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Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from semen in urethra
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 06:36:29 pm »
I have one additional question for ARS: Is a "scratchy" soft palate (not really a sore throat like strep) by itself something that can come with ARS? Or should I always expect fever and actual soreness?

There are no specific symptoms of ARS. Many people don't even have any ARS symptoms at all. If someone does have symptoms, these don't start for weeks (4-6 weeks) after infection. As you didn't have a risk for HIV from your bath house experience, whatever you are experiencing has nothing to do with that situation.

HIV is transmitted through unprotected anal/vaginal sex or sharing injection needles. Outside of the body, changes in air, temperature, humidity, etc quickly destroys HIV. Your only possible exposure to HIV would be through unprotected sex with your wife.

Have a good day,

Reducing Your HIV risks:
With no exceptions, use condoms correctly and consistently for anal or vaginal intercourse
Talk to a healthcare provider about PrEP as another layer of protection

Get tested yearly for HIV and other STIs.
If you don’t use condoms and/or PrEP, test more frequently

Some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other more easily acquired STIs. It is possible to show no signs or symptoms from an STI so testing is the only way to know.

Get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

What’s the ONLY way to know if you’ve been infected by HIV or an STI?
Get tested.

Please Note.
As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from semen in urethra
« Last post by Confused99 on Yesterday at 06:21:11 pm »

I am back just to report I got a full urine panel 7d after exposure: gono, chlamydia, trich and some others all neg.

I know we chatted a few others such as syphilis, hpv or hsv. I am not worried though, as I took doxy pep and are hpv vaccinated.

Although of course in no way these tests have anything to do with HIV, the fact that all this more common, easier to transmit bacterial infections were negative is helping me put my mind at peace for HIV.

I have one additional question for ARS: Is a "scratchy" soft palate (not really a sore throat like strep) by itself something that can come with ARS? Or should I always expect fever and actual soreness? I have been dealing with this anxiety relatively good over the last few days, but this scratchy throat got me a little back into in.
some red primer

rusty hunk of metal or rust-red primer to help against weathering?
primer would be my artistic/practical choice. :)
Living With HIV / Re: Story of HIV in Ireland - TV Documentarty on tonight
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 03:38:14 pm »
nice. i keep looking for it but haven't found it yet.
the memorial sculpture has a really nice form to it; but looks very rusty in the pictures.

Apparently it's supposed to be rusty we were told last Sunday. I said it needed some red primer but no.
I am in America and was able to get a copy from a couple of days ago from the RTÉ One showing.
nice. i keep looking for it but haven't found it yet.
the memorial sculpture has a really nice form to it; but looks very rusty in the pictures.
Living With HIV / Re: I lost a dream job
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 03:05:52 pm »
Welcome. Like many of us, it sounds like you had a rocky start with HIV. Sorry to hear about losing your Mom; but it's good to hear how well you are doing. Keep pushing forward in your career and make sure to enjoy your life. ;)
Off Topic Forum / Re: Netflix
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 02:51:12 pm »
Have you watched The Orville, The Boys, Dead Boy Detectives or Lost in Space?
So I watched this documentary last night. I guess it was OK. Kinda lacked some passion, I thought, but the unifying theme of the new sculpture erected in Phoenix Park brought together stories from the cis gay white man, trans woman, and haemophiliacs affected and spotlighted in the narratives.


I remembered why I dislike the Catholic Church so much after watching it. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's how I feel. Was glad Maggie Thatcher's voice was all I heard from that monster, or I might have thrown my remote at the tele.

Very sad.
Off Topic Forum / Re: Netflix
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 01:50:12 pm »
I've been watching Star Trek TOS this week, started on Monday and have just finished the last episode now.

Does anyone have any recommendations for something to watch?
Living With HIV / Re: I lost a dream job
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 12:56:42 pm »

Firstly, sorry to hear that your mum passed away, particularly as you were still so young but congrats on finishing culinary school and I wish you all the best in your chosen career path.

It is not an easy career path but it's a fantastic nuts one, so enjoy it. I graduated from the Nyehove college in 1999, at the time the only dedicated culinary school in my country.

Anyhow, yeah, so I have two trains of thought on not being hired.

Firstly, lessons learned, don't tell them next time, it's got nothing to do with them, also there are always better places to work.  So onto the next dream.

My second thought is that I am guessing workers' rights and discrimination laws are weak where you are? If so maybe when you are ready you will be able to advocate and change things for the better but until then no point stressing about this missed opportunity at the hotel, move on to the next job.

Work hard, keep moving upwards, make sure to say "Yes, Chef", and ignore the owners when possible, Italian food and cooks are overrated, so skip it, yet the yanks fuck that up and become a Michelin star chef one day so that little crappy hotel will regret that they did not hire you  ;)

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