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Author Topic: Combined carboxytherapy results  (Read 10847 times)

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Offline frenchpat

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Combined carboxytherapy results
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:34:27 pm »

HIV+ for 13 years now, I am still bearing the results of my years with Zerit. Fat got redistributed around, some landing on my neck. Nothing I couldn't live with but it started to annoy me when it did not go away after changing meds and, more importantly, when I couldn't do some of my routine yoga positions because it pushed my head too close to my chest.

Looking for ways to reduce the hump I read here first then went around to ask a few doctors. Surgery was not advised and ultrasound or liposuction were deemed inneficient in my case as the fat had hardened considerably.

I asked my current HIV specialist who is quite good at lateral thinking and he got in touch with someone offering Carboxytherapy. You can read all about it on the net but basically it was born in the 50's and consists of infusing Carbon dioxide gas uder the skin, provoking a rise in the oxygenation of the infused tissues.

The treatment is usually offered in plastic surgery clinics to diminish blemishes and stretch marks. No wonder I hadn't heard about it !

What I was offered was a course of combined treatment : carboxytherapy + subcutaneous vitamin c injections + infrared exposition. Usually the sessions are about 1 week apart but for various reasons I have mine monthly.

After 4 sessions of this treatment my hump has slightly diminished in size but more importantly the fat tissue is a lot softer. The main area where it receded is on top of my spine and we are now targeting the sides.

I am doing this treament in europe, it is not invasive save for the thin needles, a session lasts less than half an hour after which I can resume working despite the tightening feeling I have from the momentary added volume (your skin sort of inflates but it doesn't last more than a few hours).

Hope this helps,

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