Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by leatherman on September 11, 2024, 07:58:35 pm »However surgery is tomorrow morning. Prep starts at 6, surgery at 9. Doctor report to family? 12-2. depending on how things go.
I've been up there today already but will go back early evening for a bit. I'll be there 530am tomorrow bright and early (well, it'll still be dark but you know what i mean) to see him before everything starts.
Needless to say there's been a lot for me to think about. Unfortunately a lot of my thinking has been about how I've been in this situation before. I have to say no matter how much I love Larry (and it's a lot!), Randy and Jim have been in my mind so much in the last 24 hours. Here I thought I had left those sad times behind, and yet here my thoughts are again. stupid PTSD.
I'm going to do like I've done before, and not talk with Larry about what-if things go badly. Since same sex marriage wasn't an option back when I was with Jim, at some point I had to talk about wills, car titles and property deeds. It wasn't a pretty chat as it forced Jim to face up to what might happen....and what did happen. Because I dropped the issue, I lost the car, power, water and eventually the house a few months later. This time though I have a car in my name, a house we co-signed for, and a marriage license. Thankfully, though it's hard to think about the bad options, I should be able to hold off the negative consequences for a longer time this time in a worst case scenario. Ugh. Being an adult sucks so bad.
Now for the hardest part tomorrow....waiting. Waiting to see if Larry survives or if I lose Larry. Of course, I'm rooting for survival; but you never know and I'll still be here regardless of the outcome. sigh.