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Author Topic: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand  (Read 13463 times)

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Offline sfguys

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Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« on: July 21, 2023, 04:39:58 am »
For anyone who are looking for HIV treatment in Bangkok, I want to share some of my experiences. Before I came to Bangkok, I have gotten so much information from this forum and I really appreciate all the information people have provided.

About 9 years ago when I first got positive, I came to Thailand for blood testing and getting ARVs for one year. At that time, I went to Bumrungrad hospital to see a doctor and buy med in Anonymous clinic. But I feel Bumrungrad is a big hospital and seems to me too big to navigate. Before you can see a doctor, you have to go through a long process and waiting. For me, I just need to get blood testing done and buy meds. So some social worker  recommended three private clinics to me: pulse, glove, pribta. I contacted three clinic by email and Pulse didn’t respond so I only have two to choose from before I landed in Bangkok.

B/w Glove and Pribta, Glove lists its doctors on its website and I can make appointment with the doctor directly. In contrast, I can only make appointment with Pribta by type of service so I  make a general consultation appointment with it.

My experience with Glove was excellent. It was very fast to see the experienced HIV doctor. He was friendly and knowledgable and understand what I need. I asked to do all blood testings I can think of, CD4, VL, STI, liver panel, etc. I also received some HPV vaccines. The testing results could be sent by email. We talked about new medicine I can get in Thailand. I was on Odefsey before but it is not available in its original form in Thailand so he suggested Tivicay. In about one hour, I finished all the work and walked out of the clinic with my ARVs supply.

Even though I already got everything done, I still decided to visit Pribta the next day since I want to see the difference. Pribta is obviously a much bigger clinic. It is located in a high-end office building. For my consultation, I got to see a staff, not a HIV-specialized doctor. We talked about how I can get treatment in Pribta. I feel if I get treated in Pribta, it will also be o.k. too. People are friendly and not judging at all.I compared the price of the same med in Pribta and in Glove, The meds in Pribta is a little bit cheaper. But I don’t regret I got med in Glove since I feel I got good care from it.

So for anyone who is looking for getting HIV treatment in Bangkok, I think it is relatively easy as long as you can visit Thailand. I also asked if it is possible to mail the med to another country. The clinic doesn’t do it. But they said they know somebody asked some local people to pick up the meds from the clinic and mail it to another country. If anyone knows whoever can do that in Bangkok, I would really appreciate it. During COVID-9 pandemic, I wasn’t able to travel internationally and it was very difficult to get meds from overseas. 

Offline BKKKevin

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2023, 11:03:53 am »
Great overview!... Im in need of a primary care physician in Bangkok...

Do you get your meds through any of these places or do you get a prescription from them and go to the Red Cross...

How do the prices compare?
Do these clinics post drug prices like the Red Cross?

Offline daveR

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2023, 04:41:42 pm »
Thanks for taking the time to share.

Offline sfguys

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2023, 09:16:41 pm »
Both clinics sell meds. so you don't have to go anywhere else. Do keep in mind that the prices could be different. The doc I met in Glove specializes in HIV so if you are looking for a primary HIV doctor, you can talk to him. The one I talked to in Pribta is a staff, I believe. I  didn't go further to try to talk to a HIV-specialized doc there.

Great overview!... Im in need of a primary care physician in Bangkok...

Do you get your meds through any of these places or do you get a prescription from them and go to the Red Cross...

How do the prices compare?
Do these clinics post drug prices like the Red Cross?

Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2023, 07:23:56 pm »
Thanks for sharing this!  Do they allow you to buy as much medicine as you like?  What was the cost?

For anyone who are looking for HIV treatment in Bangkok, I want to share some of my experiences. Before I came to Bangkok, I have gotten so much information from this forum and I really appreciate all the information people have provided.

About 9 years ago when I first got positive, I came to Thailand for blood testing and getting ARVs for one year. At that time, I went to Bumrungrad hospital to see a doctor and buy med in Anonymous clinic. But I feel Bumrungrad is a big hospital and seems to me too big to navigate. Before you can see a doctor, you have to go through a long process and waiting. For me, I just need to get blood testing done and buy meds. So some social worker  recommended three private clinics to me: pulse, glove, pribta. I contacted three clinic by email and Pulse didn’t respond so I only have two to choose from before I landed in Bangkok.

B/w Glove and Pribta, Glove lists its doctors on its website and I can make appointment with the doctor directly. In contrast, I can only make appointment with Pribta by type of service so I  make a general consultation appointment with it.

My experience with Glove was excellent. It was very fast to see the experienced HIV doctor. He was friendly and knowledgable and understand what I need. I asked to do all blood testings I can think of, CD4, VL, STI, liver panel, etc. I also received some HPV vaccines. The testing results could be sent by email. We talked about new medicine I can get in Thailand. I was on Odefsey before but it is not available in its original form in Thailand so he suggested Tivicay. In about one hour, I finished all the work and walked out of the clinic with my ARVs supply.

Even though I already got everything done, I still decided to visit Pribta the next day since I want to see the difference. Pribta is obviously a much bigger clinic. It is located in a high-end office building. For my consultation, I got to see a staff, not a HIV-specialized doctor. We talked about how I can get treatment in Pribta. I feel if I get treated in Pribta, it will also be o.k. too. People are friendly and not judging at all.I compared the price of the same med in Pribta and in Glove, The meds in Pribta is a little bit cheaper. But I don’t regret I got med in Glove since I feel I got good care from it.

So for anyone who is looking for getting HIV treatment in Bangkok, I think it is relatively easy as long as you can visit Thailand. I also asked if it is possible to mail the med to another country. The clinic doesn’t do it. But they said they know somebody asked some local people to pick up the meds from the clinic and mail it to another country. If anyone knows whoever can do that in Bangkok, I would really appreciate it. During COVID-9 pandemic, I wasn’t able to travel internationally and it was very difficult to get meds from overseas. 

Offline ilovemonday

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2023, 05:50:14 am »
I ve been in Pulse for months but i am considering to move to other clinic bsc thr pills is very expensive in Pulse. Went to Pribta for cosultation and last time I met doctor who is also working in Glove. This post really helps. Thanks

Offline joemutt

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2023, 06:15:37 am »
I see that doctor in a big hospital and buy my meds at Red Cross Clinic; I have tried the private clinics that you mention and they shipped my meds during covid but the
hospital + red cross works out the cheapest and the most efficient for me.

Offline BKKKevin

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2023, 08:12:56 pm »
I see that doctor in a big hospital and buy my meds at Red Cross Clinic; I have tried the private clinics that you mention and they shipped my meds during covid but the
hospital + red cross works out the cheapest and the most efficient for me.
Can you give the hospital and doctor name you go to?
Does the Red Cross mail/ship meds?... I'll be in Chiang Mai...

Offline joemutt

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Re: Foreigners getting HIV treatment in Thailand
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2023, 02:23:31 am »
Can you give the hospital and doctor name you go to?
Does the Red Cross mail/ship meds?... I'll be in Chiang Mai...

His name is Dr Krirk Asavametha: he sees patients in different places: Glove, BNH, probably still in Bangkok Hospital and Samitivej as well (check first pls).

Anonymous Clinic at Red Cross does not ship/mail medicine since April 2021 (my last info).
In Chiangmai you can go to Nakornping Hospital, Mae Rim. It's out of town but it worked out best for me, price, friendliness and service-wise.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 02:38:48 am by joemutt »


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