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Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by leatherman on September 14, 2024, 01:59:14 pm »
back and forth, back and forth. between home and the hospital.
Thankfully, the hospital is about 10 miles away and I can drive 60mph about 8 of those miles. While living in a small town with a hospital in a nearby city is a lot of driving, it's a lot less stressful than driving 10 miles up in the big city. :D

In the late afternoon visiting hours in ICU yesterday, I found Larry, not in the bed, but sitting up in a chair. Which is a good step forward. However, he was having a lot of pain. The nurse said well, when they slice you open, crack your ribcage and reach in and touch your heart, there's going to be some pain. LOL The nurses here have been really proficient, caring, busy and funny. By the time, I left Larry was stoned and not really feeling much pain. ROFLMAO

This morning when I went back, he was back sitting in the chair AND he looked so much better, felt better, and 2/3 of all those IV racks were gone. Both he and I even got 7 hours of sleep last night. Oddly enough the SAME 7 hours. LOL He's doing so well, he finally got some real food....well as real as cold hospital-scrambled eggs can be. LOL The doctor is very pleased with his entire progress so far. This afternoon they'll be taking away another IV spot (Lord! there have been like four major IV spots with about a dozen IV bags dripping in him). They also plan to remove all the drainage tubes (yuck). By the time I get back this late afternoon, I might just find him walking the halls for the first time. The plan is to get him back to a regular bed upstairs tomorrow. WooHoo!

my stupid brain isn't as pessimistic today. :D Yeah!

Even if that damn realist in my brain does mention we're still not out of the woods. It's also pointed out that I will probably feel worried for months about his health. But at least I have more time to worry about him. <3
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 12:48:59 pm »
Look I wish you well but your problem isn't HIV, its that you are either feeling guilty or worried about being caught after cheating on your wife.
Living With HIV / Re: Hippa Violation Illinois help
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 12:42:10 pm »
Sorry to hear this.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 12:38:23 pm »
No my wife has been tested on Monday and results in yesterday due to her pregnancy she’s been tested.

Great, she didn't have HIV a few months ago, you don't keep her locked up 24/7 do you, gosh I hope not....

I'll repeat myself, If you engage in condomless intercourse with your partner, you are obviously at risk of acquiring HIV. In relationships, condomless sex is often based on trust or past test results; however, this does not prevent HIV, so if condomless sex does occur, you should consider testing more frequently.

Can I ask why some sites say slight risk or low risk and that’s including the NHS!

The NHS is somewhat poorly worded, no surprise but it says giving a blowjob is a risk. To quote them

It may also be possible to catch HIV through unprotected oral sex, but the risk is much lower.

The risk is higher if:

the person giving oral sex has mouth ulcers, sores or bleeding gums
the person receiving oral sex has recently been infected with HIV and has a lot of the virus in their body, or another sexually transmitted infection

However, you didn't give a blowjob, his viral load (virus in the body) and the condition of your mouth is irrelevant as you received a blowjob and didn't give one and I have already answered that concern:

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"), and you will not be the worlds first.

As for other sites, I can't comment, plenty of outdated sites, healthcare providers or places still think handshakes are an HIV risk when we have known since the 80s that it's not.

Now to add context about giving a blowjob, the mouth generally lacks a route for HIV to infect also there are barriers such as saliva that neutralizes HIV by damaging the receptors needed to infect human cells. Unless you have gaping open holes in your mouth like meth mouth, giving a blowjob is such a minute (theoretical) HIV risk that it doesn't warrant HIV concern or testing outside of routine.

However, you don't even have that concern as you did not mention giving a blowjob, you received one, get over it.

Obviously he has blanked me for a reason

I would also blank you, you are paranoid and asking him silly irrelevant questions that are none of your business. He gave you a blowjob and owed you nothing, I thought the fuck off he said was clear enough, stop trying to contact him.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Asifb123 on September 14, 2024, 12:08:06 pm »
No my wife has been tested on Monday and results in yesterday due to her pregnancy she’s been tested. Can I ask why some sites say slight risk or low risk and that’s including the NHS! So this is why I’m paranoid about it. Obviously he has blanked me for a reason if there wasn’t anything he would have answered me but never mind I’ll put it behind me and move on with my life but just confused as to why some so no risk and some say low risk receiving oral. Thanks
Living With HIV / Hippa Violation Illinois help
« Last post by silguy618 on September 14, 2024, 12:02:25 pm »
A few months ago, my partner and I were informed via social media that a nurse at my local hospital was discussing my HIV status. She had noticed a medication refill and was sharing this information with others, which led to assumptions about my sexual orientation due to the nature of the medication I take. Immediately, I reached out to the hospital's HR department. Yesterday, I received an email informing me that an investigation revealed the unauthorized access of my medical records by the individual in question, who was subsequently terminated from their position. This situation has caused me significant distress, particularly as I have observed a notable decrease in business, especially with customers in the same age group as the employee in question I own a small local business. It is particularly challenging as I live in a small rural area and am a small business owner. Can I seek  legal counsel to explore my options for pursuing a lawsuit against both the nurse and the hospital for the emotional distress and damages caused. I would also appreciate any guidance or advice as to how to proceed, particularly given that I am located in Illinois.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 07:16:18 am »
Makes no difference whatsoever.

Receiving a blowjob lacks the conditions required for acquiring HIV; thus, it makes sense that after 40+ years of this pandemic in terms of BJs, there hasn't been a single documented case of HIV transmission to an insertive partner (the person being "sucked"), and you will not be the worlds first.

Your only HIV risk was sex with your wife.

Move on with your life.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Asifb123 on September 14, 2024, 07:12:35 am »
Thank you for your response does it matter on how long the oral lasted or if I had any marks or skin irritation on my penis. If hiv is not a risk what are the other tests I need to take? Thank you.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 06:58:46 am »
I have a wife at home who is 6 weeks pregnant

I read your entire post three times. You had zero HIV from the encounter with the 60 year old.

As for being married, I'll mention the same thing I always do when someone says they are in a relationship;

If you engage in condomless intercourse with your partner, you are obviously at risk of acquiring HIV. In relationships, condomless sex is often based on trust or past test results; however, this does not prevent HIV, so if condomless sex does occur, you should consider testing more frequently.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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Do I Have HIV? / Re: Oral sex naked body to body contact under duvet
« Last post by Jim Allen on September 14, 2024, 06:51:53 am »
I have asked him his status but he told me to F off!

Pointless question about something that's none of your business and a great answer from the guy.
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