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Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por Jim en Hoy a las 03:25:52 am »

I'm not purposefully trying to skip the dr. They just don't care. I don't live in the states or any "first world country".

When I started treatment I was told I would die if i drank water with the meds. I had to wait for 2 hours before and 2 hours after to be able to drink or eat anything, otherwise the meds would "stop working".
I literally swallowed the pillow dry for like a year.

That's how much they know squat about what they're talking about.
I'd rather hear from long term survivors but I get what you and jim are saying.

I get it.

I've had doctors that thought shaking hands is how HIV is transmitted or that eating cornflakes will stop your meds from working, I chose to educate them but at the end of the day, doctors are like the rest of the population, some of them are morons, and that issue can't be fixed or addressed with education and it's not their fault. However, you need to keep working and engaging with healthcare providers as you have long-term health conditions.

As for getting advice here, what you would rather hear and what advice members will provide is sometimes different. Some long-term survivors are great and knowledgable and others are total morons or bat-shit crazy that survived by pure chance and nothing more.

Look, we don't have your full medical history, even if we did nobody here can provide you medical advice. What can be said is you are on TAF, not TDF, so stop looking into that. As for Biktarvy and creatine monohydrate, no interactions are listed: However, despite this or past grievances, please first talk to your doctor and a qualified pharmacist about interactions with whatever meds you are taking and to hear if they have any concerns.

There are previous threads on bodybuilding, creatine & taking other supplements etc. You can find them with the search function here:

Best of luck with the workouts and I hope it helps.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Sex with Social Escort
« Último mensaje por Jim en Hoy a las 03:18:10 am »
Asked and answered already.

The activities posted here are not an HIV risk, since there was no HIV exposure, there is no need for HIV testing over these activities and your left testicle and arm could fall off, however, it has nothing to do with HIV.

Move on with your life, use condoms for any intercourse, and consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP and getting vaccinated against HPV, Mpox, and Hepatitis A & B. As you are sexually active get an STI screening yearly out of standard routine.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Sex with Social Escort
« Último mensaje por actuallyg en Hoy a las 01:27:30 am »
Read what you posted three times, it's not an HIV risk to you.

Hi Jim, so none of the incidents I had are a risk of HIV? But I did get my flu/cough/sore throat/mouth ulcer 3 days after..should I be worried?

Also does this require me to do a HIV test?
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por remo85 en Ayer a las 10:35:21 pm »

I'm not purposefully trying to skip the dr. They just don't care. I don't live in the states or any "first world country".

When I started treatment I was told I would die if i drank water with the meds. I had to wait for 2 hours before and 2 hours after to be able to drink or eat anything, otherwise the meds would "stop working".
I literally swallowed the pillow dry for like a year.

That's how much they know squat about what they're talking about.
I'd rather hear from long term survivors but I get what you and jim are saying.

             aojo.           Hello there!… I’ve been taking medication for 30 years and I never had any problems with my kidneys or liver because I baby my body. Meaning, I do not put in anything else in my body that may cost toxicity to my skinny body. I remember once asking my doctor precisely about protein with creatine and he said to me that that was a no, no. He recommended if I wanted to gain some weight to try  whey protein, But I decided not taking anything. Back in the day when I was suffering at the wasting syndrome where I lost like 30+ pounds he gave me Marinol a medication made with Marijuana that made me eat like crazy, but I didn’t like the way I felt so I stopped that.… Like Jim told you, talk to your HIV specialist he/she is the one who could help you with this dilemma you have because she knows the history of your organs and your antiretrovirals medication. Sometimes we had to choose between vanity and wanting to live longer lives… Just a
Thought… Good luck and hugs.

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos. I think it’s time to get a new cell phone.
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por Tonny2 en Ayer a las 04:04:00 pm »

              Ojo.           By the way, the end fairy bit, The old one, caused me lactic acidosis. Although I know everybody is different,so after that never  used it enofovir again….hugs
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por Tonny2 en Ayer a las 03:58:19 pm »

             aojo.           Hello there!… I’ve been taking medication for 30 years and I never had any problems with my kidneys or liver because I baby my body. Meaning, I do not put in anything else in my body that may cost toxicity to my skinny body. I remember once asking my doctor precisely about protein with creatine and he said to me that that was a no, no. He recommended if I wanted to gain some weight to try  whey protein, But I decided not taking anything. Back in the day when I was suffering at the wasting syndrome where I lost like 30+ pounds he gave me Marinol a medication made with Marijuana that made me eat like crazy, but I didn’t like the way I felt so I stopped that.… Like Jim told you, talk to your HIV specialist he/she is the one who could help you with this dilemma you have because she knows the history of your organs and your antiretrovirals medication. Sometimes we had to choose between vanity and wanting to live longer lives… Just a
Thought… Good luck and hugs.

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos. I think it’s time to get a new cell phone.
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por Jim en Ayer a las 02:15:08 pm »
Keep us posted on those references.

Anyhow, there will be plenty of stories of people who are fine, there will be plenty of stories of people who are not, However, their stories do not mean a thing about how it will work out for you. My father was a colour-blind electrician, electrocuted himself plenty of times on rush jobs (too stubborn to turn off the power), watched him do it, and he was fine, that said, doesn't mean you would be if you get electrocuted and I know others who have died from it...

There is also a search function on the forum to read posts from others.

Now I checked the drug interaction checker and Biktarvy & Creatine monohydrate has none listed. That's not saying it will be safe for you and it also depends on what other stuff they put in the mix, other health issues and drugs you take.

So I recommend that instead of looking online, you talk to your HIV consultant & a qualified pharmacist before taking creatine or any other supplements. Make sure to monitor your kidney function if you do start taking creatine.

I've always had some self perception issues around my body type but struggled all this type to build muscle. Honestly, I really want to give it all a try before I turn 40 this year.

Best of luck to you. Hope you build some tone & muscle and feel better about this.

Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por Jim en Ayer a las 02:02:48 pm »

I read online that the tenofovir in it might bring risks of kidney damage but i honestly read this about... a lot of stuff...

That's not good enough, this isn't FB/Tictox,Reddit or X. See:

Please provide us with peer-reviewed references to support this statement for TAF  as that's what is in Biktarvy, not TDF, the older version that is known to cause kidney damage in some people, particularly when combined with boosters.

Tenofovir Effect on the Kidneys of HIV-Infected Patients

Renal safety of tenofovir alafenamide vs. tenofovir disoproxil fumarate: a pooled analysis of 26 clinical trials

Potential Kidney Toxicity from the Antiviral Drug Tenofovir: New Indications, New Formulations, and a New Prodrug
Living With HIV / Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Último mensaje por remo85 en Ayer a las 11:51:31 am »
Hey guys.

I've recently decided to try using creatine in my routine. Mainly because I've always had some self perception issues around my body type but struggled all this type to build muscle. Honestly, I really want to give it all a try before I turn 40 this year.
But I definitely need supplement help. I was wondering if any of you has knowledge about the interactions it may have with Biktarvy.

I read online that the tenofovir in it might bring risks of kidney damage but i honestly read this about... a lot of stuff...So I'd rather know first hand about any interaction experiences from actual users.

I'm planning on using it only to get started again. 1 pack and then going natural.

Any feedback is highly appreciated.  :)

Have a great weekend.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Sex with Social Escort
« Último mensaje por Jim en Ayer a las 08:23:15 am »

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