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Author Topic: Chantix Anyone  (Read 199366 times)

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Offline Jeff G

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #350 on: August 07, 2008, 11:24:15 am »
Congrats , Mike .

Leatherman , There is not much I can say other than I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers .

If not for my mom providing me with my own home rent free I would be in a bind also.
You just reminded me to be thankfull of what all I have positive going on in my life , thanks

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Offline PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #351 on: August 07, 2008, 12:30:10 pm »
Hi Leatherman, I really do feel for you,,,I know that you must be having a hard time but please have faith that things will get better,,, I know that it may sound a little hard to beleive when things seem so hard right now but we have to have hope...
I myself have been through some heavy Sh-t in the past 2 months, I got played pretty bad by this female, which only used me for my cash and thats how i ended up living at my sister's house, which to be honest is no fun at all, I mean she is cool but her son is another story.. I do pay her $300.oo per month and I too can not get my own place with the little SSI gives me,, that's why I'm thinkng of going back to California, which I'm scared to do because of all the Drugs and gangs,, I have been clean for almost 6 yrs come this 14th of August... I was also thinking of going to New York but I do not have anyone there that I can count on and I also have a drug history back there...
anyway what I want to say is please try to hang in there and try your best to quit, you will have a little extra cash and will start to feel better also..
ok may God bless and protect you as always your Friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #352 on: August 07, 2008, 12:32:51 pm »
Thank you jg1962 for the Congrats... tell your mom that she is loved and may God bless her. ok so long for now as always your friend PRMike

Offline BT65

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #353 on: August 08, 2008, 08:54:38 pm »
Hey Mike,

Good to hear from you.  And congrats on the smoking and your upcoming clean date anniversary.  Mine's October 25th (3 years).  I did have about 7 or 8 years a long time ago and intermittent clean periods after that.  I'm pretty determined now, though. I ended up in a nursing home with my last relapse; it can't get much worse than that, believe me.

I'm almost two or three weeks (I can't remember, isn't that awful) off the cigarettes using Chantix.  Hopefully this time will stick.  Oh, I don't know anyone in CA or NY.  I hope you can get some happiness in your living situation soon though.  I'm on housing assistance through the housing authority here, or I'd be unable to make it.  Good luck.  I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

Edited to add:  It will be 3 weeks this Saturday, August 10th.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 09:32:05 pm by Bettytacy »
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #354 on: August 09, 2008, 12:47:59 am »
I know that you must be having a hard time but please have faith that things will get better,,, I know that it may sound a little hard to beleive when things seem so hard right now but we have to have hope.
You just reminded me to be thankfull of what all I have positive going on in my life , thanks

as long as there's life, there's always hope.  ;D
losing my first partner 14 yrs ago taught me that.  ;) Even with the mess I'm in right now, things could be so much harder or worse. I could not have the use of my limbs, or I could be sick enough to be in the hospital again, or a million other horrible things (trust me, there are a million. i know cause i worry about them all. LOL)

I tried quitting once, and we (my first partner and I) had a huge house fire (not related to my smoking, it was just odd timing). I tried again and had to have two dogs put to sleep at the same time (one had a stroke and the other had a heart attack on the same day. they were both older; but damn! two at once is just not right). I tried again and my (second) partner passed away (after 50 days of hell in the hospital).

of course, logically, I know that those were just weird coincidences, so I'm going to try to quit smoking again. (Hell, I might have even already been counting the days off the cigs, if I had been able to get a script of chantix filled on the medical card.  ::) it worked really well for me that first time). Hopefully within a couple of months, things will settle back down some (and I get past this "almost homeless" situation), some of the immediate grief/depression will be wearing off, I'll be really ready to tackle this "new" life that has come my way, and it'll be time for me to really work on stopping smoking.

unless my money situation forces me to quit and go cold-turkey sooner. ROFL  ::)


hey, i was just thinking. how many tries do they say it takes on average before "quitting" actually sticks? Isn't it 6-8 times or something like that? (or is that how many times the avg. american changes homes?) If I count the two times I quit smoking after being in the hospital with pneumonia (it's awfully hard to smoke when just breathing is such a chore LOL), then it should be about time for me to actually win this fight.  ;) I didn't include these two times with the others, because I wasn't really "trying" to quit these times. Back then (late 90s) I was certain the aids was going to be the death of me, so worrying about lung cancer was the last thing on my mind.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #355 on: August 09, 2008, 07:35:51 am »
Hi Betty, thank you so much and i'm glad to hear from you... I'm also happy to hear that you will have 3 yrs clean, that is so awesome...one thing that worries me ever since I got clean is if I could Relaspe but then I know that if I were to Relaspe I would most likely end up dead because that's what I was trying to do when I ended up in the hospital,, I had taken an overdose hopeing to end it all but instead I ended up in a coma for 14 Days and when I came out of it I just felt so tried of using and then I was giving the chance to get into this Rehab which showed me how to live without Drugs,  anyway Sweetie may GOD bless and watch over you as always your Friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #356 on: August 09, 2008, 07:38:03 am »
Hi Leatherman, I know that you can do it and you will when you feel it's the right time so do not beat yourself up about it and May GOD bless you as always your Friend PRMike

Offline Gary85741

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #357 on: August 09, 2008, 10:35:44 am »

Chantix is a good product...with it I quit smoking in October and stayed smoke-free until April...at which time I was under a heightened stress and started smoking again as a diversion.  Soon I'll do the Chantix regimen again. 

However...in the interim I am sick of people nagging me about my smoking resumption.  The more I am nagged about it...the longer it will be before I start quitting again.  I am 57 years old for heaven's sake.  A friend nags me about it roughly every other day...and my elderly mother wrote me a letter (even though she lives in my same city) "telling" me to "stop smoking."  I've had to tell both of them that the topic is now off the table for discussion and I don't want to ever hear about it again.  I would suggest these people look in their own back yards so to say...as I could easily nag them about their shortcomings were I that kind of person.

Gary  -  Tucson   
Poz since '89. 
Current regimen: Rescriptor, Emtriva, Kaletra, Invirase, Acyclovir, Lisinopril, Lipitor, Prilosec, Valium, Testim, Nandrolone, Loperamidr, Marinol.

Offline bear60

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #358 on: August 09, 2008, 12:07:52 pm »
Gary says: "Chantix is a good product...with it I quit smoking in October and stayed smoke-free until April...at which time I was under a heightened stress and started smoking again as a diversion."
My doctor said that I used nicotine as a drug to treat anxiety....it wasnt just a diversion.  So I was really and functionally ADDICTED to the nicotine. It is the same as  addicted to heroin, I was told by my acupuncturist.  Has something to do with brain chemistry. Heavy topic.!!

modified to add and for spelling
Since I quit smoking....I have not had one sinus infection/bronchitis/needing antibiotics.  Like Philly says: he has one really bad sinus infection each year...well so did I. I really dont miss the hacking and coughing and antibiotics.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 12:40:43 pm by bear60 »
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Offline BT65

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #359 on: August 09, 2008, 12:10:18 pm »
Mikie, yeah, they say it takes the "average" smoker 6-8 times before quitting successfully.  This is (probably) my 7th or 8th time, so hopefully it will stick.  Doesn't your Medicare Part D cover Chantix?

PRMike, relapse is a reality of recovery.  Many people do relapse, but I see few make it back who do (relapse).  I've gone to a few funerals.  If you were in a coma, you've got to know it can't get much worse if you do relapse.  Of course, you could wind up a vegetable (how horrible would that be).

Gary, I hate people who nag others to quit smoking.  It never worked with me.  I refuse to be one of those reformed smokers who goes about trying to rehabilitate other smokers.  I figure we all make our own choices.  Good luck when you do quit.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #360 on: August 09, 2008, 02:53:18 pm »
Doesn't your Medicare Part D cover Chantix?
every 3 months or so, I hand over a script to my pharmacisit and he tries to see if chantix is covered yet. so far, it isn't here in ohio, or maybe I'm just hooked up to a screwy portion of that Part D and it's not being covered**.  I have heard that it was supposed to have been added to the list this year; but maybe those FDA warnings scared someone into taking it off.  ::)

**I must confess that, after being on SSd for 10 yrs now, I just don't pay enough attention to all that. When I signed up yrs ago, I was very sure that I was going to die soon, so I didn't pay attention to all the details. In the recent years when I've been healthier, I probably should have starting paying attention; but my medical card has covered all the other scripts and doc appts, so I'm afraid to check into it, lest I stir up trouble for myself. LOL that's one of reasons, I'm leery of moving back to NC now that Jim is gone. My meds and health care are covered here and I sure don't won't to jepordize that!!! I have enough problems without worrying about getting my meds too.

I refuse to be one of those reformed smokers who goes about trying to rehabilitate other smokers.
amen to that sister!  :-* me neither  ;)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tempeboy

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #361 on: August 10, 2008, 12:04:33 am »
I have finally made the choice and have just filled my script for Champix filled (slightly different name here in Australia).

What have others experienced in terms of side effects in the first few days.  I would like to know so I can prepare.  I have had a pretty good run in terms of HIV meds with only one combo ever causing me any real probs.

It has been great to be able to read about the good experiences of others.
Roughly roundabout somewhere in the eighteenth or nineteenth century, Sodomite begat Homosexual out of moral, medical and legal models, bequeathing him Identity, who inbred with Nuclear Family and Industrialism to spawn Homophobia.

Dean Kiley

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #362 on: August 10, 2008, 09:22:00 am »
What have others experienced in terms of side effects in the first few days.  I would like to know so I can prepare.  I have had a pretty good run in terms of HIV meds with only one combo ever causing me any real probs.

It gives me pretty strange dreams, but I don't remember them when I get up in the morning.  Other than that, nothing too noticeable. 
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #363 on: August 10, 2008, 11:37:37 am »
PRMike, relapse is a reality of recovery.  Many people do relapse, but I see few make it back who do (relapse).  I've gone to a few funerals.  If you were in a coma, you've got to know it can't get much worse if you do relapse.  Of course, you could wind up a vegetable (how horrible would that be).
Betty I guess that's why Relaspe is not an option for me,, I Truely beleive that if I were to Relaspe I would end up dead or like a vegetable,, Plus life has so much to offer me now and I have hopes that my son will someday talk to me after all these years...
thank you for being here for me as always your Friend PRMik

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #364 on: August 10, 2008, 07:35:44 pm »
Don't give up PRMike.  My daughter talks to me regularly now and when I was using she moved 1/2 way across the country to get away from me.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #365 on: August 11, 2008, 08:46:48 am »
I have finally made the choice and have just filled my script for Champix filled (slightly different name here in Australia).

What have others experienced in terms of side effects in the first few days.  I would like to know so I can prepare.  I have had a pretty good run in terms of HIV meds with only one combo ever causing me any real probs.

It has been great to be able to read about the good experiences of others.

I used Chantix in March.  I have now been 5 months smoke free although I still think about smoking now and then.  I guess that part will never leave.  I was hoping I would never think about smoking again but still do.   Anyway the side effects I had from chantix was it made me feel loopy the first few days and I was tired alot.  I didn't really follow the schedule you were suppose to because it made me feel so tired and when I finally quit smoking I only continued for another two weeks of chantix but this was me and I am not recommending this for everyone.  You continue to smoke on the pill but you will get no satisfaction from smoking from the first dose so you will go through withdrawals starting almost immediately although I didn't really realize that that was what was happening until a week or so later.   I found the pills made me feel very mellow.  Cut me off in traffic no big deal.   I wasn't anxious or angry or anything.  I think I was on the pills a total of one month and finally quit on the 8th or 9th day.  The biggest thing I think that helped me was reading other peoples experiences on Chantix.  There is another board somewhere on topix or something like that that helped alot. I wish I still had the url to pass along.  Anyway I hoped this helped and good luck.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #366 on: August 11, 2008, 09:52:27 am »
Hi Buckster2005, first of all let me say that I'm glad that you are a non-smoker....
ok I'm not sure if this is the Site that you are talking about but ever since I quit i joined this site and it helped me because there were and are a lot of really good people there that will be there to listen, Advice, Joke,and we even have Cyber Parties every once in a while,,, so here it is and I hope to see you there, as always your Friend PRMike...

Healthcare Law
Has anyone heard of Pfizer's Chantix -Topix
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Offline Buckster2005

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #367 on: August 11, 2008, 10:24:57 am »
Hi Buckster2005, first of all let me say that I'm glad that you are a non-smoker....
ok I'm not sure if this is the Site that you are talking about but ever since I quit i joined this site and it helped me because there were and are a lot of really good people there that will be there to listen, Advice, Joke,and we even have Cyber Parties every once in a while,,, so here it is and I hope to see you there, as always your Friend PRMike...

Healthcare Law
Has anyone heard of Pfizer's Chantix -Topix
  Posted in the Healthcare Law Forum
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Hi PRMike,

Yes that was the site.  I never signed on but always enjoyed reading and following everyones stories.  It helped alot. 

Offline PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #368 on: August 11, 2008, 12:37:54 pm »
Hi Buckster, well i hope to see you there and I use the same name as I do here except that it might read miguel ayala Aka Mike ok bye for now and please stay strong as always your Friend PRMike

Offline Tempeboy

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #369 on: August 12, 2008, 01:07:21 am »
I used Chantix in March.  I have now been 5 months smoke free Anyway the side effects I had from chantix was it made me feel loopy the first few days and I was tired alot. 

Hey Buckster,

Thank you so much.....  I will now start on my days off just in case.


Roughly roundabout somewhere in the eighteenth or nineteenth century, Sodomite begat Homosexual out of moral, medical and legal models, bequeathing him Identity, who inbred with Nuclear Family and Industrialism to spawn Homophobia.

Dean Kiley

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #370 on: August 12, 2008, 07:14:09 am »
Thanks PRMike I will look for you there. 

Good luck Jae you will do well.  Last time I was in Oz smokes were 15.00 a pack.  All the more reason to quit.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #371 on: September 08, 2008, 08:51:56 am »
Hi Everyone and Good Morning, Well  Today is my 1 year anniversary of quitting smoking...
I am so glad that I have been able to stay quit,,, it has changed my life for the better...
ok I hope and Pray that you all are well and doing good with your quits and if not please keep trying,, ok so long for now as always your Friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #372 on: September 08, 2008, 03:13:44 pm »
Hey Mike, is that you on that bike?

I'm still not smoking; next week it'll be two months.  It's hard right now because of some stress I'm encountering, but hanging in there.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #373 on: September 09, 2008, 08:44:49 pm »
Hey Mike, is that you on that bike?

I'm still not smoking; next week it'll be two months.  It's hard right now because of some stress I'm encountering, but hanging in there.
Hi Bettytacy, Yes that's me on my baby,,,  I'm glad to hear that your still not smoking and hanging in there wow two months is cool and dont worry  I know that you can make it,, all that I did was to remember that if I picked up that first cigarette I would be right back where I was in the begining and that was wanting to quit,, so please stay strong you will not regret it ok so long for now as always your friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #374 on: September 09, 2008, 09:31:44 pm »
Well, it's now been 3 months, and I've still got about 45 pills left over from the 3rd  month supply.

I've been very fortunate in not having a lot of those urges to smoke that much, and that includes going out to some of my favorite bars here in Atlanta.

It can work. Hope that it continues for other folks out there.

Alas, the non-insurance coverage sux, but, then, it basically is the same for smoking 2 packs a day.

Healthy, Happy, and Kickin' Butt

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #375 on: October 16, 2008, 04:27:44 pm »

Way to go Jerry...keep it up man....don't give in, walk, have some candy..
 :) ;) :D

(who has been cigarette free since March 14, 2007 thanks to Chantix)

Hey Everyone:

Forgive me for resurrecting this old thread, but I picked up my first script of Chantix this afternoon.

Damn Fool is going through a smoking cessation program his company provides, if he's successful it will mean a drop in his weekly insurance cost of $20.00.

We have a strange thing about our smoking habits.  Neither of us allows the other to see either of us smoke.  (Since he's on the road a lot, it makes it easier for me to get away with it  ::)).

But I've decided that since he's making the effort (and lord god almighty is that man ever a raging bitch on wheels lately.  Sheesh!), then now is also the perfect time for me to try again.

I remembered some of the things I had read in this thread, particularly Rich's comment quoted above, so that's what drove me to make this decision.

Anyway, tomorrow I start the Chantix.  I've set my quit date (something I'll keep private for the time being), I've enrolled in a smoking cessation program, I have a "quit coach" (whatever in the heck that means), and I'm going to do everything I can possibly do to quit this dirty, disgusting, expensive, and unhealthy habit.


(Who worries about failing.)

BTW--Chantix doesn't pass the spell check thingy.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #376 on: October 16, 2008, 06:22:10 pm »

Good luck.  Chantix has been the key for me and I was a heavy smoker.  I've "slipped" a couple times since quitting the two-pack-a-day habit, and I've noticed the shortness of breath right away, which makes it easier to give it up again.  That, and I really can't stand the smell of it now. 

I worried about failing also, and of course came down hard on myself when I had those couple fuck-ups, but as long as I got right back on board, I've been able to quit.   I also stopped taking the Chantix after a month, when it's recommended to take it for 12 weeks (plus another 12).  This time, it's the full 12 weeks.  Let us know how you're doing.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #377 on: October 24, 2008, 04:08:51 pm »
Hi BettyTacy,  I belevie today is 3 yrs for you ..  my Congrats to you and may you have many more...  that is really awesome please keep it up ok with much love and respect always your friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #378 on: October 24, 2008, 06:09:40 pm »
Betty I don't want to talk about slipping. I'm on my third week again since starting over. Rab, you'll make it.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #379 on: January 22, 2009, 11:35:33 am »
well, it's been a long, long time since anyone's bumped this thread, but I've got some news to post.

Some of you may remember that after taking Chantix last Fall and being off the smokes for 110 days, everything in my life fell to pieces (as Jim got ill and went into the hospital) and I was smoking again by Spring. Although my pharmacist tried several times through the Summer, we couldn't get Chantix covered through medicare, part d, or the medicaid card. (Obviously, not much of that tax money from cigs goes towards covering meds for someone to quit smoking. Must be why my congressman wasn't worried about funding s-chip from another cig tax - they'll let enough people stayed hooked to keep the money flowing ;))

Fast forward to Christmas. I used $$, from Jim's belongings that I sold, for a plane ticket home at Christmas (we had already been planning on it as it would have been on our anniversary). My GrandMother offered to cover the cost of my trip; but I declined saying I prefered that Jim paid for this ticket. (My GrandMother and I have spent numerous hours comparing our lives of caring for our spouses before they passed away. :'( That and all of our aches pains and ailments :D - hers from old age (92 now and still driving!) and me from HIV and med side effects. So she understood about the ticket. ;)) Instead I bargained with her. I explained that my Part D carrier was changing, and I wanted to try getting my Chantix that way first. But if it was still not covered, then I'd use her gift and purchase it myself. Her gift to me was some $$, my gift to her was that I'd stop smoking.

So I'm sitting here today with a Chantix starter pack on my desk (that I had to pay cash for even on the new plan. So "Thank you" GrandMother for the Christmas present :-* ). All I have to do now is decide when to start the med. I already missed 1/18, which would have been my 24th anniversary with Randy (if things had been different). Unfortunately the next closest remarkable dates in my life, that could be used as a stop smoking start date, aren't until Feb and Mar. Although one date in Mar is my bday (3/14), all the other dates have to do with Jim being in the hospital, and I don't think I want to have any of those days remembered. Since I remember having a couple days of puke-i-ness when I took Chantix last time (I swear EVERY freaking med makes me puke at least a little ::)), I'm going to run some errands today and start Friday.

As with last time, I'm not quitting smoking because I give a damn about lung cancer or it's effects on my health (it really is nearly my only vice, for heaven's sake!), I'm quitting because I'm just too damned poor to afford it any longer. That was my reasoning last Nov, and now that my living expenses have gone up since losing Jim's house, I really, really can't afford smoking. (lordy! I've already stooped to rolling my own! :D) However, if the Chantix works again and I have really stopped in about 6 weeks then it'll be a great healthy way for me to celebrate turning 47. It'll also put me back on track. A year ago I had quit smoking, was out riding a bike around town, and feeling better and healthier than I had in years. Losing Jim took almost all that away :'( (haven't been back on the bike but once since Jim died); but just as I've already reclaimed part of the life I lost (the utilities and the security of stable housing ;D), I hope to be back off the cigs and back onto the bike soon! ;D (well, as soon as the freaking snow melts and it warms up some from 10 degrees!! ::))

(who has wint-o-green mints at hand and is ready for some "vivid" dreaming again ;))
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Jerry71

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #380 on: January 22, 2009, 04:34:11 pm »
Well as of December 8, 2008 I have only smoked two packs. That was just a being social event I wanted a smoke. As far as Chantix goes I went the other way around and bought the starter patches of Nicoderm. After using them for 5 weeks and spending over $80 in patches, I said who needs the patches and have not smoked or used a patch since. Feel so much better and have gained a few pounds. Hope Everyone else is doing alright. Someone I know has also quit and I was shocked that they quit. :o

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #381 on: January 22, 2009, 05:00:49 pm »
Hi Everyone, I just want to give you all an update on my Quit today is my 506 th Day that I have been a non-smoker and I feel great about that...
I'm really glad that I was able to get the Chantix because without it I really doubt that I would have quit..
ok so long for now and may GOD bless you all as always your friend PRMike

Offline ademas

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #382 on: January 22, 2009, 11:14:49 pm »
Three months smoke-free for me today...I quit Oct. 22nd.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #383 on: January 23, 2009, 08:41:16 am »
Three months smoke-free for me today...I quit Oct. 22nd.

hi Ademas, Way to Go keep it up you will feel so much better and be able to save some cash and it does get easier and time fly's by really fast, again great job as always your friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #384 on: January 23, 2009, 07:10:58 pm »
I'm still going back and forth. I'll take the Chantix for a couple weeks, then stop and smoke for a couple days, and the cycle starts all over again.  I just can't seem to put down the cigs for good yet.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #385 on: January 23, 2009, 10:26:26 pm »
I'm still going back and forth. I'll take the Chantix for a couple weeks, then stop and smoke for a couple days, and the cycle starts all over again.  I just can't seem to put down the cigs for good yet.
Hi, Dont worry one of these days you will just get to the point where you say Ok that's it NO MORE and the it will happen,, It took me a long time and a lot of on & off quits until I came here and read about Chantix and said this sounds good I gotta try again, plus I was really tried of smoking so when you get tired you'll quit,,,
I know that you can do it all you have to do is want to...
ok so long for now with much love and respect as always your friend PRMike

Offline rachel2008

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #386 on: January 26, 2009, 10:15:36 pm »
I started the chantix two months ago.  I was also a two pack a day smoker.  I have figured out that if you wait a half hour to take the pill after eating you are less likely to feel sick.  It seems food needs to process first before your tummy can handle the pill.  I now smoke 1 cigy every other day and have decided to just quit because why bother at this point.  As for nightmares I don't have any just very vivid dreams and great REM.  Good luck and monitor yourself for depression.  I do believe this medication is successful if you can handle the rest.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #387 on: January 27, 2009, 01:55:44 pm »
I take the Chantix right away after I eat, and feel fine.  I guess it depends on the person.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #388 on: March 31, 2009, 12:18:22 pm »
On March 14th, I celebrated being 47 yrs old AND 47 days off cigs.
It's now been 64 days. WooHoo!  ;D

I only had enough money to get the first four-week pack of Chantix. (I still don't understand why my medical card or part d won't cover this >:( so I spent most of my Christmas money to get this script filled) Thankfully though, like last time, I wanted this to happen bad enough, and it was just enough med to get me through the bad part of quitting.

So it's a little over a year later after I tried quitting last and I'm over halfway back to where I was when everything about my life changed last year with Jim's illness and death. Not too bad for a second-time widower. ;) WooHoo! ;D

But I still kind of worry about the consequences of stopping this time. ;) I tried to quit smoking once and one of our dogs died (not related to the smoking; but it worked as an excuse to start smoking again). I tried to stop another time and there was a $30k fire in our house (again not related to smoking and thankfully no dogs died). I quit last year for 110 days and then Jim was diagnosed with AIDS and non-Hodgkins lymphoma and died barely 60 days later. :'(

I don't have any more partners that might die; if the house burns it won't be my problem (as much) as I'm renting now; and although my three remaining cockers are pretty old and one "could" pass away this year, I've already lived through losing the other seven. So I "think" I can survive whatever calamity might be on the way.  ;) Hell, I've lived through fire, famine, and mulitple deaths now. Why I even nearly died twice myself from pneumonia. I should be able to survive most anything. LOL  ;D

Oh, and my housemate started Chantix a couple weeks ago, and is on day 9 without cigs. WooHoo! ;D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #389 on: March 31, 2009, 05:38:16 pm »
On March 14th, I celebrated being 47 yrs old AND 47 days off cigs.
It's now been 64 days. WooHoo!  ;D

I only had enough money to get the first four-week pack of Chantix. (I still don't understand why my medical card or part d won't cover this >:( so I spent most of my Christmas money to get this script filled) Thankfully though, like last time, I wanted this to happen bad enough, and it was just enough med to get me through the bad part of quitting.

So it's a little over a year later after I tried quitting last and I'm over halfway back to where I was when everything about my life changed last year with Jim's illness and death. Not too bad for a second-time widower. ;) WooHoo! ;D

But I still kind of worry about the consequences of stopping this time. ;) I tried to quit smoking once and one of our dogs died (not related to the smoking; but it worked as an excuse to start smoking again). I tried to stop another time and there was a $30k fire in our house (again not related to smoking and thankfully no dogs died). I quit last year for 110 days and then Jim was diagnosed with AIDS and non-Hodgkins lymphoma and died barely 60 days later. :'(

I don't have any more partners that might die; if the house burns it won't be my problem (as much) as I'm renting now; and although my three remaining cockers are pretty old and one "could" pass away this year, I've already lived through losing the other seven. So I "think" I can survive whatever calamity might be on the way.  ;) Hell, I've lived through fire, famine, and mulitple deaths now. Why I even nearly died twice myself from pneumonia. I should be able to survive most anything. LOL  ;D

Oh, and my housemate started Chantix a couple weeks ago, and is on day 9 without cigs. WooHoo! ;D
Hi Leatherman,  that's so cool that you have been able to quit again and I have faith that you will be able to do it...
as for me I'm coming up on 19 months since I quit and I now have my own place with the money that I was able to save from not smoking, so I no longer have to fight with that DOG for the Sofa  LOL
ok man stay strong and remember one day at a time as always your friend PRMike

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #390 on: March 31, 2009, 09:57:26 pm »
Oh, I should also mention something else about my housemate taking Chantix. He's had NO side effects at all. :P and this is after taking Chantix for nearly three weeks. I was a little afraid that it might not react well with him as he also takes meds for his bi-polar disorder and has suffered from serious depression. But he only felt a little queasy the first night. He hasn't even had any dreams that he could remember.  :P  :D LOL

with the money that I was able to save from not smoking, so I no longer have to fight with that DOG for the Sofa
between the money I won't be paying out in cigs ( $2k+ , that's before this new tax that is going into effect), and a "repayment" to SS (that's a story for another thread but I promise to never try to work again LOL), I'm going to be living large this next year. :D Last year, I lived on ~$4k. This year, I'll end up living on ~$9k!! (that's more than double last year!! :o) WooHoo! ;D

I've been setting aside some of the money that I would have paid out for cigs and recently bought a queen sized waterbed to replace the king sized one that I had to leave behind when I left our house after Jim passed away. Thankfully, I only have the three cocker spaniels left now-a-days, cause we all "just" fit onto the new bed at night  :D ;D

good job for 19 months, Mike.  ;)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Buckster2005

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #391 on: April 14, 2010, 07:56:49 am »
Hi there fellow ex-smokers-

I know this is a really really old thread but thought I would revive it since it helped me a lot.  Just wanted to see how others were doing? 

So how are you doing PRMike, Betty, Leatherman and others I forgot to mention and of course the original poster Jerry?

I have been smoke free for 2 years now.  Probably couldn't have done it without the chantix and support I read here from what others went through.



Offline kellyspoppi

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #392 on: April 14, 2010, 09:25:15 am »

it is a intense mission giving up this habit, but the quest contnues for now to remain smoke free for the rest of my life............. one day at a time..........

that was how i concluded my post on 12/17/07 having just completed my first round with chantix. i actually went 11 months without a cigarette.

but then i month before my 1 year anniversary my wife and i had to fire an employee for embezzlement and before we got to our office knowing what we had to do, we each bought a pack to get us through the ordeal. obviously under moments of high anxiety (and this has historically been my problem quitting )
i succumb to the dreaded nicotine.

fortunately in my state, they want hiv+'s to quit smoking so our adap covers chantix. after a few months of smoking i decided to try to quit again, failed once more, then last september i gave it another serious try. this time i have spread my script out so i'm taking a smaller dose over a longer period of time. so far so good, 7 months and counting.

the benefits are huge, except for the weight gain. especially from the night time snacking.

but i am determined to quit, and while on chantix i am still loving the dreams.   ::)boy do i have funny dreams!

keep trying folks,



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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #393 on: April 14, 2010, 10:25:10 am »
I haven't had a smoke in 444 days now ;D (planning my 47th quit day to coincide with my 47th bday back in 09 makes keeping track very easy). There have been a couple odd-n-end days when, right out of the blue, I really, really wanted one - but as long as I don't buy another pack I should be okay. ;) The only cig I ever bummed off anyone was the one that wrecked my 110 day stop after Chantix the first time, so I won't be doing that again.

Talk about reviving an old thread. :o Just a couple posts below this one (I have the newest on top not on bottom) is a post from me just a couple weeks after my 47th bday. Wow. There I was still living in OH and getting along with the roomie, never knowing the jerk was going to end up making us both homeless within 6 months, forcing me to give away nearly everything I owned in OH for 25 yrs,  and move down to SC with my 3 cockers to live at my Mom's house.

Damn. It's been a rough few years. I lost my home in 07 but moved into my partner's house. He died in 08 and I lost that home and moved in with that roommate. He got us kicked out in 09 and I lost that home. Thankfully, my Mom loves me and I should be able to stay settled down here for a while. But I never saw any of that other stuff coming, so who knows?!?! ::) LOL :D

But at least I'll have some cash in my pocket no matter what happens here, since I haven't been smoking in over a year and don't have that expense anymore. ;D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #394 on: April 14, 2010, 10:54:39 am »
I applaud you guys for your effort.  I dunno if it would be this easy but all it would take would be to see "Decreased efficacy of HAART" for smokers and I'd be scared straight I think.  HIV is hard enough, no need to complicate.  With that said I know plenty of HIV+ smokers that are on meds.

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #395 on: April 14, 2010, 11:53:46 am »
Do you think my boxes of Chantix are still good six months after the discard date? 
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Offline kellyspoppi

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #396 on: April 14, 2010, 03:10:26 pm »
wow leatherman,

your story made me want to lite up.

seriously man, god bless you for still hanging in there despite these additional set backs. i'd be back to 2 packs a day.


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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #397 on: April 14, 2010, 05:05:05 pm »
Do you think my boxes of Chantix are still good six months after the discard date? 

Are you thinking about giving it a go? 

I started smoking again last fall, when I went back to work (part-time).  I was smoking 6 cigarettes a day, now down to 1.  I'm not going to stress over quitting.  If it's supposed to happen, it'll happen.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #398 on: April 14, 2010, 05:20:19 pm »
I'm back to pack and a half a day ... I want to quit .
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Offline leatherman

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Re: Chantix Anyone
« Reply #399 on: April 14, 2010, 06:01:31 pm »
your story made me want to lite up.
i really only crave cigarettes after eating ice cream now
(no I don't know why, that's just the only time the thought, "I wish I had one to light up right now", pops into my head. LOL)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"


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