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Author Topic: Meds  (Read 5324 times)

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Offline mewithu

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« on: July 05, 2009, 09:38:27 am »
More and more I read that certain meds have side effects worse than what the med is used for inthe firdt place . why caint the pharmicuticuls get there act together before they kill us with the meds they give us that our ASO's are pushing for us to take as well. We should have a choice in this country on what we put in our bodies if we know that it is goin to cause ireversable bone desease or other harmful problems like kidney failure. Just letting you know what I have found out about certain meds and this is not all of them either. It is time we act up again or we will be knocked off like flies. Thanks and I hope not everyone gets these problems but it is happening.
1997 is when I found out, being deathly ill. I had to go to the hospital due to extreme headache and fever. I fell coma like,  two months later weighing 95 pounds and in extreme pain and awoke to knowledge of Pancreatis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, Thrush,Severe Diarea,  Wasting, PCP pneumonia. No eating, only through tpn. Very sick, I was lucky I had good insurance with the company I worked for. I was in the hospital for three months that time. 
(2010 Now doing OK cd4=210  VL= < 75)
I have become resistant to many nukes and non nukes, Now on Reyataz, , Combivir. Working well for me not too many side effects.  I have the wasting syndrome, Fatigue  . Hard to deal with but believe it or not I have been through worse. Three Pulmonary Embolism's in my life. 2012 520 t's <20 V load

Offline aztecan

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Re: Meds
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2009, 12:24:59 pm »
Hey Mewithu,

Side effects are a fact of life. Its just the way it is. Aspirin causes side effects is some people.

I don't mean to sound curt, but without the meds, many of us, including both you and me, would probably be worm fodder by now.

Reading your tag line, I can see you are all too aware of what HIV can do, or what its destruction of your immune system can do.

I have been on meds for a long, long time. I have side effects, especially from the early meds in the mid-90s.

But I am alive to tell the tale. I call that an equitable trade.



« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 12:28:32 pm by aztecan »
"May your life preach more loudly than your lips."
~ William Ellery Channing (Unitarian Minister)

Offline mewithu

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Re: Meds
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2009, 04:28:33 pm »
Thanks but my only point is like the post today on AIds Meds they are talking about a drug I take that causes bone disease. my point is they should research the meds before they cram them down our throats and read the numbers and say we are alright. Ok it helps fight the disease no dought. but I keep seeing more and mor meds like this one that causes us an early retirement as far as living a natural life that is. I am well aware of what they did for me in the beginning but I was half doped up with all the pain meds to evaulate any situation I was in. Like the fact I have wasting because now they see the drugs plus the virus cause that. all my friends that didin't go through the early meds do not have wasting. its not fair as life is not fair some times anyway. I mean no harm to Our Hiv friends I was trying to make a point just as Aids meds was.

Jerry Robbins
1997 is when I found out, being deathly ill. I had to go to the hospital due to extreme headache and fever. I fell coma like,  two months later weighing 95 pounds and in extreme pain and awoke to knowledge of Pancreatis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, Thrush,Severe Diarea,  Wasting, PCP pneumonia. No eating, only through tpn. Very sick, I was lucky I had good insurance with the company I worked for. I was in the hospital for three months that time. 
(2010 Now doing OK cd4=210  VL= < 75)
I have become resistant to many nukes and non nukes, Now on Reyataz, , Combivir. Working well for me not too many side effects.  I have the wasting syndrome, Fatigue  . Hard to deal with but believe it or not I have been through worse. Three Pulmonary Embolism's in my life. 2012 520 t's <20 V load

Offline aztecan

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Re: Meds
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2009, 11:50:34 pm »
Hey Jerry,

No offense taken and I now more clearly understand what you were saying.

Like you said, life isn't always fair. I guess the best we can do is roll with the punches and hope for the best.


"May your life preach more loudly than your lips."
~ William Ellery Channing (Unitarian Minister)

Offline GNYC09

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Re: Meds
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2009, 07:36:20 am »
Mewithu, I sense your frustration, which is understandable. Unfortunately, it seems that researchers can't possibly know all the side effects of a drug until they are taken by people.  Clinical trials reveal many if not most of the side effects but not all, particularly if the trials don't happen over a long period of time. Add to that the unique biology we each have and things get complicated further. Lastly, drugs are not put on the market because they are 100% safe. If the FDA decides that a drug's benefits outweigh its risks, the agency approves the drug for marketing.  In this case, being alive. 

Offline BT65

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Re: Meds
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2009, 07:05:33 pm »
GNY, I see you were diagnosed this year.  This part of the forums is for long-term survivors.  Please respect the space here.
I've never killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.-Clarence Darrow

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Offline GNYC09

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Re: Meds
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2009, 07:47:52 pm »
so sorry!  I'll make sure to pay better attention to which forum I'm visiting...  :-[

Offline mewithu

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Re: Meds
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2009, 08:25:55 pm »
Thanks anyway guys. I know that hopefully no one person means harm to another on this site. But in the hospital when I came out of my comatose state i FIRED MY dr'S THAT WERE TREATING  Me for two months when I had no knowledge of what they were putting in my body. I found aan ID who new what he was doing and in two to three weeks I started feeling better if you can say better in that situation. Anyway I was feeling a bit more like I was alive instead of laying there inpoop and all and hardly could push the nurses button to clean me up. Yes the new Dr changed my meds to newer ones not to say they didn't have side effects also but much less than the previous azt and who knows what else they were doing to me.
 We have came a long way even since then and I am gratful to be here to write you all and odd as it may seem I appreciate your responces believe me. That is the purpose of this site is to get people to Know what is going on with each other.
1997 is when I found out, being deathly ill. I had to go to the hospital due to extreme headache and fever. I fell coma like,  two months later weighing 95 pounds and in extreme pain and awoke to knowledge of Pancreatis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, Thrush,Severe Diarea,  Wasting, PCP pneumonia. No eating, only through tpn. Very sick, I was lucky I had good insurance with the company I worked for. I was in the hospital for three months that time. 
(2010 Now doing OK cd4=210  VL= < 75)
I have become resistant to many nukes and non nukes, Now on Reyataz, , Combivir. Working well for me not too many side effects.  I have the wasting syndrome, Fatigue  . Hard to deal with but believe it or not I have been through worse. Three Pulmonary Embolism's in my life. 2012 520 t's <20 V load


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