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Author Topic: Low testosterone and testogel  (Read 23643 times)

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Offline paintedroom

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Low testosterone and testogel
« on: April 12, 2017, 01:11:07 pm »
Approx 2 years before my diagnosis,i noticed a distinct lack of sexual desire - a conspicuous absence of morning wood and a general tumbleweedy effect drifting across my desert eros...forgive me ! I wondered whether i was run down,working too hard or just then dealing with the realities of being 50.Then the diagnosis(july 2016,nadir 50) and an understanding that low testosterone is sometimes indicated in Hiv cases.I had mentioned this a few times with Doc visits and was told that my test(low end of normal) might come back with improved health.But this is a divil of a complaint insofar as without any sexual interest(no register at all),life has few vices that offer compensation for those without steely constitutions..ehem.So i made mention of it again and again and finally a lovely,lovely Nurse where i`m being treated, worked behind the scenes and now i`ve been okayed for rewooding.Next time i`m in(end of May) i begin Testogel 50mg.
Which is a long winded way of coming to a simple question - anyone in a similar boat and how did it work out for you ? Awkward straphanging in rush hour public transport ? Confused faces at family celebrations ? Or crazed Volpina like partners simply refusing to let go ?

Many thanks,P.
Dx`d mid July 2016
8/8/2016 - CD4 50     VL 50,000
5/9/2016 -  CD4 150
13/9/2016  VL  undetectable.
March `17 - CD4 193   VL undetectable.
March  `18 CD4 214    VL undetectable
March 2019 CD4 325  VL UD
Genvoya - Changed to Biktarvy feb 2021

Offline Almost2late

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2017, 11:50:00 am »
Hi paintedroom,

So how has that worked out for you assuming you started the gel?

Shortly after my dx I was given a prescription for the t-gel bc I was very low in t's but my wife convinced me not to use it and give it time. Well she was right bc after losing so much weight I began to eat like a pig, I became a regular at the Outback steakhouse and the gym, lol.. my erection came back in the form of a wet dream one night, felt like I was 20 yrs old again (I'm 56) and t's were up big-time.. and this all happened without the gel. So just wondering how's it going for you with your situation. Hope it went well.

Offline paintedroom

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2017, 01:48:29 pm »
Thanks Almost2late for your reply.
Yes,i go in for bloods on the 29th of this month so Monday next..and i can`t help but be excited.Without any sexual desire or drive,life tastes like brass and one tends to feel a bit unmanly to say the least.Its no secret that a huge part of our identities are wrapped up in sexual desire and without it life begins to lose its meaning.I was beginning to wonder what possible consolations life had to offer other than booze and shadenfreude..not good,the joke would be on me.

Had planned to tell the gang how it goes so will be posting again.
Thanks again.
Dx`d mid July 2016
8/8/2016 - CD4 50     VL 50,000
5/9/2016 -  CD4 150
13/9/2016  VL  undetectable.
March `17 - CD4 193   VL undetectable.
March  `18 CD4 214    VL undetectable
March 2019 CD4 325  VL UD
Genvoya - Changed to Biktarvy feb 2021

Offline Almost2late

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2017, 05:41:09 pm »
Without any sexual desire or drive,life tastes like brass and one tends to feel a bit unmanly to say the least.Its no secret that a huge part of our identities are wrapped up in sexual desire and without it life begins to lose its meaning.I was beginning to wonder what possible consolations life had to offer other than booze and shadenfreude.

Not true, there's more to life then sex if you can put it out of your mind..but  I do understand your frustration.. I know a couple of "A" sexual  people who are quite happy.. not saying you should become one, just saying maybe you shouldn't dwell on the sex and  just enjoy everything else life has to offer... Foodies, art, music, dance, weed, nature, ect.,..

« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 05:44:19 pm by Almost2late »

Offline paintedroom

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2017, 06:09:39 pm »
i disagree fundamentally..but that`s not a problem :)
of course there`s more to life than sex but usually those things are supplements to that one particular fundamental.We are to a significant degree biologically determined so eating,drinking,sleeping and rogering make up the necessaries to keep us alive and happy.Without sex or the potential for sex/congress/union with another,one feels a little lost and cheated.

There`s also other related problems associate with low test - no energy,brain fog,no zip or zest,no desire to join in,loss of confidence and concentration,ya know,old before your time.

No worries,i will make additions to this post and relate the progress of the raising of the Titanic and any other changes in form and function.

Dx`d mid July 2016
8/8/2016 - CD4 50     VL 50,000
5/9/2016 -  CD4 150
13/9/2016  VL  undetectable.
March `17 - CD4 193   VL undetectable.
March  `18 CD4 214    VL undetectable
March 2019 CD4 325  VL UD
Genvoya - Changed to Biktarvy feb 2021

Offline dinster

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2018, 06:41:19 pm »
There are some natural testosterone boosters like Brazil nuts. Have you tried those?

Offline Loa111

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2022, 05:13:02 am »
Hi Paintedroom,

Reading your post with great interest. I asked my ID Doc (I believe we are in the same country) about similar lack of morning wood problems, and occasional ED, and general feeling tired and aged. I asked him about for TRT. Tested my testo levels, I got a 17 (on the measurement we use here in Ireland), he told me this was a higher average for a 50 year old man, and would not give me any TRT, he said my testo is not low enough to have a "valid medical reason for TRT".

He also told me not to be paying attention to news from the USA on middle-aged men getting TRT, as he feels it is just pushed too much over there.

I was a bit pissed off with this answer, so he agreed to run my testo level again, probably just to shut me up. I'll find out these week what they are as my next ID visit is tomorrow. I hold no hope of winning my argument for TRT.

Offline wardp

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2022, 09:17:24 pm »
can you stop trt once you start it ?
Diagd 20,July 2017. Cd4 289, 21% vld .3,462  atripla 4/8/17, 5/10/17 cd4 384 21%, ud.  complera 4/11/2017 switched to stribild 15/11/17. Switched to truvada efavirence 200mgx2 14 Dec 2017, 2 Feb 2018, uD cd4  466, 25%  CD 8 ,595, 32%..1 may 2018
switched  to instgra truvada.7th june switched to truvada  nevirapine stavudine. .21 june switched to truvada nevirapine. X 2 a day...9 aug 2018 ud. 2n Nov 2018 CD 4. 455..22.70% 13th Nov switched  to lamivir and nevirapine  due to kidney issues...jan 10,2019 UD..may 13 2019 ud  cd4 482 28% 14th nov 2019 ud. Cd4 414 .27% cd8 444 29%,may 16 2020,ud ,cd4 741"19.62. Dec 2020.ud.jan21 cd4 453. 25.7% 5/6/21.UD. cd4 621;{27.21%}19/10/21 UD.cd4 420; 28%.apr 19;2022 UD cd4 455' 26%.oct 22,UD, cd4 381,27% 10/4.23 UD CD4 462 29%.2/10/23 cd4 378,28%cd 533 26%

Offline Loa111

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Re: Low testosterone and testogel
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2024, 07:55:29 am »
As I understand it, when you are coming off TRT, a doctor needs to give you another post-TRT drug for several weeks which encourages your body to start making its own testosterone again.

When the body is getting testosterone from outside it stops producing it itself, that is why the post treatment is needed.

I had asked my ID Consultant about getting TRT and he was dead against it, going on about side effects, & how it could effect the heart re HIV+ people having future cardiac risk etc.  He

There is now one at least one mens TRT clinic here in Ireland. I might go next year and see can I get any there & I will ask up front before I go, if they will give it to Poz men.

Maybe my ID consultant was taking a very conservative view point, but as I get more into my 50s, I definitely want to consider it, even if I have to wait a few more years.


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