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Author Topic: A possible change of HIV therapy  (Read 1379 times)

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Offline mrdad90

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A possible change of HIV therapy
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:34:12 am »
Hello everyone. I am HIV positive since 2015 .I am now using Genvoya before I used Stribild and I am currently undetectable. With Genvoya I have experienced two problems: increased cholesterol maybe due to cobicistat or diet or some antidepressant medication I use. I take Rexulti and Trilafon and also Laroxyl. I feel tired physically with Genvoya, if I switch to Symtuza or Triumeq could I feel better? And also the cholesterol problem now I am taking Berberol, which is a cholesterol supplement. I would like to know your experiences on Genvoya, Triumeq and Symtuza. Has anyone been well with Triumeq or Symtuza. What do you say is it worth changing to a better therapy? Thank you very much ❤️👋

Offline Jim

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Re: A possible change of HIV therapy
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2025, 01:23:10 pm »
Sorry to hear you are feeling tired. hugs.

I am now using Genvoya before I used Stribild and I am currently undetectable. With Genvoya I have experienced two problems: increased cholesterol maybe due to cobicistat or diet or some antidepressant medication I use.

Stribild: elvitegravir + cobicistat + tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + emtricitabine
Genvoya: elvitegravir + cobicistat + tenofovir alafenamide + emtricitabine
Symtuza: darunavir + cobicistat + tenofovir alafenamide + emtricitabine

The only difference between Stribild & Genvoya is you swapped TDF for TAF*.

In short, TDF suppresses weight and cholesterol, when you switched you lost that, so that's one potential reason you are now seeing the cholesterol issue, as for treating/managing this now you have lost that suppressive bonus, that's a different story.

I feel tired physically with Genvoya, if I switch to Symtuza or Triumeq could I feel better?

Prehaps, if the meds are the cause or interacting with your other meds. However, I have to point out you have had this issue since at least 2013. Anyhow, Symtuza (see above), contains largely the same drugs as you have been taking so far including TAF.

Symtuza would not be much of a switch and Triumeq contains ABC, it's no longer a first-line treatment due to cardiovascular concerns. The DTG in Triumeq in a few people has worsened pre-existing issues such as depression, nothing major but something to keep an eye on and discuss with your healthcare provider should you change to a combination that contains DTG.

Have you discussed options with your healthcare provider? Is Symtuza or Triumeq something they recommended? How about Dovato "DTG + 3TC"?

Has anyone been well with Triumeq

Yeah, I've been taking this since 2015 and I am fine. I take it in the morning to avoid insomnia and vivid dreams, no heart attack yet and my thoughts are mainly homicidal, not suicidal, so that's okay with me. However, what works for me, doesn't work for others, same as with any drug.



2022 Approximately 1 in 200 people taking abacavir suffer cardiovascular events each year

2018: The Causes of HIV-Associated Cardiomyopathy: A Tale of Two Worlds

2014 Cardiovascular risks associated with abacavir

The lipid-lowering effect of tenofovir/emtricitabine

TDF to TAF rising cholesterol levels

Switching from tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) to the older formulation of tenofovir disoproxil (TDF) resulted in modest weight loss in people with HIV in the Swiss HIV Cohort, researchers report in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Switching from TAF to TDF also brought benefits in the forms of reduced cholesterol and triglycerides.

In contrast, switching from TAF-containing treatment to a two-drug combination of dolutegravir/lamivudine or injectable cabotegravir/rilpivirine did not lead to any changes in weight.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 01:58:42 pm by Jim »
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Offline Loa111

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Re: A possible change of HIV therapy
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2025, 04:45:29 am »
I can only share my own experience with  Genvoya. My ID Doc started me on  Genvoya when I found out I was poz with an advanced AIDs stage diagnosis.

I did not get on with it well at all. I experience terrible wind in my stomach/intestine so bad it felt like there was a little man in my stomach or intestine punching the walls of it very hard all day long. I was letting massive farts non-stop & wind/gas was racing around inside me like a hurricane 24x7.

All of these terrible side effects  was very disturbing as mentally & emotionally I was trying to process have been told I had aids & was quite advanced.

Also I had increased readings from my liver blood tests.

ID Doc could not figure out if it was the  Genvoya or the antibiotic I had to take which is given to those of us with advanced HIV stages.

He switched me from  Genvoya to a combo of Tivicay & Descoy, & also changed me to a different antibiotic. Everything settled down immediately & no more violent stomach gas & powerful farts. My Live panel returned to normal after a few weeks. I also had to go to the ID Clinic every week or two for blood tests for nearly 2 months until it all calmed down.

I was glad to get off  Genvoya! :)


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