POZ Community Forums

Main Forums => I Just Tested Poz => Topic started by: B2 on October 23, 2007, 07:45:51 pm

Title: Why did you get tested?
Post by: B2 on October 23, 2007, 07:45:51 pm
For those of you who are poz, can you tell me what made you get tested in the first place?

Was it routine testing? Did you feel ill? Did a sex partner inform you they were poz? Why'd you get the test?

Title: Re: Why did you get tested?
Post by: Matty the Damned on October 23, 2007, 08:29:58 pm

You have told on numerous occasions to stay out of the poz only forums and stay in your own thread in the AMI forum. Trawling the poz only forums is not just against the rules it's plain rude.

You have no business asking poz people these sorts of intrusive and inappropriate questions.

You've been reported.

Title: Re: Why did you get tested?
Post by: Andy Velez on October 23, 2007, 09:46:25 pm
B2, I am locking this thread. You are not HIV+ and you have absolutely no business intruding in the HIV+ threads. Your behavior is offensive and intrusive. 

You've been warned about this before. If you do it again you're going to be banned.

Is that clear enough?

If you have anything to say it has to be in the AM I INFECTED SECTION. I am not deleting this thread simply because I want others to know we are serious about this policy.

This thread is now locked.