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Feeling overwhelmed

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Hi, everyone. I seem to be wrestling with a lot lately - little things can add up. Dry eyes, worsening neuropathy in my hands and brain fog. After 30 years poz, I guess this can happen. 

Are there a lot of us? Do others find this happening or is this maybe just a bad stretch? Over the years, I have faced reactions to the meds - diarrhea, fatigue, even lactic acidosis and toxic mega colon which meant a total colectomy and six years with an ileostomy bag.  I’ve always seemed to pull out of it and continue on. Now it seems to be catching up with me, though.

I’d love to know if other long timers are struggling with similar things



        ojo.          Hi Scott, I’m sorry you are feeling this way, I’ve been living with hiv/aids for 34 years, although, for eight years I didn’t know I was positive, until I was dying of pcp in 1994. I’m dealing with neuropathy, i’m legally blind, my right eye is blind and i get so much pain, so bad that I’m thinking in getting it removed. Besides all my health issues, there are still other issues sin life that are more of a burden for me, but, I’ve always tried to be positive about life, I always think that somewhere there are people in worse situation than mine and most importantly, I said to myself that I’m still breathing and enjoying my family, friends and life, don’t give up, it’s ok to feel overwhelmed once in a while, but it could have been worse, not being around anymore...strength my friend...hugs

Thanks, Tonny. We all had friends from the early days who aren’t here with us any more, that’s for sure. Who would’ve thought we’d still be here 30 years later! I certainly never did.

Sometimes it just gets to be a lot. Thanks for the reminder to stay positive.


Understand.  Am over 35 years Positive and also shut the door in the face of the "Death Notice Server".  A few medical and mental challenges but still kicking.

It appears some of us have a very strong Survival Skill.

Best to All,


Thats a tough one, all the chemicals for the brain are produced in the colon from fermentable fiber, when i had brain fog I saw a hiv specialist shrink and he prescribed low dose ritalin and that helped, but the thing that really cleared the fog was nicotine, my mom had alzhiemers and cutting edge treatment is nicotine patch, but that would make her puke her guts out so I started 2 marlboro red short cigarettes a week with her and that bought her 8 months of independence and my brain fog vanished, you need to get continuous glucose monitor and test sugar spikes with white flour aka bread pasta muffin etc rice, potato, corn, and anything that spikes over 150 has to be cut from your diet


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