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Estoy infectado? / Re: Contagio condon mano a ojo
« Last post by leatherman on January 27, 2025, 01:40:28 pm »
Los riesgos de contraer el VIH incluyen el sexo anal o vaginal sin protección o el hecho de compartir agujas para inyecciones. Usaste condones y el sexo oral NO es un riesgo, por lo que te fue muy bien y NO tuviste riesgo de contraer el VIH.

Que tengas un buen día,

Reducir los riesgos de contraer el VIH:
Sin excepciones, usa preservativos de forma correcta y constante para las relaciones sexuales anales o vaginales
Habla con un proveedor de atención médica sobre la PrEP como otra capa de protección

Hazte la prueba del VIH y otras ITS todos los años.
Si no usas preservativos o PrEP, hazte la prueba con más frecuencia

Algunas prácticas sexuales que se describen como seguras en términos de contraer el VIH aún representan un riesgo de contraer otras ITS que se adquieren con más facilidad. Es posible no mostrar signos ni síntomas de una ITS, por lo que la prueba es la única forma de saberlo.

Hazte la prueba al menos una vez al año para detectar ITS, incluido el VIH, entre otros, y con más frecuencia si tienes relaciones sexuales sin preservativo.

¿Cuál es la ÚNICA forma de saber si te has infectado con el VIH o una ITS?
Hazte la prueba.

Como miembro del foro "¿Tengo VIH?", se le exige que publique únicamente en este hilo, sin importar el tiempo transcurrido entre visitas o el tema del mismo. Puede encontrar este hilo yendo a su perfil y seleccionando "Mostrar mi propia publicación", que lo llevará aquí. Nos ayuda a ayudarlo cuando mantiene todos sus pensamientos o preguntas en un hilo, y ayuda a otros lectores a seguir la discusión. Cualquier hilo adicional será eliminado.
Estoy infectado? / Contagio condon mano a ojo
« Last post by Jhonme on January 27, 2025, 01:21:45 pm »
Hola!, lo que sucedió es lo siguiente, tuve relaciones con una prostituta, bueno la cosa es que me hizo sexo oral con condon ( el condon lo puso ella con su boca), y bueno uego la penetracion con condon . Cabe decir que no fue la mejor experiencia,  no pude penetrar bien a la mujer, estaba nervioso, más que nada fue de manera superficial o en la entrada de la vagina y así, no tuve una buena errecion y eso y ni siquiera eyacule, la cosa es que en un momento toque el condon con fluidos quizás de su vagina y saliva por sexo oral con la mano y luego me toque el ojo o sobe el ojo, después de 10 minutos aprox ,me lave el ojo y cuando regrese a mi casa,me di una ducha con agua fría o del caño a cuerpo entero...

1- mi pregunta es... pude haber contraído vih por ese gesto o similar ,osea tocar el condon con la mano y luego mi ojo?

2- cual es mi riesgo? Era necesario pep?

3- eso fue hace 1 mes y 3 semanas y la verdad creo que estoy sintiendo algunos síntomas... ¿ es necesario hacerme la prueba??.. gracias
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Am I worrying myself sick? Possible HIV exposure
« Last post by Jim on January 27, 2025, 01:10:46 pm »
Nothing you posted was an HIV risk, move on with your life
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Am I worrying myself sick? Possible HIV exposure
« Last post by ADoofy on January 27, 2025, 11:42:50 am »
Thank you for your response!

What about in the event of if the condom was indeed 3/4ths on?
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Am I worrying myself sick? Possible HIV exposure
« Last post by leatherman on January 27, 2025, 11:32:28 am »
received unprotected oral sex for around 2 minutes and engaged in protected vaginal sex

because I have had many condoms break over my life and I never noticed until pulling out.
Risks for HIV are unprotected anal/vaginal sex or sharing injection needles. You did correctly and had no risk for HIV.

If you've had condoms break before, like I have, then you'll know that (because they're made of latex and stretch) broken condoms are easily recognizable as broken. They are usually left in tatters and/or unstretch leaving your penis very uncovered and semen easily spilled out.

Symptoms are not a diagnosis of HIV as often symptoms aren't experienced and certainly don't happen the next day but a month or so later. Since you had flu like symptoms and other that have continued, I would suggest you contact your doctor and get a diagnosis/treatment for whatever is ailing you.

Have a good day,

Reducing Your HIV risks:
With no exceptions, use condoms correctly and consistently for anal or vaginal intercourse
Talk to a healthcare provider about PrEP as another layer of protection

Get tested yearly for HIV and other STIs.
If you don’t use condoms and/or PrEP, test more frequently

Some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other more easily acquired STIs. It is possible to show no signs or symptoms from an STI so testing is the only way to know.

Get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

What’s the ONLY way to know if you’ve been infected by HIV or an STI?
Get tested.

Please Note.
As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.
Do I Have HIV? / Am I worrying myself sick? Possible HIV exposure
« Last post by ADoofy on January 27, 2025, 10:57:33 am »
On December 30th, I stupidly went to an Asian Massage Parlor and received unprotected oral sex for around 2 minutes and engaged in protected vaginal sex for around 8 minutes with the sex worker. She put the condom on me after giving me oral sex and I don't remember seeing or feeling if the condom broke or was slipping off after I ejaculated. The effectiveness of the condom worries me because I have had many condoms break over my life and I never noticed until pulling out. After I pulled out she took the condom off of me(not sure if it was broken) and disposed of it and gave me some alcohol wipes for my hands and penis. Now that I think of it, I believe that the condom COULD have been maybe 3/4ths on rather than 100% on after finishing. The place seemed clean, and she made me wipe my hands before touching her vagina.

The following day, I came down with a really strong flu like illness. I know that this wasn't due to the exposure because the other people in my household were also sick. This illness lasted for about a week and then I started feeling better again. My concern is that around the 17th day post exposure, I started feeling weird again. The following symptoms I have are:

white tongue that sometimes feels fuzzy and/or tingly and dry, looks like thrush

extremely dehydrated feeling where I am always thirsty and my mouth is constantly feeling dry.

I have a sour taste in my mouth from time to time as well.

brain fog/head congestion

mild headaches

chills and shivers

joint/muscle aches

neck pain on sides of neck

stuffy nose

dry cough


a sore throat that lasted for a few days

swollen lymph nodes

Loss of appetite, I am barely eating and also lost around 9 pounds.

Small rash looking outbreak on my back (I get these often)

Last night I believe I had night sweats, I woke up quite sweaty but not absolutely drenched in sweat.

I feel pretty bad on and off throughout the day on top of being extremely anxious over this whole ordeal. I went to the Urgent Care on Friday January 24th, and ended up testing positive for COVID. I have not had a fever, except maybe one night where I saw my temperature creeping up and I took Nyquil which made me feel better. I am constantly monitoring myself with a thermometer.

What is worrying me the most is that I feel sick again 2 weeks after I was sick and 1 week after feeling better.

I have been reading that the chances of contracting STDs is higher for men that are uncircumcised and I am not circumcised.

I asked for a test at the urgent care on the 24th, and I am currently awaiting those results.

Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by leatherman on January 27, 2025, 08:31:22 am »
congrats on all the good results daveR!
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by daveR on January 27, 2025, 08:21:37 am »
Just had my latest 6 monthly check up.

Still taking Kocitaf. Undetectable viral load, 1190 cd4 count at 49.9%, a new record for me. Diabetes under control, Creatinine slightly elevated but far from any concern. Dr was happy that my overall Cholesterol had dropped to 209, just out of range and then she turned the page and saw the Triglycerine level at 340 and didn't miss a beat when she prescribed a statin as soon as she the number. I did ask her if she thought it was the TAF as I have read it can affect lipids but she said no. She did ask if I wanted to switch to Dovato but I am still not 100% convinced about the two drug regimes.
I will see what the next 6 months brings and may make the switch just to drop the TAF.

Do I Have HIV? / Re: Bleeding wound on penis during blowjob
« Last post by leatherman on January 26, 2025, 03:44:13 pm »
One thing to consider about an infection via blood, is that outside of the body HIV is quickly broken down by changes in temperature, moisture/humidity and PH.

To be infected by blood, the blood must quickly be injected like through an injection needle quickly shared from another person. You could also be infected through blood if you were in a car crash where you and another person (who was infected by HIV and not on medications with an undetectable viral load for 6 months) were dramatically injured with blood pouring from the other person into your open gushing wounds.

So, considering the above conditions, there is no size cut on your penis that would be a risk - outside of your penis being completely cut off and your partner (who would have to be HIV+ along with no medications and a detectable viral load) also having a gushing wound bleeding into your wound.

Since a scenario like that would have resulted in an ER trip, where a doctor could have evaluated a risk for you, I'm going to assure you that you had no risk from this situation.

Have a good day,
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Bleeding wound on penis during blowjob
« Last post by Divako on January 26, 2025, 03:17:44 pm »
My last question is: Can you please explain to me how big of a cut do i have to have on my penis to have a risk for infection ?
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