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Author Topic: In my own words  (Read 39545 times)

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Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2013, 09:11:22 pm »
Mr. Phil - I don't like being in the snow that much either.  Sometimes I read the Encyclopedia, too.  I have tried to roller skate, but it just did not work out.  I like to ride my bike sometimes, too.  I won my bike at the Safety Fair this year.  Well, I have two bikes, and I won one at the Safety Fair and it stays at my Nana's house.  I've never been to Miami before but I was in Florida before for Make-A-Wish to go to Disney and Give Kids the World.

Mr. Jeff - I've tasted something like that cake before.  I like lasagna, too.  I like pretty much anything except fish, baked beans, white beans, and anything that comes from the ocean except shrimp.  For my birthday, I had a zebra cake with tiger fudge, chicken tenders, green beans, and I think I had something else but I don't remember what it was.

Ms. Betty - You can find Grimm on the internet.  That's the way I watch it.  We don't celebrate Christmas.  I like snow, it makes really pretty scenes, but I only like to sled in it and make giant snowballs.  I remember this one time when my brother and I made this really big snowball.  Then my big brother said, "hey, look at this!" and pushed it down the hill.  So then me and my little brother had to go and roll it back up the hill which only made it collect more snow and make it heavier.  It was awful.

Mr. Robert - I'm glad the horses are healthy and the dogs are doing fine.  You're the one with Jack the Donkey.  How is he doing?  You sent us oranges, too.  Thank you for sending them.  I guess they were good, I don't remember.  Thank you for telling me about the weather where you are.  We've gotten way too much rain and lots of places flooded this summer.

Mr. Wolfter - I have never been rafting before.  My parents went but that was before any of us kids were born.  My parents went to a conference for CAP in Charleston last month and I've been to the mall to eat.  I remember seeing the "Highschool Musical" people dancing in the food court and I went to the Build a Bear store.

Mr. Tednlou2 - It took me a while to get that Mindbenders, too, and I had lots of help from my mom and dad.  OK, yeah, I had a lot of help and answers.  My brother didn't even finish it.  He was doing it at chick fil a and my dad finally just told him it was good enough and we went on with our lives. 

I have not been doing much.  I went to dance class on Tuesday and that was pretty good.  I just watched Total Drama All Stars and that was pretty good, too.  I finished Splash Master game.  I took my meds and I'm going to take the dogs out before my bedtime.  My mom got stuck in traffic for 2 1/2 hours tonight because of a wreck.

I have no plans for the rest of the week.  I just kinda wing it and go with the flow.  We're doing a community Thanksgiving dinner setting up on Friday and serving it on Saturday.  One of these days we'll go grocery shopping and I have school everyday this week and next week until Thursday. 

What is your favorite color and why do you like it?  Mine are blue, green, brown, but pink is ewww!  Definitely not pink, unless it's hot pink. 


Offline zettainaoru

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2013, 09:41:25 pm »
Hi mini,
Hello from indonesia. We have summer all year long here. 
Bali island is one of our island. And there is also dragon here.
We called it komodo dragon.

Just drop by to say hi.

Offline Jeff G

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2013, 01:05:55 pm »
Hi Mini , Zebra cake with tiger fudge ? I am going to have to try that one day .

When I was young I didn't care for fish too much but I love it now . Its said that our taste in food changes as we grow older so keep an open mind and you might like all kinds of food one day that you don't like now .

One of the many hard things about living with HIV are these problems we deal with  like diabetes . I sometime wish I was your age again so I could go back and do things a little different like making sure I had good eating habits so it wouldn't be so hard now that I'm old to make good choices . I can see that you are making good choices and only cheating some time and that's a great thing .
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Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #53 on: November 23, 2013, 08:14:42 pm »
Zetta: I want to say hi, too.  I have heard of the komodo dragon before.  The saliva / spit is poisonous.  It's big and has sharp claws and teeth.  But it doesn't walk very fast.

Mr. Jeff: The zebra cake and tiger fudge are really great.  If you want the recipe, my mom can give it to you.  I don't think I'm going to be liking seafood any time soon.  I've even stopped eating shrimp now.  I don't like to always make good eating choices.  I wish I was older like you, though, because there are more things that I can do.  This is definitely not a free country when you're a kid.

I helped with the community Thanksgiving day dinner today with my family and some other people.  We served 140 meals including deliverys and take-outs and eat ins.  Our Doxa dance concert it coming up soon.

I heard that San Francisco has a famous zoo.  Maybe you can go see it when you have the meeting next year. 

Good night.


Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #54 on: November 24, 2013, 05:42:45 am »
Hi Mini,

I don't like seafood much either.  About the only kind I like is fried fish (mostly catfish) with tartar sauce.  I used to like shrimp, but not anymore.  To me they look like bugs, as does lobster.  I used to like that also. 

I decorated my apartment for Christmas last week.  I started baking also.  So far I've baked pumpkin bread, pumpkin-cranberry bread, apple-cranberry-walnut bread, and pumpkin cream cheese muffins.  As you can see, they're all pretty much sweet things, but I don't eat much of them.  I put a lot of them in the freezer to give as Christmas presents.  I haven't started making Christmas cookies yet, but I probably will next weekend.  I also make Fannie May fudge.  And no, I do not make them diabetic friendly lol.  They just wouldn't taste right. 

It snowed here last night!  We only have about 1/4 inch right now, but we're supposed to get more today.  I don't like snow much, but it is pretty to look at. 

I guess that's it for now!  I hope you're having a good weekend. 
Luv your friend,
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Offline WillyWump

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2013, 06:53:13 pm »
What are you doing for Thanksgiving Mini? Gonna eat lots of Turkey?

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Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2013, 09:50:15 pm »
We are going to my Nana's house and we're not eating turkey and we' re going to sit around and talk. I will either be drawing on my nana' s iPad or playing with the dogs. Today we got a lot of snow and we celebrated Hanukkah today. I woke up really early with a stuffy nose. Friday we are going to see that new movie "Frozen". My dad said that first we're going to eat breakfast and then we're going to the movie to get soda, popcorn, and candy.
 My brother killed a dear Monday with a major from his squadron. He cut it up today after all the blood ran out of it.

What will you be doing tomorrow?


Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2013, 04:19:04 am »
Today I will be going to my brother's-in-law sister's for dinner.  Then I'll come home and probably watch tv.  I'm not going shopping tomorrow, I have almost everybody's Christmas gift.

You celebrate Hanukkah?  You guys aren't Jewish, are you?  I think that's cool you did that.  I heard that Hanukkah falling on Thanksgiving is very unusual and won't happen again for another 70,000 years! 

Do you guys eat venison?  I like it if it's cooked right.  One time, I went to this event called a "longhouse," which is basically a Native American gathering.  They had it in a shelter built out of flat cedar.  There was a Chief elder who was answering questions.  How we asked questions was to pass around this Eagle feather.  When it was my turn to hold the feather, I got to ask the elder a question.  After it was over, they had a "feast," and one of the main dishes was venison. It was delicious. 

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving Mini!  Please continue posting to tell us about your adventures.

I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #58 on: November 29, 2013, 10:36:23 pm »
Hi Mini! I'm Creighton, and we met first in Mexico city and then in Boston. It's good to see you're posting yourself now, even though I always enjoy your mom's posts, too!

Do you remember Santiago, or Santi, my partner? He remembers you! You once got voted Cutest Kid in my office because I had the picture of my giving you a piggyback ride in Mexico City as my computer wallpaper. I told everyone how you climbed the third-largest pyramid in the world.

Santi flew to El Paso to see his family for Thanksgiving and I stayed here because I had to work some. Yesterday my eye was bothering me so I told my sister not to come, and I was very lonely so it was not a good holiday for me, except that I got to see Lady Gaga and the Muppets on TV. Today I went to work in the morning and then I drove to my dad's ranch which is 80 miles away. I got to see my sister and my step-sister there. My dad has three horses and about 12 cows. They couldn't care less about me. They only interact if they are in the middle of the road when I am driving. They just look at me until I get out of the car and try to pet them then they get out of the way. Sometimes the horses will come up to me if they think I have apples for them but I didn't bring any today.  There is also a "lake" that I think is really a swamp with dead tree stumps in it. Today since the sun was out, there were dozens of turtles piled up on the stumps trying to warm up. Tomorrow I am picking Santi up from the airport and then I will roast a pheasant and put up our new Christmas tree.

Well, again, I'm glad you've joined the Forums and are letting us know what's going on in your life!

Many hugs,
Creighton (and Santi!)

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2013, 05:03:11 am »
Ms. Betty, I don't like deer meat.  I've never actually tasted it but I know if I tried it I wouldn't like it so why try it?  We have played dreidel for the last few days.  I keep landing on shin which means I have to put a skittle in the pot.  One time I landed on gimmel which means that I got all the skittles, but that only happened once.  Not sure why I bothered to spin.  I could have just put one in the pot and moved on.  On the first night we couldn't find our lighters so my dad turned on the oven and lit my brother's sparkler and used it to light our shama candle.

Mr. Creighton, I have a friend who has about 300 cows and 5 or 6 horses.  She has other animals too, mainly goats.  I want to thank all of your friends at your job for voting me the cutest kid.  I'm a teenager now, but I'm still the cutest!  You are roasting a peasant?  Sounds like something an evil king would do but I doubt that he would eat him!

Tomorrow we have school.  This is concert week.  We practice everyday and then our concert is Saturday.  It snowed last week, but it's not supposed to this week.  Friday my dad took us to see a movie "Frozen" and my mom and my Nana went shopping.


Offline tednlou2

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #60 on: December 02, 2013, 02:49:51 pm »

So, you had a good Thanksgiving?  Do you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas?  Or, both?  I have a couple friends, who celebrate both.  We worked on our outside and inside decorations this weekend.  It is a lot of work, but I still enjoy it.  I guess when I get older, I may scale it back to just a small display.  Hauling out tubs of decorations can be hard on the back.  And, of course, it all has to be packed away again.  And, don't get me started on the frustration of lights not working..lol.  I guess it is a good problem to have, compared to other things.   

Offline mitch777

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #61 on: December 02, 2013, 03:24:10 pm »

So how was the movie? (Frozen) I'm waiting for your review. :)

33 years hiv+ with a curtsy.

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2013, 02:08:42 pm »
We celebrate Hanukkah but we don't really celebrate Christmas.  But we do go to my Nana's house and eat.  We also don't put up any decorations and none of us believe in Santa Clause and I find it pretty easy to believe why I wouldn't want a tree in my house.  On Hanukkah we play dreidel and that's a really fun game.  We have a hanukiah (not a menorah because a menorah has 6 branches and a hanukiah has 8 branches).

The movie Frozen is actually a really good movie.  If you ever go see it, I think you'll like it very much.  It's kind of like a cartoonish musical kind of thing because it has like 3 - 5 songs in it.  How can I describe it?  OK.  There's 2 sisters and one has ice powers / winter powers.  At the beginning of the movie is a coronation...it's really hard to explain.  Go see it, it's a good movie.

We finished our Doxa Dance concert last Saturday.  It was a really good concert.  All of us but 1 brother and my dad danced.  We got a lot of snow yesterday.  We are going to Civil Air Patrol banquet tonight for 2 of my brothers.  At the banquet, we're suprising my Nana with a special cake that my Paw-Paw had made.  It has a picture on it when they first went to banquet and are dancing together because my Paw-paw is in CAP.  He started at age 12.  The cake is for my Nana's birthday today.  We called her during school and sang happy birthday to her. 


Offline leatherman

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2013, 02:53:44 pm »
The movie Frozen is actually a really good movie. ....  Go see it, it's a good movie.
I just watched "Tangled" on TV this weekend and thought it was really good. Did you see that movie?
If you did, is Frozen as good, better, or worse than "Tangled"?

Thanks for your movie advice!
(who is going to go watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" for like the millionth time! I just love that movie!)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline scsinph

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2013, 06:08:33 am »
Darling Mini,  I wanted to thank you for making me smile.  My name is Scott and I'm 38y/o.  I've been positive for 18+ years and I have all but given up on life.  I'm not going to go into a sob story about it, but just wanted to say there are few things that touch me in life anymore, but your post brought a happy tear and a warmth to my heart.  I treasure that feeling, so now I treasure you for giving it to me.  You are an amazing inspiration to the human race.  Please continue to be so positive and jovial about life.  You are an angel and I simply wanted to say Thank you.

Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2013, 03:47:34 am »
Hi Mini,
I don't put up a tree anymore, because it's only me here (and Poppy, and she might climb it).  I did, though, put out some decorations.  And lights outside, but not many.

I would like to see that movie Frozen.  It looks good, so based on your recommendation I'll try to see it over the upcoming holiday.  We get a week off work, which I'm looking forward to.

I've only eaten deer meat a few times, and it was cooked by Native Americans when I did eat it.  It was good the way they cooked it. I don't know how to cook it.  I also like buffalo meat.  It's tender, and no fat on it. 

So tell me what a Doxa Dance is?  I mean, what type of dance.  Do you wear costumes?

I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2013, 04:19:23 pm »
I can't really say if Tangled is better than Frozen. They are pretty evenly matched in awesomeness.

Scott, thank you for saying such nice things. I don't know what to say to people who say those kinds of things so I just say thank-you.

Mrs. Betty, I don't really plan on ever eating deer meat. We don't put up anything. Doixa means "glory" in Greek. We do wear costumes but it depends on the theme of the concert. This concert was called "Jesus, the Light of the World". It was about the Maccabees and Hanukkah and then about Jesus being the light of the world. This concert we wore silver then orange, yellow, and purple tie die. For our last dance, I wore a zoo keeper outfit. That was for our "We Are" dance. In the spring we will do Sukkot, the Feast oif Tabernacles. I don't know what I will be wearing. We won't know for a while.

My brothers' banquet went good my oldest brother won an award and was on the news. My other brother's birthday is Monday but we had his dinner yesterday. I'm doing good in school. I finished my 2nd / 3rd math book. What happened was that I like the color green. So I pulled out the book that was green and didn't pay attention that it was my 3rd book and not my second book. So now I have to go back and do my 2 ND book. When I finish it I will be done with math for the year.  Luckily i don't have to think too far ahead so I don't know what i'm doing this week. I am writing another book in the notebook that my brother gave me.


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Re: In my own words
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2013, 04:58:23 am »
Hi Mini,
You like math?  My oldest granddaughter likes math.  I never did.  I'm not very good at math either. 

What did your brother get an award for?  That's wonderful. 

Do you have snow where you are?  We had a snow storm yesterday.  It snowed all night Friday night, and kept up until around 5:00 pm last evening.  I had to shovel twice!  Shoveling is not something I like doing.  I also went out for a short time yesterday, so I had to clear about 6 inches of snow off my car.  Snow is pretty to look at, but it sure makes a mess. 

Do you remember Poppy?  I got her a Christmas present.  It's these dried fish flakes, and a gift package from this place called Flint River Rock Company. That company makes dog and cat food and treats.  Anyway, I have a stocking for Poppy that I will put the present in and give to her either Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

I think that's all the news I have for now.  Take care Ms. Mini!

I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2014, 12:28:08 am »
Wow, had no idea it had been so long since the Wee One posted. She has been having quite a rough time of it. She is falling more frequently - 4 times in the past 10 days. It can take as long as 2 hours for her to regain use of her legs after an episode.

She continues to ask about everyone. We were looking forward to joining AMG in Chicago this fall, then realized tonight that it was the destination LAST year. Boy, am I ever lost!

Now that school is out and life has slowed a bit, Mim should  be back to posting soon.

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"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today...it's already tomorrow in Australia"  Charles Schultz

Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2014, 06:45:06 am »
Wow, so sorry to hear about Mim's recent falling.  That sucks, poor thing.  Please give her a squeeze from myself and Poppy and tell her we look forward to hearing from her again! 
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2014, 10:08:43 am »
Hello Mini and Mom greetings from London. Sorry to hear about the falls they sound a right old palaver, as my dear old Mum said about such thing,s . From reading the thread I bet you get on with more enjoyable things as soon as you can.

Hope you are enjoying the feeling,s that the beginning off Summer bring , have you plan,s or is the plan no plan?

As you like dogs , I will put some pictures off Mia up for you , but do not hold your breath waiting as it takes me along time to get it to work. Mia on June 10 will be 2 years old ,she has grown up to be a very very good and fun dog to share the day with. My friend Mark who lives in the flat above me walks her when I cannot , and as long as she gets 1.5 hours a day walking ,chasing tennis balls hanging out with the other dogs in the Park a bowl off kibble and left over,s she is happy and good.

Today she will have 2 walks out , a short one in 20 minutes from me and a longer one this evening with Mark.

All the best from me to you all
"If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people ."  Tony Benn

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2014, 01:11:23 pm »
I walk my dogs, too. Their names are Henry and Ava. Ava is 5 and Henry, I think, is 3. Henry's birthday is on Valentine's Day. Ava's is July 7th. Henry likes to lay out in the sun. Ava just likes laying on the couch.

I am very glad winter is over because we can go more places without all the snow and cold. But, summer is getting in the way, too, with all the heat waves. I have drawn a lot of new pictures. If we end up going to San Diego, I will bring my art folder. I am writing a new book called, "Animal Blood". It is not as bad as you think it is. It is about kids who have special connections to animals. Rose has a special connection to snow leopards so snow leopard is her animal blood. That's just ine charactor. It's not about animal sacrifices, I LOVE animals.

I have been playing outside a lot. Dad finally fixed our trampoline net so I have been jumping a lot.

My last doctor appointment with Dr. Frazier was good. I got a light up ball and we ate at Sonic. It was good, we need to there more often. I got put on more medication. I have a pill I take once a week. I have dystonia and neuropathy. When my dystonia happens, I get this weird pins and needle feeling in my legs. When the pins and needles feeling goes away, my legs stop working. I can't move them anymore. Everybody LOVES carrying me places. They say it's not a hassle at all! I'm just joking - I weigh a lot and my parents are weak. One time when we were in Busche Gardens, they went out and some lady came running speaking a foreign language. It has happened a lot since then. Once my dad even dropped me in the yard carrying me up the hill to the house.

OK, anyway. I found a new place in the woods and I like to go up there. Our great grandmother gave us an old doll house that my great grandfather built. My sisters play with it a lot, but not me.

I am finally finished with school. We go back in September. I will be in 9th grade but I want to be held back so I don't have to go to high school. I am home schooled, so what does it really matter except I don't want to be mature and responsible. Maybe later when I'm done being a kid, which I am not.

My summer plans are to finish my book, draw some more pictures, and just play outside. And, my biggest plan is to go to San Diego with you guys. We thought it was Chicago, but mom said that was last year. San Diego has a big zoo that I would like to see.

Offline Jeff G

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2014, 09:11:06 pm »
Its great to hear from you Mini . I'm baby sitting my neighbors dog for a whole week while they are out of town, she is a black Labrador and very sweet and cuddly .

About having to be mature ... I'm 52 and I still like many of the things I did when I was your age and when I enjoy them it makes me feel like a kid inside again . I don't blame you for enjoying being a kid because its lots of fun sometime isn't it .

Thanks for coming back to us . Jeff . 
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Offline mitch777

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #73 on: May 10, 2014, 11:06:06 am »
Hi Mini!

What a pleasant surprise to see your post. Sorry to hear about your dystonia giving you problems.

It sounds like you are putting a lot of thought into your book. What a great subject! I love animals too. Since you posted last we adopted two kittens. They are a Siamese mix, brother and sister, and are now about 5 months old. Their names are Moo Goo and Gai Pan. They were pretty timid at first but are getting used to us.

Sounds like fun summer plans to me. Wish I were going to San Diego so I could meet you and see your drawings. I've been there once but that was a long time ago. The zoo is very beautiful and big. I'm sure you will have fun!


33 years hiv+ with a curtsy.

Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #74 on: May 10, 2014, 01:40:07 pm »
Hi Mini! So good to hear from you.  It sounds like you have been busy.  I would love to read your book when you're done with it.  I love animals also.  I still have Poppy, do you remember her?  She's laying at the bottom of my chair.

I'm sorry to hear about your dystonia and neuropathy.  I broke my left hip in February, and still have pain and weakness.  But I'm able to get around, just limping, hee hee.

I wish I was going to San Diego but hopefully will go to an AMG at some point.  I bet they're fun!  I'm sure you will have a blast, especially seeing the big zoo. 

I'm glad you're posting again, I look forward to hearing more!
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2014, 09:24:11 am »
Mr. Jeff, my Nana has a black lab. He is really playful. He's a great dog. Hopefully when I am old I can still do the things that I do now even though now I sometimes have trouble doing everything I used to do - even if it was just yesterday that I could do them.

Mr. Mitch, well, I like what you named your cats - after Chinese food!  I did some research about the San Diego Zoo. It is one of the top 10 largest zoos in the world. It has 670 species of animals and 3700 animals. It cost $25 a person which isn't bad if you are going to see 3700 animals.

Ms. Betty, I hope your hip gets better. It sounds really painful. Of course you can read my book when I am finished with it. Even if it doesn't get published, I will send you a copy. I hope I get to go AMG and see the zoo ( and the people, too, if they come to the zoo)

Yesterday me and my family and a bunch of other nice people helped my pastor with his house. They had to dig and out in all the water and sewage pipes, build back steps, cut the grass, and put in a French drain. My dad and oldest brother worked fr 2 days with some other guys and my Nana and Paw Paw. My mom made all the food and brought stuff that they needed. It was really hot, too!  I've just been jumping on the trampoline. That's about it. Nothing exciting yet. My mom is having an MRI of her head today to see if she needs another surgery or not.

Did you know that 66 years today on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation?  Cool, huh. I didn't know if you knew that or not. My mom just told me.

Talk to you soon. Have a good day.


Offline absopozilutely

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #76 on: May 14, 2014, 10:04:44 am »
Hi Mini! My name is Matt, or my screen name Abso. I'm 24 from California, and was just diagnosed in February and am adjusting to life with this disease. I'm glad your mom let's you chat on here, and I look forward to learning about you, and becoming friends. I have to go to work now, many blessings to you.
12/18 Infected
2/4 12:22pm tested POZ via ORAquick
2/19 WB Confirmation
2/4-2/19 VL 104,678 CD4 407
3/2 Genotype back, and Started Complera
4/2-CD4 688 38% and VL 1,600
5/1-CD4 592 42% and VL 336
5/22-CD4 732 31% and VL 109 :( STILL NOT UD!
5/31 Switched to Stribild :( I'll miss you Complera!
6/19 CD4 508 35% and VL UD!!!!! Crying at work like a baby.
9/19 CD4 799 46% VL UD yayyyy
5/1/19 CD4 1100 VL still UD.

Offline Jeff G

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #77 on: May 14, 2014, 10:16:44 am »
Hi Mini . This is my last day keeping the neighbors dog and I am going to miss her . Her name is Rudy but I call he Roo .

My nieces have a trampoline and I jump with them when I go see them and love it . When I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me have a trampoline but she bought one for her grand kids ... I guess that's what grandparents do though . It was good hearing from you .
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Offline zach

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #78 on: May 14, 2014, 10:46:54 am »
hi mini, i'm zach

so sometimes i'm a little slow. and then sometimes i'm downright dense. i guess that scrambled signal that there is a child in here should have been heeded. i'll watch my mouth and behavior. and what a child!?! youngin, you're awesome! a graduate level lesson in humility.

you live in w. va on a mountain? obviously, my kind of people. i have family that lives in the new river gorge, i love it up there, the shenandoahs are so pretty. i live in georgia on some mountains, maybe even the same ones. soon i'm moving to north carolina, further back in the mountains.

good that you have a lab in your life. everything is better with a good dog! i was raised by a black lab, she was trained to keep me from crawling off a blanket my mom would lay out in the yard. i never made it. dog never got bored. when i grew up i got a choc lab. she was with me for 15 years. lady godiva of the lake, called her diva. she's been gone for four years now. i think soon i'll be ready to have another dog around again.

keep working hard in school! take care of yourself, be good and feel good

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #79 on: May 16, 2014, 09:50:30 pm »
Mr. Jeff - sorry yuou didn't a trampoline when you were a child. Glad to see it didn't affect you too bad growing up. I hope Too behaved and go back to visit. I could dog sit.

Mr. Zach - people should be playing more attention to me...just kidding!  I would say I have hills more than mountains. I guess I should be on my best behavior, too, so  can be a good example to all of you old guys. Hey, you have a cool hat. Is it a cow?  The lab in my life actually belongs to my Nana and Paw Paw. He's a very well behaved and trained dog. My dogs are hairless cresteds. Not the ugly deformed looking ones. Henry and Ava are cute. I DID work hard in school. Well, at least I tried to try to work hard in school. Doesn't matter now because we're finished.

Mr. Matt - I live in West Virginia. Maybe we'll see you in California if we end up going to AMG. You won't have any trouble picking out which one I am. I will be the only one who brought their mom.

I need a hobby so I have more to write about. My suggestion is pet sitting. I will gladly go and cat sit for Poppy. I got a new short yesterday that says, "nerd? I prefer intellectual superstar!".

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #80 on: May 16, 2014, 11:28:52 pm »
hey mini, mahalo, the hat is awesome right! its a stitch hat, from the disney movie. wish i had a better picture of that hat, i loved it. i wore it snowboarding, and lost it that way too. i've always hoped some kid that loved lilo and stitch found it and wears it out.

you've definitely got an aloha spirit... if you've never seen lilo and stitch, i think you'd love it. ohana means family, its a great word to know. family is awesome, and it sounds like you've got a great one.

crested hairless huh?!?! hahahaha. didn't one of those dogs get voted ugliest dog in the world last year? dogs are awesome, really, i'm only teasing.

i fall sometimes too. its no fun. so you're not alone there. hope you didn't get hurt. i walk with a cane. supposed to use two of them, but i can't seem to get it right. just keep getting up!

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #81 on: May 18, 2014, 03:49:51 pm »
I have seen Lilo and Stitch like maybe 3 or 4 times.  I knew ohana means family.  I have no idea if Chinese crested were voted the ugliest dog last year.  Ava and Henry are not ugly.  If we go to San Diego, I'll bring you pictures of my dogs. 

We went to the mall yesterday.  My legs went out in the mall but luckily I was already sitting down in a wheel chair.  I got 2 new pairs of shoes and new clothes that are really cool.  It was a little chilly today but not that freezing.

That's all.  Told you I need a hobby.

Offline anniebc

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #82 on: May 18, 2014, 06:35:33 pm »
WOW!! Hi Mini

I don't get on here that much so I have a lot of catching up to do, but I still need more time, I do however agree with you that intellectual superstar sounds so much better that Nerd.. ;).

This weekend I'm going to Christchurch,( look it up on your New Zealand map, and remember I live in Mataura) then you can see how far I have to go to pick up my new puppy, she is a little boxer puppy and I'm calling her Bindi, I can't wait to get her, I will post some photo's for you when I get her home.

Hey! I just had a thought maybe you can come babysit Bindi, Rocky and Cora (the cat) if you are looking for a hobby. ;)

It's always lovely to hear how you are getting on, I know things are getting a little harder for you but remember you are a Wahine Kaha, and a beautiful one at that.

Love of Aroha and hugs
Jan :-*
Never knock on deaths door..ring the bell and run..he really hates that.

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #83 on: May 18, 2014, 07:38:02 pm »
Hi there Mini here is a photo of Bindi for you, the lady I'm getting her from sent this to me about 2 weeks ago, I forgot I had it in my album,I hope you like her. I know I'm going to love her.

Jan :-*
Never knock on deaths door..ring the bell and run..he really hates that.

Offline ImisstheOldTimes

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #84 on: May 20, 2014, 03:14:53 pm »
Okay...I know I'm not suppose to post in here and tried send Mini a message, but she doesn't allow for that...so moderators, sorry but I really just wanted to say HI..

Hi Mini!

I just was reading in your thread and was totally amused at some of the comments. Especially you being on good behavior for the rest of those old guys.

I understand that your mom was the one who initially started you on here and I really think it's great how the people have reached out to you, and you've reached right back.

What brought me to the forums, was my dad was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in late February/March of 2012, he went untreated for a long time and wound up getting very sick, we lost him at the end of March. It was a very hard time for me and the members here reached out to me as well. I found a lot of solace and hope here, and I have become more educated on HIV and things surrounding it, I was very ignorant before.  Anyway I'm glad to have read about you, and didn't want you to think I was a thread stalker...oh and I think I solved your mind bender, check it with your folks!

Andy Urskel is from Australia and is pen pals with Dolly Nasker in Kenya.
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Ken Pastury is from Peru and is pen pals with Holly Vander in Poland.
Lance Roth is from Australia and is pen pals with Freda Thompson in Spain.

Let me know how I did, and thanks for your fun posts!
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Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #85 on: May 20, 2014, 06:50:32 pm »
Oh Mini, I would love if you would come pet sit for Poppy!  I would love to meet you and I'm sure Poppy would, after a while.  See, Poppy is very, very shy and nervous.  There was just a lady here who interviewed me about the early days of AIDS, and when she came in, Poppy ran in the bathroom and stayed there until the lady had to go to the bathroom. Then Poppy ran out here and hid in the corner. 

I think I sent you a picture of Poppy a long time ago, or it seems like a long time.  Do you still have it?

I'm glad you're back here posting with us.  You inspire me.  Looking at what you write, and accomplish, makes me happy.  You're quite a young lady, Mini.  I look forward to hearing more about your summer!

I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #86 on: May 21, 2014, 12:06:31 pm »
Hi Mini ... I saw that you are online and I just want to say I hope you have a great day !
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Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #87 on: May 21, 2014, 12:23:39 pm »
Maybe I can come babysit Binding, Rocky, and Cora sometime. I have a passport, I just need a plane ticket. Really, I need 2 plane tickets because my mom has to come with me. Bundi is really cute.  That is the name of the Crocodile Hunter's daughter.

Mrs. Betty, I remember the picture you sent of Poppy in your slipper. I would come and pet sit him. I won't need a plane ticket because you are not that far and we can drive.  If he stays in the bathroom, he will be easy to pet sit. My Nana's cat, Sugar is shy like that.

Misstholdtimes, I don't know if you are a man or woman so I don't know what to call you, Mrs. Or Mr.  I'm glad you did themindbinders, but honestly, I finished that book a long time ago and it is packed up in the barn. I have no idea where the answer sheet is. I will see if my !on can find it and check your answer. But, it looks good to me so we can just say you got 100%. I am very sorry about your father. I know you must miss him. I hope Mr. Jeff will let you keep posting on my thread.

Mr. Jeff, I hope you have a nice day, too. You are very nice for thinking about saying that just because you saw me here.

Zack, you changed your picture. I liked the Stitch hat, better. It makes you look younger.

Offline ImisstheOldTimes

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #88 on: May 21, 2014, 12:44:47 pm »
I'd like to show you my little fur babies, but when I hit the add image it just does this...

I'm not sure what to do...anyway I have a Shih-tzu named Gizmo and a Poodle named Marley.
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Offline ImisstheOldTimes

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #89 on: May 21, 2014, 12:47:41 pm »

Misstholdtimes, I don't know if you are a man or woman so I don't know what to call you, Mrs. Or Mr.  I'm glad you did themindbinders, but honestly, I finished that book a long time ago and it is packed up in the barn. I have no idea where the answer sheet is. I will see if my !on can find it and check your answer. But, it looks good to me so we can just say you got 100%. I am very sorry about your father. I know you must miss him. I hope Mr. Jeff will let you keep posting on my thread.

I'm a girl, you can just call me HEIDI :)  YAY! 100% for me, woohoo
Life is a BANQUET, and most poor suckers are starving to death!

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Offline Jeff G

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #90 on: May 21, 2014, 12:58:04 pm »
Hi Mini ... Heidi is more than welcome to post in your thread, she is a very thoughtful and kind person so I am glad you two can be friends  . 
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Offline zach

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #91 on: May 21, 2014, 10:39:53 pm »
younger.... hmmppphh ;-)

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #92 on: May 22, 2014, 01:54:54 am »
so i was gonna send you a pic by PM, but your mom has that wisely locked down tight, so here's the return of the stitch hat

and heres the dog

Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #93 on: May 22, 2014, 01:29:14 pm »
Mrs. Heidi, I think Gizmo and Marley are cute names. I am also glad that you can post and talk, or write, I guess.

Mr. Jeff, always a pleasure, dude.

Mr. Zack, your dog is really cute even if he does have crazy Kujo eyes. I have no idea what that means, but when I showed my mom your dog's eyes, she said they look like crazy Kujo eyes. Mom showed me the pictures of your boys. Wow 4 of them. I have 3 brothers and want to jump out the window and run away most days. Not sure what I would do if I had 4. Of course, my sisters make me feel the same way. I should have been an only child but then my mom and dad would want to run away!

Offline Almost2late

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #94 on: May 22, 2014, 02:09:08 pm »
Hi Mini,

  My name is Frank.. Thank you for the kind words on my thread.. I have read yours and see what a special person you are because you make me smile when I'm feeling down.. You love animals and so do I.. I live in South Florida where its usually warm and sometimes too warm.. I love to paint and ride bicycles whenever I can.. I also love to kayak the canals because there's so much wildlife..

One time I was kayaking through a thunderstorm and I felt like Indiana Jones.. It was an adventure for me because there was alligators in the water and I didn't care that I got wet or that lightening was everywhere.. I don't have dogs because my wife is allergic but she loves them too.. We have 2 cats instead, my wife is not allergic to cats for some strange reason..

I have never been to San Diego and I wish I could go but I have to work this summer.. I hope when you go you will have a great time  :) Thank you Mini for talking with me.. It's always good to make friends and even better to make good fiends  ;)

Sincerely Frank

Offline ImisstheOldTimes

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #95 on: May 23, 2014, 08:57:05 am »

Oh my gosh! you made me laugh so hard reading your regards to Zach. Crazy Kujo eyes.... Kujo is a Stephen King novel about a scary dog.  Then when you talk about your siblings..bahahahah. I feel the same way, my siblings are so different from me, I'm the baby of the family, but you'd think I was the first born, as my two brothers and sister have hard time dealing with their own lives...Since my dad passed my mom only has me to really count on. 

So what are your favorite subjects in school??? I'm starting law school in August!

Have a beautiful day,
Heidi :P
Life is a BANQUET, and most poor suckers are starving to death!

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Offline Mini

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #96 on: May 23, 2014, 10:28:37 am »
Mr. Frank, thank you for posting in my thread. I am glad I could make yuou smile. It is strange that your wife is allergic to dogs and not cats. We have 2 hairless dogs maybe you could try those. I have never been kayaking before but if you spell kayak backwards, it is still kayak. That's called a palandrome - learned that one from Pheneas and Ferb. Learned what a haberdashery is from icarly. Mim said she works hard to provide a good education and I only remember what I see on cartoons.

Mrs. Heidi, I am finished with school, but my favorite was mindbenders. I like science, too. I don't like math. The crazy Kujo eyes was about Zack's dog, not him - but it made me laugh. I am the third oldest in my family. I hope law school turns out OK for you.

Yesterday we went to my brothers' lacrosse team picnic and I played soccer. They gave the players shirts that say, "You play baseball?  How cute!". Mom and dad got one, too. We are wearing them to church on Sunday because we have boys there that play baseball and won't try lacrosse. Got one for our pastor, too. We'll see if he brave enough to wear it. I missed the first part of the picnic because I had singing practice with my friend. Then my cousin came and is spending the weekend with us. Well, that's all. I told you I need a new hobby.

Offline Jeff G

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2014, 10:34:15 am »
Its sounds like you stay pretty busy Mini . I didn't know you liked to sing ... that's cool .
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Offline Jmarksto

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #98 on: May 23, 2014, 01:53:39 pm »
Hi Mini; 

We haven't met yet, I don't post allot here, but I have read some of your posts.  I read your post in Mr. Frank's thread and was touched by your thoughtfulness.  I also didn't realize before that your posting is limited to your own thread.  I have a daughter in high school, who really likes science too, but doesn't like homework (she thinks its busy work).  It is great that you are going to make it to San Diego -- I am going to try, but work may be too busy then so I'll have to wait and see.

Bye for now,

03/15/12 Negative
06/15/12 Positive
07/11/12 CD4 790          VL 4,000
08/06/12 CD4 816/38%   VL 49,300
08/20/12 Started Complera
11/06/12 CD4   819/41% VL 38
02/11/13 CD4   935/41% VL UD
06/06/13 CD4   816/41% VL UD
10/28/13 CD4 1131/45% VL 25
02/25/14 CD4   792/37% VL UD
07/09/14 CD4 1004/39% VL UD
11/03/14 CD4   711/34% VL UD
03/13/15 CD4   833/36% VL UD
04/??/15 Truvada & Tivicay
06/01/15 CD4 1100/50% VL UD
10/16/15 CD4   826/43% VL UD
??/??/2017 Descov & Tivicay
2017 VL UD, CD4 stable around 850
2018 VL UD, CD4 stable around 850

Offline BT65

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Re: In my own words
« Reply #99 on: May 23, 2014, 05:53:46 pm »
Hi Mini,
I didn't know you sing!  Are you in a choir?  Do you sing at church?  I sure would like to hear you sometime.  When I was in elementary school, we use to have music programs where the parents would come and listen to us.  Sometimes we played instruments, like flutes, and drums, and the parents would come hear us.

A friend of mine just called so I have to go.  Bye for now!
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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