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Author Topic: vampires  (Read 135482 times)

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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2019, 06:48:34 am »
So follow up with the GP this morning, BP 100/165 & 100/145.

Because whenever I visit them i keep having higer BP readings then they like over the past 2 years on Friday they will fit me with a 24 hour monitor to have a correct measurement of what's going on.

Told the GP I'm happy to do it, sure why not, but I'm pretty confident it's fine

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Offline beanstalk

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Re: vampires
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2019, 05:32:59 pm »
Just waiting now for 6 more months worth of Truimeg at the hospital pharmacy

I wish my hospital would give us the 6 bottles. Whenever I try to take more than one the farmacists just start saying they are low on stock blablabla (even tho I have the prescription for the 6 months). I'm thinking of when I actually have to go abroad for work to just tell them that if they do not give me the bottles I'm going anyway and it's not my problem if they get a pandemic when I come back with a raging sexual appetite ::)

Offline fabio

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Re: vampires
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2019, 01:39:38 am »
For one moment I thought it was a "cult" of vampires 👿.
Nice numbers. I gave blood to the vamps a week ago,but they didn't tell me my results cuz they take 2 days to look at them. In general they told me I'm a good boy for taking meds and that it's showing.

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2019, 03:26:04 am »

I wish my hospital would give us the 6 bottles. Whenever I try to take more than one the farmacists just start saying they are low on stock blablabla (even tho I have the prescription for the 6 months). I'm thinking of when I actually have to go abroad for work to just tell them that if they do not give me the bottles I'm going anyway and it's not my problem if they get a pandemic when I come back with a raging sexual appetite ::)

Being limited to a monthly supply and having to come back each time hmmm that sucks, i know this is common in some of the less fortunate locations of the world but, i did not know that its a problem in Lisbon.

Is it like this everywhere in Portugal? Perhaps something to start making noise about though the ASO?
Though I agree its worth telling them you need to travel for work and hence require your prescription to be filled.

BTW How are you doing ?

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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2019, 06:25:53 am »
i know this is common in some of the less fortunate locations of the world
like America where people who receive drug assistance from the Ryan White ADAP (aids drugs assistance program) and many others on private insurance who can only get 1 fill per month.  :(
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #55 on: March 13, 2019, 06:47:45 am »
If I'm blunt it's one of the places that jumped to mind. As an outsider like a lot of things about the US, but how health care is managed would not be one of them

I know within the EU it varies as well, last time I had meds in The Netherlands is was 6 months script, but collect 3 months max at a time as example, being limited to a monthly supply like the Lisbon within the Europe feels pretty limiting.

Although in Ireland there is no postal service for meds (would fucking love it) and the only pharmacy that carries HIV meds for treatment are located in the major hospitals,  prehaps that factors into larger allowances

For one moment I thought it was a "cult" of vampires 👿.
Nice numbers. I gave blood to the vamps a week ago,but they didn't tell me my results cuz they take 2 days to look at them. In general they told me I'm a good boy for taking meds and that it's showing.

Not sure if I would call the heatlh service a "cult" but this did make me laugh  :)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 07:00:01 am by JimDublin »
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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #56 on: March 13, 2019, 01:09:19 pm »
Although in Ireland there is no postal service for meds (would fucking love it)
when I first starting using this doctor across the state line, the pharmacy would mail my meds to me every month. Except for the times I was up in town at some health dpt quality management meeting or a client meeting at my clinic, and then I would pick up in person. But the pharmacy got busted (and sadly had to pay a fine) for not having the right licenses to mail medications across the state line. Somehow 30 miles apart in the same nation is a big deal.  ::) It's been a year and a half that I've been waiting, but finally, as a great birthday present to me, they got things worked out and have mailed my meds to arrive tomorrow!

I saw the vampires not long ago. I think this was my 415th blood draw in all these years. My doctor is all atwitter because my cd4s dropped when they've been finally climbing towards 500. But I lol-ed at him when he wanted more blood for a do-over test. I lived with a 250 average for nearly 2 decades so I'm pretty sure that's around my normal and the 465 was the abnormality. LOL
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline beanstalk

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Re: vampires
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2019, 05:12:08 pm »
Being limited to a monthly supply and having to come back each time hmmm that sucks, i know this is common in some of the less fortunate locations of the world but, i did not know that its a problem in Lisbon.

Is it like this everywhere in Portugal? Perhaps something to start making noise about though the ASO?
Though I agree its worth telling them you need to travel for work and hence require your prescription to be filled.

BTW How are you doing ?

It doesn't happen in all the hospitals, I heard Hospital Egas Moniz for example is giving more than a month. I'm in a more central hospital (Curry Cabral) and they probably have much more demand. By the way, there's a lot of talk in the news right now about some Trivicay that disappeared (stolen) from our storages (https://observador.pt/2019/03/12/desapareceram-mais-de-60-unidades-de-medicamento-usado-no-tratamento-do-vih/).

I'm doing OK. I got an infection of Campylobacter Fetus from something I ate at a restaurant (which is very strange since I don't even eat meat, I'm blaming undercooked eggs), spent some time at the hospital (fever, anemia, pain...) but the antibiotics worked wonders. My biggest problem right now is the red face that doesn't go away... I had my appointment with the autoimmune disease doctor in february, got blood drawn (again, a lot), but it seems there is too much demand for the doctors so I have to wait until the very last day of may. Someone told me about this ointment called Mirvaso that seems to work for people with lupus but I don't seem to be able to get it without a prescription. So here I am, waiting with a forever burning face, looking like a pikachu. Both my first HIV appointment after UD and the SLE one will be at the same time so I'll make a post by then. Next time I'll bring the pill bottle situation to the HIV doctor.

Offline fabio

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Re: vampires
« Reply #58 on: March 14, 2019, 05:42:41 am »
Here in Greece we only get meds in the big state hospitals once every month. Thankfully they can send them on express mail and they arrive the next day,as I and probably other people,live in islands and can't access immediate meds from the hospital.
I do have to go with the ferry though every 3 or 4 months for my appointments,which I think it's better,Because nobody really knows me there and I feel more comfortable waiting on the "hall of shame" lol.

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #59 on: March 15, 2019, 09:53:10 am »
when I first starting using this doctor across the state line, the pharmacy would mail my meds to me every month. Except for the times I was up in town at some health dpt quality management meeting or a client meeting at my clinic, and then I would pick up in person. But the pharmacy got busted (and sadly had to pay a fine) for not having the right licenses to mail medications across the state line. Somehow 30 miles apart in the same nation is a big deal.  ::) It's been a year and a half that I've been waiting, but finally, as a great birthday present to me, they got things worked out and have mailed my meds to arrive tomorrow!

I saw the vampires not long ago. I think this was my 415th blood draw in all these years. My doctor is all atwitter because my cd4s dropped when they've been finally climbing towards 500. But I lol-ed at him when he wanted more blood for a do-over test. I lived with a 250 average for nearly 2 decades so I'm pretty sure that's around my normal and the 465 was the abnormality. LOL

Glad to hear the mail service is back up and running for you. I would love that hear but they don't even have the meds outside of the hospital pharmacy yet mainly sue to knowledge issues with pharmacy's here and insurance i was once told.

Well once you do hit the 500 ill bake you a cake  ;)

It doesn't happen in all the hospitals, I heard Hospital Egas Moniz for example is giving more than a month. I'm in a more central hospital (Curry Cabral) and they probably have much more demand. By the way, there's a lot of talk in the news right now about some Trivicay that disappeared (stolen) from our storages (https://observador.pt/2019/03/12/desapareceram-mais-de-60-unidades-de-medicamento-usado-no-tratamento-do-vih/).

I'm doing OK. I got an infection of Campylobacter Fetus from something I ate at a restaurant (which is very strange since I don't even eat meat, I'm blaming undercooked eggs), spent some time at the hospital (fever, anemia, pain...) but the antibiotics worked wonders. My biggest problem right now is the red face that doesn't go away... I had my appointment with the autoimmune disease doctor in february, got blood drawn (again, a lot), but it seems there is too much demand for the doctors so I have to wait until the very last day of may. Someone told me about this ointment called Mirvaso that seems to work for people with lupus but I don't seem to be able to get it without a prescription. So here I am, waiting with a forever burning face, looking like a pikachu. Both my first HIV appointment after UD and the SLE one will be at the same time so I'll make a post by then. Next time I'll bring the pill bottle situation to the HIV doctor.

 >:( stealing tivicay that sucks.  I could think of much more cool drugs to steal that would have a bigger market  ;D

Sorry to hear about the rough time and the infection, yeah under cooked eggs cab be nasty although I love it when the yoke still has some softness

As for the face sounds painful and waiting till May to get results even more so, has nothing OTC helped reduce the issue?

Hope you feel better soon.

Here in Greece we only get meds in the big state hospitals once every month. Thankfully they can send them on express mail and they arrive the next day,as I and probably other people,live in islands and can't access immediate meds from the hospital.
I do have to go with the ferry though every 3 or 4 months for my appointments,which I think it's better,Because nobody really knows me there and I feel more comfortable waiting on the "hall of shame" lol.

So Greece (no offence) can get it shit together and Ireland can't   >:( Typical.

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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #60 on: March 15, 2019, 09:55:13 am »
So follow up with the GP this morning, BP 100/165 & 100/145.

Because whenever I visit them i keep having higer BP readings then they like over the past 2 years on Friday they will fit me with a 24 hour monitor to have a correct measurement of what's going on.

Told the GP I'm happy to do it, sure why not, but I'm pretty confident it's fine


Well got it fitted, and its pumping away every 15 mins of so, checked it once to look 161/108 .. I've decided to not look at it and to stop jerking off for today ;D
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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2019, 10:10:09 am »
stop jerking off for today
stop taking your bp WHILE your doing it ;)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #62 on: March 15, 2019, 10:12:50 am »
stop taking your bp WHILE your doing it ;)

lol. See the thing is the Nurse said don't take it off and do what you normally do and she would call if the readings get too high

Ohhh ... I just had a thought now  ;D I will not share it
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Offline fabio

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Re: vampires
« Reply #63 on: March 15, 2019, 02:35:43 pm »
Oh they don't have their shit together hahaa,but at least they do on us and cancer patients. Plus I'm in a university hospital,they invest a lot in these hospitals and the army hospitals,so the services are good.
However all other hospitals are quite shite......
Also we are quite a small country and shipping a box of meds next day is the easiest thing ever. All because the saints of the wards secretaries.

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #64 on: March 19, 2019, 11:22:40 am »
So got the results of the 24 hours BP thingy

143/83 - Daytime
132/71 - Nighttime

Edit: it's better results than I expected

Not too high but they want me to come in on Thursday to chat and go over the results.  From what i gather talking to the nurse they are more concern that it was not dropping (lowering) more during the night.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 04:08:08 pm by JimDublin »
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #65 on: March 21, 2019, 06:18:25 am »
So met with the doctor this morning.

Long story short day and night my blood pressure is off with spikes even at night off the charts. ( 210/x)

This combined with family history and my own medical  past they would start me on blood pressure meds today but they are reaching out to my HIV doc fist to sync up and to check what treatment options are best  :( I had to listen to the no salt, eat healthier speech as well of course.

Oh well not happy about it but it's not the end of the world, in fact without living with HIV I would not have known about this issue so in way I am Lucky I can do something about it earlier rather than later 😉

Best Jim
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #66 on: March 21, 2019, 12:39:07 pm »
So met with the doctor this morning.

Long story short day and night my blood pressure is off with spikes even at night off the charts. ( 210/x)

This combined with family history and my own medical  past they would start me on blood pressure meds today but they are reaching out to my HIV doc fist to sync up and to check what treatment options are best  :( I had to listen to the no salt, eat healthier speech as well of course.

Oh well not happy about it but it's not the end of the world, in fact without living with HIV I would not have known about this issue so in way I am Lucky I can do something about it earlier rather than later 😉

Best Jim

So they gave me "Perindopril" to take for the blood pressure, sure it will be grand

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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2019, 02:50:56 pm »
my hubby and I are taking lisinopril. While he had the mild "it feels like you have to clear your throat" coughing side effect at first, it didn't have the ED issues of some of the other meds he tried first. I've had no issues with it....except I had to have the doctor cut the dosage. It was getting so that every time I stood up I almost passed out. So I went from hardly any hypertension to hypotension  ::) ::)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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And I think about it all the time
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Re: vampires
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2019, 10:20:21 am »
So I changed Blood pressure meds.  It was giving me a dry cough not to mention I think it was messing up my sleep & giving me a feeling my heart was racing (It was not, just a mental thing).

Switched to Olmesartan 10 days ago and the coughing is gone and, sleep pattern back to normal & no more racing heart feeling.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 10:29:22 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2019, 10:28:04 am »

Next check up with the vampires is the 23rd of Aug, List of things to do include this round

- Discussing pain management (Need to up my meds)
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Run thyroid panel (GP is concerned. i'm not)

In addition still on the waiting list to have a biopsy of the "rashes" the GP is panicking about at this stage, although i'm hoping the ID Consultant might have an idea just by looking given his extensive experience   

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Offline wardp

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Re: vampires
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2019, 12:53:43 pm »
Hi Jim how often do you get your vaccination?
Diagd 20,July 2017. Cd4 289, 21% vld .3,462  atripla 4/8/17, 5/10/17 cd4 384 21%, ud.  complera 4/11/2017 switched to stribild 15/11/17. Switched to truvada efavirence 200mgx2 14 Dec 2017, 2 Feb 2018, uD cd4  466, 25%  CD 8 ,595, 32%..1 may 2018
switched  to instgra truvada.7th june switched to truvada  nevirapine stavudine. .21 june switched to truvada nevirapine. X 2 a day...9 aug 2018 ud. 2n Nov 2018 CD 4. 455..22.70% 13th Nov switched  to lamivir and nevirapine  due to kidney issues...jan 10,2019 UD..may 13 2019 ud  cd4 482 28% 14th nov 2019 ud. Cd4 414 .27% cd8 444 29%,may 16 2020,ud ,cd4 741"19.62. Dec 2020.ud.jan21 cd4 453. 25.7% 5/6/21.UD. cd4 621;{27.21%}19/10/21 UD.cd4 420; 28%.apr 19;2022 UD cd4 455' 26%.oct 22,UD, cd4 381,27% 10/4.23 UD CD4 462 29%.2/10/23 cd4 378,28%cd 533 26%

Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2019, 01:33:25 pm »
So I changed Blood pressure meds.
i kind of changed mine too :) I stopped taking it at all. :D BP has been fine and I don't almost pass out just by standing up (which was making yard work at the new house this spring quite an adventure)

i also had to quit the gabapentin for the PN in my feet. It just made me too fuzzy and doped up. I've lived all these years with my feet feeling like I'm walking on hot sand (thanks zerit  >:( ), so I guess I'll just keep visualizing beaches.

rashes?! ugh. is it itchy? everything makes me itchy.  ::)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #72 on: August 13, 2019, 02:51:51 pm »
rashes?! ugh. is it itchy? everything makes me itchy.  ::)

Nah just ugly and freaking the GP out a bit ... I'm not as concerned, as stressing about it will not change it. 

kind of changed mine too :) I stopped taking it at all. :D BP has been fine and I don't almost pass out just by standing up (which was making yard work at the new house this spring quite an adventure)

"Changed" aha, dropped more like it. Well glad the BP is still fine though, do you monitor it at home? Glad you are feeling better though

i also had to quit the gabapentin for the PN in my feet. It just made me too fuzzy and doped up.

Yeah I hear that a lot from people taking Gabapentin. I'm on pregabalin so slightly different but in the same ballpark, not had too many issues myself although it makes my leg feel totally alien at times like it's not part of my body, it's preferable for me personally to deal with that instead of waking up screaming in pain during the night
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 04:38:42 am by Jim Allen »
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Re: vampires
« Reply #73 on: August 14, 2019, 11:57:07 am »
Hi Jim how often do you get your vaccination?

Meningococcal is every 5 years booster (could be shorter time-frame though I don't really recall)  and Pneumococcal they want to do again due to my health. Last two times they were out of stock when i was finally in the chair waiting the labs so fingers crossed this time.

The other is just the flu vaccine yearly, I tried the Heb B vaccine, 2 x the 3 times 1 shot and both attempts failed.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #74 on: August 23, 2019, 05:25:17 am »
So ...

Hair loss;
Doc confirmed my assessment of "alopecia areata " of course not HIV related but sure another little issue why not.

Night sweats & coughing
I think it was the Ace inhibitor, GP agreed and so does the Doc, but getting additional bloods & chest x-ray to rule out TB. If I was wrong I'll be called back within a week

Rash on neck
I'm on a 2-year waiting list for biopsy  :o >:(
Although the Doc took a photo and will talk to a dermatologist. He is not sure what it is but said he should be able to skip the wait and get me seen within a month


VL - Suppressed
CD4 - 1140 and @42%

All other labs within the normal range.

Comments were " Your HIV is suppressed that's the main point as far as HIV goes, now as for anything else that pops up in life deal with it as it happens"   


« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 06:49:46 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #75 on: November 09, 2019, 04:42:44 am »
Just as an update.
Few months after switching to Olmesartan and all is well, happy days. BP is good and side effects from the Ace inhibitor are all gone, still, hair issues but whining about that serves no purpose and there are better things to worry about, also perhaps I am just about old enough not to care.

On the rash, no panic, know what is needed and got the waiting list shorted from 18 months to an appointment in Feb & April after having a word with my HIV consultant  ;) So all good.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 04:45:38 am by Jim Allen »
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Re: vampires
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2020, 04:49:58 am »
Was visiting the vampires today

VL - ND (not detected)
CD4 - 670 was 1140 in Aug ..  who cares.

Also, STI screening all okay.

Shorter than normal return, back to 3 monthly appointments instead of 6 months to monitor my health closer.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2020, 05:56:41 am »
Those are really nice stats! I feel,by saying that,that we are Pokemon or something haha.
I have an appointment with the vamps at 26 of this month. Gonna ask about my whole "work in healthcare" opportunities too.
Also I want to note that I'm very happy everyone is doing great in their labs!

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« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2020, 11:51:35 am »
Yes, cholesterol, liver, etc etc etc were all within normal range as well, nice to have stable enough results

Well hopefully you get the information you need on the 26th.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2020, 12:01:00 pm »
Are they offering STI checks at your clinic along with the routine hiv work? They asked me my last appointment at Vincent’s if I wanted an STI check too as it’s a new thing they’re offering.
I said sure but then they forgot to do it lol.

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« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2020, 12:33:08 pm »

Yeah, they offer it along with the routine bloodwork. 

The doc asked me if I had had any causal sex, told her the chance would be a fine thing, but, I'm too tired for that carry-on.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #81 on: April 08, 2021, 12:50:33 pm »
Visited the clinic this week.

VL - ND (not detected)
CD4 - 610
Liver, kidneys, cholesterol etc all perfect.  :)

Blood pressure was high (152/80 and 151/80) but I ran out of blood pressure meds for a month so no surprise. I will be back in 4 months time for HIV and asked them to test for diabetes.

Tomorrow I have sugary to remove a cyst in my face. Should be grand and it should leave a minor scare less than an inch. (2.5 cm)
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Re: vampires
« Reply #82 on: April 08, 2021, 01:17:23 pm »
That's great, I haven't had the chance to do anything whatsoever,since my hospital is full of cases and the check ups are closed for now. All hospitals here are flooded and can't do much about it. I will have to wait though,I cant do much either .

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Re: vampires
« Reply #83 on: April 08, 2021, 01:39:25 pm »
That's great, I haven't had the chance to do anything whatsoever,since my hospital is full of cases and the check ups are closed for now. All hospitals here are flooded and can't do much about it. I will have to wait though,I cant do much either .

Yeah, heard the same here for a lot of people. 
I've just been lucky in timing this last 12 months. I got sick, was on priority lists or had things planned when there were quiet moments in the Covid pandemic. 8 hospital visits, of this, had 3 for minor surgeries, 1 emergency stay and the rest was check-ups etc.

Nearly forgot I also entered that flu shot study and that had a follow-up visit as well.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #84 on: April 08, 2021, 02:52:51 pm »
Visited the clinic this week.

Tomorrow I have sugary to remove a cyst in my face.
we saw our doc on monday. the doc, my hubby and myself have all had birthdays since we were last at the clinic, so now we're all old.  ;D I hate that my doctor is a couple years older than me. It makes me worry just how long it'll be before we have to get a new doctor.

I was very happy to see that my cd4 was back below 500.  ;D Over the last year and a little while, my cd4s climbed above 500 (680, 791, 600) which was completely out of the ordinary. I had been pretty surprised after 27 years of meds to see my cd4s creeping into the 400 range a couple years ago; but >500 seemed like incorrect lab results. Certainly the 791 wasn't right.  ::) So I was glad to see my cd4s go back to 465, even though that seems a tad high for the normal 350-400 I've had for the previous 10 years.

Within the last few months, I have a small cyst appear at the corner of my left eye. My doctor is sending me to an ophthalmologist next week to get it removed.

congrats on your numbers and good luck with the surgery!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
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And I think about it all the time
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Re: vampires
« Reply #85 on: April 08, 2021, 04:02:47 pm »
we saw our doc on monday. the doc, my hubby and myself have all had birthdays since we were last at the clinic, so now we're all old.  ;D I hate that my doctor is a couple years older than me. It makes me worry just how long it'll be before we have to get a new doctor.

:o Shit, I never thought about that. My doc has at least 20/25 years on me, so it can't be that long before he retires.

Belated happy birthday though.

I was very happy to see that my cd4 was back below 500.  ;D Over the last year and a little while, my cd4s climbed above 500 (680, 791, 600) which was completely out of the ordinary. I had been pretty surprised after 27 years of meds to see my cd4s creeping into the 400 range a couple years ago; but >500 seemed like incorrect lab results. Certainly the 791 wasn't right.  ::) So I was glad to see my cd4s go back to 465, even though that seems a tad high for the normal 350-400 I've had for the previous 10 years.

Congrats on the 465.

Kinda understand the feeling, when mine was rocking the 900 to 1100+ I suspected something was wrong, turned out I was right so I'm glad the last two times to see mine back at the 600's as that would be normal for me.

Within the last few months, I have a small cyst appear at the corner of my left eye. My doctor is sending me to an ophthalmologist next week to get it removed.

congrats on your numbers and good luck with the surgery!

Thanks and sorry to hear about the cyst, hope everything goes well with removing it. I was offered to leave mine alone as its deeper in but I opted to cut it out, no way I want to leave it and risk a repeat of what happened last year when my face got infected.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #86 on: April 08, 2021, 07:39:17 pm »
Thanks and sorry to hear about the cyst, hope everything goes well with removing it. I was offered to leave mine alone as its deeper in but I opted to cut it out, no way I want to leave it and risk a repeat of what happened last year when my face got infected.
I had a little bump in the middle of my back some years back. It probably started as a pimple long ago and seemed of little consequence. But then it got a little larger and I decided to have it looked at. Had a little surgery and it turned out to be the size of a pecan....even though it was barely a bump from the outside. Now 3 yrs later I still have a small divot in the center of my back that has never filled in.

Yes, you live and you learn. One serious health issue can sure teach you to never let that happen again. LOL pcp pneumonia? bactrim for a decade, no problems. LOL Infection in your face? get rid of the cyst NOW. LOL
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #87 on: April 09, 2021, 09:02:26 am »
just food for thought Jim,, as a long time health care provider myself, i can assure you the skill set on most people actually doing your blood pressure on a MD visit here in the USA is marginal at best.  If they used the manual machine where they are required to use a stethescope, they may be somewhat inaccurate numbers TBH.  the round number or 150/90 is the first red flag.  Also if the BP cuff is slightly too small for the circumference of your arm it will also give you a higher reading than accurate.  I wouldn't worry unless you've had multiple visits with similar numbers.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #88 on: April 09, 2021, 10:01:52 pm »
just food for thought Jim,, as a long time health care provider myself, i can assure you the skill set on most people actually doing your blood pressure on a MD visit here in the USA is marginal at best.  If they used the manual machine where they are required to use a stethescope, they may be somewhat inaccurate numbers TBH.  the round number or 150/90 is the first red flag.  Also if the BP cuff is slightly too small for the circumference of your arm it will also give you a higher reading than accurate.  I wouldn't worry unless you've had multiple visits with similar numbers.

Thanks. No, it's not the old stethoscope it's what I call "All in one trolly" that nurses are attached to. Anyhow, my own fault for stopping the meds, at home I was getting 151/91 but as I restarted my olmesartan it should start to level off again within 2 weeks.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #89 on: April 09, 2021, 10:10:21 pm »
Yes, you live and you learn. One serious health issue can sure teach you to never let that happen again. LOL pcp pneumonia? bactrim for a decade, no problems. LOL Infection in your face? get rid of the cyst NOW. LOL


Well, sugary went okay today. 40 mins, 5 external stitches, she used mini forceps to open up the site and to clear out all the shit. So not too bad, and this time I could have anaesthetics so I did not feel a thing.  ;) Sore and a bruised and swollen face/nose of course but it will be fine.

GP next week to remove stitches and they confirmed I should get my vaccine within the next 10 days.

Here the guidelines changed so I had thought I was moved to group 7 that is vaccinated just ahead of the general 18+ age group but the hospital confined my vaccine slot has been ordered as I'm in the "Extreme vulnerable group" so group 4 and ill be notified within the next 4 days and vaccinated within the next 10.  :) Happy days.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 10:18:25 pm by Jim Allen »
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Re: vampires
« Reply #90 on: April 10, 2021, 10:22:27 am »
sugary went okay today.
. . .
ill be notified within the next 4 days and vaccinated within the next 10.  :) Happy days.
glad to hear the surgery went well. Wishing you speedy healing!

glad to hear the vaccine is coming your way. Thursday was 2 weeks after our second shot and we celebrated by going out to the Mexican restaurant in our tiny town - the first sit down dining we've done in 15 months. The food was as good as always but only half the customers came in masked (the other half didn't! but of course we're living with the deplorables here in South Carolina). And the margaritas were terrible. They tasted more  like lime-aid with only one shot of tequila. I'm cooking at home tonight and making my own pitcher of margaritas - with extra tequila to make up for last night.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #91 on: April 16, 2021, 07:02:02 am »
sorry to hear about the cyst, hope everything goes well with removing it.
well, that was easy-peasy . . . until the numbing agent wore out on the way home (had to drive about 50 miles to go to a doctor in my neighboring state).Then it hurt! :o :o :o  but not as much as that damned needle for the numbing agent. I figured anything that close to the eye might be sensitive (the cyst was right where my upper and lower eyelids meet, on the outside edge) but that shot was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. Thank goodness it was over in 30 seconds...but what a long 30 seconds it was.

The doctor was very friendly (we talked about how to contact her city water dpt to get a bill adjustment after filling up her pool), and she did a great job. She made a tiny incision and didn't even have to put in a single stitch. Like the cyst on my back, this one turned out to be much larger below the skin than was first noticed. So she did have to "dig around" some to get it all without enlarging the incision. In the end, it was the size of one of my blood pressure medication pills! The area did hurt all evening though and was quite red and swollen. But it's a million times better today. No pain, a little red, and healing already.

how are you doing with your surgery? It shouldn't be too many more days till you can get un-stitched  ;D , right?
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #92 on: April 17, 2021, 08:18:16 pm »
Get well soon,good thing you got rid of it.
Still haven't gone to the vampires yet since outpatient is closed due to covid. But it's ok.
By the way, I just realised I'm a future vampire going through initiation ,lol 🤭😂.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #93 on: April 23, 2021, 04:53:43 am »
well, that was easy-peasy . . . until the numbing agent wore out on the way home (had to drive about 50 miles to go to a doctor in my neighboring state).Then it hurt! :o :o :o  but not as much as that damned needle for the numbing agent. I figured anything that close to the eye might be sensitive (the cyst was right where my upper and lower eyelids meet, on the outside edge) but that shot was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. Thank goodness it was over in 30 seconds...but what a long 30 seconds it was.

Same here.

The injections in the side of my nose could have brought tears to my eyes. Had injections plenty of times but I can't even describe the pain this caused.

The Doc said the worst apparently is having to have injections in the top of your ear, don't know if it's true or not but ill have to think twice about ever having anything done to my ears now.

The doctor was very friendly (we talked about how to contact her city water dpt to get a bill adjustment after filling up her pool), and she did a great job. She made a tiny incision and didn't even have to put in a single stitch. Like the cyst on my back, this one turned out to be much larger below the skin than was first noticed. So she did have to "dig around" some to get it all without enlarging the incision. In the end, it was the size of one of my blood pressure medication pills! The area did hurt all evening though and was quite red and swollen. But it's a million times better today. No pain, a little red, and healing already.

how are you doing with your surgery? It shouldn't be too many more days till you can get un-stitched  ;D , right?

Glad to hear it went well without the need for stitches and the cyst is gone.  :)

I'm grand thanks. I had the 5 stitches removed last Friday.  My face was very bruised, and of course, it got infected despite best efforts, I half expected that but a round of antibiotics took care of it.

The funny thing was all the GP's I know were busy here so ended up travelling to a walk-in clinic provided by the insurance company in South Dublin (40 min drive). Got chatting to the Doctor who's from South Africa. He told me I'm the first patient in Ireland to openly admit I'm living with HIV, so we got chatting about stigma and issues.

Anyhow, I am glad the cyst is gone and ill live with the scare on my face.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 04:55:57 am by Jim Allen »
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Re: vampires
« Reply #94 on: July 29, 2021, 04:43:42 am »
Visited the clinic this morning.

VL UD & CD4 41% @614

Liver enzymes okay, kidneys okay, and checked for diabetes & STI's.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #95 on: August 05, 2021, 11:41:06 am »
This week it was my turn; thanks for keeping warm my spot at the clinic @Jim.

VL UD, CD4 637 29,4%
Vitamin D 68.8 (I've been supplementing for a while now)

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Re: vampires
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2021, 02:28:56 am »
This week it was my turn; thanks for keeping warm my spot at the clinic @Jim.

VL UD, CD4 637 29,4%
Vitamin D 68.8 (I've been supplementing for a while now)

 :) Great lab results, hope you are feeling good as well.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #97 on: September 02, 2021, 09:30:54 am »
Had my 4 monthly vampire visit yesterday. It's so routine now, 3 1/2 years since my DX, that I forgot to ask how my CD4 level is!  :)

What I did find out, is the ID Clinic take a holistic health view to us HIV patients, which pleasantly surprised me. Since I turn 50 this year, I told the doctor that I'm missing a bit of "zap" from my energy * feel a bit of a drag in myself since Dx, and wondered about my testosterone levels. No problem she said, we'll check your testosterone levels off your bloods. Interesting to see if the Testo is a bit off, can I influence a prescription of Testo gel at my next appointment which will be Dec or Jan.

Even offer me a zoom session with the psychologist who works with the hiv side of the ID clinic as I mentioned I never reveal my status, and have no one to talk to about my poz situation (except you guys on here  :) ) I did not realise that service was available too. So all good.

Also found out my cholesterol is 4.8 which is ok (not 6.8 which I misheard at my last appt).

Got the final shot of the HPV vaccine too.

Dr. even offered a urine STI test. Then got my meds refilled for next few months.

Overall a very nice Vampire visit. All good, nothing to report.

Probably will be called back for the Flu shot in later October at the clinic.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #98 on: October 28, 2021, 04:56:26 pm »
Well, I got my new results today. I went in to see the PCP about the onoing neuropathy, but the ID wanted bloodwork in advance of my visit with her in early December, so how could I resist a two-for-one special?  ;D

Looks better than June 2, so I won't complain. I assume I am still undetectable, but I don't see those results (yet). Interestingly, they ran a syphilis exam on me as well. It came back negative too, but I haven't had sex since last November, so I could have saved them the money... They had already tested me back in March too.

My CD8 levels came way down since June 2 (~1,400 back then), so that is the best take-away (I think). Plus the rise from 311 to 356 CD4s. I am glad to have hit above 350 within a year of treatment beginning.

My PCP wants me to try generic Cymbalta for the neuropathy. I told her I would give it a whirl. I took my first capsule today. I read the pharmacy info. sheets and will be on the lookout for black, tarry stools and vomit that looks like coffee grounds. (I kid you not.)

My PCP mentioned my having written about the possibility of switching from Biktarvy to another ARV. I don't think she or the ID are much keen on it, so I guess I will stay put.


« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 05:19:41 pm by Bucklandbury »

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Re: vampires
« Reply #99 on: October 28, 2021, 05:38:18 pm »
Glad your labs are looking good, no experience with Duloxetine but hopefully it helps.

It's funny you mentioned syphilis, I found out recently that on my past three labs the doc included syphilis, waste of time in my case.
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