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Enero 19, 2025, 05:15:33 am

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Autor Tema: WLI - mounjaro  (Leído 653 veces)

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Desconectado TabooPrincess

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WLI - mounjaro
« en: Enero 09, 2025, 03:59:40 pm »
Apologies if posting in the wrong section.
Is anyone using or have knowledge of weight loss injections combined with ARVs please? Specifically mounjaro.
My research only shows the ARVs may stop the mounjaro working properly, not the other way around (obvs I don’t want to affect the ARVs working properly). I’ll ask my healthcare provider but looking for first hand knowledge too.
09/ 2008 - Seroconversion
11/2008 - Tested pos, cd4 640 vl 25400
12/2008 - cd4 794 vl 27798, 35%
03/2009 - cd4 844 vl 68846, 35%
06/2009 - cd4 476 vl 49151, 33% (pregnancy confirmed)
08/2009 - cd4 464 vl 54662, 32%
Started meds for pregnancy (Kaletra, AZT, Viread)
09/2009 - cd4 841 vl 3213, 42%
10/2009 - cd4 860 vl 1088, 41%
11/2009 - cd4 771 vl 563, 38%
12/2009 - cd4 885 vl 151 42%
Discontinued meds after baby born
02/2010 - cd4 841 vl 63781, 38%
05/2010 - cd4 1080 vl 113000, 39%
08/2010 - cd4 770 vl 109242
12/2010 - cd4 642 vl 111000, 34%
06/2011 - cd4 450 vl 222000, 33%
11/2011 - cd4 419 vl 212000, 24%
03/2012 - cd4 280 vl 118000, 26% (repeated Cd4 at 360)
05/2012 -cd4 360 vl 99,190
10/2012 Atripla, cd4 690, vl 80
12/2012 Darunavir, norvir, truvada, Cd4 680, vl u/d
07/2013 cd4 750,ud

Desconectado Jim

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Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #1 en: Enero 09, 2025, 04:18:54 pm »
My research

Please share.

Anyhow, I doubt many forum members are going to have to jump in with experince taking Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) and the HIV meds DRV/r+TDF.

There is only a moderate warning on, but when you check it's not specific to HIV drugs and only notes to monitor levels for diabetic treatment and possible dose adjustment.

The Liverpool HIV interaction checker has essentially the same conclusion.

Coadministration has not been studied but based on metabolism and clearance a clinically significant interaction is unlikely. Tirzepatide is metabolized by proteolytic cleavage. Tirzepatide delays gastric emptying, and has the potential to impact the absorption of concomitantly administered oral medications. However, based on available interaction studies, a clinically relevant effect is not expected with darunavir/ritonavir.

-based on available interaction studies, a clinically relevant effect is not expected with emtricitabine and tenofovir-DF.

I’ll ask my healthcare provider

That's a good idea, if it's the HIV doc then they should know and have the experience from treating others to share.
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP

Desconectado Jim

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Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #2 en: Enero 09, 2025, 04:19:51 pm »
Keep us posted on how you get on.
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP

Desconectado TabooPrincess

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  • Mensajes: 318
Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #3 en: Enero 09, 2025, 04:26:39 pm »
Thanks Jim
Research similar to what you’ve posted plus BNF.
I’m seeing my consultant tomorrow so I’ll update what their advice is for anyone else who may be interested!
09/ 2008 - Seroconversion
11/2008 - Tested pos, cd4 640 vl 25400
12/2008 - cd4 794 vl 27798, 35%
03/2009 - cd4 844 vl 68846, 35%
06/2009 - cd4 476 vl 49151, 33% (pregnancy confirmed)
08/2009 - cd4 464 vl 54662, 32%
Started meds for pregnancy (Kaletra, AZT, Viread)
09/2009 - cd4 841 vl 3213, 42%
10/2009 - cd4 860 vl 1088, 41%
11/2009 - cd4 771 vl 563, 38%
12/2009 - cd4 885 vl 151 42%
Discontinued meds after baby born
02/2010 - cd4 841 vl 63781, 38%
05/2010 - cd4 1080 vl 113000, 39%
08/2010 - cd4 770 vl 109242
12/2010 - cd4 642 vl 111000, 34%
06/2011 - cd4 450 vl 222000, 33%
11/2011 - cd4 419 vl 212000, 24%
03/2012 - cd4 280 vl 118000, 26% (repeated Cd4 at 360)
05/2012 -cd4 360 vl 99,190
10/2012 Atripla, cd4 690, vl 80
12/2012 Darunavir, norvir, truvada, Cd4 680, vl u/d
07/2013 cd4 750,ud

Desconectado leatherman

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Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #4 en: Enero 09, 2025, 08:20:01 pm »
Apologies if posting in the wrong section.
Apologies for breaking into your thread; but I wanted to say HEY! :D Haven't heard from you around these parts in a long time. Hope everything is going well for you!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Desconectado TabooPrincess

  • Member
  • Mensajes: 318
Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #5 en: Enero 10, 2025, 12:48:56 am »
Thanks for saying hey!! Good to hear from you again!
I keep hoping positive women is going to get alive and kicking again like the good old days but alas the sisterhood has ground to a halt! (Not that this is relevant to you as a male but there you go haha)
Hope you’re good too x
09/ 2008 - Seroconversion
11/2008 - Tested pos, cd4 640 vl 25400
12/2008 - cd4 794 vl 27798, 35%
03/2009 - cd4 844 vl 68846, 35%
06/2009 - cd4 476 vl 49151, 33% (pregnancy confirmed)
08/2009 - cd4 464 vl 54662, 32%
Started meds for pregnancy (Kaletra, AZT, Viread)
09/2009 - cd4 841 vl 3213, 42%
10/2009 - cd4 860 vl 1088, 41%
11/2009 - cd4 771 vl 563, 38%
12/2009 - cd4 885 vl 151 42%
Discontinued meds after baby born
02/2010 - cd4 841 vl 63781, 38%
05/2010 - cd4 1080 vl 113000, 39%
08/2010 - cd4 770 vl 109242
12/2010 - cd4 642 vl 111000, 34%
06/2011 - cd4 450 vl 222000, 33%
11/2011 - cd4 419 vl 212000, 24%
03/2012 - cd4 280 vl 118000, 26% (repeated Cd4 at 360)
05/2012 -cd4 360 vl 99,190
10/2012 Atripla, cd4 690, vl 80
12/2012 Darunavir, norvir, truvada, Cd4 680, vl u/d
07/2013 cd4 750,ud

Desconectado TabooPrincess

  • Member
  • Mensajes: 318
Re: WLI - mounjaro
« Respuesta #6 en: Enero 10, 2025, 08:17:53 am »
For anyone who may search or be interested. Consultant said no concerns whatsoever and actually thinks is beneficial to overall health.
09/ 2008 - Seroconversion
11/2008 - Tested pos, cd4 640 vl 25400
12/2008 - cd4 794 vl 27798, 35%
03/2009 - cd4 844 vl 68846, 35%
06/2009 - cd4 476 vl 49151, 33% (pregnancy confirmed)
08/2009 - cd4 464 vl 54662, 32%
Started meds for pregnancy (Kaletra, AZT, Viread)
09/2009 - cd4 841 vl 3213, 42%
10/2009 - cd4 860 vl 1088, 41%
11/2009 - cd4 771 vl 563, 38%
12/2009 - cd4 885 vl 151 42%
Discontinued meds after baby born
02/2010 - cd4 841 vl 63781, 38%
05/2010 - cd4 1080 vl 113000, 39%
08/2010 - cd4 770 vl 109242
12/2010 - cd4 642 vl 111000, 34%
06/2011 - cd4 450 vl 222000, 33%
11/2011 - cd4 419 vl 212000, 24%
03/2012 - cd4 280 vl 118000, 26% (repeated Cd4 at 360)
05/2012 -cd4 360 vl 99,190
10/2012 Atripla, cd4 690, vl 80
12/2012 Darunavir, norvir, truvada, Cd4 680, vl u/d
07/2013 cd4 750,ud


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