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Author Topic: "HOPE DIES LAST"  (Read 150881 times)

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Offline Grasshopper

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« Reply #250 on: July 28, 2024, 08:41:00 am »
you got infected with hiv in 1986 ?

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #251 on: July 28, 2024, 01:02:21 pm »
November 1994 after getting PCP and loosing around 30 pounds, I was diagnosed with aids, just  20 cd4. I remember when I got to the ER at the hospital, there were lots of medical personal treating me, I guess everyone wanted to learn about aids with my case while ten years before all personal working in the hospital were scared to be near an aids patent just like covid in 2020, sad don’t you think?
in 94 near Cleveland when my first partner was hospitalized, it was all gowns, gloves, face shields, and hazard warnings on the room door. From a patient and visitor's point of view, that seemed horrible. However for a disease that most people knew little about, looking back, I don't think I can really fault the hospital staff. They were just doing what they thought was best.

Boy did I have a great time with that situation though. I refused to follow safety precautions.....because I was actually keeping up with the medical literature on HIV. I was also pretty certain that I had HIV too, so it's not like I could get more infected. ;)  Not only did my kissing my partner freak out the Catholic hospital staff because of HIV but, you know, all that sinful man-on-man action.  8) LOL

Two years later when I was hospitalized none of those safeguards were put in place because everyone knew by then that they weren't needed.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #252 on: July 28, 2024, 02:40:13 pm »

          ojo.          @ grasshopper… What are coincidence, earlier, while walking my dog, I was thinking about you, wondering you were back home after your vacation in the west… yes, after I got that blood transfusion and hearing on the news, they recommendation to go back to the hospital or to get check for HIV. I assumed that I got as you said, and that I was the lucky one because I never got tested for hiv because like I said, let’s call it ignorance or maybe fear to not back then that I was positive because I was feeling healthy although now that I remember, I got juice one night sweat that even I mentioned to my mother has sweaty. I was that night, but she told me that maybe because then I was so hot. Remember, was leaving in Mexico right by the golf on MEXICO. So I put everything in the back of my mind and I kept leaving. I had for partners in Mexico before I came to live to the United States and we always used  condoms. After one year leaving in the United States I met my partner whom I live with for 10 years and we always used condoms. I will tell you a secret why I always use condoms. When I was 16 years old, I had my first sexual encounter with a female prostitute and I got a price for not wearing a condom, the price was gonorrhea so I was treated for it and I got a piece cut of my penis. Comprende?. Since then, I’ve always wear condoms. Eight years later, I was diagnosed with aids, well after my blood transition, and even my doctor told me that I might have been leaving with the virus for  eight year, so the numbers matched.

@ Leatherman, I always think about you, about the difficult times you had with the departure of your partners. I remember back in the 80s, like I said before, the doctors were using like astronaut suits to treat people with aids and that was understandable because nobody knew, anything about it like with COVID-19 that you had to clean everything you got from the market. I’ve never had an ex partner. Die of aids has a mild effect, I only know two people who were close to me dying of the dices one of them was.  TONNY A member of the Spanish forum and my best friend who was living in New York city and he was just as a guinea pig, according to my doctor, you sent a treatment that wasn’t approved to treat his cancer due to aids. but anyway, I guess we are the lucky ones to keep leaving after so many years and going through a lot. I remember one funny thing that happened to me when I got to the ER with my diagnosis PCP, there were so many doctors and nurses treating me, they one of them, stuck his finger in my behind and told me that I had blood on my stool, I talking what the hell does that mean?. Lol what horrible days…hugs

Ps. again, sorry for the typos. To tell you the truth sometimes he gets to me to post because I had to dictate the message and then listen to the message and try to correct what my cell phone types and when I had to correct the mistakes it gets frustrating trying to find what to correct. Comprende?

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #253 on: July 28, 2024, 04:22:40 pm »
I had to dictate the message and then listen to the message and try to correct what my cell phone types and when I had to correct the mistakes it gets frustrating trying to find what to correct. Comprende?
today on facebook I say a funny meme that said something about sometimes I send my friends a text saying "wut are you dong tunoghity?" and just let it go like that. ;D It's up to them to decipher it. LOL So don't worry! we'll figure out what you meant to type. LOL :D

wow. another way we've been alike. I've almost always used condoms. Well, except twice with my first partner and we see what happened with that.  ::) ::) That's how I know my infection dates back to 1984....Nov 26th to be exact. (oh weird! 32 years later on that date I married Larry! I never realized that before.) Heck, to this day I still use condoms. I have 1000s of them and a zillion little lube packets thanks to my days of running those health fair booths passing out condoms.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #254 on: July 28, 2024, 04:33:13 pm »

               ojo.         Thank you, Leatherman I guess I’m gonna keep trying until I can’t do it anymore… Back when I was leaving in Mexico, three of my friends and I rented an apartment and we made a pact to August where condoms to protect ourselves, specially. One of my friends he used to work for the health clinic and he will get boxes of condoms so the apartment was always protect itself.…… Again, thanks for your kind words and you support to this BLIND guy that only ones to share, his experiences so nobody else had to go through what we went through… hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #255 on: July 29, 2024, 10:37:23 am »

                  ojo.      @leatherman, thinkng back, I don’t think I’d have been able too live knowing that I could have infected my ex, after ten years of relationship he remained negative, he decided to stay with me after my aids diagnosis, four years more more after my DX. I ended the relationship in one part for me being positive and because I chose family over him, it’s a long story. But I am happy for him because my ex met someone and now he celebrating 17 years with his new relationship….hugs

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #256 on: July 30, 2024, 07:00:21 pm »
by the time we knew we were infected, Randy was already quite sick. For me there simply wasn't a reason to blame him. Of course, a lot of my gay friends were already either dead or sick themselves because the rate of infection in the gay community was really high back then. That's why we weren't really surprised at our diagnosis. It seemed like everyone was infected. Of course, that high rate of infection and death left the remainder of us alone, grief-stricken, with some PTSD.

I worried for a while about whether I had infected my second partner....but you know, condoms. Sadly, he told me numerous times that he had been tested in the years prior and through our relationship; but clearly that wasn't true. He had been friends with me and my first partner for many years, so he knew what AIDS was all about. Obviously he had been infected before we got together, and his cancer and AIDS diagnosis made me mad/sad that I never forced, cajoled, or went with him to a clinic to get an HIV test. We could of saved ourselves a lot of grief and I, left behind, learned a very hard lesson. Hence the decades of HIV advocacy and education volunteer work that I've done. My message: don't be as stupid as me

So, lesson learned, I lucked out and got my Larry - someone living with HIV for almost the same amount of time as I.....and as healthy! Phew! Hopefully this one will last a bit. I tease him about the clock ticking down (both my previous partners lasted 10yrs each) on his 10yr time limit LOL as we're just a few months short of our 8yr wedding anniversary. LOL But there's nothing to worry about. We're creeping up on year #12 of being partners, so he's already passed the 10yr limit by a few years. WooHoo!

Believe it or not, I still use condoms. While I have plenty of kinks, and don't mind a lot of the messy mess that comes with sex..... I have some sort of clean fetish that kicks in a some point and condoms make me feel better. LOL That issue if probably some sort of PTSD issue from feeling so "infected, sickly, icky and infectious" back in those early years. Just like your "I ended the relationship in one part for me being positive". I feel that.

leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #257 on: July 31, 2024, 10:11:47 am »

           ojo.            @leatherman… it’s weird how our stories are alike, but I am glad that you don’t have the Saints health issues I have. i’m sorry about the passing of your Partners but life cost on and I am happy for you and Larry… Hugs.

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #258 on: July 31, 2024, 10:24:20 am »
it’s weird how our stories are alike
and in the end, it's kind of nice. We're both here with stories to tell. Even if all the stories aren't good; I'd rather have these stories than have none at all. ;) RIP Tonny, Randy, and Jim. <3
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #259 on: July 31, 2024, 01:26:34 pm »

             ojo.            @leatherman, you are right, it’s better have something to share so , newly diagnosed people know and appreciate all the advances to treat this pandemic and, by reading our stories (LTS), realize how lucky they are on having to take just one pill a day, I know that getting an hiv is not a matter of good or bad luck, we all know how HIV is acquired. Hopefully, by reading some of our stories they might learn that it wasn’t easy back in the days. sometimes I wonder how many people, newly diagnosed people, take the time to read the longtime Survivor forum…anyway, as you mentioned, for some reason we are still here…

Tonny was a 29 years old man who was diagnosed with aids, cd4 around 90, started treatment and he became UD right away and his cd4 went up to 300+, unfortunately, he is steady, having headaches and to make a long story short he died a year later off the informer not Hopkins in the back of his right eye. I met the guy in Mexico and he was a pretty nice young man. It hurt me so much, his death and I felt angry because why he had to die so young after just one after his aids diagnosis while I’ve been living with this condition for ever. I told him that it was not fair I even told him I was going to leave the forums and he said “NO”, he wanted me to keep sharing my experiences because reading me helped him digest his dx. So, here I’m honoring his memory, I even changed my user’s name to “TONNY2”, I never asked him why two “Ns” on his name…ok, I got to go because sharing his story still hurts, he died pretty young…RIP amigo…hugs

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #260 on: July 31, 2024, 08:01:42 pm »
Tonny was a 29 years old man who was diagnosed with aids.......
he died a year later off the informer not Hopkins
the similarities are so so weird.  ;D ;D ;D

My first partner died right after his 30th birthday from PCP/AIDS
my second partner died from non-hodgkins lymphoma/AIDS
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #261 on: July 31, 2024, 08:29:24 pm »

                   ojo.           @ Element…tonny died of non Hodgkins lymphoma*, sorry for the typos… he was diagnosed couple of days before his 29th birthday and he died in April of the following year. He suffered so much with that lymphoma behind his eye…

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #262 on: August 01, 2024, 01:20:46 pm »

                ojo.          @ Leatherman… The treatment for PCP was bacteim?…I beought this topic to my thread because I don’t want to hijack Kent thread… I am allergic to bactrim so I don’r think tha was the treatment the doctor gave me to treat PCP (taking by mouth) otherwise I woyld. Have had the hives I got with bactrim, may be was another med used as off label, my point is that I suffer so much with that med, when I finished it I told him why he didin’t gave me pantamidine. But anyway, like I said, that was the past, we all were learning about OIs and HIV treatments, at least the treatment worked and kept me working and not at the hospital.

I have has some serious side effects issues with some meds from the begining of treatments, I will mentione just some:

Combivir…anemia so bad that I needed blood transfusions.

Abacavir… sensitivity. Back then there was no that test to check if you were allergic to it.

Kaletra this medication with two more, save my life, but I got three different episodes of pancreatitis. did treatment for pancreatitis. He was to stay in the hospital for 15 days with IV hydration only, no food and nothing to drink by mouth. Three different times.

So, I’m still here which is what it matters…Hugs

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #263 on: August 01, 2024, 04:10:23 pm »
could have been Atovaquone, a liquid med. ugh

I had pentamidine when I was hospitalized. Afterwards, I took bactrim for 12 yrs. Then 20+ yrs later when I was prescribed it again (for a prostate infection of all things), and I turned out to be horribly allergic. ::)

Side effects? I puked on everything until Atazanavir (reyetaz) was on the market (2003). Puking so much with AZT and Sustiva caused me to stop my ARVs and was why I ended up hospitalized twice with PCP. Don't think bad of me though! I stayed adherent to any regimen as long as I wasn't vomiting daily. Throwing up only three times a week was great and kept me on many of my regimens.

taking a moment to sound like an old man 8):
kids these days. sheesh. LOL with their fancy one pill a day, no side effect regimens. Lucky little pups! ;D ;D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #264 on: August 02, 2024, 01:46:09 pm »

                    Ojo.          @leatherman, wow!!, I hate puking, I think that they only antiretroviral med that made puke was tenofovir (viread) it was weird that I would start taking tenofovir and vy the 10 day of taking it I would start vomiting, (lactic acidosis) so I stopped that med for good. I didn’t have problems with sustiva, efavitrnz, I remember just having vivid dreams for four days, I would wake up in the middle of the night like quote, what’s going on? “, too bad that those vivid dreams weren’t erotic dreams otherwise, they would have been wet dreams.

And yes, you are right about the newly infected people, just one pill a day, I envy you guys. but anyway, Life goes on… Thanks for replying… Hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #265 on: August 05, 2024, 12:52:04 pm »

                 ojo.          Hello everyone!… Tomorrow is the day to go and have my bionic eye made, finally!. I think that is gonna be made around four hours so I would be ready to wear my bionic eye doing my next trip to Mexico. That’s already next week, oh man!, time flies. I guess I’m getting old, I should say older because I’m already old. Lol, as a mother of facts, I will be celebrating my birthday in Cancun, the 21st. 62 years old, I was diagnosed with aids when I was 32 years old. In November 29, I will celebrate my 30th year leaving in overtime, does it make sense?. I really make honor to my real name, “reborn.”. I don’t know how to upload photos so I can put a picture of my face with my new bionic eye. It’s going to be a blue eye with my other eye been Brown. I’m gonna look like i And Alaskan husky lol.

The other day I was thinking about some people who have to deal with mental issues and HIV and I was wondering how difficult it must be for them. I would love to learn more about this dual fight Orchestra. The other day I sent a p.m. to a member who has mental issues so I could learn from him and then apply the knowledge to other members but, I guess it has to be difficult for this member to talk about it because I never heard back from him. Anyway, I feel for them. In my case, fortunately, even though I had gone through a lot of health issues, even three nearly death experiences, and I have never thought about suicide on the contrary, I had always try to fly even harder. Maybe this is because  of my mother who has been fighting with me since day one and she hasn’t quit, I wonder if when she is not longer with me, if I have another or a different mindset. Well, I hope my mother overlive me. We’ll see…hugs

Ps sorry for the typos

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #266 on: August 05, 2024, 03:37:31 pm »
Tomorrow is the day to go and have my bionic eye made, finally!. I think that is gonna be made around four hours so I would be ready to wear my bionic eye doing my next trip to Mexico.
OMG! Woohoo! That's great to hear! How's the pain doing these days?

I guess I’m getting old, I should say older because I’m already old. Lol, as a mother of facts, I will be celebrating my birthday in Cancun, the 21st. 62 years old
well damn. Here I was about to tell you that you were lucky to miss our zoom call this weekend. They kept picking on me for being old. As if! You could have been there and been "old" with me.....but as my bday was back in March, I'd still be the oldest. LOL That's what I get in my life for hanging out with 40yr olds. LOL People my actual age are all too "boomer-ish" for me.

I don’t know how to upload photos so I can put a picture of my face with my new bionic eye. It’s going to be a blue eye with my other eye been Brown. I’m gonna look like i And Alaskan husky lol.
let me know when you back with some cool pix and I'll help you upload. here's some instructions, or contact me and we'll work it out! :)

While I had cocker spaniels, my uncle used to have huskies. Beautiful dogs! You're going to look great!

on the contrary, I had always try to  fly  even harder
Hell yeah! That's the attitude.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #267 on: August 06, 2024, 03:13:39 pm »

              ojo.        @leatherman…I don’t know hoe to quote but I will try to answer

1. My pain definitely is almost gone. I still have one in a while and a little bit of pain but nothing like before.. Right now I’m here, waiting for my bionic, they already took some measurements and I had to wait one hour to try it on. and not, it’s not going to be a blue eye. All the Day told me that one guy came and asked  for a blue eye so he looked like a husky. Lol, I told them I’m too old for that craziness. Lol Well, it’s good to know that you are older than me.

2 How about the picture, you had to show me how to do it. Please.

3 on the contrary a fight not fly. and you are right, that’s the  attitude we all have to adapt to because we can’t change the past but we really can develop better in the present, changing our bad practices, losing ke smoking ehat It call literally burning our money, etc, etc. It is what it is now that we are positive we got to be more positive about life..

Thanks for replying….hugs

For my typos.

. Lol

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #268 on: August 09, 2024, 02:39:41 pm »

               ojo.               Hello everyone!… Well, it’s been three days since I got my bionic eye and so far so good, I wear it all day and night. I even asleep with it. My pain comes and goes, but it is not bad. I’m happy with. my Bionic  eye because everybody says that it looks like a normal eye.

Yesterday I went to see the urologist, he inserted a scope in my urethra to check my prostate and he says that everything is fine. Now , every time that I go pee, I have a burning sensation in my PP call Matt Doctor says that he is normal that in two days it will go away. I hope so because I don’t want to be suffering during my vacation in Cancun next week. The doctor, he not on the violated my part he did my behind too. bye-bye virginity once again. I’m happy because everything is OK… sometimes I wonder if I wouldn’t be HIV positive I would have been checked. I have been checked for everything.… Hugs

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #269 on: August 09, 2024, 07:14:52 pm »
inserted a scope in my urethra

he did my behind too. bye-bye virginity once again.
look at you, you good boy!  ;) 8)
still all kinky even as you're getting older.

2 How about the picture, you had to show me how to do it. Please.
I'm sending you my email address. Just email me your picture and I'll make sure it's sized right and will post it in this thread. ;) :D

so far so good, I wear it all day and night. I even asleep with it. My pain comes and goes, but it is not bad.
I'm so glad your new eye is working out well for you!! :D :-*
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #270 on: August 09, 2024, 09:34:25 pm »

             ojo.             Thank For Replaying Leatherman.… I may be older, but my heart is still young. Although the rest of the body hurts.

I already sent you the picture. And thank you in advance… Thank you for the good energy. You always send me it really helps… thanks again for replying….hugs and please give my best to Larry.

Offline leatherman

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« Reply #271 on: August 10, 2024, 06:11:20 am »

wow. your eyes look great!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Grasshopper

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« Reply #272 on: August 10, 2024, 01:17:29 pm »
I can't see the difference ....good job done

Offline Grasshopper

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« Reply #273 on: August 10, 2024, 01:34:21 pm »


 the urologist, he inserted a scope in my urethra to check my prostate

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos

OMG.....that's horrifying

I had gone to the urologist because of having too frequent urge to pee. Sat down in his office and discussed my problems. Had to go first to a special toilet to measure the urine flow. Next he said lets go to the other room for further examination.......he did not say what he was about to do. I was asked to undress my lower body and to lay on the table. Next I saw him removing this huge scope. Horrified I squealed...whats THAT for....he answered to do an internal exam of your urinary track, bladder and prostate. No way i squealed and jumped of the table and dashed to to corner of the room. Somehow he, the Intern and the nurse convinced me to get back on the table. The first they injected a numbing agent into my urethra which burned at first.  After I was numbed to my surprise the scope went in smoothly without any discomfort.
I've had a Foley catheter inserted before...but I was unconscious then when that was inserted.
Sooo Sissy of me  :-[

Later it took a few days for the burning sensation when peeing to wear off.

The most skin crawling thing I've ever  seen is people doing "sounding"  :o
« Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 01:41:38 pm by Grasshopper »

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #274 on: August 10, 2024, 08:23:34 pm »

               ojo.                @leatherman, thanks for uploading my pix. So, you can not tell which is ne is my bionic eye?, my good eye has some stitches to close my eyelids a little because I wear a contact lens and it was falling out frequently so the doc decided to stitch it up My eyelid a little bit, since then, it hasn’t fallen out… again, thanks for uploading the picture and your comment… Hugs

@ grasshopper, Thanks for replying and your comment about my fake eye.

About the urologist, The procedure wasn’t too bad at all, the RON Wes afterwards, like you said a burning sensation when peeing and I had it for a couple of days. Now I’m OK… Thanks for replying and hugs.

Offline Leon82

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« Reply #275 on: August 11, 2024, 02:47:05 am »
@Tonny2 Wow, Tonny... you are a handsome man  ;)! And your eyes look amazing! Can't tell if there is a bionic one. Good job!
Dx 13/06/24
CD4 788, 41%, VL 18700
21/06/24 Biktarvy
9/07/24 CD4 900, VL UD
1/11/24 CD4 959, VL UD

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #276 on: August 11, 2024, 10:50:38 am »

             ojo.             @Leon38… thanks for replying and I appreciate your compliment… I envy your numbers especially the cd4%, 41 wow!!!, well, I shouldn’t complain, I’m still alive after almost 30 years of an AIDS dx…hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #277 on: August 20, 2024, 05:20:31 pm »

            ojo.             Hello everyone!… Living With aids/HIV have thought me to enjoy life 100% even with my limitations because nobody knows when “ The skeleton” (death) he’s going to show up so that’s what I’ve been doing since my dx, well, when I asked the doctor after my AIDS dx, it hit me pretty hard when he told me that I might live just two more years, I remember going home and being in bed for four days until I realized that I was already wasting four days of those two years I was supposed to live. Since then, I went back to work, decided to get up Mortgage, traveling JULIAN my vacation. Period and having fun. I am doing right now suffering in Paradise (Cancun Mexico). I decided to be a fighter and not a victim of this condition specially went back in the days medications we’re not easy to take due to the side effects like the new medication that through the years have gotten better and more effective to kick HIV ass without awful Side effects like those medication’s in the beginning of this pandemic. They are getting so much better that you newly diagnosed people just take one pill a day, I will kill for take your swamp pill a day, because it is not my case but, anyways, I’ve read, some post that’s some members have some issues with possible long time effects of the medication, who cares about the future if this medication is saving your life now. Some philosopher said the living in imagination is worse than living in reality. I’m not sure if this makes sense, just try to take medication as prescribed and live every day, as if it were the last day of your life every day to not think about what going to happen in the future because nobody knows what’s going to happen to us we might even die from other reason and not from an HIV related illness. I also read about some people not being able to cope mentally with the diagnosis, for those of you in the situation seek professional health because I think that you are just wasting your time feeling sorry for yourselves with all due respect…hugs

Ps. Sorry for the typos

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« Reply #278 on: August 26, 2024, 07:39:10 pm »

Sorry I didn't get these pictures (from your video) posted sooner; but just know that I am so jelly!
The locale for you vaca looks be-u-ti-ful ;)

leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #279 on: August 27, 2024, 04:15:01 am »

                   ojo.            @leatherman, thanks for posting my pix. I just came back from my trip. That’s the lagoon in Bacalar in Mexico, it’s called “The seven color lagoon” it is a beautiful place. Then I went to Cancun,  Playa del Carmen and Cozumel, The Mexican riviera. it was so hot, but I had a great time even with my limitations…Thanks again for posting that picture for me… Hugs

By the way, i celebrated my birthday number 62 over there, I remember one time celebrate my birthday in the hospital, what a difference!

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« Reply #280 on: August 27, 2024, 08:33:01 pm »
I remember one time celebrate my birthday in the hospital, what a difference!
OMG. In that list of life similarities, I had two birthdays in the hospital. does this mean I'll end up with a bionic eye one day too??  LOL  ;D ;D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #281 on: August 28, 2024, 04:26:02 am »

                    ojo.            @leTherman, yes, our stories are somewhat alike but don’t even think about becoming a $6 million man, it’s not fun. Having lost my vision has been the worst part of living with HIV, I lost my independence and now I have to depend on people to take me to my doctors appointments, etc., etc. not being able to drive sucks. But I’m glad that this, having a bionic eye, is something that you had to jealous about my story. L O L… Thanks for your replying…hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #282 on: September 09, 2024, 04:51:35 pm »

            ojo.        Hello everyone!… Well, it’s been a month since I started wearing my bionic eye, so far so good although I’m still getting the same pain before my surgery and with the bionic eye in it hurts even more. I was recommended to do not take it out until I see the surgeon on the first of October . We’ll see what he has to say… I will keep you posted… Hugs

Offline Grasshopper

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« Reply #283 on: September 10, 2024, 12:51:15 am »
Sorry to read about you still having the phantom pains. My aunt is still hesitating to have her blind (now both) eyes replaced by a prosthetics. Guess I better don't advise her anymore, after reading your post, to have replaced.
Hope the doctors somehow find a solution for your phantom pain. Good luck and all the best.

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« Reply #284 on: September 10, 2024, 05:26:46 am »
oh no! so sorry to hear that you're still having issues with pain. Here's hoping some doctor figures out a way to help you.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Jim

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« Reply #285 on: September 10, 2024, 08:59:50 am »
Really sorry to hear you are still experiencing pain. Hugs.
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Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #286 on: September 10, 2024, 04:59:34 pm »

               ojo.          Dang guys!. It is what it is, I guess I have to keep dealing with the pain, although it is not as frequent as before it is still there (I am on my third day with pain, all day long), I just talked to the lab with the person who made my prosthesis and she told me to try to take the Bionic eye tonight to see if that helps. I will do that. Let’s see the pain Go away if that’s the case maybe my prosthesis needs some adjustments. I will keep you posted and thanks again for your replies… Hugs.

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #287 on: September 10, 2024, 07:44:30 pm »

          ojo.         Thanks* guys…sorry for the typos…hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #288 on: September 12, 2024, 12:46:02 pm »

                ojo.           Hello everyone!… Finally, the nurse called me and I got the antibiotic to treat my sinus infection… Also, I talked to her about my appointment with the ID doctor and she arranged the appointment to coincide with my other two  appointments for  the first of  October, it is going to be a long day, but it will save me a trip to the Cleveland Clinic which is one hour away from where I live. And it is time for me to see Dracula before I see  the ID Doctor but the Cleveland Clinic has a lab here in town. I will get to see Dracula one week before I see the ID doctor.

I started taking the antibiotic and I hope that this medication helps me with my eye pain. Otherwise I will have to go and get my bionic eye adjusted, and if the pain is still there, that means that the nerve, the optic nerve is cussing the pain and I thought That the surgery was going to be enough to get rid of the pain. We’ll see what the doctor says on 1 October and I will also see the Doctor Who is treating me for my osteoporosis. I just got my last month of The injections to treat my osteoporosis. Woo hoo, no more poking.… I will keep you posted…hugs

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 12:57:42 pm by Tonny2 »

Offline Jim

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« Reply #289 on: September 12, 2024, 02:46:22 pm »
Nice that they could arrange all the appointments to be on the same day, hopefully, things improve soon for you. Hugs and keep us posted.
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Offline leatherman

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« Reply #290 on: September 13, 2024, 06:03:46 am »
that's great to get all your appts. lined up to reduce your trips. Hopefully all of them are close to each other on the Clev. Clinic campus. That's a huge place!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that someone will find something to help you out with your pain situation. That's got to be soooo frustrating.

Hang in there!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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« Reply #291 on: September 13, 2024, 11:51:21 am »

                ojo.          Thanks Jim and leatherman for your replies and my first two appoinments are in the same building, ID and bone specialust, and the cornea specialust building is right besides the building where I’ll see the other two soecialust. And you are right leathetman, the Cleveland Clinic is huge…my best for Larry…hugs

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #292 on: September 19, 2024, 12:46:33 pm »

                 ojo.              Hello all!…Yesterday I went to see Deacula, the results are back. I’m still UD, cd4 751 and cd4% 35 , the rest of the results are normal. Now all I have to talk to the doctor is about the lab results and my shoulder’s pain is getting worse, I’ll ask the dictor if I need anither MRI to check my shoulder again, we’ll see what the doc says although, I DON’T WANT SURGERY, I just want to make sure that my arms are not going to fall down while walking my dog not only losing my arm but also my dog dragging my arm around the block, LOL…I will also see the. Bone specialist, I’m on my last mont injecting myself which makes me happy, I remember way.back when I was injecting myself with Fuzion (T20), it was as a pain in my skinny ass. After the injection treatment I will continue with anither treatment, oral treatment dor two more years…my third appoinment of the day, Ictober 1st, I’m seeing the surgeon whom removed my blind eye, we’ll discuss the causes of my eye pain, it was suppise to be gone after the surgery but it’s still there. Tonight I will take out my prosthesis to discard the possibility of being the cost of the pain and if it is, I would have to go to get it adjusted. I will keep you posted. It’s going to be a long day, but, it will save me time and money… I am very happy with my doctors to make possible synchronize the three appointments for the same day… I will keep you posted and hugs

Ps. forgive my typos

Offline Tonny2

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« Reply #293 on: September 21, 2024, 03:22:15 pm »

                 ojo.          Hello everyone!… it has been two days without my bionic eye, still some eye pain so I guess having my prosthesis in exacerbates my Eye pain. Let’s see what the doctor has to say about it and I think that my prosthesis may need some adjustment… I hope we can figure out what is causing the pain because they’re paying was supposed to be gone after the surgery… I would keep you posted… I also have my vitamin D levels and even though I am taking vitamin D supplements, my levels are still low, I will discuss this with my doctor. Well, we did bone specialist. She told me last time that my levels are low because of the injections to treat my osteoporosis. I will keep you posted… Hugs

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« Reply #294 on: September 21, 2024, 04:09:11 pm »
Sorry to hear the pain continues and hopefully with adjustments things will be better, keep us posted. BTW, I have to say the eye looked amazing on the call you joined recently, you can't tell it's not real, they have done fantastic work matching your real eye.
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« Reply #295 on: September 26, 2024, 09:14:54 pm »

              ojo.         Thanks for replying, Jim. We’ll see what the doctor has to say, and I already make an appointment to get my bionic guy. I just so, he’s going to be a long day, October 1, for appointments… I will keep you posted. I really appreciate you readings and supporting me.

Yes, everybody says that my bionic eye looks natural hanks again… Hugs

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« Reply #296 on: October 02, 2024, 06:12:58 am »

              ojo.              Hello there! … well, I saw the ID Doctor and we talked about my numbers, and detectable in my cd4 is 714 not 751 as I mentioned before, my Cd% 35, the rest of the lab results are fine. I talked to him about my neuropathy pain because he seems that ever I started my osteoporosis treatment. My pain has gotten worse. We are going to try amitriptyline for the pain and maybe it will help me sleep because I am dealing for a long time with insomnia. Period as usual, he said to me, you look good and I wish I could do more for your pain. I will see you in six months.

Then I saw the bone specialist and she said that my osteoporosis get better now I just have osteopenia. I have a run 12 more days of injections and no more poking. I will start taking one pill at day for two years to keep treating the osteopenia. I guess this is good news no more risk to get broken bones easily.

Then I saw the surgeon who operate on my blind eye. He said on the first patient that complains about pain after the surgery and he thinks that it might be because of all the problems and surgeries I have had before, he gave me some Eye drops for inflammation to see if that might help. So I guess I had to learn to live with this pain. That’s why I postponed this surgery for a long time expecting this results although my bionic eye looks better than pay for my real. I looked previous to the surgery.

It was a long day, but, I don’t have to go back to the Cleveland Clinic  until Aprill 2025.…Hogs

Ps. i’m sorry for the typos

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« Reply #297 on: October 02, 2024, 04:49:48 pm »
It's good to news that most of your news was good. I'm sorry to hear that there wasn't any resolution for you eye pain issue. :(

Hang in there! :)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

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« Reply #298 on: October 02, 2024, 10:06:53 pm »

               ojo.            @leatherman, thanks for replying, it really means a lot to me to know that’s a one understands that even though I’m a long time survivor I’m still need to hear your support. Yes, I feel so frustrated with the result on my surgery, it took me more than 15 years to decide to get the surgery, hoping that my pain will go away and for some reason, I always knew that I was going to have to deal with the pain after the surgery, but I guess the good new is that my eye looks better, my bionic eye.

I will have to learn to live with the Spain in life goes on. If I am feeling pain, it means that I’m still alive and I’m lucky to be alive after everything I have gone through… thanks again, Michael. I really appreciate you reading me and taking the time to reply and giving me good energies. We are positive and now we had to be more positive to keep living a good life.

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« Reply #299 on: October 11, 2024, 10:17:41 pm »

          Ojo.         Hello everyone!… Today was my last night poking myself, no more injection. Too long years of poking myself every night to keep my bones strong. Next week I will start the next phase to fighting osteoporosis, now I will start taking one pill a week For too long years. I’m really happy to finally stop the injection every night. It was a pain in the butt. Now we had to wait and see if the Foxonas does its job in repaired in my bones density. I will keep you posted… Hugs.


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