Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Nutrition & HIV

High-Octane Fuel For Your Cells!!

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Hello again everyone, as some of you might already know I am an avid supporter of using micronutrients in the correct combinations and dosages to enhance the quality of life for some long timers with an aids diagnosis. The micronutrient setup that I use looks very similar to the product in the following link but can be a bit more extensive covering more of the total micronutrient spectrum depending on what my needs are for the moment. I am in know way trying to endorse this product but simply feel this product is clearly the most fully balanced as well as contains the correct combinations of micronutrients that might be needed for some of us to elicit a significant overall response throughout many of the bodies different systems. Again check with a nutritionist or a doctor who actually has enough training in micronutrients before you consider any of these type products because a product like this that is incorrectly balanced, especially specially in the dosages, can actually do more harm than good if taken over a long period of time. Most insurances will also pay for this product as well.

I would also just like to add that I noticed that when I stepped up the dosages of vitamin A from 3,000 mcg to 12,000 mcg as well as increased the dose of Coq10 from 50 mg to 100 mg in the formula, it greatly enhanced the synergistic effects of all of the micronutrients in the product. For those of us who consume milk everyday I would also suggest adding 50 mcg of vitamin K to this program. So there you have it, just make sure to always consume with a meal and enjoy the effects.


                   ojo.            Hello everyone!…
I remember back in the day when I had the wasting syndrome my doctor recommended to take some supplements like selenium, zinc,

Carnitine, etc., etc., I never felt any benefit from taking all those supplements. I guess I just was peeing my money.… I just wanted to share this with you… Hugs.

Hi Tonny2,  I gather that you too are a long timer. I don't have any type of expertise on how this product  would have impacted the wasting condition, even to the current day there has not been a lot of progress made in treating this condition at all that I am aware of other than Serostim and maintaing adherence on HAART. Based on my more than 2 decades of use of KPAX but in a slightly tweaked variation that greatly enhances bioavailability I would be greatly interested to see what the combination of Serostim plus KPAX would have on wasting versus Serostim alone. My feeling is that KPAX could potentially enhance the effects Serostim on the wasting syndrome. There are potentially many novel uses for KPAX most especially when combined with certain pharmaceuticals but we are still many years away from eludicating how these benefits can be best used and for what conditions. I will be the first to admit that not everyone is going to derive benefits from kpax and only reccomnended it's use to a certain cohert of people at this time until scientist better start to research and understand the full potential of this product.

Hi Tonny2,  I gather that you too are a long timer. I don't have any type of expertise on how this product  would have impacted the wasting condition, even to the current day there has not been a lot of progress made in treating this condition at all that I am aware of other than Serostim and maintaining adherence on HAART. Based on my more than 2 decades of use of KPAX but in a slightly tweaked variation that greatly enhances bioavailability, I would be greatly interested to see what the combination of Serostim plus KPAX would have on the wasting syndrome versus Serostim alone. My feeling is that KPAX could potentially enhance the effects of Serostim on the wasting syndrome. There are potentially many novel uses for KPAX especially when combined with certain pharmaceuticals, but we are still many years away from eludicating how these benefits can be best used and for what medical conditions. I will be the first to admit that not everyone is going to derive benefits from kpax and only reccomnended it's use to a certain cohert of people at this time until scientist better start to research and understand the full potential of this product.


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