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Author Topic: side effect biktarvy  (Read 10109 times)

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Offline testii28

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side effect biktarvy
« on: April 24, 2023, 04:16:33 am »

is it possible to develop side effects after one year of treatment with biktarvy. I never had any issues all my life with concentration and insomnia. It started slowly approx. 2 months ago.I did a test and stopped taking the medication for 3 days. The result is crystal clear thinking, sleeping like a baby and power again to take over the word.

After taking the meds again at day number three the symptoms appears again.

Any advice how to deal with that issue? More sport, more travel? Taking the pills in the morning instead evening?
No advice for psychologists or moody pills because I don't believe something like depression or chemical unbalance really exists.

Offline Jim

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2023, 04:51:14 am »
Any advice how to deal with that issue?

If it were me, I would take my meds and talk to my doctor about these issues & feelings.

You could try taking your meds in the morning; However, I can't offhand recall any specific study about taking them in the morning to reduce temporary or long-term sleep disturbance/insomnia; it has been shown to help with other HIV meds, such as DTG.

Still, let your doctor know you are having problems.


No advice for psychologists or moody pills because I don't believe something like depression or chemical unbalance really exists.


People are free to mention psychologists or treatments for depression/anxiety or sleep issues as long as they are not giving you a diagnosis and their comments are from personal experience or backed by published scientific references. 

You don't have to accept or believe in any advice given, and nobody is forcing you.

However, considering the grief, struggles and stigma people with mental health challenges experience, particularly in the HIV community, sometimes exasperated by certain HIV meds, was it really necessary to add the term "moody pills" or even mention that you don't believe in depression?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2023, 05:16:07 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline testii28

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2023, 05:54:31 am »
Maybe I was a bit harsh.After living 2 decades abroad, taking the first world problem serious it is hard sometimes.
Next time no moody pills, promise :)

Offline Jim

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2023, 06:18:17 am »
Maybe I was a bit harsh.After living 2 decades abroad, taking the first world problem serious it is hard sometimes.
Next time no moody pills, promise :)

Ugh, the first-world problem chestnut, is so weak and after you posted about some sleep issues, true clown. The next step line is to mention the poor children or some shit and I am not going to entertain you. 

I'll make it simple for you, stop being condescending, mocking or dismissive about mental health and serious health issues that affect the HIV and wider community it's an issue that is debilitating for people, if not you can have time out from the forums.
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Offline testii28

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2023, 07:06:53 am »
I have in no way insulted anyone or been condescending to people who have mental problems. Everyone is free to seek advice from different sources if it helps them.
If anyone has felt offended, I apologise.

Offline Jim

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2023, 07:18:59 am »
I have in no way insulted anyone or been condescending to people who have mental problems.

Stop playing dumb, not going to warn you again.

If it were me, I would take my meds and talk to my doctor about these issues & feelings.

You could try taking your meds in the morning; However, I can't offhand recall any specific study about taking them in the morning to reduce temporary or long-term sleep disturbance/insomnia; it has been shown to help with other HIV meds, such as DTG.

Still, let your doctor know you are having problems.


I hope you can resolve the insomnia issues soon. 
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Offline testii28

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2023, 07:38:15 am »
I will try to take the pills in the morning like mention in the article  with my cup of coffee. It is worth a try.

Offline leatherman

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2023, 08:48:50 pm »
Maybe I was a bit harsh.After living 2 decades abroad, taking the first world problem serious it is hard sometimes.
Next time no moody pills, promise :)
I have had a hard time coming to grips with the issues of others sometimes. But I do get biology. Just like some people's bodies end up not matching who they are or that some people need medications to regulate what their bodies aren't doing properly (like the ubiquitous BP and cholesterol meds), some people need meds to regulate their emotional and mental needs. First world problem? I would say it's a whole world problem but only the first world even tries to treat it.

You seem to have the same issue my mom was complaining about the other day. She was going on about how it didn't seem right to have to fix a problem with medication to only have to take another medication to counteract negative side effects of the first medication. I suggested she consider the situation like a table with one slightly broken leg. Say you use a brick under that broken leg to raise it back up; but the brick is just a little too big. Now you've got to use something under the other leg to counterbalance the effect of the first "fix".

I used to take Imodium like candy to try counteract the effects of Norvir. But all that extra medication (and the cost) or pooping my brains out every day was preferable to almost dying of AIDS (been there a couple of times and i wouldn't suggest it). Then there was the Sustiva (efavirenz, a part of what would be Atripla) that caused me to have to quit working and driving for nearly 9 months. Even though it caused a lot of mental issues, that med crossed the blood/brain barrier and so was still better than getting HIV dementia and then dying.

So the gist to all that is that not all meds work great for all people. Sometimes there are negative side effects for some people and not for other people. It just means you have to evaluate whether you can handle the issue, take measures to mitigate the issue, or switch meds to get rid of the issue.

Talk to your doctor about these issues and ask for suggestions on dealing with these negative side effects or switching to something else.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline testii28

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2023, 02:26:38 am »
The largest proportion of mental problems result from the excessive use of drugs and other illegal substances. Of course there are also genetic factors, you can't change a rather talkative and open person and turn him into the opposite. These are factors that cannot be changed and you have to trust in God and find a suitable solution for yourself.  Unfortunately, we belong to a group that has to take medication and this can have side effects, life is not linear. There is no perfect life.

What I observe is that it is all about how everyone feels regardless of HIV.
I feel, I feel, .... This is a phenomenon I see a lot in Europe, I am not surprised that people are unbalanced and suffer from mental problems. Do people think that they will live forever and at some point everything will end and that is the most normal thing in the world.

 I hope Jim doesn't give me time off now.

Having  just 1 cup of coffee instead of 5 and taking the meds in the morning solved my problem. Jim, I  know you don't like my attitude but thanks for the great support.

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2023, 02:43:43 am »
The largest proportion of mental problems result from the excessive use of drugs and other illegal substances

There is no denying that substance abuse can be a factor in some cases and conditions and is far more common in certain conditions. Still, mental health covers a lot of disorders, and substance abuse is far from the leading cause or factor in overall mental health disorders. Also, with substance abuse and some mental health disorders, the abuse isn't the cause but self-medication that ultimately can worsen things.

However, your statements are toxic; you are the one making these statements, so don't bother to come back until you either are either ready to apologize sincerely or have several peer-reviewed publications to present here to prove your claims that the "largest" proportion of mental health challenges/disorders are as claimed the result of drug usage.

I have given you a 7-day ban to provide you with time, and prehaps you will learn something if you actually do read up.

Below is a short list of some conditions the 970 million people living with a mental disorder have, so I expect a lot covered if you choose to return and not apologize and instead offer peer-reviewed publications proving the " largest proportion are stemming from "excessive use of drugs and other illegal substances" as is your claim.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Behavioural and emotional disorders in Children
Bipolar affective disorder
Dissociation and dissociative disorders
Eating disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorder  (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder & post-traumatic stress injury (PTS)/(PTSI
Anxiety disorders
specific phobias (for example, agoraphobia and claustrophobia)
panic disorders
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
conduct disorder (CD)

(PS. If I got the naming incorrect on any of these disorders, I apologize; I don't keep up with all the name changes)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2023, 04:22:00 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: side effect biktarvy
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2023, 03:57:29 am »
Having  just 1 cup of coffee instead of 5 and taking the meds in the morning solved my problem. Jim, I  know you don't like my attitude but thanks for the great support.

Glad it helped. Next time don't stop taking the meds, instead, ask peers and get healthcare advice from your healthcare provider.
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