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Biweekly Peer Support Call

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Tonny you are doing so great, I bet you’d be a huge benefit to many others on these calls. I look forward to “meeting you” if only virtually.

Just a reminder to you, and anyone else who is interested, to please send me a PM with your email address. I will then make sure you have the instructions and video link (we use Google Meet- but not extra download is required)

Looking forward to the first one in only a few short days!

The link for tomm's Support Call went out. If you didn't receive an email, or you would like to sign up, please send me a PM with your email address.


It was a great inaugural support call this evening. Topics discussed were:

- Neuropathy
- Primary Care providers
- STIs

Next meeting will be in two weeks, Sept 15th at 7pm. The facilitator for that meeting will be Leatherman, and the headlining topic will be: Switching regiments: Why or why not? Additional topics can be volunteered during the call.


--- Quote from: numbersguy82 on September 01, 2023, 08:53:11 pm ---It was a great inaugural support call this evening. Topics discussed were:

- Neuropathy
- Primary Care providers
- STIs

Next meeting will be in two weeks, Sept 15th at 7pm. The facilitator for that meeting will be Leatherman, and the headlining topic will be: Switching regiments: Why or why not? Additional topics can be volunteered during the call.

--- End quote ---

Correction: Next meeting will be in two weeks, Sept 15th at 7pm. The facilitator for that meeting will be Leatherman, and the headlining topic will be: Switching REGIMEN: Why or why not? Additional topics can be volunteered during the call.

Sigh… I wish I could blame autocorrect but I think I was just absent minded when I posted this 😅


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