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Author Topic: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban  (Read 24762 times)

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Offline emeraldize

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This is the second important issue that could benefit from your support regarding the HIV Travel Ban. IF you've not yet visited the URGENT Call to Action regarding DHS' public comment period ending December 6th, please go there first as it's time-sensitive. There's ample time to come back to this thread to learn how you may easily participate by e-mail.  This was edited with additional, helpful instructions to make the process faster for you. Thank you.  Iggy & Em

If you have a printer, we encourage you to print this out as it may make it easier for you to read/follow.

Step 1.
Read this brief description of Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s legislation so you’ll know what you’re voicing an opinion about should you choose to move on to step 2. http://lee.house.gov/index.cfm?ItemID=1076&ContentID=1081&ParentID=0&SectionID=4&SectionTree=4&SearchKey=HIV&sectionTypeID=4

Step 2.
Copy and paste LetterA below and put it in a document folder on your C: Drive and name it AIDS Activism. Save the document as TravelBanletterA as there could be future letters you wish to add to this folder.

Step 3.
Keep a copy in copy/paste mode and go to this link http://judiciary.house.gov/committeestructure.aspx?committee=4 . Here you can link to each of the sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law. Click on their name, then go their website, find the contact link on the left-hand side of the page, you will link to a form to complete (after you do this for the first letter, all subsequent forms will offer you a drop-down menu with your info which you click on to populate the field---saves time) and in the comments section copy/paste the letter, then modify to include their formal title/name (see list below which will make it easier to get their full salutation name), add your name as signer, then send. Click your BACK button three times to get you back to the main page for your next link. Please do this for all sixteen committee members. This is a half-hour investment (yes, Em timed her input) in moving a bill forward that will affect HIV positive people worldwide who wish to come to the US.

Hon. Zoe Lofgren
Hon. Luis Gutierrez
Hon. Howard L. Berman
Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee
Hon. Maxine Waters
Hon. William D. Delahunt
Hon. Linda T. Sanchez
Hon. Artur Davis
Hon. Keith Ellison
Hon. Anthony D. Weiner
Hon. Steve King
Hon. Elton Gallegly
Hon. Bob Goodlatte
Hon. Daniel E. Lungren
Hon. J. Randy Forbes
Hon. Louie Gohmert

Step 4.
Copy and paste LetterB below and put it in a document folder on your C: Drive and name it AIDS Activism. Save the document as TravelBanletterB as there could be future letters you wish to add to this folder.

Step 5.
Go to http://www.house.gov/writerep/ to locate your congressional rep.
Click on rep’s name to go to his/her website to send letter via e-mail. Copy/paste the letter into the e-mail body, add the rep’s formal title after  “ Dear”, make any modifications you feel are necessary to strengthen the letter from your perspective and add your name at the bottom before clicking Send.

Step 6.
Go to http://www.senate.gov/index.htm to locate your senators.
Click on name(s) to go to websites to send letter via e-mail. Copy/paste the letter into the e-mail body, add the senator’s formal title after  “ Dear”, make any modifications you feel are necessary to strengthen the letter from your perspective and add your name at the bottom before clicking Send. Repeat again for your state’s other senator(s).

Letter A follows…

Dear ____:

“The original public health rationale on which this policy was built—in particular, fear of an imported epidemic that might swamp the U.S. health system—lacks credibility today…”

In the March, 2007 report, Moving Beyond the U.S. Government Policy of Inadmissibility of HIV-Infected Noncitizens, the mistakes, misperceptions and misguided assumptions behind the 1993 Immigration and Nationality Act in regards to banning any HIV positive visitor to the United States were exposed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies Task Force on HIV/AIDS. 

As an esteemed member of Congress, I am certain you are aware the Task Force, which is co chaired by former senator and majority leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), Senator Russell Feingold (D-Wis.),experts from Congress, the administration, public health groups, and corporate sector, has a primary goal of protecting U.S. interests including the health of its citizens as well as the U.S.’s ability to remain a leader in global health policy. With that stated goal at the heart of their work, the Task Force deemed conclusively the time to repeal the restrictions against HIV positive non-U.S. citizens from entering the country is now.

The report states succinctly, ”There is an emerging consensus that the current policy of excluding otherwise eligible HIV-infected visa applicants is counterproductive, rooted in discrimination, and damaging to U.S. HIV/AIDS credibility and leadership.”

A current bill introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law would repeal this legislation.   As a member of the Committee in which the bill currently resides, I ask you to vote in favor of the bill and expedite its movement to the House Floor with a pledge to support its final approval.

It has been almost 15 years since the original passage of the law.

          - 15 years of being out of step with the Medical Community recommendations

          - 15 years of unduly stigmatizing and discriminating against people with HIV

          - 15 years of damaged credibility in the fight against HIV/AIDS

Isn’t it time for a positive change? In so doing, the favorable ripple effect that could ensue against worldwide stigmatization, which so insidiously restricts progress in the area of HIV prevention, might finally make a long overdue dent in the epidemic.

I hope you will assist in making this repeal a reality.


 LetterB follows….

Dear ____:

“The original public health rationale on which this policy was built—in particular, fear of an imported epidemic that might swamp the U.S. health system—lacks credibility today…”

In the March, 2007 report, Moving Beyond the U.S. Government Policy of Inadmissibility of HIV-Infected Noncitizens, the mistakes, misperceptions and misguided assumptions behind the 1993 Immigration and Nationality Act in regards to banning any HIV positive visitor to the United States were exposed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies Task Force on HIV/AIDS. 

As an esteemed member of Congress, I am certain you are aware the Task Force, which is co chaired by former senator and majority leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), Senator Russell Feingold (D-Wis.),experts from Congress, the administration, public health groups, and corporate sector, has a primary goal of protecting U.S. interests including the health of its citizens as well as the U.S.’s ability to remain a leader in global health policy. With that stated goal at the heart of their work, the Task Force deemed conclusively the time to repeal the restrictions against HIV positive non-U.S. citizens from entering the country is now.

The report states succinctly, ”There is an emerging consensus that the current policy of excluding otherwise eligible HIV-infected visa applicants is counterproductive, rooted in discrimination, and damaging to U.S. HIV/AIDS credibility and leadership.”

A current bill introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law would repeal this legislation.  Looking ahead optimistically that this bill will ultimately move to the House Floor, I ask you to vote in support of the bill.

It has been almost 15 years since the original passage of the law.

          - 15 years of being out of step with the Medical Community recommendations

          - 15 years of unduly stigmatizing and discriminating against people with HIV

          - 15 years of damaged credibility in the fight against HIV/AIDS

Isn’t it time for a positive change? In so doing, the favorable ripple effect that could ensue against worldwide stigmatization, which so insidiously restricts progress in the area of HIV prevention, might finally make a long overdue dent in the epidemic.

I hope you will assist in making this repeal a reality.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 09:38:47 am by emeraldize »

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 09:10:03 pm »
To those who are looking for the text of the proposed bill, here's a link to where you can access it (HR 3337) as well as read about its status:

broken link removed

If you just want the text, here's a PDF copy:


« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 04:20:50 pm by iana5252 »

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 08:17:41 am »
P.S.  Just to clarify further, the bill is attempting to strike this phrase that was inserted by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality act in 1993:

Sec. 212. [8 U.S.C. 1182]

(a) Classes of Aliens Ineligible for Visas or Admission.-Except as otherwise provided in this Act, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

(1) Health-related grounds.-

(A) In general.-Any alien-

(i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance, which shall include infection with the etiologic agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome

It will return the authority to make a public health determination regarding HIV status as grounds for inadmissibility for potential foreign students, tourists, refugees, and immigrants to the US back to the of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (who has tried twice to strike HIV as grounds for inadmissibility).  It actually has farther reaching implications than just traveling to visit the US.  It also touches somewhat on the more thorny aspect of immigration (thus the title “HIV Nondiscrimination in Travel and Immigration Act of 2007”).  While it DOES NOT change the waiver requirements for potential immigrants, including asylum seekers, it also does not automatically bar them from entering the US due to HIV.  For temporary visitors, it may remove the requirement for obtaining a waiver altogether.  So this is not just about folks wanting to visit the country temporarily (e.g., short term for business/pleasure) but also those who are staying longer term (such as students) and those who are potentially immigrating into the US, including asylum seekers.  Perhaps it's important to include the latter groups as well in the letters, which I did not interpret as such when the term "HIV positive visitor" was chosen.  Just a thought.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 08:39:37 am by gerry »

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 12:42:11 pm »

Thank you very much for both posts.

I'm going to discuss with Iggy whether modifying the letter with regard to all the varying types of "visitors" and their intention categories will make the appeal for support any stronger. The committee members to whom we are writing must read the bill, so there's no cause to be too specific in the letter. I'm figuring succinct might be better as template.

And, to clarify, the letter is complete as is, or a starter for anyone choosing to copy/paste and modify it to reflect their views no matter how specific.

Many thanks.

Offline Iggy

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 12:49:49 pm »
Iggy is in strong agreement that maybe a shorter to the point revision is in the best interest.

 I also want to reiterate what emeraldize said about asking all to understand the the letters provided were meant to be samples to all to get the process going - All should please revise or disregard and make your own - as they see fit

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2007, 10:48:09 am »
Hello Iggy and Em:

Thanks for the reply.  Hope you did not take it as a criticism.  I understood the intent and each one's freedom to make revisions.  The clarifications I made were merely to add "talking points" for people to consider.

Here is a copy of the body of the letter that I wrote.  Feel free to use all or parts of it.

I urge you to support H.R. 3337 introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee in August 2007 to the House of Representatives “to remove from the Immigration and Nationality Act the provision rendering individuals having HIV inadmissible to the United States.” This provision was enacted by Congress in 1993 fueled mainly by fear of an “imported epidemic” that might sweep the country and paralyze the health care system. 

H.R. 3337 correctly states that “there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the HIV travel and immigration ban is an effective way to prevent the spread of HIV or that it provides any economic benefit by reducing costs to the public health care system.”  This conclusion has been endorsed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies Task Force on HIV/AIDS, which is co-chaired by former senator and majority leader Bill Frist and Senator Russell Feingold among others ("Moving Beyond the U.S. Government Policy of Inadmissibility of HIV-Infected Noncitizens," March 2007).

Retaining the current travel and immigration ban runs counter to public health best practices and jeopardizes the United States’ critical leadership position in controlling the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.  It also unduly stigmatizes and discriminates HIV-infected tourists, foreign students, prospective immigrants, and refugees from entry into the United States.

The United States is one of only 13 countries now (including Armenia, Brunei, China, Iraq, Qatar, South Korea, Libya, Moldova, Oman, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan) that maintain by law both a travel and immigration ban for persons with HIV.  In a positive move, China has most recently announced that it will repeal its immigration laws that restrict people with HIV traveling to the country.

It is time for the United States to repeal the travel and immigration ban against HIV-infected non-citizens.  I ask that you vote in favor of H.R. 3337 and help make this repeal a reality.  It is the right thing to do and it is long overdue.

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 10:57:19 am »
P.S.  The link to the CSIS Task Force on HIV/AIDS:


Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2007, 01:18:22 pm »
Thank you so much Gerry! Did we take it as criticism? Are you kidding? No way. We took it in the spirit you intended...collaborative, interested, motivated. Hurrah!!!

Now, people have another letter to use or to revise as they wish. I copied the initial post and sent it to two ASOs and my medical team asking them to pass it along to those whom they believed would write.

If anyone else has a letter they wish to post, I hope they do.

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2007, 01:32:45 pm »
And regarding your PS link, Gerry...thank you so much.

It is a well-written, helpful resource and expanded my view of the negative ramifications of the ban. The notion of misperceiving infection sources as being limited to noncitizens because of the ban was something I'd never considered.

Having now read the document, the importance of weighing in on this issue is so significant as to be both measurable and immeasurable.

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2007, 07:42:08 am »
Bump. Now that the 12-6 deadline is past for public comment on the DHS proposal, it's time to refocus on supporting Congresswoman Barbara Lee's legislation efforts.

If this is your first visit to this thread, please start at the top. It's VERY easy to write to the committee members involved and to your local congressional reps and senators. Sample text, links to committee members and links to access your local and state representatives are included.

In less than one hour, you can initiate and complete your contribution to change of the outdated, stigmatizing bans that affects visitors to the US and also directly affects us. 

This is what we call adult homework. No one will make you do it, but if you don't do it, change doesn't happen like it can when more people are involved.

Thank you.
Em & Iggy

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2007, 10:24:03 am »
Hello Em,

I was looking at the progress of the number of comments received in reference to the DHS proposal that ended a couple of days ago at the regulations.gov site and noticed a huge jump during the last week of the comments period.  I believe it jumped from 80 to over 500 comments in just a few days.  There were 2 more advocacy groups that picked up on it around that time, one of which devised automated e-mail routing: Physicians for Human Rights and Immigration Equality (in addition to the others we already knew about like GMHC, etc).  I am thinking it is the former that got the volume of responses up because of the automated e-mail feature (the wording of some of the most used comments were also similar to what was written on the site).  HRC also has this capability but they did not participate in this effort.  So if there is a way to replicate this, or even get one of the advocacy groups interested in picking this up if they are already set up for automated e-mailing, it might make it lots easier to generate the volume of responses needed.  Just some thoughts.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 09:14:01 am by POZ Forum Moderators »

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 02:34:13 pm »
What an excellent suggestion Gerry!!

Gerry, I don't know anything about your life, your available time, but, would you consider contacting both groups (and any others like GMHC) and offer up what we've put together using YOUR version of the letter (or amalgamate ours and yours if you wish)?

For that matter, a copy should be also be sent to Congresswoman Lee's office so that she knows we exist and we're supporting her efforts.

Thank you for giving us the heads up on DHS site comment count. I intended to go back to the site to see what the tally was and sidetracked myself realizing the next push is Lee's legislation.

Isn't it great that it went from 35 to 500+ in such a small period of time?

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 11:53:29 pm »
Hi Em,

I don't think the regulations.gov site is still showing the comments now that it expired.  But the explosion of comments was nice to see.

Can't promise any commitments at this point about the next phase on HR3337 but will keep an eye on developments.  They usually surface on search engines like the ones I linked.  I have a feeling one of them would take it on.


Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 11:54:13 am »
P.S.  I sent some messages to PHR, Immigration Equality and HRC and got a brief response from PHR saying they will look into it.

There is also a site that allows people to write to their representative http://www.house.gov/writerep/.  However, it only routes the e-mail to the representative for ones district identified by the address supplied.  So it will not work for sending e-mails to reps that belong to other districts.  I think HRC is also set up like this.  So there may not be an alternative option other than the one you have outlined above if people want to write to reps who do not represent their district.  Also, reps do not respond to letter unless they are from their constituents.  So if there are members here who are represented by the reps from the subcommittee you had identified above, it would be nice to have them send a letter to know where these reps stand on the issue.

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2007, 12:57:34 pm »
PS again:

An easier way to send the e-mail to the 16 members of the Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law (you don't have to look for individual members of the Judiciary because all e-mail is routed to the same page on this site).

1. Open a new window or tab to this link: http://judiciary.house.gov/contact.aspx

2. Fill out the required fields.

3. Compose your letter. 

For example:

Hon. Zoe Lofgren:

I urge you to support H.R. 3337 introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee in August 2007 to the House of Representatives “to remove from the Immigration and Nationality Act the provision rendering individuals having HIV inadmissible to the United States.” This provision was enacted by Congress in 1993 fueled mainly by fear of an “imported epidemic” that might sweep the country and paralyze the health care system.

H.R. 3337 correctly states that “there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the HIV travel and immigration ban is an effective way to prevent the spread of HIV or that it provides any economic benefit by reducing costs to the public health care system.”  This conclusion has been endorsed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies Task Force on HIV/AIDS, which is co-chaired by former senator and majority leader Bill Frist and Senator Russell Feingold among others ("Moving Beyond the U.S. Government Policy of Inadmissibility of HIV-Infected Noncitizens," March 2007).

Retaining the current travel and immigration ban runs counter to public health best practices and jeopardizes the United States’ critical leadership position in controlling the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.  It also unduly stigmatizes and discriminates HIV-infected tourists, foreign students, prospective immigrants, and refugees from entry into the United States.

The United States is one of only 13 countries now (including Armenia, Brunei, China, Iraq, Qatar, South Korea, Libya, Moldova, Oman, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan) that maintain by law both a travel and immigration ban for persons with HIV.  In a positive move, China has most recently announced that it will repeal its immigration laws that restrict people with HIV traveling to the country.

It is time for the United States to repeal the travel and immigration ban against HIV-infected non-citizens.  It is the right thing to do and it is long overdue.  I respectfully ask your subcommitee in the House Judiciary Committee move H.R. 3337 forward and help make this repeal a reality. 

(Your name)

4. Hit "submit"

5. Hit the back button.  This will take you to back to the same message you wrote, all fields completed.

6. Change the name of the Representative by copying and pasting the following 15 other names in order at the heading of the same letter (this is where having 2 windows or tabs open works wonders):

Hon. Luis Gutierrez
Hon. Howard L. Berman
Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee
Hon. Maxine Waters
Hon. William D. Delahunt
Hon. Linda T. Sanchez
Hon. Artur Davis
Hon. Keith Ellison
Hon. Anthony D. Weiner
Hon. Steve King
Hon. Elton Gallegly
Hon. Bob Goodlatte
Hon. Daniel E. Lungren
Hon. J. Randy Forbes
Hon. Louie Gohmert

7. Hit "submit" button again each time a new name is used.

8. Go back to step 5 until you go through all 16 names.

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2007, 01:37:24 pm »
Thank you Gerry!
Thanks to Gerry, it's even faster to let the Judiciary Committee know what you think about this significant legislation.

It's the holidays.
A great time to think about the state of the world's affairs.
This is a gift you can give to all positive people worldwide
who want to come to the US.

People who want to collaborate with our HIV docs and researchers.
People who want to meet and visit with you.
People who want to visit relatives living here.
People whose home country already welcomes you.

Please give a powerful, sustaining gift that costs you
nothing except a few minutes at the keyboard.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 01:40:12 pm by emeraldize »

Offline TriniGemini

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2007, 09:47:13 pm »
Hi Guys 

I have a semi - stupid question ??? , Is it too late to email my legistators in relation to this bill or has it already been presented (not really sure how the US gov't system works , recent immigrant   ;D)


~* Trini *~

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2007, 03:23:30 am »

No, it's not too late.  The bill is still in the subcommittee mentioned above and most bills referred to committees/subcommittees actually die there without moving forward.  That's why it's important to write to the subcommittee members to try to move this forward to some kind of hearing stage, and to your reps if not part of the subcommittee in the hopes of influencing their colleagues.


Offline TriniGemini

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2007, 03:51:34 pm »
Thanks G

Finals are over soooo
I'm on it - like white on rice  ;D

~* Trini *~

Offline gerry

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2007, 05:44:42 am »
Lets try this out with automated e-mails to reps and senators.  Please check this out.

Click this link to send your e-mail: broken link removed by moderators

« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 02:39:16 pm by POZ Forum Moderators »

Offline Andy Velez

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2007, 10:47:07 am »
Andy Velez

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Offline englishgirl

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2007, 05:30:28 am »
hello everyone

well im please to finally be able to report that the 2 local MPs i’d contacted asking them to take up this issue have both finally responded saying they will try to take action. i’ll be back in touch when i hear more – they’ve promised to take it up with the UK Foreign Secretary and get back to me...

ive decided that im gonna start working my way outwards in circles from where i live writing to more MPs now - so anyone in the UK who wants to help let me know. with any luck we can get every MP on board to harass the foreign sec and maybe we will have some luck...



"I'm not keen on the idea of the afterlife - not without knowing who else will be there and what the entertainment will be. Personally I'd rather just take a rest." Oscar Berger, PWA: Looking AIDS in the Face, 1996. RIP.

Offline emeraldize

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Re: REVISED IMPORTANT: Call to Action - E-mail Campaign to Repeal Travel Ban
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2007, 07:49:31 am »
Congratulations EnglishGirl!  Way to go!  Happy Holidays, too.

Offline emeraldize

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I've noticed we have many new members. To those of you who are US members, please consider reading this thread to familiarize yourself with the issue and then participating. You can also send the rallycongress link to family, friends and colleagues. This requires input from positive and negative citizens. Thank you.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 07:48:58 am by emeraldize »

Offline Iggy

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Just a note that I finally got hip like all the kids and set myself up with a facebook thingy....and added this campaign to it.

broken link removed by moderators


I said it once and I'll say it again - you took what was an issue and made it an accessible issue.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 02:38:46 pm by POZ Forum Moderators »

Offline gerry

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Here's an update on the international front.  An International Task Team on HIV-related Travel Restrictions has been created.  Hopefully, this would create more focus into the issue here and elsewhere.

HIV-related travel restrictions


Offline emeraldize

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Great news. Thank you for the link, Gerry. It will be interesting to read what they publish after the first meeting ends.

Offline englishgirl

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thanks for the link gerry, this looks interesting/promising
am aiming to try to get to see my MP soon to ask why i havent heard anything more from him - this will be a help

thanks and here's hoping!


"I'm not keen on the idea of the afterlife - not without knowing who else will be there and what the entertainment will be. Personally I'd rather just take a rest." Oscar Berger, PWA: Looking AIDS in the Face, 1996. RIP.

Offline Iggy

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Good news - I've gotten one facebook group to post our RallyCongress link on their facebook page, as well as the organizer of the Vancouver March to post it on his external website for any U.S. readers and for promotion purposes.

I'd be interested in we get an uptick of letters sent from this or not. 

Offline emeraldize

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Great news, Iggy. Did you catch Komnaes' post today on the inclusion of repeal of the ban as part and parcel of the Global AIDS funding bill? Lugar and Biden are maybe stealin' a little thunder from Lee's legislation? What a great thing to be competitive over! Making travel less burdensome for positive people. May BiPartisan Airways land this hog soon and safely.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 08:43:47 pm by emeraldize »

Offline lydgate

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Her finely-touched spirit had still its fine issues, though they were not widely visible. Her full nature, like that river of which Cyrus broke the strength, spent itself in channels which had no great name on the earth. But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.

George Eliot, Middlemarch, final paragraph


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