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Author Topic: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks  (Read 2910 times)

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Offline tommy246

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Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:28:22 am »
I had normal levels of cholesterol 170 and trigerlicerides 200 befor starting atripla meds 6 weeks ago after 3 weeks my levels shot up chol 205 and trigs 305 so for the last three weeks i have made some slight changes to my diet mainly cutting down on(not eliminating) sugars ,alcohol ,doubling my omega 3 dose from 1 to 2 a day and starting a light exercise routine. Well in only 3 weeks they are coming down to chol 190 and trigs 250 im very pleased with that as i didnt fancy more medicine on top of my meds. i  still had the odd drink and cake but in moderation, so it just shows a small effort goes a long way.
I have read its normal for chol and trigs to rise initially when starting meds does this level out after a certain amount of time ? and how long does this initial surge last for?
I am going to add a vitaminD/calcium pill a day as well even though at 49 years old my levels are ok ive read that maybe its still best to take this supplement as hiv and the meds can cause less bone density anybody else taking this ? Dr gallant of the johns hopkins website highly reccomends it and he seems a very wise man.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 08:30:33 am by tommy246 »
jan 06 neg
dec 08 pos cd4 505 ,16%, 1,500vl
april 09 cd4 635 ,16%,60,000
july 09 ,cd4 545,17%,80,000
aug 09,hosptal 18days pneumonia cd190,225,000,15%
1 week later cd4 415 20%
nov 09 cd4 591 ,vl 59,000,14%,started atripla
dec 09  cd4 787, vl 266, 16%
march 2010  cd4 720 vl non detectable -20  20%
june 2010  cd4  680, 21%, ND

Offline leese43

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Re: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2009, 01:10:53 pm »
Can't answer your question but well done on getting the levels down.
Oct 04 - Neg
Aug 05 - infected
Oct 05 - cd4 780, vl 60k
Apr 08 - cd4 430, vl 243
Jul 08 - cd4 550, vl 896
Nov 08 - cd4 730, vl 1.8k
May 09 - cd4 590, vl 1.5k
Sep 09 - cd4 460 vl 34k
Dec 09 - cd4 470 vl 42k
April 10 - cd4 430 vl 88.5k
July 10 - cd4 330 vl 118k
Aug 10 - started reyataz/truvada/norvir
Aug 10 - cd4 380 vl 4k (12 days after starting meds :))
Sep 10 - cd4 520 vl 1.5k
Oct 10 - cd4 590 vl 44
Jan 11 -cd4 610 vl <40 cd4% 50
May 11 - cd4 780 vl UD

Offline pozniceguy

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Re: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 01:15:24 pm »
Tommy I went through almost exactly the same thing when changing meds.... various things went way up and then dropped ,the diet ( rational eating) was part of it but according to the dietician the meds are a significant contributor.   strongly reccmended vit D and B complex as supplements...so far under control with little fluctuations  now and again....

remember the good times...honor the past but don't live there
Le stelle la notte sono grandie luminose, nel cuore profondo del Texas

Offline J.R.E.

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Re: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2009, 06:52:04 pm »

I also had good numbers as far as the Cholesterol goes, prior to starting on meds, then, shortly after things started going haywire.

I agree with Nick, if you can keep the numbers in check, with improved diet and nutrition, and exercise more power to you !! That would be great.

I've been on/off again as far as the Cholesterol medication goes. I was taking 10 mgs of lipitor.  My new doctor suggested 40 mgs of Simvastatin, so we"ll see how that goes.

As far as the Vitamin D goes I've been taken the prescription Vitamin D for about 9 months now ( or so) .  It was determined through a blood test that the D levels were too low, however now after taking one 50,000 iu per month, everything is in the normal range again.

Good luck to you----Ray

Edited to add "exercise"
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 07:03:56 pm by J.R.E. »
Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe. UPDATED 2/18/24
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of April, 2nd 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @593 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3305 (within range)

cd4/cd8 ratio -0.31

cd8 %-57


Offline aztecan

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Re: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 01:11:21 am »
Hey Tommy,

Well, if we were speaking face to face, I would be giving you a raspberry right now.  ::) :D

Not for your accomplishment, but because you have been able to do it without additional meds and only minor diet changes.

I envy you.

I switched my HIV regimen because of hyperlipidemia.  I have been fighting it for years, well, the past 13 years anyway, ever since I started meds.

I won't go through the whole sordid story. But, just a matter of weeks after I switched from boosted Lexiva and Combivir to Isentress and Truvada, my lipids (cholesterol/triglycerides) were in the normal range without the use of any statins. This is the first time in more than a decade I can say that!

I will find out tomorrow what my most recent labs show. Cross your fingers for me.

But, like I said, I envy your success - and wish for it to continue for a long time to come.

As Nick said, since you have already gotten it to drop without adding more meds, I would just continue to monitor it, as I'm sure your doctor will.



« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 01:14:12 am by aztecan »
"May your life preach more loudly than your lips."
~ William Ellery Channing (Unitarian Minister)

Offline tommy246

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Re: Dropped cholesterol and trigerlicerides in 3 weeks
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 10:45:55 am »
Thanks for the replies guys . I must admit once i started meds within days i started feeling more energetic and eating more (now controlled ) and was also thinking that as now i am not fighting the virus 24/7 (almost undetectable vl 266 ) maybe i am burning less calories/fat  as well . Well i am now steady at my fit fighting wieght of 108kilos i think thats 17 stone the exact wieght of the day i got married 14 years ago, im still the same hieght 6ft 2 " (we shrink as we age) and even lucky enough to still have all my hair (now silver) and teeth(2 capped). So generally cant complain happy xmas to you all and happy new year.
P.S Aztecan thats why i really rate issentress/truvada med regime as the best and will switch once it becomes once a day if my doc lets me . Having said that i am delighted with my progress with atripla in only 6 weeks with zero side effects.
jan 06 neg
dec 08 pos cd4 505 ,16%, 1,500vl
april 09 cd4 635 ,16%,60,000
july 09 ,cd4 545,17%,80,000
aug 09,hosptal 18days pneumonia cd190,225,000,15%
1 week later cd4 415 20%
nov 09 cd4 591 ,vl 59,000,14%,started atripla
dec 09  cd4 787, vl 266, 16%
march 2010  cd4 720 vl non detectable -20  20%
june 2010  cd4  680, 21%, ND


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