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Author Topic: vampires  (Read 135517 times)

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Offline Bucklandbury

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Re: vampires
« Reply #100 on: October 29, 2021, 08:44:31 am »
I had one follow up on results that came in overnight. I don't like some of these results, but my doctor hasn't called me, so I may just be this way. I will try not to worry. Meh.

Offline CircularNatural

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Re: vampires
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2021, 03:11:46 pm »
Visited the clinic this week.

VL - ND (not detected)
CD4 - 610
Liver, kidneys, cholesterol etc all perfect.  :)

Blood pressure was high (152/80 and 151/80) but I ran out of blood pressure meds for a month so no surprise. I will be back in 4 months time for HIV and asked them to test for diabetes.

Tomorrow I have sugary to remove a cyst in my face. Should be grand and it should leave a minor scare less than an inch. (2.5 cm)

Hey there Jim, how have you been with your BP lately? I read this thread diagonally since I can see some of the posts are old now!

I thought of mentioning, in my humble opinion, that this is a very important topic since as we all know, nowadays HIV is a manageable chronic disease and most of us are told by our ID that our immune systems will most likely remain healthy thanks to HAART.

In my case, I'm on my 2nd month of HAART after a recent diagnosis, waiting to complete 3 months before my first blood check after starting with Dolutegravir + Lamivudine (I only had a blood check up when diagnosed and before HAART).

In my last consultation (last Friday), my ID told me that in my following visit (around 27th of November) he'll run full blood tests again + CD4 and VL to check if I'm already undetectable (hopefully!).

Going back to BP, it's really important for everyone to know that our primary concern should be to avoid cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, which are currently the first cause of morbidity and mortality for our population (and the general population).

High blood pressure is considered a "silent disease", it won't give symptomps until it's already giving your problems. Affected organs are mostly the arteries, heart, brain and kidneys. Even though we all know that avoiding salt and getting excercise are the natural way of avoiding high BP, this is not always possible.
If BP is not treated, the body begins a process called "Vascular remodelling", where the arteries, the heart, kidney and other end organs begin to dysfunctionally adapt to it by inflammation and fibrosis processes that in the long-term, produce more problems than solutions.

More about this can be read here:

It is also known that ACE inhibitors (such as enalapril and the like) and ARBs (such as valsartan and the like) are known to stop this negative, long-term process of "vascular and myocardial remodelling":

This is much like HAART for HIV, we know that by treating it, one can expect to control the disease.
The same applies for high BP and eventually avoiding/treating metabolic syndrome/diabetes, which also produce inflammation/aging/disease in the body if left untreated.

Hope this helps anybody who has received a high BP diagnosis and is unsure on whether to add or not yet another pill to their box.

Stay healthy!

Kind regards

🇦🇷 "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear."

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #102 on: November 04, 2021, 02:22:50 pm »
My BP is fine again, thanks for asking.

The meds I take are not the ace inhibitor though as I developed the ace inhibitor cough. It was like coughing up my lung.

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Offline CircularNatural

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Re: vampires
« Reply #103 on: November 05, 2021, 04:11:29 pm »
Good to hear.

Yeah, that's a very usual side effect, which results in most people being changed to ARBs (valsartan, losartan and the like). These have the same cardioprotective benefits on the long-run.

Keep healthy!

Best regards
🇦🇷 "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear."

Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #104 on: November 16, 2021, 12:16:06 pm »
A quick Vampire visit this morning for my Flu Shot & to gave blood samples for a study they are doing on Covid-19 vaccines & HIV+ folk.

I feel like crap all afternoon, tired, low energy, stiff muscles and "blah" feeling, which I always experience the evening after the flu shot.

Found out my CD4 is 319 from last visit there, that's ok, nothing I can do about that anyway, & more importantly UD still.

Got a testosterone blood test done recently too, which is 17.5 (just over 500 on the USA testo measurement), the max score is 35 & lowest 9 (I think). I'll be 50 soon, so  it is about average I am told. I wouldn't mind getting a Testo Gel or something, but unfortunately Ireland is a bit behind when it comes to TRT for aging men. I might fake ED next docs visit, whinge & moan & see can I get any lol  ;D

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2022, 03:27:04 pm »
A quick Vampire visit this morning for my Flu Shot & to gave blood samples for a study they are doing on Covid-19 vaccines & HIV+ folk.

I feel like crap all afternoon, tired, low energy, stiff muscles and "blah" feeling, which I always experience the evening after the flu shot.

Found out my CD4 is 319 from last visit there, that's ok, nothing I can do about that anyway, & more importantly UD still.

Got a testosterone blood test done recently too, which is 17.5 (just over 500 on the USA testo measurement), the max score is 35 & lowest 9 (I think). I'll be 50 soon, so  it is about average I am told. I wouldn't mind getting a Testo Gel or something, but unfortunately Ireland is a bit behind when it comes to TRT for aging men. I might fake ED next docs visit, whinge & moan & see can I get any lol  ;D

Sorry for the late reply. Not sure how I missed your post, I apologize.

UD  :)

Regarding the testosterone, all joking aside, keep an eye on it and to get the treatment you might need to end up doing something like you suggested when needed, it's what I have heard from others trying to get treatment here.

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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2022, 03:29:34 pm »
That reminds me I will be seeing the vampires on Thursday, that is unless it gets covid cancelled due to the pressure the health service is under.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #107 on: January 10, 2022, 06:33:34 pm »
my husband and I get the joys of blood-letting tomorrow.

which reminds me, I need to "fast" for some of those tests. I also need to drink some water. ugh. one time they could hardly get my blood out of me. I guess 2 liters of Coke a day just isn't always enough hydration. But before you think too badly of me, I have returned to my gym and I'm going 5 days a week again; so at half a bottle of water a day, I am drinking nearly 3 bottles of water a week now.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #108 on: January 11, 2022, 04:44:20 am »
Regarding the testosterone, all joking aside, keep an eye on it and to get the treatment you might need to end up doing something like you suggested when needed, it's what I have heard from others trying to get treatment here.

It was quite interesting Jim as the doctor at the ID clinic (St. Vincents) offered to run a testosterone test for me. She said they take a holistic view point re health matters of the HIV patients. I was pleased to hear this.
I'm back in next week for my regular hiv appointment (I'm in approx every 4 months these days)  so I am going to chase them up on the testosterone matter.

I noticed too they said there's no need to do my CD4 every time now, so I think that's checked every 2nd appointment approx twice a year. That's good to hear as it means things are nice & stable.

Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #109 on: January 11, 2022, 04:46:36 am »

I guess 2 liters of Coke a day just isn't always enough hydration. But before you think too badly of me, I have returned to my gym and I'm going 5 days a week again; so at half a bottle of water a day, I am drinking nearly 3 bottles of water a week now.

Good luck with your appointment Mikie. I hear you on the Coke. I am a glutton for Coke Zero & drink about 3/4 of a 2 litre bottle most evenings which is my only bad habit really.  I sip a lot of black tea at my desk through out the day so I get plenty of water that way. Then in the gym & I'm 5 days a week too, I demolish a lot of water there.

Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #110 on: January 11, 2022, 08:40:46 am »
I am a glutton for Coke Zero & drink about 3/4 of a 2 litre bottle most evenings which is my only bad habit really.  I sip a lot of black tea at my desk through out the day so I get plenty of water that way. Then in the gym & I'm 5 days a week too, I demolish a lot of water there.
when i was 21, I totally gave up sweet tea. (I know. I know. blasphemy for a boy in the Carolinas; but I lost a lot of my Southern cred when I moved to the North (Ohio) and lived with my Yankee partners for 2.5 decades.) I've been drinking at least 2 liters of Coke everyday since though. (unless a restaurant has the P-word (P@psi), then a glass of tea is great). For those who are counting, that's 38 yrs of Coca-Cola. mmmmm

Before leaving Ohio, my doctor (the one who had helped keep me alive AND deal with the death of my 2 Yankees  :'( :'( ) had a discussion about my 2 bad habits: caffeine and nicotine. I told him I was entitled to at least ONE bad habit (I mean, I DID survive AIDS twice, I deserve to have one bad habit) and he had a choice: I could either stop smoking or stop drinking Coke. Although, I'm always quick to bum a cigarette from friends at parties, it wasn't the Coke I gave up 12 yrs ago. LOL

Ok, I'm off to the gym early today since the doctor appt. is when we (my husband and I) usually hit up the gym. I'll try to drink more water so my blood flows better (at what is probably the 525th or something blood draw since 1992), but I'm not going to enjoy drinking it.  :P
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #111 on: January 11, 2022, 08:51:21 am »
when i was 21, I totally gave up sweet tea. (I know. I know. blasphemy for a boy in the Carolinas; but I lost a lot of my Southern cred when I moved to the North (Ohio) and lived with my Yankee partners for 2.5 decades.) I've been drinking at least 2 liters of Coke everyday since though. (unless a restaurant has the P-word (P@psi), then a glass of tea is great). For those who are counting, that's 38 yrs of Coca-Cola. mmmmm

Before leaving Ohio, my doctor (the one who had helped keep me alive AND deal with the death of my 2 Yankees  :'( :'( ) had a discussion about my 2 bad habits: caffeine and nicotine. I told him I was entitled to at least ONE bad habit (I mean, I DID survive AIDS twice, I deserve to have one bad habit) and he had a choice: I could either stop smoking or stop drinking Coke. Although, I'm always quick to bum a cigarette from friends at parties, it wasn't the Coke I gave up 12 yrs ago. LOL

Ok, I'm off to the gym early today since the doctor appt. is when we (my husband and I) usually hit up the gym. I'll try to drink more water so my blood flows better (at what is probably the 525th or something blood draw since 1992), but I'm not going to enjoy drinking it.  :P

lol. I barely manage a litre of coke a month.

Good luck with the appointment.

That reminds me I will be seeing the vampires on Thursday, that is unless it gets covid cancelled due to the pressure the health service is under.

Well looks like my appointment is going ahead, they just called to do the COVID questionnaire and to confirm the appointment.

The good news is the weather forecast is good this week so since I have to be in Dublin on Thursday for the appointment I might take the time to have a walk around town before coming back and pretend to enjoy it.
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #112 on: January 11, 2022, 08:53:44 am »
I could either stop smoking or stop drinking Coke. Although, I'm always quick to bum a cigarette from friends at parties, it wasn't the Coke I gave up 12 yrs ago. LOL

12 years, excellent.

Have to admit I do miss smoking, shame it's so bad for us.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #113 on: January 12, 2022, 08:56:36 am »
lol. I barely manage a litre of coke a month.
wimp  ;D

Good luck with the appointment.
6 vials from me, 7 from my hubby; pneumovax for me, shingle-vax for the hubby
his arm hurts and mine doesn't.  :P we might have all our results by Fri.

had a student doc sitting in today. All of my HIV docs, in OH and here in the Carolinas, have always been part of training newbies so I'm gone through lots of students. It was kinda funny this time. In the past, the first 20 yrs of me living with HIV, these students were usually amazed that I was so sick, yet still alive, and with an amazingly good attitude. However this student, like the last few, got to see me wondering why my cd4 counts have gotten so high and wishing they were back lower. LOL What can I say? After living so long with low cd4s, these last 5 yrs as my cd4s counts have slowly been rising has been very weird. My husband (we share our 2 appointment times in one joint visit with the doctor) took some glee ragging on my about how anytime my cd4s are over 500 (it's been 4 times in the last 3 yrs now), that I am determined that the test results were simply wrong. But what's the alternative explanation? That as I'm getting older, I'm getting healthier?!?  :o ::) :D

COVID questionnaire
so tired of all of those; but .... what are you going to do? I got so used to filling out the forms over the last 2 yrs every week when I went to visit my Nana in the nursing home that I can answer these in my sleep. I've had my booster AND I'm such a homebody that social distancing is just how I roll. ;)

Have to admit I do miss smoking
that's why I never hesitate to get a few cigarettes whenever I'm around the few friends left who still smoke. I only quit because I was really poor at the time, and my doctor was threatening me about my Coke intake. LOL
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #114 on: January 13, 2022, 08:06:41 pm »

I had to cancel my appointment at the last moment. My Daughters classroom had two covid cases and although both her and my antigen tests were negative last night and within the current rules we don't count as close contacts, I decided to cancel as I don't want to risk spreading this shit to hospital staff and patients.

Were also isolating for the moment.
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Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #115 on: January 13, 2022, 08:19:04 pm »
wimp  ;D


6 vials from me, 7 from my hubby; pneumovax for me, shingle-vax for the hubby
his arm hurts and mine doesn't.  :P we might have all our results by Fri.

The pneumococcal vaccine always makes my arm swell up, still worth it. Although I find the worst is the flu vaccine, not the vaccine itself though and this year it was fine but I swear some years the pharmacists are trying to inject the bone  ;D

had a student doc sitting in today. All of my HIV docs, in OH and here in the Carolinas, have always been part of training newbies so I'm gone through lots of students. It was kinda funny this time. In the past, the first 20 yrs of me living with HIV, these students were usually amazed that I was so sick, yet still alive, and with an amazingly good attitude. However this student, like the last few, got to see me wondering why my cd4 counts have gotten so high and wishing they were back lower. LOL What can I say? After living so long with low cd4s, these last 5 yrs as my cd4s counts have slowly been rising has been very weird. My husband (we share our 2 appointment times in one joint visit with the doctor) took some glee ragging on my about how anytime my cd4s are over 500 (it's been 4 times in the last 3 yrs now), that I am determined that the test results were simply wrong. But what's the alternative explanation? That as I'm getting older, I'm getting healthier?!?  :o ::) :D
so tired of all of those; but .... what are you going to do? I got so used to filling out the forms over the last 2 yrs every week when I went to visit my Nana in the nursing home that I can answer these in my sleep. I've had my booster AND I'm such a homebody that social distancing is just how I roll. ;)
that's why I never hesitate to get a few cigarettes whenever I'm around the few friends left who still smoke. I only quit because I was really poor at the time, and my doctor was threatening me about my Coke intake. LOL

Students are funny at times.  Had one looking at my ass for no reason two years ago and a doctor giving out to me because, despite the student making silly presumptions, the doctor knew that I knew better, and could have corrected the student  ;D

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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #116 on: January 13, 2022, 08:29:26 pm »
Had one looking at my ass for no reason two years ago
hmmm. as a gay man, I need to tell you that there was a reason. ;)  8) Quite frankly, asses are the only reason I tolerate watching when my husband has college football (the American kind of football) on the tv.  :P

So how did your blood draw go today?
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #117 on: January 13, 2022, 08:33:33 pm »
hmmm. as a gay man, I need to tell you that there was a reason. ;)  8) Quite frankly, asses are the only reason I tolerate watching when my husband has college football (the American kind of football) on the tv.  :P


Sure, I have the same here about watching women tennis. No interest in the sport be it male or female, my partner does like womens tennis, but at least I get some joy out of having to watch it.

So how did your blood draw go today?


I had to cancel my appointment at the last moment. My Daughters classroom had two covid cases and although both her and my antigen tests were negative last night and within the current rules we don't count as close contacts, I decided to cancel as I don't want to risk spreading this shit to hospital staff and patients.

Were also isolating for the moment.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 08:36:24 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #118 on: January 14, 2022, 08:14:33 pm »
Were also isolating for the moment.
ugh. I hate the unvaccinated. This might have been nipped in the bud last year; but now that it has mutated, I think we're going to be stuck with some version of covid, and some type of booster shot, during every winter season from now on.

...oh, and sadly don't forget that'll mean more dead people.

it's frustrating having spent years to end one epidemic, just to have people knowingly let another epidemic rage.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #119 on: January 28, 2022, 08:02:21 am »
Vampires ID Doc visit completed on Wednesday there. I'm going every 4th month now which is good, used to be every 3 months.

All good more or less on the HIV side, undetectable, nothing strange on the usual blood test results. CD4 319, Doc said 319 is fine, though they'd like in an ideal world to see me getting to CD4 500.  Just keep taking the meds & give it a few more years maybe.

I asked what my CD4 Percent is, which is 17%. I never enquired about percent before, just i see some of you guys posting about it on here, so thought I'd ask. I am not really sure what CD4 Percent means?

Interestingly, I am never too concerned about the HIV situation anymore or hearing about the specific blood test results. I take my meds daily, and once I hear I am UD, and my CD4 is ok, then that's it for me. Job done!

Luckily my ID Clinic take a holistic health ethos to us Poz folks, so if there's any other health concerns or questions, the doctors are usually very happy to have a look, check it out, run a test or refer us on to another department in the hospital. For this I am most grateful.

I've got my Testosterone level checked last appointment which was back in September last. My score as we use it over here in Europe is 17 which is right in the middle for a 50 year old man, not too bad but not brilliant either. I asked the head doctor if he could give me some Testosterone Replacement Therapy. He was reluctant to do this, as he said my levels are still ok, but he did agreed to ask a colleague doctor who is more expert in Testo matters, and said he'd talk to me again about it. I've been complaining about things slowing down for me & feel a Testo boost will help. Maybe next time?
What he did give me instead was a prescription for Viagara!!!!  ::)  :D

Also since I had Covid a couple of weeks ago, doc had a good listen to my chest & lungs, and told me to take it easy for a few more weeks instead of going full blast back into the gym.

Overall, it was a good Vampire visit & the docs & nurses & blood takers are always so nice & helpful to the Poz patients. I guess we'll be seeing each other a few times a year for decades to come. I actually enjoy most of my visits to the clinic due to this  :)

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Re: vampires
« Reply #120 on: January 28, 2022, 12:56:20 pm »
Correct me if I'm wrong : when using Testosteron supplements for a year or longer, your body will stop making Testosteron on it's own. So you'll go from making "17" to "Zero", and you'll be depending forever on the supplements.
Thread with caution.

Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #121 on: January 29, 2022, 04:24:21 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong : when using Testosteron supplements for a year or longer, your body will stop making Testosteron on it's own. So you'll go from making "17" to "Zero", and you'll be depending forever on the supplements.
Thread with caution.

That’s certainly true for bodybuilders types who are using massive doses of testosterone. They cycle on and off the Testo, & on off cycles have to take other drugs post-testo to encourage the body to make it naturally again. So yes that type of massive dosing would cause one potential problems. Really this is drug abuse. Many do it via black market too. Many die young of heart or other health problems. Scary stuff.

I believe for TRT for ageing men, the dosage is very mild, minimal & tiny compared to the above and of course is monitored & managed by the doctor, that’s the only way I’d do it anyway. And if one wanted to stop TRT, they’d take care of that too.  It’s an anti ageing treatment. Gives a lagging man a bit more bounce.

I know people who are in both of these camps.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 04:27:09 am by Loa111 »

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Re: vampires
« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2022, 03:58:46 pm »
I also went to the vampires (although it was a month ago), everything went perfect. Actually, it went better than expected, my CD4 were 1300 and I am undetectable, of course.

Other than that, I also got a pep talk from my Doc (after 5 years of being positive!) that I am undetectable and can have sex...Gee thanks, lol. It was quite weird, I also asked her about working in healthcare and my concerns and she reassured me I can be a nurse without any issue(she is a little scary though, very serious, lol). She even made a guest appearance in the ER (where I do clinical practice), she scared me a little but she didn't recognize me with the mask and the scrubs  ;D  .

Not to mention I just realized, that one of my professors is also a doctor on my ID team and she greeted me, we talked and she also told me to not worry about working as a nurse or my future as one.

All in all I'm doing well, all my labs were super and I just have to repeat a vaccine (couldn't now because I had the 3rd dose).

Offline leatherman

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Re: vampires
« Reply #123 on: January 30, 2022, 06:23:18 pm »
I also went to the vampires.......
wow! it's good hear things are going so well for you these days!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #124 on: April 02, 2022, 06:06:57 pm »
Going to see the clinic on Thursday.

Standard blood work & refill for 6 months. Also, planning to ask for a referral to a new neurologist.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 06:21:20 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline daveR

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Re: vampires
« Reply #125 on: April 02, 2022, 10:19:51 pm »
Good luck with the tests. I just did mine again, situation normal with the viral load and CD 4 count. Creatinine still slightly out of range despite the switch to Triumeq. All becoming rather routine now after nearly 6 years of being positive.


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Re: vampires
« Reply #126 on: April 02, 2022, 10:27:51 pm »

           Hi there!!…I met with Dracula last Tuesday, VL 490 I hope it’s one more blip in my 15 years of UD with the same treatment. I think it’s my third one, if indeed it’s a blip…to be continue

Ps. Every time that I go with Dracula, I take a picture of my arm with a needle, but I don’t know how to upload the photo so I owe it to you

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Re: vampires
« Reply #127 on: April 06, 2022, 05:30:17 am »
Good luck with the tests. I just did mine again, situation normal with the viral load and CD 4 count. Creatinine still slightly out of range despite the switch to Triumeq. All becoming rather routine now after nearly 6 years of being positive.



Creatinine being slightly off... Presume that after the switch it did improve somewhat though?

           Hi there!!…I met with Dracula last Tuesday, VL 490 I hope it’s one more blip in my 15 years of UD with the same treatment. I think it’s my third one, if indeed it’s a blip…to be continue

Ps. Every time that I go with Dracula, I take a picture of my arm with a needle, but I don’t know how to upload the photo so I owe it to you


If you want me to upload the picture to the forum just PM me and ill help.

The viral load sounds like a blip, presuming your doctor said the same?
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Offline daveR

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Re: vampires
« Reply #128 on: April 06, 2022, 09:11:29 am »

Creatinine being slightly off... Presume that after the switch it did improve somewhat though?

The creatinine did drop to normal in a test done 6 weeks after the switch but is now back up to 1.24, where it was when I was on Complera. No protein in the urine so the Dr is not to concerned and it is far from kidney failure levels. I did point out to her that in 2012 before I was positive I had seen a level of 1.31, and nobody said a word about it. On some medical sites they class 1.3 a normal. She said there is nothing in Triumeq that would affect the kidneys so we will just check it again in 6 months.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #129 on: April 07, 2022, 09:46:57 am »
The creatinine did drop to normal in a test done 6 weeks after the switch but is now back up to 1.24, where it was when I was on Complera. No protein in the urine so the Dr is not to concerned and it is far from kidney failure levels. I did point out to her that in 2012 before I was positive I had seen a level of 1.31, and nobody said a word about it. On some medical sites they class 1.3 a normal. She said there is nothing in Triumeq that would affect the kidneys so we will just check it again in 6 months.

Wait and see approach, seems fair engough.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #130 on: April 07, 2022, 09:50:43 am »
Just got back.

All labs were normal range + CD4s 600 and UD. Discussed the hepatitis b vaccine but since I already tried 2 x 3 shots and it failed I wasn't open to trying again.

I got my 6 months refill for Triumeq so back in on the 22nd of September.
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: vampires
« Reply #131 on: April 07, 2022, 11:17:50 am »

            ojo.           Hi Jim, thank you for offering to help me uploading picts, on my next visit to Dracula… about what the doctor said about my possible blip, I will see him next week, I’m sure he will say that it’s just a blip, two years ago, I got one like that.

Good labs, happy for you…keep up the good work!!

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Re: vampires
« Reply #132 on: April 07, 2022, 07:08:34 pm »
I actually went to the ID doc and labs today as well, but my CD4 count fell to 271, and it was 356 in October. I am not going to worry, though. My appt. was like 9 AM.

Date   VL per mL   CD4 Count   CD4 %   CD8 Count   CD8 %   CD4:CE8 Ratio
04/07/22   Undetectable (< 40)   271   24.80%   671   61.60%   40.39%
10/28/21   Undetectable (< 40)   356   23.11%   924   60.03%   38.53%
06/02/21   Undetectable (< 40)   311   16.13%   1402   72.79%   22.18%
04/12/21   211   258   10.07%   2011   78.45%   12.83%
03/16/21   1,500,000   60   8.67%   496   71.21%   12.10%

Got shingles vaccine #2, and, man, my arm is sore as hell this evening.

All caught up on vaccines, and cholesterol and lipids were back well under the lower range of normal.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #133 on: April 08, 2022, 11:23:37 am »
Good results and the % seems stable.

Got shingles vaccine #2, and, man, my arm is sore as hell this evening.

The shingles vaccine is not a thing here. Had Shingles though and best avoided if possible.  Hope the arm feels better soon.

EDIT: Stand corrected, they did bring it out here in the end, but it's not routinely given.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2022, 11:52:10 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline J.R.E.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #134 on: April 11, 2022, 04:16:15 pm »

I had HIV labs drawn on April 4th. Overall I am very pleased.

This surprised the hell out of me. This is the highest it's been in 21 years  ! Not to shabby for a 70 year old, going on 37 years with HIV.

CD4, ABSOLUTE   686      cells/uL   490-1740  (Was- 506)

CD4 % has always been low:

CD4, PERCENT   17   Low   %   30-61   (WAS- 21%)

Lymphocytes are a little high :

LYMPHOCYTES, ABSOLUTE   4118   High  Range cells/uL   850-3900

Viral load undetectable:



Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe.

 UPDATED 1/1/25
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of October, 1st 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @538 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3007 (within range)


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Re: vampires
« Reply #135 on: April 28, 2022, 05:28:07 pm »
Good results and the % seems stable.

The shingles vaccine is not a thing here. Had Shingles though and best avoided if possible.  Hope the arm feels better soon.

EDIT: Stand corrected, they did bring it out here in the end, but it's not routinely given.

I remember when I had shingle, it was quite weird...not painful, just uncomfortable. I'll also go to the vampires soon, so I will update on that in a week. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #136 on: April 30, 2022, 02:08:15 am »
I've entered my 5th year as HIV+a couple of months ago and visited the vampires at the beginning of April.: CD4 784, %37, VL 27

First time I see a number in the VL field instead of "UD" since a few months after starting meds. Doc explained the lab at Thai Red Cross just changed their sensitivity threshold from <40 copies to <20 as UD definition. So, either I had similar numbers before and they weren't detected or 27 is a blip. He suggested checking again at the next 6 months blood test.

The creatinine did drop to normal in a test done 6 weeks after the switch but is now back up to 1.24, where it was when I was on Complera. No protein in the urine so the Dr is not to concerned and it is far from kidney failure levels. I did point out to her that in 2012 before I was positive I had seen a level of 1.31, and nobody said a word about it. On some medical sites they class 1.3 a normal. She said there is nothing in Triumeq that would affect the kidneys so we will just check it again in 6 months.

This time I got  Cratinine at 1.22 and it had been on an increasing path for the last 4 years (used to be around 1). No other signs of kidney issues (urine test is normal). I used to be on Complera until about 1.5 years ago when I switched to Dovato (both generic). Doc said this means meds shouldn't be the cause, he also says Dovato (DTG+Lamivudine) shouldn't affect kidneys. He suggested checking again Creatinine in 3 months and see.

My concern now is the 3cm gallstone they found during a routine US. It's asymptomatic and Doc suggests a "vigilant wait and see" approach rather than rushing to a surgery. I'm not sure though, although having a surgery would be very complicate for many different reasons. I'm weighing my options.
Dx Feb. 2018, CD 320, %14

- Atripla Feb/18 -->
- Complera (generic) 2019 -->
- Dovato (generic) 2021 -->

Offline Jim

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Re: vampires
« Reply #137 on: April 30, 2022, 03:09:09 am »
My concern now is the 3cm gallstone they found during a routine US. It's asymptomatic and Doc suggests a "vigilant wait and see" approach rather than rushing to a surgery. I'm not sure though, although having a surgery would be very complicate for many different reasons. I'm weighing my options.

Gallstone of 3cm, sorry to hear that. If it was me I would have it out but that's me. You need to weigh up your situation, I presume your doctor explained why they want to go with the wait and see approach, so now it's up to you.

First time I see a number in the VL field instead of "UD" since a few months after starting meds. Doc explained the lab at Thai Red Cross just changed their sensitivity threshold from <40 copies to <20 as UD definition. So, either I had similar numbers before and they weren't detected or 27 is a blip. He suggested checking again at the next 6 months blood test.

 :) If I had a VL of 27 my HIV would be considered fully suppressed and I would be happy if it was a blip or permanently kept at that level.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #138 on: April 30, 2022, 04:57:52 am »
:) If I had a VL of 27 my HIV would be considered fully suppressed and I would be happy if it was a blip or permanently kept at that level.

I fully agree with you. I consider myself very lucky.

As for the gallstones, it's a long story, related to my health insurance being paid by my employer. In the country I'm currently living in no insurance company covers HIV. Besides, stigma is incredibly high and diffused. If I had a surgery using insurance, chances are extremely high that they would find out from the surgery report, cancel or not renew my policy and inform my employer. That's why I'm weighing my options.
Dx Feb. 2018, CD 320, %14

- Atripla Feb/18 -->
- Complera (generic) 2019 -->
- Dovato (generic) 2021 -->

Offline daveR

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Re: vampires
« Reply #139 on: April 30, 2022, 05:02:06 am »
I've entered my 5th year as HIV+a couple of months ago and visited the vampires at the beginning of April.: CD4 784, %37, VL 27

First time I see a number in the VL field instead of "UD" since a few months after starting meds. Doc explained the lab at Thai Red Cross just changed their sensitivity threshold from <40 copies to <20 as UD definition. So, either I had similar numbers before and they weren't detected or 27 is a blip. He suggested checking again at the next 6 months blood test.

This time I got  Cratinine at 1.22 and it had been on an increasing path for the last 4 years (used to be around 1). No other signs of kidney issues (urine test is normal). I used to be on Complera until about 1.5 years ago when I switched to Dovato (both generic). Doc said this means meds shouldn't be the cause, he also says Dovato (DTG+Lamivudine) shouldn't affect kidneys. He suggested checking again Creatinine in 3 months and see.

My concern now is the 3cm gallstone they found during a routine US. It's asymptomatic and Doc suggests a "vigilant wait and see" approach rather than rushing to a surgery. I'm not sure though, although having a surgery would be very complicate for many different reasons. I'm weighing my options.

Sounds like your kidney function and mine are similar, probably caused by the Complera. My Dr just says it is ok.

Sorry to hear about the gallstone, there is always something. Life just wants to keep us permanently on our toes.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #140 on: May 12, 2022, 11:28:09 pm »
Had my first follow up visit a couple days ago. Results are in.

CD4: 83
CD4%: 4.9%
VL: 120

Much better than expected considering I was at 500,000vl and <20 cd4 exactly a month ago. Don't know what my % was but now I'll keep track of that. Let's goo!

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Re: vampires
« Reply #141 on: May 13, 2022, 03:21:39 am »
Had my first follow up visit a couple days ago. Results are in.

CD4: 83
CD4%: 4.9%
VL: 120

Much better than expected considering I was at 500,000vl and <20 cd4 exactly a month ago. Don't know what my % was but now I'll keep track of that. Let's goo!

The VL load has really gone down fast, its great first results post starting treatment.
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Re: vampires
« Reply #142 on: May 14, 2022, 11:02:53 am »
we saw our doc last week. Since our last appt., both my doctor and I celebrated birthdays and went on vacations. (we went to AZ for 2 wks and he went to Hawaii. no wonder we all kept rescheduling this appt. We should have all just told each other about our vacations and we could have arranged this appt. a lot easier. :) )

My doc still thinks I'm crazy and I still think I must be broke. In the last year and a half my cd4s have been a little over 500 four times now. It's taken 30 years of meds to get here (wow! 30 yrs! damn, when did I get old?!?!  :o ::) ) and it feels weird. Maybe in a couple of years I'll be used to it; but until then I'm going keep driving my doctor crazy by complaining every time my count is over 500. ROFLMAO
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #143 on: May 26, 2022, 05:00:38 am »
Vampires visit yesterday - All good, UD <40, CD4 364. All other blood tests good kidneys, liver, vitamins etc.  Again they said optimal if my CD4 can reach 500 at some point, but there is no way of encouraging that to happen other than taking my meds daily.

One interesting point... Doctor yesterday asked me what time I take my meds daily, so 630 am Mon - Fri, and maybe 830 - 10am weekends. He advised me to try to take pill as close as possible to exact time everyday, and max stay within 1 hour of the time.
I asked the Pharmacist about this too, and she said yes what the doctor said is optimal as if take pills within the 1 hour window the drug level in blood stays consistent, where if I take them say 3 hours later on weekends, the drug level may not be so consistent.

Interesting... I'll see any I tighten up the weekend times, but then again I am not overly worried if I just stay with the system I have as it works for me & I'm still UD.

Had an unsightly wart on my forearm, which doc said was probably HPV wart. Now since they vaccinated me for HPV in the ID Clinic, I asked how come its HPV? Doc said the vaccine is for the more dangerous cancer causing HPV strain, however there's about 100 other HPV strains which most people have anyway. So they burned the wart off for me with liquid nitrogen. Good to get rid of it.  :)

Doc did notice my Creatine levels were up a bit and told me to drink more water. However I told him I was taking Creatine in my protein shake re weight training in the gym, and I stopped Creatine 7 days before appointment as Pharma advised me. So he seems happy enough with the explanation.

Asked the boss ID Doc again if any chance he could give me TRT since I feel "aged" since my DX. Said my testo levels at 17 is a good average for my age, and not even to the "low average". He feels there is not enough of a case to even consider TRT VS risk of side effects and also taking HIV meds. I mentioned people in their 50s+ I know in more TRT friendly countries on it, and how they say the feels great, but unfortunately again no luck with getting it.

Got an extra months supply of meds as an emergency back up as I am travelling international this summer, so good for peace of mind.

Back in Sept for next visit. So far so good, all in all a good tune up & service (like a car lol) . All I can do is keep taking my meds, and trying to stay fit & healthy.  :)


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Re: vampires
« Reply #144 on: May 27, 2022, 10:54:37 am »
it works for me & I'm still UD
Although I am not a doctor, I have lived with HIV for 38 yrs, and know that >=95% adherence has been proven to be the goal for successful treatment. Being off an hour or so occasionally (not skipping a dose but just taking it slightly earlier or later in the day) is nothing at all to worry about.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
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And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #145 on: May 27, 2022, 11:03:07 am »

95% is high for modern meds and the max one-hour thing sounds dated. The one-hour thing I have not heard from my clinic for years, although, might be different if you are talking some of the older meds combos.

Although, not bad to aim to take it at the same time or with the same routine daily as I think there is less chance of forgetting the meds. It works for me at least.

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Re: vampires
« Reply #146 on: May 27, 2022, 11:58:45 am »
same routine daily as I think there is less chance of forgetting the meds
totally agree with the routine part. i take a few meds first thing in the morning (blood pressure, acyclovir, and the HIV med tivicay), I take the rest (HIV med prezcobix, since it's a med to be taken with food, and another acyclovir) at dinner . Dinner is "usually" the same time over 300 time year, but if the other 65 times end up at 4p or 8p, that's when I take them. While it's not a 7a/6p set routine, it is a routine within a few hours either way.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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Re: vampires
« Reply #147 on: September 20, 2022, 12:38:27 pm »
Got an appointment to see the vampires on Thursday. Just routine bloodwork and to collect six more months of meds.

Though, hard to believe it has been six months already...
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Offline Loa111

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Re: vampires
« Reply #148 on: September 20, 2022, 02:10:31 pm »
I'm in tomorrow too, been about 4 months for me. Just the routine blood work too & a meds top up. They're very good with helping with any other heath niggles which may or may not be related  to hiv & I've a couple of minor ones to run by them.

They're always doing research at my clinic. I got a call last week & then a package arrived with a little plastic tub. They're asking everyone to take a dump at home & bring in a sample for a study on hiv and gut bacteria.  I know they are well used to things like this, but I feel a bit embarrassed at handing it in tomorrow! lol  :-[

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Re: vampires
« Reply #149 on: September 21, 2022, 03:44:28 am »
I'm in tomorrow too, been about 4 months for me. Just the routine blood work too & a meds top up. They're very good with helping with any other heath niggles which may or may not be related  to hiv & I've a couple of minor ones to run by them.

They're always doing research at my clinic. I got a call last week & then a package arrived with a little plastic tub. They're asking everyone to take a dump at home & bring in a sample for a study on hiv and gut bacteria.  I know they are well used to things like this, but I feel a bit embarrassed at handing it in tomorrow! lol  :-[

Well good luck at the clinic today. Hopefully no surprises, and it's just routine.

As for the stool sample, unless you have an accident with it, I don't see how anything to be embarrassed about. Part of the daily work routine for the Nurses.
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