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Miguel Vázquez - Se postula otro posible mecanismo para explicar los beneficios de las estatinas en personas con el VIH  https://www.gtt-vih.org/publicaciones/la-noticia-del-dia/18-12-24/

En resumen

El estudio REPRIEVE demostró que la toma diaria de una estatina diaria ayuda a prevenir infartos de miocardio y accidentes cerebrovasculares en personas con el VIH

El equipo de investigadores que realizó el hallazgo ha descubierto ahora un posible mecanismo que explicaría este beneficio, gracias a que la estatina contribuye a estabilizar las placas no calcificadas y evitar su rotura en los vasos sanguíneos.

Las personas con el VIH tienden a presentar de forma prematura un exceso de placas no calcificadas que son susceptibles de romperse. Esto se traduce en un elevado riesgo de sufrir accidentes cerebrovasculares, ataques cardíacos y muerte súbita cardíaca. Sin embargo, el estudio REPRIEVE (siglas en inglés de Ensayo Aleatorizado para Prevenir Eventos Vasculares en [personas con] el VIH) reveló que el uso de pitavastatina (un fármaco de la familia de las estatinas) había conseguido reducir hasta en un 36% las posibilidades de sufrir eventos cardiovasculares graves en una población de personas con el VIH de entre 40 y 75 años cuyo perfil de riesgo a priori no las hacía candidatas a usar esa familia de medicamentos. Este efecto superó al que cabría esperar de la reducción del colesterol por sí sola, pero se desconocían los mecanismos específicos responsables de estos cambios.

Los análisis revelaron que el tratamiento con pitavastatina se traducía en un aumento de los niveles de una enzima conocida como proteína potenciadora de la proteinasa C del procolágeno tipo 1 (PCOLCE, en sus siglas en inglés). Esta proteína interviene en la producción de colágeno, lo que puede ayudar a estabilizar las placas vulnerables durante en los casos de aterosclerosis. En algunos estudios se había observado que la abundancia de PCOLCE se asociaba con una reducción de las placas no calcificadas y, simultáneamente, con placas estabilizadas más fibrosas. Estos efectos, unidos a la reducción del contenido lipídico de las placas de los vasos sanguíneos, pueden contribuir a evitar la rotura de dichas placas.

Versión en inglés de este tema:
Off Topic Forum / Re: My journal here
« Last post by Jim on January 05, 2025, 04:19:04 am »
She's also going to switch to darunavir again, to remove Dolutegravir(just in case). But as Jim said, it's probably not the meds.

DTG + 3TC + TDF switched to DVR + RTV + 3TC + TDF switched to DTG + 3TC and now switching back to a DVR combination. 


The HIV doctors say it's not the virus or the medicine.

I want to be clear, I am sorry to hear about your continued health challenges and wish you well, I am also worried that this has been dragging on so long for you,  please do keep us updated on how you get on in your journal thread.

However, your HIV status and HIV meds have not caused any of these issues, including antiretroviral toxic neuropathy, drug toxicity, cognitive decline, hypothyroidism, apnea, acid reflux, Parkinson's, worsening CNS damage, AIDS fatigue, headaches, dizziness, mental confusion etc, etc. Also, you are not an MD.

Now, I've given you a lot of room over the past two years but as a Moderator, I am now telling you no more blaming or bringing into question HIV or HIV meds for these ongoing and persistent physical and mental health challenges.

Again, I truly wish you well and hope you find solutions to these challenges soon with your healthcare providers.


my neurological symptoms might be from the aracnoid cyst I have in my left temporal. So, today I've done an MRI to see if it is growing since last year.

Well, good luck and hopefully this yields some answers for you.
I think we’re starting to see some of the anti-vax propaganda making it to social media.  I saw a post on Facebook about a week ago claiming that there is no proof that AIDS is caused by HIV. They also claimed that both HIV and COVID tests were designed to give a large number of false positives simply to sell drugs to people with false positives and to sell vaccines.
Off Topic Forum / Re: My journal here
« Last post by Kirat on January 04, 2025, 06:12:06 pm »
Thanks everyone for the replies. I've consulted another HIV doc and she thinks my neurological symptoms might be from the aracnoid cyst I have in my left temporal. So, today I've done an MRI to see if it is growing since last year. I'm also going to do a lumbar puncture to see if I have any intracranial hypertension. She's also going to switch to darunavir again, to remove Dolutegravir(just in case). But as Jim said, it's probably not the meds.

My MRI from last year:
Expansive extra-axial lesion consistent with an arachnoid cyst located in the left middle cranial fossa (temporal polar), measuring approximately 34 mm at its largest diameter, causing slight remodeling of the greater wing of the sphenoid and mild compression of the temporal pole.

Estoy infectado? / Re: Algo preocupado
« Last post by Jim on January 04, 2025, 02:26:58 pm »
Tienes que leer esto atentamente, sus riesgos de adulto de contraer el VIH son limitados:

- anal o vaginal penetración sin preservativo
- Compartir jeringuillas.
- Transfusiones de sangre (raro)
- Dar una mamada (riesgo mínimo de VIH, ni siquiera vale la pena probarlo fuera de la rutina anual estándar)

Nada Mas!

Adelante con su vida y como eres sexualmente activo, hágase la prueba para detectar el VIH y las ITS por lo menos una vez al año.
Estoy infectado? / Re: Algo preocupado
« Last post by Egomez on January 04, 2025, 02:06:51 pm »
Hola buen día, anoche tuve sexo anal y vaginal y anal con condon, este nunca tuvo problemas, mi preocupación, es que antes de el acto, entre besos y abrazos, roce mi pe e en el trasero de la chica sin condon, ella estaba de espaldas con su falda levantada y con su ropa interior puesta, nunca sentí que la penetrara, e inmediatamente me puse condon, estuve en riesgo?, también hubo sexo oral mutuo.
The point isn’t if he has met your family I guess, the point is if you have met his family. Do you know what I mean?. I’m sorry to say this to you but this kind of relationships don’t work.
I think you misread into that post, Tonny. Calvin never mentioned the situation with his family. Just that the boyfriend was still closeted somewhat. Maybe the boyfriend is closeted at work and Calvin has already met the boyfriend's family. We just don't know enough.

I read Calvin's first post and thought it's not so much the boyfriend is a "project" as much as their feelings are growing and maybe there's some love brewing in there. Feeling "lonely" when your partner isn't there isn't so much a mental health issue as much as what you can feel when you're in love.
AIDS Activism / Re: Spitting, Discarded syringes & myths on transmission in the media
« Last post by Jim on January 03, 2025, 04:20:51 pm »
at least this latest ill-informed person wasn't in America. But I expect we'll have more of it when the anti-vaxxers and weirdos get "credence" when RFKjr takes over America's federal health department. ugh.

In the context of HIV, it's hard to imagine anything worse than the denialists (mostly dead now) or the CDC but I suppose like it or not we're going to find out.
Can't see that changing anytime in the future for the USA. If anything this situation is probably going to get worse.
crap. I just repeated this in another thread. ::) sadly I think the healthiness of America is going to take a dip soon with bad management, lack of affordable healthcare, poor diet, and a lack of healthy food.
at least this latest ill-informed person wasn't in America. But I expect we'll have more of it when the anti-vaxxers and weirdos get "credence" when RFKjr takes over America's federal health department. ugh.
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