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Author Topic: Condom and lubes question.  (Read 9666 times)

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Offline zed_ninja

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Condom and lubes question.
« on: April 29, 2019, 06:24:15 pm »
You may see through my profile that i am the gut from the am i forum who got anxious because a partner inserted his penis in my rectum for 5 secs wiyh a condom but vaseline used as lubricant. This is not an am i thread, this a genuine question that i want to make and ask about the real facts on the matter.  Jim said there was no risk and i recall Dr. Bob in his forum characterizing "negligible risk" a guy who asked about having anal sexwith an expired condkm AND lotion as lube(which is worse thanvaseline) because it didnt break. So most experts say that an intact condom is an effective barrier against hiv but i get really xonflicting views on the internet.
On reddit they say that vaseline erodes condoms so that it provides entrance to the virus and therefore bad lube equals unprotected sex (they drove me nuts)
Dr bob and POZ experts say that an intact condom is an inctact condom; it is protective as long as it remains unbroken.
An hiv prevention brochure i collected from the subway said that oil based lube creates micro tears while a guy from a science forum said that it doesnt work this way and that he put a condom stay in glycerol for an entire hour and it remained intact.
The problem is that lambskin condoms also look intact and holeless yet they do not protect against hiv...

I cant find an answer on this. Of course im not using an oil based product again but i would like to know hkw this works.

Do oils create pores in latex that cant be seenjust like that of a lambskin condom because oil functions like acid on latex? Or does it work like a wooden floor exposed to water : water itself doesnt break it but a wooden floor exposed to water will rot and break much easier.

Again, this is not an am i thread; its a genuine question and i dont why there are so much conflicting information online. Some say intact = intact and therefore safe but some other sources just like the brochure lists it as high risk behavior - it doesnt just say high risk of breakage and therefore a possible infection. It just says high risk behavior-

What are the facts? I will appreciate any feedback this amazing forum provides.

Offline Jim

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Re: Condom and lubes question.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2019, 06:34:48 pm »
Its not a new question though.

This is the exact same concern you have already posted about in the "Am I infected" forum and as part of your risk assessment i've already already answered this when we explained how to use a condom and, were not going to comment on what other some people on the internet "think" as its filled with myths & outdated info without foundation including the micro holes. ::)

lambskin condoms

Neither do party balloons, cooking foil or fridge bags, neither do latex gloves as they are dipped once during manufacturing and not designed for the stress, however you are not using any of them for sex and neither are you using lambskin. Lambskin is totally different material with different characteristics than latex and polyurethane treated and designed for condoms. I've already explained how latex and polyurethane condoms for safer sex work.

Incorrect usage weakens the condom, keeping in mind the condom is in use and being subjected to stress. Thankfully due to the design & characteristics when it fails during use it completely fails under stress not microscopically tin-hat paranoid time, but totally catastrophically!  Hence the below:

Incorrect lubricate simply increases the odds of a condom braking but as long as it does not break there is no issue. Its simple HIV simply can not transmit through the intact latex or polyurethane barrier and most condoms simply fail due to incorrect usage or care. (User error)

Thankfully when a condom fails during intercourse its shreds leaving no doubt whatsoever, so as long as this obvious issue does not happen there is no reason to presume otherwise.
  I'll give some basic information on condom usage.

Do keep in mind incorrect usage does not mean it will fail however it just dramatically increases the odds.  Correct usage includes, making sure that whatever the type of condom being used, you only use approved condoms, unapproved condom can possibly fail easier, In other words check for certification mark (FDA, CE, ISO or Kitemark etc.). This means it complies with safety standards. Check the expiry date and make sure the condom is still in date.

When using condoms use lubricant, particularly with anal intercourse and use condom safe water-based lubricants this makes condoms more comfortable and also reduces the risk of breakage. – but avoid oil-based lubricants as they can weaken or break condoms.

As for putting condom on correctly, if incorrectly done it increases the risk of breakage.  Place one on top of the erect penis and pinch the teat at the end of the condom before you start to roll it down the penis. By doing this you’ll squeeze out any air bubbles and ensure there is room for the semen (cum).Roll the condom down to the base of the penis.

If it's on correctly it will roll downwards easily. If you've started putting it on the wrong way or you’re not sure then take it off and try again. Even if you have not   ejaculated (cum) there can still be semen (pre-cum), so it’s important to try again with a new condom. (This is mainly due to other easier to transmit STI's and if with a cis-woman pregnancy risks)

Finally if you are changing the sex act, than change the condom. 

Do also remember that although HIV can not transmit thought an intact condom, the levels of protection for various STIs depends greatly on differences in how the diseases or infections are transmitted.  Some infections (Not HIV) are transmitted primarily by skin-to-skin contact, which unlike HIV may infect areas not covered by a condom ( Such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus [HPV] infection, syphilis, and chancroid).

Hence test at least yearly out of routine for STI's & stop looking for an issue that did not happen

Here's what you need to know in order to avoid hiv infection:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse, correctly and consistently, every time, no exceptions. Consider starting PrEP in the future as an additional layer of protection against HIV

Keep in mind that some sexual practices which may be described as ‘safe’ in terms of HIV transmission might still pose a risk for transmission of other STI's, so please do get fully tested regularly and at least yearly for all STI's including but not limited to HIV and test more frequently if unprotected intercourse occurs

Also note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms and the only way of knowing is by testing.

More information on HIV Basics, PEP, TaSP and Transmission can be found through the links in my signature to our POZ pages, this includes information on HIV Testing

Kind regards


« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 07:14:50 pm by Jim Allen »
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP


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