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Author Topic: Reinfection/Superinfection FEARS  (Read 13433 times)

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Offline StuckKidd

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Reinfection/Superinfection FEARS
« on: November 22, 2020, 12:29:26 pm »
Hello All,

I hope you are all well and just wanted to start by saying that I am grateful for these forums.

I just realized that one of my past sexual experiences was RAW and I am freaking out. The guy said he's on prep and was tested 4 weeks ago but then let it slip that he had raw sex 4 days ago! I am HIV positive and am afraid of reinfection/superinfection.

I am going to get tested as soon as I can but I know these things take time to develop. How do I wait without stressing myself out?

I need help being talked off the ledge. what do I do to calm these anxieties?

Offline Jim

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Re: Reinfection/Superinfection FEARS
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2020, 12:55:01 pm »

Superinfection - reinfection - dual infection of HIV or whatever term used is highly rare to start with at best and doubted by some.

In the current treatment area, your own treatment would also be working as PrEP to prevent this type of issue infection. Stop freaking out over nothing.

We have a few threads with info on this topic:

Easier to acquire STI's are a concern, test regularly and use condoms to reduce your STI risks.

The guy said he's on prep and was tested 4 weeks ago

BTW - Claims of PrEP, testing history, past sexual encounters etc, etc, etc mean nothing.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2020, 01:00:02 pm by Jim Allen »
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP

Offline leatherman

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Re: Reinfection/Superinfection FEARS
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2020, 01:04:40 pm »
I am HIV positive and am afraid of reinfection/superinfection.

I am going to get tested as soon as I can
You can't really get reinfected. Once infected, you'll always be HIV positive. there is no reason to test again. all that would show is that you are infected, and you already know that. ;)

Superinfection only happens when both partners are hiv+, each has a high viral load (meaning both partners have not been adherent to meds for a long time or have not been taking meds) and they have unprotected sex. Superinfection is also very rare and has only happened about 2 dozen times in 30+ years.

If you are HIV+ and have been adherent to your meds and have had an undetectable viral load for at least 6 months then you cannot transmit HIV. if your partner was on PrEP then he can't be infected (so there wasn't any HIV from him to transmit to you)

You shouldn't even be on a ledge because superinfection/reinfection is really nothing people living with HIV need to ever be concerned about. However, as Jim mentioned, if you had unprotected sex then you still did run a risk of acquiring an STI.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"


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