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Do I Have HIV? / Re: I am woman and had unprotected sex help
« Last post by Jim on February 03, 2025, 11:34:51 am »

he said he last tested last oct/nov

Even if true, it's irrelevant.

By the way just found out he has a gf!


Please help I feel like asking him to please take a hiv rapid test at a planned parenthood.


then we tried again and he pumped in me three times and then pulled out.

So brief condomless intercourse, that's your HIV risk. You don't need a PCR and should test to confirm your HIV status six weeks post-exposure with a blood-draw (lab) HIV antibody test. The result at six weeks will rarely change, and retesting at three months is generally unneeded.

Also, get tested for far easier-to-transmit STIs. In the meantime, talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms so they can treat you, it has nothing to do with your HIV status.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.

Do I Have HIV? / I am woman and had unprotected sex help
« Last post by Disappointment on February 03, 2025, 10:30:00 am »
I had a one night 5 min stand or less with my gym coach. He had a condom on at first and because his penus wasn’t getting hard I went down on him and it was a very stupid and stupid thing to do but then we tried again and he pumped in me three times and then pulled out. Now I am scared it is 15 days from exposure and 1 week exactly from exposure I fell ill with a bad cold/ flu? Night sweat, bad headaches, no appetite and my vagina where my hairs grow felt like it was on fire. No it does not hurt when I pee but it felt hot to touch where my public hair grow. I am scared I messaged him and he said he last tested last oct/nov and everything was fine. Now I think I’m infected because my muscles are aching and my joints are too.. please help what is my risk is there a pcr that will be reliable if I take? I have had no sex prior to this for years and have always took care of myself I felt vulnerable and wanted and I’m stupid for letting a 5 min fling now torment me! Please help I feel like asking him to please take a hiv rapid test at a planned parenthood. By the way just found out he has a gf!
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Risk assessment
« Last post by Jim on February 02, 2025, 03:43:07 pm »
Sex-worker gave you a handjob and your issue is guilt, I can't help you with that.

In brief, your adult HIV risks are:

* Condomless intercourse & a minute (theoretical) HIV risk if you give a blowjob.
* Sharing drugs rigs (Syringes)
* Blood products/ transfusions (Rare nowadays in most nations thanks to screening)

That's it.

Move on with your life.

If you engage in condomless sex with your partner, you are obviously at risk of acquiring HIV. In relationships, condomless sex is often based on trust or past test results; however, this does not prevent HIV, so if condomless sex does occur, you should consider testing more frequently.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Risk assessment
« Last post by Retriever on February 02, 2025, 02:21:07 pm »

I made a huge mistake and guilt is killing me.
I received a handjob at a massage place. I wasn’t strong enough to stop it. Is my HIV risk ZERO, no matter the “what ifs” I can throw in the mix? Do i need testing? will I put my long term partner at risk of infection i don’t test base on this episode only?

I have read many similar posts but a dedicated response will help.

Thanks for your work.

Forums Gatherings / Re: Monthly Virtual Gathering
« Last post by leatherman on February 02, 2025, 09:32:31 am »
Good to see y'all again!! As always I think we had a great conversation that covered a lot of stuff.
Forums Gatherings / Re: Monthly Virtual Gathering
« Last post by Bucklandbury on February 01, 2025, 04:02:22 pm »
Jim, I am now listening to Toots Thielemans in your honor since you mentioned Flemish connections, if I recall correctly.

Behold the master:


and here is Toots playing with Jaco Pastorius:


RIP, Toots and Jaco.
Here are a couple of related articles I had read recently. Feel free to nix these if you want this thread solely focused on the whitepaper you posted. Doing so won't hurt my feelings. :-)

(1) https://www.thebody.com/hiv/will-hiv-affect-brain-health-aging

(2) https://www.poz.com/basics/hiv-basics/hiv-brain-hivassociated-neurocognitive-disorder

As a point of contrast to what was said on our monthly call today, the S. African neurologist suggests that:

In former years, there were fewer drugs that could get into the brain. But these days, most [ART] gets into the brain quite well. And when we look at the amount of virus in CSF [cerebrospinal fluid]―the fluid that flows around the brain and down into the lower back where we do a spinal tap or another puncture to [access] that sample―we see that most people [have their HIV] suppressed both in their plasma but also in their spinal fluid and brain.


But of course, if the drugs aren’t being taken effectively or regularly and they’re not fully controlling the virus, then they won’t be fully effective in the brain as well as elsewhere.

I am not an expert, and my ID has never offered to give me a spinal tap. Thank goodness. LOL.

You will note the POZ articles mentions mitigating cofactors like smoking, drinking, and drugging, which we know age and atrophy the brain prematurely as well. Isolating these bad lifestyle choices from the HIV itself is hard since many cohorts living with HIV also have substance use disorders, suffer undue social pressures, and do not have access to the same level and quality of medical care their non cohorts do.
Forums Gatherings / Re: Monthly Virtual Gathering
« Last post by Jim on February 01, 2025, 02:23:41 pm »
It was good seeing everyone again.

Topics discussed: Mental health, HIV & comorbidities, Drug and alcohol dependence, Sobriety, The pitfalls of grocery shopping, limitations to statistics and studies, relationships, ancestry and paternity fraud.

Thank you for attending, I hope to see you all again next month.
I thought this one was an interesting read. I don't have a summary to share, it took me a while to read through it, but in short, drugs & alcohol are bad for you particularly if you are living with HIV.


REVIEW article
07 January 2025, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States

Neurological impact of HIV/AIDS and substance use alters brain function and structure

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has successfully controlled AIDS, but HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HANDs) remain prevalent among people with HIV. HIV infection is often associated with substance use, which promotes HIV transmission and viral replication and exacerbates HANDs even in the era of cART.

This review aims to highlight the comorbid effects of HIV and substance use in specific brain regions and cell types involved in the persistence of HANDs. This review includes an overview of post-translational modifications, alterations in microglia-specific biomarkers, and possible mechanistic pathways that may link epigenomic modifications to functional protein alterations in microglia
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