Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from semen in urethra
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 06:36:29 pm »I have one additional question for ARS: Is a "scratchy" soft palate (not really a sore throat like strep) by itself something that can come with ARS? Or should I always expect fever and actual soreness?No.
There are no specific symptoms of ARS. Many people don't even have any ARS symptoms at all. If someone does have symptoms, these don't start for weeks (4-6 weeks) after infection. As you didn't have a risk for HIV from your bath house experience, whatever you are experiencing has nothing to do with that situation.
HIV is transmitted through unprotected anal/vaginal sex or sharing injection needles. Outside of the body, changes in air, temperature, humidity, etc quickly destroys HIV. Your only possible exposure to HIV would be through unprotected sex with your wife.
Have a good day,
Reducing Your HIV risks:
With no exceptions, use condoms correctly and consistently for anal or vaginal intercourse
Talk to a healthcare provider about PrEP as another layer of protection
Get tested yearly for HIV and other STIs.
If you don’t use condoms and/or PrEP, test more frequently
Some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other more easily acquired STIs. It is possible to show no signs or symptoms from an STI so testing is the only way to know.
Get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.
What’s the ONLY way to know if you’ve been infected by HIV or an STI?
Get tested.
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