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Autor Tema: Healthcare's encounters with the courts  (Leído 1473 veces)

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Desconectado Jim

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Healthcare's encounters with the courts
« en: Enero 30, 2025, 02:55:16 pm »
by Kristina Fiore, Director of Enterprise & Investigative Reporting, MedPage Today
January 23, 2025 -

A Connecticut couple is suing a hospital, a doctor, and two medical groups for allegedly implanting a right knee implant in the husband's left knee. (CT Post)

Brittany Watts, the Ohio woman who was criminally charged after having a miscarriage in her home, has sued the city of Warren, along with police officers and a local hospital and its owners. Watts claimed violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. She also accused law enforcement of malicious prosecution and false arrest, and healthcare professionals of medical negligence and unauthorized disclosure of confidential medical information. (Ohio Capital Journal)

A judge has dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit against El Paso Children's Hospital in Texas that was filed by the parents of 3-year-old Ivanna Maria Saucedo who died at the hospital in 2019 after alleged care delays. (KFOX14)

Erin Strotman, the Virginia nurse accused of abusing infants in a neonatal intensive care unit, remains in jail as the court awaits the findings of a mental health evaluation. Text messages shared in court recently showed evidence of her alleged mental health and substance abuse issues. (WTVR)

An Indian police volunteer was convicted in the rape and murder of a junior doctor whose gruesome story made headlines around the world last year. (CNN)

Texas physician David Young, MD, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and will have to pay more than $26 million in restitution for his role in a durable medical equipment and cancer genetic testing scheme, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). Young prescribed braces and genetic tests for over 13,000 Medicare beneficiaries, many of whom he didn't even see or treat, the DOJ said.

A woman was arrested for allegedly performing illegal cosmetic procedures, including lipolysis, at her home in Connecticut. (NBC Connecticut)

An orthopedic clinic has sued Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles for $150 million, alleging it "orchestrated an underhanded scheme to crush [the clinic], steal its assets, and prioritize profits over patient care." (Becker's Hospital Review)

Virginia nursing home physician Gohar Abbasi, MD, has been charged with elder abuse in a case involving a man wandering city streets and dumping waste out of a colostomy bag. Abbasi reportedly told a detective that the man "was of sound mind and signed himself out of the facility [against medical advice]." (WTVR)

An Iowa physician and nurse practitioner have settled allegations that they participated in a telemedicine scheme in which they billed for office visits they didn't provide and wrote orders for medically unnecessary durable medical equipment such as orthotic braces, federal prosecutors said.
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Desconectado Jim

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Re: Healthcare's encounters with the courts
« Respuesta #1 en: Enero 30, 2025, 02:58:20 pm »
by Kristina Fiore, Director of Enterprise & Investigative Reporting, MedPage Today
January 30, 2025

Federal prosecutors have dropped their case against Eithan Haim, MD, who had been accused of leaking the records of young patients who sought gender-affirming care at Texas Children's Hospital. (The Texas Tribune)

The family of a woman who was found dead on the rooftop of an Illinois hospital has filed a wrongful death suit. State health officials and police are also investigating the death. (CBS News and Becker's Clinical Leadership)

Massachusetts anesthesiologist Sadeq Ali Quraishi, MD, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted sex trafficking of a child. (WWLP)

Zvi Levran, MD, the Michigan hockey team doctor accused of abusing players in that state, now faces similar accusations in Minnesota. (FOX 9)

Ohio physician Mahmud Kara, MD, was sentenced to 8 to 12 years in prison for raping a young woman. (FOX 8 )

A Tennessee nurse has been charged with credit card fraud and identity theft after allegedly stealing a hospital patient's debit card and using it at American Eagle, DoorDash, Zara, and Uber, spending a total of $1,086. (WJHL)

A Montana man who threatened to kill a naturopathic doctor was sentenced to 3 years in custody, which includes the possibility of going to a state psychiatric facility. (KPAX)

Iowa physician Ted Bonebrake, MD, surrendered his license after an emergency suspension last year that marked the fourth time he'd been sanctioned for alleged substance abuse issues or violating restrictions on his practice. (Iowa Capital Dispatch)

A Pennsylvania nurse is accused of abusing a disabled 8-year-old child by allegedly placing a bib in his mouth to muffle his cries. (FOX 43)

And a New Jersey nurse was accused of beating a 10-year-old disabled boy because he was crying. (

Pfizer will pay almost $60 million to settle allegations that its subsidiary Biohaven paid kickbacks to physicians in the form of speaker honoraria and expensive meals to get them to prescribe rimegepant (Nurtec), according to the Department of Justice.

A medical device company will pay $17 million to resolve claims that it provided incentives to urology practices in exchange for prescribing its intermittent catheters to patients, federal prosecutors said.
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Desconectado Jim

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Re: Healthcare's encounters with the courts
« Respuesta #2 en: Enero 31, 2025, 03:05:23 pm »

Friday, 31 Jan 2025: A former radiographer at a Dublin hospital has been found guilty of professional misconduct over his inappropriate behaviour in carrying out a chest X-ray on a young female patient whom he later tried to contact via social media.
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Desconectado Jim

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Re: Healthcare's encounters with the courts
« Respuesta #3 en: Ayer a las 12:53:06 pm »

A weekly roundup of healthcare's encounters with the courts
by Kristina Fiore, Director of Enterprise & Investigative Reporting, MedPage Today
February 6, 2025

Former MetroHealth CEO Airica Steed, MD, sued the Cleveland-area hospital system, accusing it of discrimination, harassment, and a toxic work environment. (WKYC)

An international panel of neonatal and pediatric specialists have raised doubts about the evidence used to convict Lucy Letby, the British nurse who was found guilty of murdering seven babies and trying to kill seven others. (New York Times)

Days after a New York doctor was charged for prescribing abortion pills to a pregnant minor in Louisiana, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed a bill to shield the identities of doctors who prescribe abortion medications. (AP)

A lawsuit alleges that a surgical sponge was left inside a patient after a cancer surgery at a Northwestern Medicine hospital. (NBC Chicago)

A French surgeon accused of abusing hundreds of young patients often while they were under anesthesia -- will go on trial this month. (BBC News)

Louisiana surgeon Bahman "Ben" Sabbaghian, MD, has been indicted after multiple patients accused him of inappropriate behavior. (KPLC)

Maryland primary care physician Syed Haque, MD, was arrested on charges of rape, sex offense, and assault after a female patient reported that she was inappropriately touched under the guise of pelvic and breast exams. (WMAR)

An Arkansas nurse is accused of using a dead man's name to purchase oxycodone pills at pharmacies. (FOX News)

Several people in Las Vegas reportedly became sick after receiving injections in an unlicensed doctor's office. (8 News Now)

Alabama physician Sarah Kathleen Cumbest Mullican, MD, pleaded guilty in a crash that killed her 10-year-old daughter while she was fleeing police. (

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