: August 03, 2017, 09:14:26 am »
sorry to read about your health issues. can not think of any way to help relieve the problems

my own experiences with a smaller similar problem maybe not as pronounced. Maybe it was the meds or just part of getting older. I woke up with dried blood in my mouth and throat with puddles of dried blood on my pillow and sheets. My dentist said My gums were inflamed and were bleeding I also had abscesses , swollen gums and the bone under the gums would get infected swell and was very painful. Could have been the source of the blood for me anyway . My gums have receded and I now get cavities on the roots of my teeth and food gets stuck under the teeth ( kind of gross but it us what it is ) Long in the tooth as part of getting older. I also was told and tested for sleep apnea and given a cpap machine. The thought of sleeping attached to a machine made me uncomortable. I have since switched meds and brushed mouthwash and flossed   it has stopped being such a problem for about a year or so now . that was my experience and hope your problem gets better like mine did.

different day different problems

Offline LongTimeSurvivor

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Re: You're gonna move what to where!!!
« Reply #98 on: October 06, 2017, 06:49:34 pm »
All things must end…

Yeah, but they don’t usually take this long to do it.

Had a follow up appointment with my jaw surgeon for him to check up on the area of my gums which use to be occupied with two molars. Molars that, except for that stupid gum infection, were in perfect shape never having had a cavity. Apparently my body likes to reject parts of itself that are in perfect shape. After being checked as if I was a gift horse my surgeon expressed his satisfaction with the healed gums.

We sat for a moment looking at each other.

Then I asked "Do I need to see you again?"

We sat for another moment looking at each other.

"GOD, NO!"

At that, I got up from the examining chair, shook his hand, thanked him for his services and hightailed it out of the office before my body could decide there was some other part of itself it didn't like.

Thus ends my tale of…
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