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Author Topic: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado  (Read 14455 times)

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Offline Coloradomike

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Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« on: November 29, 2015, 03:56:28 pm »
I'm trying to locate a doctor in the Denver metropolitan area (or even Colorado Springs) that is open to prescribing Egrifta for my Lipo issues.  My doctor has objections.  His concerns are the cost, efficacy and the need to continue usage once you start using the medication.  I agree the costs are high and you may need to continue using the medication once you start.  But my HIV medications are expensive and I have to continue using them.   If Egrifta or even low dose Serostim will help me, why shouldn't I be able to try it?  If anyone has a doctor they can refer, I would be most greatful.

Offline Coloradomike

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Re: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 11:58:20 am »
I noticed that a lot of people did read my original post.  I did find a physician willing to prescribe Egrifta to me.  Unfortunately, it was not my infectious disease doctor.  I researched the Internet for a physician the worked with hormones.  He charges $200.00 a month for his services.  And he dosent bill Medicare.  I don't blame him for not wanting to bill Medicare.  Have you tried to get reimbursed from an AETNA Medicare Advantage Plan?  I have; it's a nightmare!!!  I explained to him that I just couldn't afford that.  He was compassionate and told me he would reduce his fee for me to $100.00 per month (still a lot of money for me) and would provide me with monthly receipts with my diagnosis code to submit to AETNA for reimbusment.

All this being said, I think it's tragic the time and expense one has to go to to get a medication that has been proven to help so many of us.  I'm also honoring that if Egrifta does take much of my visceral/abdominal fat off, my blood pressure will improve.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 01:39:20 pm »

          ojo         Hello there....I'm sorry you are dealing with this situation, do you really need those meds?...its the first time a hear there are using serostim for lypo, I used it for wating, and it has lots of side effects, in my case, lots of pain on my   joints, tho, my doctor adjust the dose from 6 to 5, after that, I was ok...can you tell me how long have you been living with HIV and why you want to use this expensive meds?...wishing you the best of luck and getting your problems solved...hugs       ojo

Offline Coloradomike

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Re: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2016, 01:04:54 am »
Hey Tonny2

Your right, in that Serostim is not the first medication choice for lipo issues.  Egrifta is.  Although the I have heard that Serostim will help BUT does have the serious side effects you mentioned.  If Egrifta doesn't work for me, my physcian wants to put me on HGH. Why do I want this medication? Two reasons.  First of all, for my health.  This extra visceral fat is bad for you.  It's bad for your heart, your blood pressure, liver and I've even heard your cognitive abilities.  It's certainly depressing.  And I do have high blood pressure!  I take medication for it. And honestly, yes it would be nice to look better and not have a belly!

Now, how long have I lived with HIV?  30 years; right around now.  I had tested negative in 1985 and then positive around March of 1986.  So I think I contracted it in late 1985.  I was devastated when I found out.  My father died when I was 4.  I'm my mothers only son, so she was TOTALY DEVASTATED!  It was pretty much a death sentence back then.  But being the godly woman my mother is; and the daughter of missionaries, she prayed.  I remember her telling me in 1986 how one day while she was praying for me, Christ spoke to her.  He said "Your son will not die, he will live".  And live I have!
Huggs back to you, Tonny2!  And thank you for replying to my post.  :)

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2016, 02:18:49 pm »
Hey Tonny2

Your right, in that Serostim is not the first medication choice for lipo issues.  Egrifta is.  Although the I have heard that Serostim will help BUT does have the serious side effects you mentioned.  If Egrifta doesn't work for me, my physcian wants to put me on HGH. Why do I want this medication? Two reasons.  First of all, for my health.  This extra visceral fat is bad for you.  It's bad for your heart, your blood pressure, liver and I've even heard your cognitive abilities.  It's certainly depressing.  And I do have high blood pressure!  I take medication for it. And honestly, yes it would be nice to look better and not have a belly!

Now, how long have I lived with HIV?  30 years; right around now.  I had tested negative in 1985 and then positive around March of 1986.  So I think I contracted it in late 1985.  I was devastated when I found out.  My father died when I was 4.  I'm my mothers only son, so she was TOTALY DEVASTATED!  It was pretty much a death sentence back then.  But being the godly woman my mother is; and the daughter of missionaries, she prayed.  I remember her telling me in 1986 how one day while she was praying for me, Christ spoke to her.  He said "Your son will not die, he will live".  And live I have!
Huggs back to you, Tonny2!  And thank you for replying to my post.  :)

             ojo      Hi Coloradomike...wow, thirty years with hiv, good for you...I guess you have to do what you have to do, especially if your doctor agrees in giving you Serostim, mine, he is opposed to it...Like I told you, I used it a long time ago, almost after my dx, the doctor I was seing he gave me a 6ml dose, (Idont remember if it is ml, mg, ), but I got lots of joint pains, I couldn't even get up because of the pain, so, my doc, reduced the dose to 5, and I didn't have anyproblem after that, tho, it's a pain in the ass, injecting yourself everyday, but I guess, you will get use to it...good luck and congratulation for those thirty years                                                                                                                                                               

Offline Coloradomike

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Re: Egrifta/Serostim Doctor in Colorado
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2016, 12:35:23 am »
I wanted to take time to post an update on my Egrifta journey.  I've been on the medication 2 months today.  I saw my prescribing physcian last week.  He took measurements and says my girth has diminished by 1.5 inches.  I have been watching my diet, but honestly, I think this stuff may be working, and I'm most greatful.  I'll try to provide updates every few months.  Best wishes to everyone!


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