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Author Topic: Doing MUCH Better Now  (Read 3759 times)

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Offline CHUCK610

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Doing MUCH Better Now
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:15:49 am »
Well after 5 months with the diagnosis and 3 months on meds my viral load is UNDETECTABLE. So, mentally I am feeling much better now.

Now, begins the process of trying to quit smoking and beginning some kind of an exercise routine. I've been smoking so much lately because of my depressed state that I know its going to be a hard process to quit, but I also know I need too. And, I've never been an excerising person so that is going to be tough as well. So if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears, Everyone here has been so supportive to me and have had great suggestions to help me through this that I know I can depend on you.

Thanks for all your support

Diagnosed 5/01/09
cd4 289 vl 20k 20.5%
6/03/09 started med Reyataz, Norvir, Truvada
7/6/09 cd4 463, vl 1,400. 22%
7/22/09 cd4 472 vl 260, 29%
9/1/09 cd4 462 vl 218, 30.8%
10/22/09 cd4 462 vl undetectable (yahoo) 30.6 %
01/21/2010 cd4 537 undetectable  35.8%

Offline leatherman

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Re: Doing MUCH Better Now
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 11:18:46 am »
to quit smoking, might I suggest talking to your doctor about getting a prescription for Chantix? Although a very few people have reported very bad side effects, most people only "suffer" through some "vivid" dreams during the first few weeks on the med. I found the dreams vivid (I mean I woke up a couple of time actually gesturing and talking just like I had been in the dream) but enjoyable.  ;D Today is my 272nd day without cigarettes. (though in disclosure, I must tell you that in those 9 months, I have had a craving twice  :D )

As for exercising (which will also help in your effort to quit smoking as it will divert your mind and clear your lungs), I've always been active and the only "extra" activity I do is bicycling. So someone will have to chime in on that aspect.  ;)

Good luck with exercising and giving up the nicotine habit.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline ruralguy

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Re: Doing MUCH Better Now
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 03:26:36 pm »
Most gyms have trainers on their staff these days.  What I found was that if I made an appointment with the guy, I almost always went.  With no appointment I only went about 1/2 the time.

He, of course, taught me a lot, but the fact that I had promised to be there at a specific time was key to getting me started.  Now going to the gym is a habit that I miss when I don't go. 
tested positive June 19, 2009
7/3/09 vrl 9000 cd4 - 300
8/14/09 cd4 - 350, 20%
started Atripla 9/14/09
10/5/09 vrl undetectable, WOW so fast!
12/28/09 vrl undetectable, CD4 - 615  27% cholesterol down, kidney function normal
4/26/10 vrl undetectable, CD4-600, kidney and liver numbers normal
9/9/10 vrl undetectable, CD4-685
1/3/11 vrl undetectable, CD4-700
all 2011 and Jan 2012 visits vrl undetectable CD4 ranged from 715-645
5/7/2012  vrl undetectable, CD4-615, all liver, kidney, lipids, heart functions, etc normal

On Atripla:  "Your mileage may vary"

Offline CHUCK610

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Re: Doing MUCH Better Now
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 08:44:59 pm »

Well chantix is a no good for me..I had bad side affects so can't do that.. I have tried all kinds a different kind of quit aids and none seem to work except the e-cigeratte..which I was on prior to my diagnosis and quit for six weeks (the longest ever). I am going to go back to the e-cigerette next week as soon as I get some more cartridges.

The only bike I've been riding this year is my motorcycle.. I have a bicycle that I was riding until this year when I go the harley, not sure I can make the switch back..Deciding hmmm  :'( bicycle are harley hmm
sorry it turns out harley  ;D  my poor bicycle will be collecting dust.

The gym thing never appealed to me..a few years back I had a home gym and would workout on that after work, but in my current house I don't have room for it. I know I have to come up with something, ok yeah I so procrastinate on the gym. I think it might be easier quitting smoking LOL

Thanks guys
Diagnosed 5/01/09
cd4 289 vl 20k 20.5%
6/03/09 started med Reyataz, Norvir, Truvada
7/6/09 cd4 463, vl 1,400. 22%
7/22/09 cd4 472 vl 260, 29%
9/1/09 cd4 462 vl 218, 30.8%
10/22/09 cd4 462 vl undetectable (yahoo) 30.6 %
01/21/2010 cd4 537 undetectable  35.8%

Offline Dale Parker

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Re: Doing MUCH Better Now
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 01:54:20 am »
Hey Chuck: Glad to here that your in a much better frame of mind. I'm thinking of quiting smoking myself. Tried a few times before but it didn't take. I have the pills again and am just trying to get syked up to give it another try. I gotta get it into my head that sometimes it's good to be a quitter.
    Give bicycling another try. I love to get out on my peddle bike. I turn up the MP3 player to full blast and ride the trails. I find it very relaxing. I also found an indoor place to go swimming, so I do that a few times a week.
Take care.
Apr 09  CD4 21, CD4/CD8 ratio 0 VL 500,000+
July 09 CD4 158, CD4/CD812% VL 750
Oct 09 CD4 157 CD4/CD8 14% VL UD
Feb 10 CD4 197, CD4/CD8 11% VL UD
May 10  CD4 252 CD4/CD8 12% VL UD
Aug 10 CD4 211 VL UD
Nov 10 CD4 272 CD4/CD8 0.138 VL UD


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