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Author Topic: Loss of my best friend  (Read 21947 times)

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Offline floridartist

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Loss of my best friend
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:09:51 pm »
David had been a nurse somewhere in the SF area back in the 80s and he spent many days and nights caring for people with AIDS, Then he moved to Miami, I think it was around 1995, he worked as a nurse here also, he joined the South eastern Great outdoors, that was the name of the group back then, it still is a Gay camping group, I think I met him at Bahia Island in the Florida Keys, or it was Cayo Costa on the west Florida coast, anyway,  that was his first camping trip with the group, and we hit it off and the friendship grew for many years. We loved kayak camping and exploring barrier Islands and clear hidden springs all over Florida.
He was a smart nurse, but the time had come for him to apply for his SSI, and he received it about a year ago.
Even though he was taking just half doses of his Combovir for 15 years, he seemed to pull it off until just recently he became resistant to it and had to try a new med, so he started on  Genova ?
Every November we became the same age and this month we are both 58, but he is still 4 months older than I. ha ha.
 I am devastated and my constant tears of grief to say my sweet David took his life at a campground in a cabin somewhere in Florida, near Ocala, perhaps it was Silver Springs, Im kind of out of the loop of getting more information about David I guess because camp group knows how sensitive and emotional I am and whatever, all I would like is to gather with a few friends at a small, quiet, nice warm campfire on a cool evening, with a candle and some good memory's with those friends, until then, am I to grieve alone ?  as it seems, for the loss of my best friend David on November 1st 2016
Thank you for letting me share this bit of news, perhaps it will help me, I shall rest now, bye.   
I don't know what to paint  🎨

Offline Ptrk3

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 04:55:40 pm »
Floridartist:  I respectfully moved your topic to the "In Memoriam" section of the Forum in order that more people can express their condolences for your tragic loss.

I am so sorry that you have lost your dear and best friend, David, at such a young age.  Far too many HIV positive people suffer from known or unknown depression and tragically take matters into their own hands.  Too often, focus is on the medical manifestations of HIV infection, but the psychological implications often are unattended, especially for those like David who were heroes at the pandemic's start, caring for those who were often abandoned and ignored.

David was certainly an HIV warrior:  may he now rest in the peace that passes all understanding and may you, too, achieve peace of mind as you go through the grieving process.

My thoughts are with you during these dark days and may the entire forum family always remember his lifetime actions of love, kindness, and compassion.
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Offline Wade

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2016, 08:08:57 am »
You have my deepest condolences on the loss of your dear friend David.
It truly saddens me to have lost yet another long time warrior and I hope your grief will be replaced soon with warm and happy memories.    No one can take those from us.
I lived just minutes from Bahia Honda for 28 years and went there often, and I'm pretty sure I know someone in this group also.

Big Hugs, Wade
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Offline floridartist

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2016, 08:18:00 pm »
Thank you very much for your kind words,  I know I will never forget my friend and in time the pain will start to recede. Finally this morning a little more news trickled in as to which State park this all happened,  in which is a beautiful place he loved with a view of a lake and he knowing I don't travel so well anymore he respected me and is not too far away , so at least now I have a plan and a place to go in which I can bring a rose and a candle so I can say my good bye, that will be a good start to help the pain of my loss to recede, at least for now. Thank you Wade and the other moderator and anyone else for your compassion and kind words,
Sincerly, John
I don't know what to paint  🎨

Offline harleymc

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2016, 04:47:12 am »
I am sorry for your loss.
David sounds like a remarkable person.

Offline paintedroom

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2016, 06:26:29 am »
So sorry for your loss.More poignant too as he was obviously such a fine and selfless person.
Dx`d mid July 2016
8/8/2016 - CD4 50     VL 50,000
5/9/2016 -  CD4 150
13/9/2016  VL  undetectable.
March `17 - CD4 193   VL undetectable.
March  `18 CD4 214    VL undetectable
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Genvoya - Changed to Biktarvy feb 2021

Offline floridartist

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2017, 12:21:14 am »
I think I have pretty much recovered from the grief of my loss, only to realize no one is left for me to share with life and living with HIV, it is strange, but I think I am the last one from 100s, perhaps 200 of my losses,  I should reach out and find another to share together of this life and living with HIV. Thank you
I don't know what to paint  🎨

Offline floridartist

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Re: Loss of my best friend
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2024, 12:01:17 am »
How many years have passed since the passing of David, I totally lost my mathematical skills, life is very strange to me, perhaps my friend David was the wise one, along all the others that have passed on are the lucky ones, they no longer have to see what goes on in this world of wounds.
I wrote a song and painting an oil painting  for the song , actully I painted the painting first, and for some time I waited for the right song to write the lyrics for the painting, I dedicate the song and the painting, together as a form of mixed media,  dedicated to the plight of all my loses to the monster  HIV and AIDS,
The name of the painting and song is titled , 'The Legend of little awesome for vortex'
I know a secret place, down the river just the ways,  that nobody knows.
It's where the water swirls round in a hole in the  ground and the eel grass tickles your toes.
So just hold on for a little bit longer. Time seems to stay.  There's a ridge all around as the legend unfolds, it's about the water that flows into a river way down below.
I hear the rolling rumbles of Thunder, must Be 10 miles away,  then the sky cracked wide open, here comes a steady rain. So just hold on for a little bit longer, time seems to stay the same, There's a ridge all around a hole in the ground, its where the water flows into the river way down below.
So there's this story about little awesome. At that time, they called it a Spring, and when the bottom fell out a swirl came about, vortex became her name. Over 200 souls were lost that day swallowed down into the hole, There's a ridge all around as the legend unfolds, it's  about the water that flows into a river way down below.  It's where the eel grass swirls below,  way on down below. That's how the story unfolds.
Even though I lost 218 souls , the songs says Over 200 hundred souls were lost that day, I said that because it fit better with the lyrics, I'll attempt to add the painting that goes with this song,  its my dedication for the cause , that's it for now, thaks, John
Ohh by the way, I found out I was hiv in 1986, how many years ago was that, ? I can't figure it out, thanks
I don't know what to paint  🎨


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