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Author Topic: QUESTION ABOUT DISABILTY.....  (Read 8104 times)

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Offline Bruce_Wayne

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« on: May 28, 2008, 01:01:53 am »
Well since I was diagnosed with AIDS and not HIV does that mean I can SSDI or SSI? I work part-time and I don't even make 800 dollars a month. Just a question. You can PM if you want if you don't want to talk about it in an open forum. Plus I'm a college student so you know how that goes. LOL. And I've missed like 2 almost 3 weeks of work and I am sooooo behind. If anyone can help thanks very much! Oh yea I'm in Ohio. And I thank God that I can work so I'm not trying to get over but I do need a little help.

Thanks for understanding

Offline RapidRod

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« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 04:51:37 am »
If your doctor will sign off on the paper work you would be able to apply. In Ohio, unless you've had an OI or other problems with HIV they will not sign off. Unless you are able to live on what you get from SSI, then going on disability isn't the best move. SSDI pays a lot more than SSI.

Offline brooklynpoz

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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 07:01:51 am »
I agree with RapidRod. SSI gives about $654 per month, then some states subsidize and give a little more. Not sure of the exact amounts, just an approximation.
SSDI pays alot more, when you have a work history, part of your deductions in your pay check are for Social Security.
I'm in NY, so things are a bit different here.
I am on SSDI, by choice, not by being to ill to work.
I have a 25 year work history, therefore I got SSDI. I hired Binder & Binder to fight my case, yes I was denied the 1st time I applied. They won it for me in 3 months. It has been 2 years now, so I now get medicare part a & b, and I have Atena Rx Plan of NY.
Medicare cost $96.40 per month, but it is worth it. I pay $0.00 for my med's , and $0.00 for ANY doctor I go to.
You are welcome to P.M. me if you have any other questions about this, or anything else for that matter.
 Be well.
Diagnosed, Monday,  8/9/2004, 1ST year was ruff , now I am well adjusted .
Current Med's ; Kaletra & Truvada
Undetecable,<48 ,  531 tcells, 21%
Keeping the faith, that they will get a cure in our lifetime.

Offline BT65

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 08:45:02 am »
I've been on SSDI since 1994, but that was when they kind of "moved things through" for people who were diagnosed with AIDS.  I'm not sure exactly what the process is like today, though I've heard it can be grouling.  I was denied the first time, but put right through when I appealed. 

I do know that it's not a good idea to work if you're going to apply; even part-time.  The disability board will most definitely turn you down for that.  Once on disability though, there's a certain amount you can make in a month without them cutting you off.  Although I hear that if you do that, they review your case more often.

If you think that's what you want to do, you should talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks.  That would be the place I would start.  Without a good report from a doctor, you really don't have a chance.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Offline randym431

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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 08:50:28 am »
Back in 2005 when I looked into it, they sounded like you already could not be working. They said when I stopped working, then apply.
Also, I read if you have hiv plus one of the related infections that usually goes with it, like PCP or KS cancer or one of the others, then you
could get ss disability. I had one ks spot back then, but was still working. Meds cleared up any KS issues and the spot went away on meds,
so I guess I no longer qualify via an OI.
I shoud have went on SS disability right away back then, Would have been $1600 a month. Now, Im too healthy.  ;)  Not that Im complaining.
Diag Sept 2005 VL 1mill, CD4 85, 3%, weight 143# (195# was normal)
Feb 2021, undetectable, weight 215#

Offline dvinemstre

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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2008, 11:51:45 am »
Hi, I am a rehabilitation counselor and specialize in the area of disabilities and resources. There are a couple of things you need to know 1) SSDI is for persons who have contributed sufficiently to the SSA to be "vested", 2) SSI is for persons who are not vested, comes from a different pool of money and for every dollar you earn it counts off in a formulaic manner from your benefit, the highest of which is around $640, BUT you get Medicaid. IF you are working you can not be considered SSDI eligible, but it is very very doubtful you even qualify. so here is what I would suggest:

1) go to the SSA website and order a benefits analysis and find out if you are even eligible for SSDI. It is in your best interest to work as long as you can and pay in so you will be vested for when you are no longer able to work.

2) stay in school as long as possible. one option I have seen be very effective for persons in your situation is that you can take out low rate student loans, stay in school and frankly, they get forgiven when you decease, also you can file for deferrment for financial or disability reasons once you are out of school. So this may be an option.

3) Go to your local vocational rehabilitation office and make application for assistance with services to get a job, keep a job, stay in school, etc. Depending on the state and area, they can be quite generous with resources to assist you, especially if you are in a minority category, even to funding school, paying for meds, etc.

i hope this helps a bit for direction. Also, even if your doctor signs off, the standard for SSDI is that you are unable to perform ANY work, period. Thanks, Z


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