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Author Topic: watch out for Viraday (Generic version of Atripla)  (Read 4151 times)

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Offline pinkadam

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watch out for Viraday (Generic version of Atripla)
« on: April 05, 2016, 04:45:12 am »
Guys please be careful when buying Virday the generic version of Atripala. There are lot of counterfeit viradays in the market or Cipla is producing substandard pills
My experience with this medication is horrible. I used Viraday for six months as moved to india. I got sick twice while i was on this medication.

As i got sick twice in one month i decided to go for labs. My Viral load spiked to 65k from undetectable and CD4 went down to 400 from 700

I switched my medication right away and filed a complaint with CIPLA. I gave them batch numbers and the Pharmacy i bought the medication from
They dragged their feet for four months just to tell me that they did not find any issue.

Guys please be careful when you are buying Viraday as there are lot of counterfeits in the market or CIPLA itself selling substandard pills

Offline zettainaoru

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Re: watch out for Viraday (Generic version of Atripla)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2016, 02:37:09 am »
You do know that statistically about 10% of people using Atripla develop resistance, right?

How can you be sure its the drug and not just resistancy problem? Do you check your blood concentration or something like that?

Offline Jim

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Re: watch out for Viraday (Generic version of Atripla)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2016, 03:27:18 am »

Sorry that you had a bad experience, I spotted the last thread you had on this and glad you have switched to something that is working for you. However this does not equal that CIPLA itself is selling substandard pills.


Kind regards

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Offline leatherman

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Re: watch out for Viraday (Generic version of Atripla)
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2016, 04:33:46 am »
My Viral load spiked to 65k from undetectable and CD4 went down to 400 from 700
in sept my viral load spiked to 59K from UD and my cd4s dropped down from 325 to 175. a very similar story to yours. in oct, I got the results back from the genotype test, and amazingly found that I was NOT resistant to the meds I was taking. There was really no explanation for why my numbers had taken such a turn for the worse. Needless to say, I switched meds anyway and the test 4 wks later showed I was back to UD and my cd4s were 410 (the second highest they have even been for me in 23 yrs of med)

if there's anything I've learned from living with HIV for 31 yrs, it's that people don't always have the same experience with HIV or even the same experience with the meds. Sometimes weird shit happens and you just have to take it in stride. I would have never imagined that after 23 years of meds, and 18 yrs from the last time I was in the hospital, that I would technically have AIDS all over again - and for no apparent reason.  ::)

I'm glad to hear you've switched meds. Atripla is being used less and less these days as there are often too many side effects from it, and since there are so many more newer more effective meds on the market.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"


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