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Autor Tema: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex  (Leído 15806 veces)

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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« en: Octubre 14, 2023, 01:43:07 pm »
Hey there, I saw a sex worker Oct 2, we deep french kissed for a long time then we did 69 where she did oral sex to me unprotected for a long time and I did it on her. After that she put on a condom and had sex for 2 minutes until ejaculation in condom. 1 week later I get sick and online said could be ars. I see mixed things online and things that increases the risk.

1. I am uncircumcised and online said it's higher risk so will the unprotected blow job give me HIV if she had it?

2. I ate her out and deep french kissed a lot, I have braces so inside cheeks have little cuts like a healing canker sore. Is the deep kissing or her vagina juice a risk for oral because of my braces and cuts in mouth?

3. A week after this exposure Oct 9th, I got sick, muscle aches and mild fever, was in bed all day and serious stuffy nose a few days after. Are these typical ARS Symptoms?

4. Do you think I got exposed during the 2 minute sex with the condom? When she came off the condom moved up a little but was still covered head all the way to half of penis.

I am just scared, was having a lonely and busy work week so I saw a sex worker at a high traffic erotic massage place. Thank you for your time and I appreciate any help or details to help me understand my risk.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #1 en: Octubre 14, 2023, 02:06:26 pm »

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"). You will not be the world's first and being uncircumcised doesn't change that.

Cunnilingus also isn't an HIV concern, and neither is kissing. The braces make no difference.

Regarding intercourse, HIV can't be transmitted through an intact latex or polyurethane condom and riding up somewhat on your shaft isn't and issue. So unless a condom obviously fails during intercourse, there is no reason to be stressing or testing for HIV outside the standard yearly HIV screening.

In short, I read your post three times, it's not an HIV risk. Move on with your life.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #2 en: Octubre 14, 2023, 02:09:45 pm »

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"). You will not be the world's first and being uncircumcised doesn't change that.

Cunnilingus also isn't an HIV concern, and neither is kissing. The braces make no difference.

Regarding intercourse, HIV can't be transmitted through an intact latex or polyurethane condom and riding up somewhat on your shaft isn't and issue. So unless a condom obviously fails during intercourse, there is no reason to be stressing or testing for HIV outside the standard yearly HIV screening.

In short, I read your post three times, it's not an HIV risk. Move on with your life.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.
Omg, thank you so much, this was very informative, bless you. I appreciate this so much. Have a wonderful day!!

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #3 en: Octubre 15, 2023, 11:21:54 am »
You're welcome.
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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #4 en: Noviembre 15, 2023, 12:59:41 pm »
Hello, sorry to bother again. Hope all is well. Your answer did help me gain the courage to get health screening I have given up the massage places and started dating.

Since my no condom oral sex and condom sex with sex worker on October 1st, then sick a week later, I did go to the doctor October 15th to get a flu shot but I said hell with it and just for peace of mind got an HIV 4th generation test blood draw and it came back negative.

I am dating now and the girl and me went to planned parenthood yesterday November 14th to get an HIV rapid test and std pee test before we start our sexual journey together. The rapid test was negative, I believe it was a third generation finger prick.

1. If my low risk on October 1st that got me sick a week later was ARS, would the 4th generation blood draw on October 15th or the 3rd generation finger prick November 14th pick it up? Thanks again, I only ask because starting a new relationship.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #5 en: Noviembre 15, 2023, 01:56:30 pm »
You had no HIV exposure, no low risk as it simply wasn't an HIV risk at all, you didn't have ARS either from the encounter with the sex worker. Get over it already!

I am dating now and the girl and me went to planned parenthood yesterday November 14th to get an HIV rapid test

Congratulations on the relationship. As for the rapid testing a bit pointless, she didn't have HIV some three months ago, that's nice but meaningless to you.

I'll mention the same thing I always do when someone says they are in a relationship; If you engage in condomless sex with your partner, you are obviously at risk of acquiring HIV. In relationships, condomless sex is often based on trust or past test results; however, this does not prevent HIV, so if condomless sex does occur, you should consider testing more frequently.
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Desconectado MercurySama

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #6 en: Junio 04, 2024, 04:07:30 pm »
Short version
Exposure receiving oral sex from a nice sex worker lady and I have foreskin.
Accidentally got vaginal secretions in my mouth after dental work and canker sore.
What are the chances of getting hiv from this single exposure?

Long version
Hey there, the place I normally read shut down but noticed this community.
Anyway, I just had some  dental work done a few days prior going to a massage place. 

The massage lady gave me oral sex and I ejaculated in her mouth.  I have foreskin and I read it doubles the risk of hiv from what I read.  I also asked Ai and it said chances are low but not zero and should test at 6 months.
Anyway, bad enough I let her give me oral sex but I was kissing a little on the outside of her vagina and accidentally swallowed some of her juices in my mouth. Not much! I stopped immediately because had dental fillings recently and slight canker sore in mouth. 

I’m very stupid and regret the whole thing.  I wasn’t prepared or I would have got a condom for oral and dental dam.  Thank you

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #7 en: Junio 04, 2024, 05:34:25 pm »

You got a blowjob and kissed her vagina.

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"), and you will not be the worlds first. Having a foreskin doesn't create a risk where there isn't one to start with. 

As for the kiss on the outside near her vagina, it's not an HIV risk either. These are just lubricating fluids produced when excited or stimulated and don't contain viable HIV, the fluids that are a concern, are not the lubricating fluids but near the cervix much deeper, at the end of the vaginal tract, in addition, whatever you kissed was exposed to the environment and HIV is fragile and receptors needed to infect corrode outside the confines of the human body, not to mention saliva in your mouth that is hostile and another barrier to this concern. I could go on but the short version is it's not an HIV risk.

test at 6 months

A six-month window period, it must be an AI using data from the late 1980s, not surprised as I have had lots of fun asking them about toilet seat and ice-cream AIDS and convinced them it's a risk ;D. Anyhow, AI is daft and six months was correct some 30+ years ago but it's 2024 and you didn't even have a risk, move on with your life.  Please don't post about this again, thank you.

I’m very stupid and regret the whole thing

This is your issue, not HIV. You have a regret, I don't know why but whatever the reason for this regret or guilt it doesn't make it an HIV risk.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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« última modificación: Junio 04, 2024, 07:22:08 pm por Jim Allen »
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Desconectado MercurySama

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #8 en: Junio 04, 2024, 06:11:05 pm »
Thank you so much. This was very educational!! You have a great day sir. 

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #9 en: Junio 04, 2024, 06:17:09 pm »
You're welcome.
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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #10 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:00:10 pm »
Hey again, didn't think I would need this again. Thank you whoever helped me get my account back. I am also single again.

Anyway, after relationship done I got a test 5 months after as a base line, was negative(no exposures to anything during the 5 months of waiting) to have fresh start.

I got another massage from sex worker, she did rub her body on me and slightly rubbed her naughty bits across my uncircumcised penis (no penetration, just outer lips). I did lick her outer lips a little but had sore in my mouth so didn't continue. I gestured for a condom blow job but the language barrier was off and she gave me an unprotected blow job and I ejaculated in her mouth. I did get decently sick for 1 day 6 weeks later.

So I was ok with this because of our previous similar conversation but I also noticed on this forum in another section that someone said they got HIV from oral sex and my doctor was saying it's a minute risk. I just had some questions.

1. I got a HIV 4th gen lab test blood drawn at 35 days(5 weeks) after the exposure and it was negative(Std panel came back negative too). On week 6 I got sick (chills, fatigue, muscle aches. I did exercise day or so prior but still weird) and stayed in bed with nightquil all day, the next day I felt better.

2. Do you think it was ars on week 6 for 1 day and my test at 5 weeks didn't pick anything up because only 6 week is conclusive with 4th gen? I tried to read on the minute risks and then someone was like if sex worker just had another dude cum in  her mouth then I started the session right after, then the cum is still traces in her mouth and goes into uncircumcised penis or uthera sometimes.

Thanks for your patience, I just paid the 10 dollars because you guys go through a lot dealing with us and reading long paragraphs and weird questions.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #11 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:14:50 pm »
Well, you're welcome.

I assisted you by email today. However, whilst doing this I noticed you already have two accounts, against the terms and conditions and I just merged the two threads.

I also noticed on this forum in another section that someone said they got HIV from oral sex and my doctor was saying it's a minute risk.

I also have a forum member who claims aliens from out of space gave him aids, no joke, nice guy from Egypt but ET did not give him aids, and, yes there is a minute risk when giving a blowjob, other oral sex simply is no HIV risk.
« última modificación: Julio 07, 2024, 02:17:39 pm por Jim Allen »
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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #12 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:20:57 pm »
Well, you're welcome.

I assisted you by email today. However, whilst doing this I noticed you already have two accounts, against the terms and conditions and I just merged the two threads.

I also have a forum member who claims aliens from out of space gave him aids, no joke, nice guy from Egypt but ET did not give him aids, and, yes there is a minute risk when giving a blowjob, other oral sex simply is no HIV risk.

I appreciate it. Not getting into details but I do live with someone with similar hobbies that I told about forum but for all purposes please ignore "mercury" post. 

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #13 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:33:42 pm »
Oh, no.

You are the same person, and it's not based on one piece of data or where you live, so let's leave it at that but so you know that I don't like getting pissed about.

Ill get back to your risk assessment shortly.

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Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #14 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:05:22 pm »
I got another massage from sex worker, she did rub her body on me and slightly rubbed her naughty bits across my uncircumcised penis (no penetration, just outer lips). I did lick her outer lips a little but had sore in my mouth so didn't continue. I gestured for a condom blow job but the language barrier was off and she gave me an unprotected blow job and I ejaculated in her mouth.

Is the sore on your mouth herpes? Better question, do you have HSV-1 or 2?

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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #15 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:15:37 pm »
Is the sore on your mouth herpes? Better question, do you have HSV-1 or 2?
No, it's those things you get when biting inside your cheek really hard from eating and then it tries to heal unless that is some type of herpies too.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #16 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:19:25 pm »
No, herpes and biting yourself is different, thanks for answering
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Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #17 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:29:06 pm »
I got another massage from sex worker, she did rub her body on me and slightly rubbed her naughty bits across my uncircumcised penis (no penetration, just outer lips). I did lick her outer lips a little but had sore in my mouth so didn't continue. I gestured for a condom blow job but the language barrier was off and she gave me an unprotected blow job and I ejaculated in her mouth. I did get decently sick for 1 day 6 weeks later.

Nearly, the same as last time.

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"), and you will not be the worlds first. Having a foreskin doesn't create a risk where there isn't one to start with.

As for licking the outside or near her vagina, it's not an HIV risk either. These are just lubricating fluids produced when excited or stimulated and don't contain viable HIV, the fluids that are a concern, are not the lubricating fluids but near the cervix much deeper, at the end of the vaginal tract, in addition, whatever you kissed/licked was exposed to the environment and HIV is fragile and receptors needed to infect corrode outside the confines of the human body, not to mention saliva in your mouth that is hostile and another barrier to this concern. I could go on but the short version is it's not an HIV risk.

For mostly the same reasons, rubbing against each other isn't an HIV risk. HIV compared to other STIs is highly limited and only transmitted inside the confines of the human body in certain situations.

In brief, your adult HIV risks are:

* Sex; Condomless intercourse & a minute (theoretical) HIV risk if you give a blowjob.
* Sharing drugs rigs (Syringes)
* Blood products/ transfusions (Rare nowadays in most nations thanks to screening)

someone said they got HIV from oral sex

Sure, giving a blowjob is a minute possibility, although, extremely unlikely unless certain other factors come into play and it's all irrelevant to you or your situation.

I am more concerned that you are reading stories and mistaking them as fact (I think it's called "lived experience" if you are woke or younger but I'm not sure)... a story, nothing more, so a story and I get told HIV fantasy stories all the time, particularly from people new to HIV who are still coming to terms with the diagnosis. The stories include toilet seat stories, aliens from out of space, handshakes, virgins and even a cow once, but thankfully, stories are not facts, and this is 2024.

Only this week I had someone after 18 months post-diagnosis finally tell me the truth after holding onto a story at first, that's fine and I understand why some people need a story, and it's the old good AIDS vs bad AIDS, in brief, there are many reasons why someone might rather not admit to exposure or incorrectly dismiss a real risk without realizing it, including inconsistent & incorrect condom usage.

Factoring into stories is that being newly diagnosed is difficult enough time alone. For some, it's a time of struggling with a deep fear of HIV stigma, social judgment, legal concerns, self-stigma and things like sexuality or facing one's sexual orientation, religion, family, etc.

Those people need community support, safer sex re-education and possible therapy to help them; as for you, these stories are just stories, not facts; nothing to do with you, stop reading fantasies and mistaking them as facts.



STI Risk Perception in the British Population and How It Relates to Sexual Behaviour and STI Healthcare Use: Findings From a Cross-sectional Survey (Natsal-3)

We have identified falsely optimistic views of personal STI risk among a substantial proportion of those at risk of STIs in the British population, which could have a negative impact on efforts to promote safe sex and STI testing, and the control of STIs.

Among those classed as having ‘unsafe sex’ in the past year (comprising approximately 1 in 5 sexually-active 16–44-year-olds), 39.2% of men and 51.0% of women rated themselves as not at all at risk of STIs


Underreporting in HIV-Related High-Risk Behaviors: Comparing the Results of Multiple Data Collection Methods in a Behavioral Survey of Prisoners in Iran

Participants reported more sexual contact in prison for their friends than they did for themselves. In men, NSU provided lower estimates than direct questioning, whereas in women NSU estimates were higher. Different data collection methods provide different estimates and collectively offer a more comprehensive picture of HIV-related risk behaviors in prisons.


Socially desirability response bias and other factors that may influence self-reports of substance use and HIV risk behaviors: A qualitative study of drug users in Vietnam

The accuracy of self-report data may be marred by a range of cognitive and motivational biases, including social desirability response bias

Self-perceived risk of STIs in a population-based study of Scandinavian women

Subjective perception of risk for STI was associated with women’s current risk-taking behaviours, indicating women generally are able to assess their risks for STIs. However, a considerable proportion of women with multiple new partners in the last 6 months and no condom use still considered themselves at no/low risk for STI.


Social desirability bias and underreporting of HIV risk behaviors are significant challenges to the accurate evaluation of HIV prevention programs for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in sub-Saharan Africa


Non-disclosed men who have sex with men in UK HIV transmission networks: phylogenetic analysis of surveillance data

Jim: In short they analysed the genetic code of the virus from HIV-positive people and came to the conclusion that some of the self-reported heterosexual mens HIV was more than likely actually non-disclosed MSM.


Social Desirability Bias and Prevalence of Sexual HIV Risk Behaviors Among People Who Use Drugs in Baltimore, Maryland: Implications for Identifying Individuals Prone to Underreporting Sexual Risk Behaviors.

2017 --In regards to STI's
Sexually Transmitted Diseases: July 2017 - Volume 44 - Issue 7 - p 390–392

Is Patient-Reported Exposure a Reliable Indicator for Anogenital Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening in Young Black Men Who Have Sex With Men?

Among 485 young black men who have sex with men recruited in Jackson, MS, 90-day anal sexual exposure significantly predicted rectal infection, but 19.4% of rectal infections would have been missed among men denying receptive anal sex. Reports of consistent condom use were associated with lower infection rates only in men reporting insertive anal sex.

Could misreporting of condom use explain the observed association between injectable hormonal contraceptives and HIV acquisition risk?

Jim - Not a conclusive or in depth study but under the study participants it did find: 9 out of every 20 sex acts reported with condoms are actually unprotected


Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, and the Kensington Research Institute, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

"At risk" women who think that they have no chance of getting HIV: self-assessed perceived risks.

more than one-half of the "no perceived risk of HIV" sample had engaged in at least one risky practice during the preceding year and more than one-quarter had engaged in at least two such behaviors

The Validity of Teens’ and Young Adults’ Self-reported Condom Use

A significant degree of discordance between self-reports of consistent condom use and YcPCR positivity was observed. Several rival explanations for the observed discordance exist, including (1) teens and young adults inaccurately reported condom use; (2) teens and young adults used condoms consistently but
used them incorrectly, resulting in user error; and (3) teens and young adults responded with socially desirable answers

BMC Public Health 2007

Analyses of data from the Demographic and Health Surveys, Sexual Behaviour Surveys and from other countries show a similar pattern indicating under-reporting
It is probable that as HIV campaigns encouraging delayed sexual debut and abstinence before marriage reach the population, people will report behaviour
assumed to be more socially desirable.

there are some signs of differential reporting bias in our study. We found that controlling for less risky sexual behaviour substantially reduced the association between HIV and survey time among urban men, but less so among women; this may suggest that self-reports from men about sexual behaviour are more reliable. Studies suggest that respondents, especially women, tend to under-report the number of lifetime sexual partners . Therefore, analyses of associations with, and changes in, self-reported sexual behaviour should be interpreted with caution.


Self-presentation bias (wishing to be viewed in a positive light) may result in patients underreporting behaviors they perceive to be stigmatizing

Approximately a third of the men in the sample reported that they did not disclose all of their risk behaviors to the HIV counselor during the face-to-face risk assessment. These results echo similar studies of risk disclosure to medical providers

« última modificación: Julio 07, 2024, 03:32:17 pm por Jim Allen »
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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #18 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:47:19 pm »
Thank you for answering so detailed and even with cited studies. It is so weird that something just triggered in my brain once I read someone's story because it was from this forum that I auto believed it or at least my mind tried to fill in the blanks of "oh what if cum was still in her mouth then blew me" and other things you heard a million times. Now I don't have to worry about getting blow jobs anymore even if I get randomly sick 6 weeks later, I will not connect the two (For HIV risk).

Anyway, wish you the best and I hope this doesn't affect your sanity from all the crazy stories you heard.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #19 en: Julio 07, 2024, 03:57:30 pm »
You're welcome.

I hope you and the readers understand I am not trying to be harsh, but you have posted a few times similar concerns so it was time to be more clear on the subject.

Take it easy.
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Desconectado JupiterBlues

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #20 en: Febrero 03, 2025, 05:35:10 pm »
Want to thank you again for all the work you do. I haven't had any sexual exposures since and my last routine everything done was good in November.  In Jan I was sick for like 3 weeks, at the end of those weeks I was coughing non stop, mocus and plhem like crazy then all of a sudden my neck HURT (swollen lymph nodes maybe" wasn't visually swollen) no fever. Covid test negative, so weird! I regret typing anything in google, because looked too similar to ARS symptoms.

Anyway. Doctor felt like a drive through, they barely spoke to me, said maybe viral infection and gave me antibiotics. Like, they didnt even check blood pressure.

Can you get HIV from blood draw from labcorp?
Can you get HIV from someone that doesn't have it?
I work in a hospice type setting, random fluids on stuff, but hopefully air kills it.
Sorry if I sound crazy, my own doctor was too rushed.

Desconectado Jim

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Re: Sex worker massage place risk? Raw BJ, condom sex
« Respuesta #21 en: Febrero 03, 2025, 05:59:01 pm »
Can you get HIV from blood draw from labcorp?
I work in a hospice type setting, random fluids on stuff, but hopefully air kills it.

No HIV risk to you.

Can you get HIV from someone that doesn't have it?

No. However, you can't know this, even if someone tested on the day you met, it would mean nothing to you due to the window period and several other reasons. So you don't know unless you have someone locked away in your basement 24/7.

Please don't post here again unless you have had condomless intercourse or have been sharing syringes to inject drugs.
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