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Does Cannabis Reduce Inflammation in People With HIV?


Jim Allen: article that looks at multiple studies published in recent times.
July 9, 2024 • By Liz Highleyman


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Does Cannabis Reduce Inflammation in People With HIV?

Marijuana and CBD have anti-inflammatory effects and may improve gut health, but smoking can reduce the benefits

Taken together, these study results suggest that cannabis use—especially by methods other than smoking—might have beneficial effects on immune function and inflammation in people living with HIV. However, randomized controlled clinical trials of cannabis or cannabinoid administration are still lacking. This new research is consistent with the findings of a 2021 review of human and animal studies, which found that cannabinoids, especially CBD, are anti-inflammatory in the setting of HIV, in part due to stabilization of the gut lining. “Cannabis may provide a beneficial intervention to reduce morbidity related to inflammation in people with HIV,” the review authors concluded.

But cannabis is not a panacea. A large study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, which surveyed more than 430,000 mostly HIV-negative people, found that cannabis use was associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Long-term heavy marijuana use can have negative effects on mood, cognition and memory. Some studies have found that cannabis use can interfere with adherence to antiretroviral treatment. What’s more, smoking marijuana, like tobacco cigarettes, can damage the lungs and may increase the risk of cancer, so using edible forms of cannabis or CBD could be a healthier choice.
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               ojo.              I remember back then n the day when I was treating my wasting syndrome, the doctor prescribed for me MARINOL which is made with marijuana, I didn’t like it because it made me feel high and increased my neuropathic pain. I also tried CBD but it tasted so bad (liquid form) it made me remember the taste of liquid ritonavir…I will talk to my doctor about this study…thanks Mr. Jim…hugs


--- Quote ---in part due to stabilization of the gut lining.
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I started smoking weed in 93. Not because it stopped the puking; but it certainly cut down on the nausea and puking so that I was able to keep some food down. It also made be feel a little happier in some very rough years.

--- Quote ---Long-term heavy marijuana use can have negative effects on mood, cognition and memory.
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LOL thankfully for me it helps me be happy instead of a little crabby. The memory problems are the same one I've always had. LOL (I'm always joking that I have Larry because he remembers all those details for me that I don't remember. ROFL)

the biggest problem I'm had with just getting it. When I lived in OH, it was illegal. It's approved for medical use now; but that only helps if you have the insurance, the money, and the DOCTOR who will approve it.

Now I'm in SC, where pot has something to do with the devil .... or something. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what the sins are according to these MAGA/Baptist/religious/Republican/Christian Nationalist under-educated cult members.  ;D So, Yea!, for illegal weed and the few connections to it.


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