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Author Topic: Sleeping with Sustiva  (Read 14276 times)

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Offline nvgreene

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Sleeping with Sustiva
« on: July 20, 2006, 02:58:14 pm »
My doctor and I have decided that I will be started meds in the next couple of weeks, actually we are just waiting for the release of Atripla. Knowing that it is just a mix that involves Sustiva, and know that Sustiva effects the CNS, and again knowing that the effects are different for each person, I was wondering...Did anyone have such bad effects that they were unable to go to work the first couple of weeks. I hold a full-time job that is necessary for my degree and I want to make sure that I will be able to function (more or less) if I take precations such as eating in the AM and such...


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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2006, 07:09:52 am »

Offline Joel90069

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2006, 11:14:34 pm »
I did all the things they tell you, ate early, low fat meals, etc. It didn't matter. I never got the dreams everyone talked about but I had awful insomnia that Ambien CR couldn't even help. In the morning my brain stayed foggy for hours and there was no way I could concentrate. I have a high stress job, have to do a lot of reading, public speaking, etc. and it became impossible. After six weeks I switched to Viramune and it all cleared up. I'm not trying to scare you. I know plenty of people who take it with little side effects that go away after a few weeks. I was just a mess, though. Good luck with it. If it becomes too difficult at work don't hesitate to ask your doc to switch you.


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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2006, 12:05:43 am »
When I first started sustiva I did have some weird dreams and soon after taking sustiva at night it did make me drowsy but this only lasted for a few months. I slept good at night time but I also take melatonin to help me sleep. 

As for Atripla, I personally won't switch to it. During the week I take my pills sometime between 9 and 9:30pm.  On the weekends I still take my truveda at the scheduled time frame but for me I find sustiva to be a little more forgiving and I will take it later in the night prior to going to bed, especially if I am out and need to drive to get back home.

Once I take sustiva I know I won't be leaving the house or drive anywhere. With Atripla I feel I would be locked into taking the pill around my normal time and limited on what I can do such as drive my car. I guess I'm still cautious of its possible side effects.

So far I have been on sustiva for 7 yrs, truveda I began last November-05 and prior to truveda I was taking combivir for 6 yrs.

Offline jordan

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2006, 07:42:53 am »
Did anyone have such bad effects that they were unable to go to work the first couple of weeks

I continued to work and do everything that I used to do when I started Sustiva and Truvada in February of this year.

You should have no problems doing everything you used to do.

Business as usual.  I remember vivid dreams and first and really feeling 'off-balance' for the first couple of weeks, but didn't stop me from doing things I normally do.  I did go to bed earlier than normal every night, but I think I was back at my old time after a good month.

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Offline simon2

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2006, 06:44:44 am »
Regarding the guy who is worried about SUSTIVA side-effects....it appears that everyone has different reactions. I was lectured by two doctors for two hours before my first dose ( a year ago) about how I would experience such vivid dreams that I would believe they were real. So I was terrified of my first dose. However, my side-effects have been negligible and the dreams no more vivid than my dreams were before and almost never unpleasant. In fact, I think they save me a lot of money by not needing to go to the cinema.....who else gets a first run movie every night, always different, sometimes fascinating or even funny!! Last night I got a free sneak preview of Marie Antoinette, the Coppola film with Kirsten Dunst (It wasn't that good!)
My advice is try Sustiva for a month or two and see how you feel. It has a good reputation and seems to work well. Obviously if the dreams disturb you or you don't sleep well, you will think of a different med. to try.
Good Luck, and remember-----nothing is ever as bad as you fear it might be! Simon2
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 06:48:57 am by simon2 »

Offline c69

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2006, 08:23:36 am »
I go along with Simon, just try it and see how it works out.
This is my experience with it:
I have been on it since May this year. In the beginning it was terrible, the drowsiness made me insecure.
What's important is that you try to cope with the effects and see what works for you.This works for me: taking it around 11 pm, not eating greasy food after 8.30 pm (otherwise I get very dizzy), drinking lots of water, fresh air clears my head (I go for a little walk if I can, or keep my windows open), when I am having a bbq, I go  inside to pop the pills and back outside again and I don't get dizzy at all, so fresh air does the trick for me.

My body is adjusting to it and the drowsiness is nothing compared to what it was. Mind you, I still experience it, but I am sure nobody can notice it, except myself. I work full time and engage in sports.

On the plus side: yes my dreams are more vivid but no strange dreams, no sleeping problems, and a lot more energy then pre-med.

What I am trying to say is: try it and don't give up too soon once you start.

Take care

Meds since May 2006, Abacavir, Tenofovir, Reyataz & Norvir.

Offline bella

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2006, 01:04:26 pm »
I've only been on Sustiva for 10 days.  Sleeping/dreaming hasn't really been a problem for me, but I've just broken out in a very bad rash now for 3 days, and there's no telling how much longer it will last.  Fortunately I work for a school board and am off work for the summer.  If I had been working, there's no way I'd be able to be at work with this rash and still be able to function and/or get away without answering questions about it.

It sounds as though so many people have so many different reactions to the drugs that you'll never really know what it's going to do to you until you take it.  Hopefully you do have some flexibility in your job that you can take time off if you need it.

Offline BillyPS

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2006, 04:11:17 pm »
Yeah, the dreams were a bit too much, at first, very vivid and very weird, but what bothered me more was the "off balance" feeling I had for a week after starting.  It only lasted an hour or so after I first woke, then it seemed to even off later in the day.

It only lasted a week or so.  With any new med, you just have to try and tough it out.  We're amazingly resilient creatures, despite our tendency to be human and fallible.

Good luck with it. 

Offline Rightbrain

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2006, 09:28:25 pm »
I take Atripla-when I started Sustiva I had some wild dreams that were hysterically funny.  In others I've been on lots of vacations-always with islands and boats and fun things.  Sustiva actually helps me sleep.  As I said in another post, if they ever find a cure I hope I can have all the left-over Sustiva.

brother joe
If there's a cure I hope I can have all the leftover Sustiva.

Offline Blixer

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 08:04:57 pm »
I'm on sustiva and have not missed a day of work because of the medication.  The first week I developed some insomnia so we changed the meds to morning dosing.  It affects everyone differently but I've never had any of the dreams. I've had a couple of foggy mornings but they are few and far between and nothing too serious.
Diagnosed 1/9/06
8/27/2007 CD4 598, 29%, VL 58 (72 wks)
11/19/2007 CD4 609, 30%, VL < 50 (84 wks)
2/11/2008 CD4 439, 27%, VL <50 (96 wks)
5/5/2008 CD4 535, 28%, VL <50 (108 wks)
10/20/2008 CD4 680, 28%, VL <50 (132 wks)
Changed to Atripla in 2012
1/14/2013 CD4 855, 35%, VL <40

Offline appleboy

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2006, 08:01:04 pm »
I have never missed work from taking Sustiva/Truvada.  I did have lots of wild dreams though never scary they were just very detailed and life like.  I swtiched to Viramune after being on Sustiva/Truvada because I did tech support and the combo seemed to make me angry.  I stopped meds this past Jan and started back in June.  I started again with Sustiva and Truvada.  The dreams were vivid but the dizziness was gone this time.  I still seem to have some anger issues and the waking up in a foggy cloud has passed.  I just this past Monday started Atripla and well not major issues just some sleep issues. I would give it a whirl and if it does not fit then viramune might be a good replacement.  Things that help me have been drink lots of water during the day no fatty meals within 2 hours of taking the meds and getting as much sleep as I can.
Good luck!
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Offline nvgreene

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2006, 01:43:54 pm »
Thank you all for your help, I have now been on Atripla for 3 days now and sleep has not been a main issue, I made sure i started on the weekend to see how I would feel and there were no main problems, just the dizzyness that many of you all speak of. The one change I have seen is, up til now I have been a real heavy sleeper, but since I have started taking the medication, when my roommate is milling around the aptartment, he wakes me up, I'll just have a dicsuccion with him and that should terminate that problem!

Thanks again,

Offline dahnild

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2006, 11:05:48 am »
hey all,

i just joined this forum, and i want to ask about sustiva.  i started it about a year and a half ago, and took 200mg three times a day instead of 600mg once a day, to mitigate against side effects.  i had some more vivid dreams for a few weeks, but not big deal.  as far as a med goes, it seemed perfect.  then i relocated and couldn't get the 200mg dosing, so i had to switch to 600mg once a day.  i took it in the morning, because i was still worried about nighttime side effects, and started having periods of mild nausea, dizziness, headache, sleepiness and general yuckiness all rolled up into one about an hour and a half after taking it.  i usually had to lie down anyway, so i could usually sleep it off in an hour or two.  that went away after about six weeks, resolved, but then mysterious came back about five months later.  after dealing with that for several months, i decided to switch to nighttime dosing (with all of my meds:  truvada and sustiva).  then i started having the vivid dreams, which i didn't mind.  however, they were at times so vivid that i felt like i wasn't asleep at all, and would wake up exhausted, with a headache.  now it's to the point that i can only sleep solidly four to five hours a night, six hours if i'm lucky.  my question is:  has anyone else experienced these problems with sleep, and been able to do anything about it besides go off sustiva?  i know that some anti-depressants have side effects that leave one drowsy, i know there are addictive meds that one can take but it sounds like they haven't been effective for people here (ativan, etc), and i was wondering about marijuana.  any suggestions would be much appreciated.  thanks!

Offline blondbeauty

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2006, 01:56:42 pm »
Sustiva makes me sleep deeply...
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Counts when starting treatment:
V.L.:80.200 copies. CD4: 25%=503
Started Sustiva-Truvada 14/August/2006
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Offline julyfly70

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2006, 12:16:38 am »
:hello everyone Im new here.  But I have been taking sustiva and combivir for 6 years and I have not had really any major problems except the same ones most of you have had the  dreams and the problems with sleeping but I just take tylenol PM and I'm out like a light......
infected 1997- diagnosed in 2000
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Offline Soolip

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2006, 01:39:06 am »
I took Sustiva for two years. I quite liked the dreams -- quite vivd and intense -- and they never caused me any trouble sleeping. I DID, however, have trouble with aural hallucinations. This developed after about a year and a half on the drug. I would hear an angry voice yelling my name. Sometimes it would be from another room, and sometimes it would be right in my ear. I never suffered delusions thinking the voice was real; I always knew it was a hallucination. Just before I got off the drug, I had a number of visual hallucinations. These were more subtle than the aural ones: swarms of bugs scuttling in the corner of my eye, sillouettes of people in the corner of my room just before I went to sleep. A few times I had to do a double-take (shake my head) to clear these visions. These side-effects stopped after I switched meds.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

Offline julyfly70

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2006, 08:08:35 am »
 :o    At first no that you mention it I did... Not the names but I would dream that someone was trying to choke me and I could feel there hands on my neck and stuff they were very real and I thought I was awake but Im not to sure.  And I would float alot and I could feel my arms and legs floating above me but aftr about 5 months all this went away..... But my family was concerned cause they thought I was having some kinda mental break down after just finding out I was possitive and stuff... So, they spoke to the doctor and he said  that was normal and it sopped thank goodness....
infected 1997- diagnosed in 2000
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Offline musclecarnut

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2006, 04:34:01 pm »
Hi Folks,
I'm taking Atripla (with lovely Sustiva already included in the pill). It's convenient, but last night was one unpleasant dream/waking after another. I'm wondering how long I can keep taking sleeping pills without it being dangerous. I've taken Ambien, but last night was the first time without it. Also, I see some people suggested switching to Virammune. I'm really vain and hate the idea of wasting (it's already happened some from treatment years ago). I guess what I'm asking is: do the nightmares eventually wear off? I took Sustiva years ago and vaguely remember nightmares sticking around for about a year. I'm hoping the anxiety and depression will lift. It helps to know that those weird emotions are from the pills, but I'm wondering how long I can tolerate it. It frankly makes me hate living. Kind of counter intuitive...no? Luckily, by 4pm I'm almost feeling normal again. I have to admit I feel stronger. Ready to work out this evening (maybe)

I also get a  bit of queasiness (and nasty bathroom stuff), but that seems to be letting up. And... I must have gotten up about 5 times to peee! Dizziness and all. Has anyone had this problem with their bladder?

Thanks all,
stay well,

Offline Soolip

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2006, 02:26:13 am »
No bladder problems here.

I was not clear -- my aural hallucinations would happen when I was fully awake and conscious.

Offline Jer

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2006, 06:32:35 pm »
I started Sustiva Truvada in May.  The first couple of weeks I did have some vivid dreams.  I also felt a little out of it.  Both of those side effects stopped after about two weeks.  I notice now that if I eat something heavy right before I take my pills that I will have the same side effects.  However, regardless of when, I was not prevented from going to work.

Best of luck,


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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2006, 09:39:36 pm »
I have been taking sustiva and truvada with sulfamethoxazole for the past year and I just missed my medications for three days, what is going to happen to me?  Please help me
confused, not sure how long I will live.

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2006, 02:00:25 pm »
Nothing. Just make sure you don't make a habit of it.

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2006, 04:11:23 pm »
I also experienced vivid visions on my first night taking Sustiva. For me they seemed to start the second I closed my eyes that night. I also felt as if I was floating or falling and I had to imagine myself having my feet on solid ground to quell the feeling of motion sickness. I didn't miss any work and after a couple of days the dreams became more like normal dreams rather than being in weird, moving environments (my first "vision" was straight out of The Simpson's with giant Bart and Lisa heads spinning like pinwheels around me).

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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2006, 05:32:27 pm »
i started atripla in july and i dream all night every night. they are not bad or nitemares or anything it's just all night so when i wake i feel like i've been up all night. the hangover takes hours to shake off. i had my doctor put me on disability to see if it wears off but i doubt the sustiva effects will get better. it's going on 5 months now and theres no letting up. i don't want to switch to something that will give the shits or make me waste anymore the hiv did. you know they say these treatments are tolerable but i say they are not! so much more needs to be done. i feel toxic all the time. i must admit i felt pretty bad before treatment and i don't feel any better on treatment. i hate it! i haven't missed a dose but i swear i hate taking it. tim
Timbuk      <50/ 794  CD4 10/06 
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Started Atripla  7/14/06
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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2008, 01:07:52 pm »
okay now some of you might think this sounds a bit crazy  but here it goes......I really enjoy my Sustiva dreams.  Okay there I admit it. In alkl the years ( and its been like forever ) that I've been on sustiva I've only had about 3 nightmares. They are usually just crazy weird. Someimes like a sci-fi movie and now and then a rather nice ( cough) sensual dream. And if I wake up in the middle of something really cool I try to get back into it . Am I the only one that feels this way or shall I share my straight jacket with another    .lol   
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Re: Sleeping with Sustiva
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2008, 05:56:43 pm »
I too have taken Sustiva for 7 years.. Originally, I took 600 mg and felt wiped out.  I switched to 400 mg about a month later and have been on the same dosage since that time. At the time, my doctor said that studies showed that 400 mg was just as effective as 600mg.  He turned out to be correct.  I have always had wonderful vivid dreams since I was a child and this did not change when I went on Sustiva.  Also, I have always slept well and continue to do so.  I never had a problem with concentration.  My job also requires a lot of reading and public speaking. 

I have to admit though that I take Sustiva around 11:30pm each night and am usually sound asleep by 12 midnight.  So by the time I wake up at 8:00am, the effects have worn off.  I have, on ocassiion, taken Sustiva and stayed up for an hour or so afterward and felt a slight dizziness.  I'm happy to report, however,  that I didn't bump into furniture or anything.

So, many of you are correct.  Sustiva does affect some people differently than others.
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