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Author Topic: Any advice  (Read 4050 times)

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Offline xandermtl

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Any advice
« on: June 11, 2006, 03:24:13 pm »
I posted this in the old forums just before they were locked... not too smart... but I still need some advice guys.... The one person that did respond suggested getting larger condoms... we changed condoms, brands and lubes after the first break. Neither of us have any piercings and we followed the instructions for putting on condoms directly from the book... so I still can't figure out why this happened twice.   I'm very discouraged... because my boyfriend hasn't touched me in a month and I'm not sure he's ever going to want to again.  He finishes his second treatment tomorrow and he's already told me he is never going to do it again.  What that means for our sex life... I have no idea.
Here's the original post.... Please if you have any suggestions... I'm desperate.
 Wednesday May 31, 2006 6:49 AM     
 Hi guys,
It's been awhile since I've written in these forums. As a refresher... I was diagnosed in September 2005 and had rather a difficult time with the diagnosis for awhile. You'll be happy to know that I got through it all pretty well. I lost my best friend... it was too difficult for him... but I gained an awful lot. I made up my mind to change everything in my life that I didn't like and that's what I did. So... 9 months later I'm happier, healthier and feeling better than I did before my diagnosis.
I've had a new boyfriend for 4 months now. A great guy. He's negative... and well, this is where I wouldn't mind having a little advice. Since we've been together we've had two condoms break. Despite us both being extremely careful !!! It's ridiculous ! That means he's been on a anti-HIV treatment now twice !!!! We've used different types of condoms, different lubes... we've followed the instructions for placing a condom to the letter.... and still we've had two condom breaks !!!
I don't understand this at all... since I rather thought they were a rare occurence. I was hoping that maybe you guys had some advice. Some condom that is perhaps more resistant. Not that we will be having sex again anytime soon... since the second break... well, sex has kind of been a non-topic.... He told me he doesn't want to do a third treatment. So is there anything I can do ? Or does this relationship seem doomed ? I just don't know how either of us can have confidence that we're being safe after two condom breaks in such a short time .... and I think we need to have confidence in order to continue to be together.

Thanks in advance,
Xand ;-) 

Offline Rob - Dublin

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Re: Any advice
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2006, 05:20:53 pm »
Hi guys,

My only experience on this one was to buy femidom condoms which are xl in size anyway. Usually guys with xl dicks will find them vv comfortable and they tend not to burst. If you have isolated all possibilities as to why the condoms are breaking and it is not relating to agressive sex, piercings or a tight ass, then im baffled. Hope this is of some help.

14 Dec 2005 Tested Neg
21 Jan 2006 Infected
09 May 2006 Tested Poz
29 May 2006 CD4 551  (33%) VL 21,000
10 July 2006 CD4 632  (34%) VL 24,500

......when i'm good, i'm very good - when i'm bad i'm even better......

Dream as if you will live forever - Live as if you will die today.....


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