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Author Topic: this darn rash!  (Read 3793 times)

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Offline terrymoore

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this darn rash!
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:01:31 pm »
I am a bit embarrassed posting this since i recently posted how well things were going for me - me and my big mouth! I jinxed myself!
The day of my last post about my status, a small rash started. Well, it quickly spread around my lower legs (shins mainly), a bit on my forearm and a tiny bit on my back and abdomen. They were small red dots - not very itchy, but itchy at times. Well, after a few days it sort of changed by becoming less elevated, but spread a bit - sort of like each bump got "squashed". Some of them connected and formed a small "patch". i have 2 or 3 pretty big ones on my legs. The skin is dry - no puss. I went to the doc and he ran a blood test for Syphilis and a VDRL ( - whatever that is) - both came negative.
Since there are no other signs, no fever, diarrhea, no puffy eyes/lips nor any trouble breathing, he does not suspect any dangerous reactions to my meds (i have been on them for 2 months) nor anything "serious".
I did get a foot massage where the lady may have used some "home made" balm or maybe something in the oli i am allergic too - i have quite a few allergies. So the doc said that it does not look serious and i should try and wait a while to see if it improves. HE said to take an antihistamine if it itches. That was 5 days ago. I have been using some calamine lotion and thought i saw improvement, but today it doesn`t look much better, and, though some places have cleared up, i suspect i see some new smaller ones popping up on my stomach and chest. I have been UD for almost a year now and have a CD4 of over 1200 - is its possible that this is HIV related? an OI? Can it be the shingles even though they do not hurt and it is not on one side only? He is away for at least another week before i can see him. he suggested that if things do not get better that i come back to see him and he will send me to a dermatologist...[sigh...] What can i do to make this darn thing go away. Google is horrible for this crap!  :(

Offline Jim

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 04:34:24 pm »

Sorry to hear about the rash.
VDRL test simply looks antibodies for syphilis.

Yeah google is terrible for this type of stuff. You need to see the Doc again for diagnosis. I mean most rashes look the same, are easily confused and could be nothing, but best to check it out with him when he returns.

Can't you see a different doc sooner if it's bothering you?

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Offline terrymoore

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 10:59:35 pm »
Hi JimDublin,
I have been trying to stay "off the books" with my HIV, meaning, I went to a private hospital and used a fake name and do not use my insurance - i a afraid that the insurance companies will refuse me and ill be left without any. The Docs here are cooperative and switch between by real and fake name based on why i come visit. Anything HIV related is "off the books".
In light of that, i try to keep my status exposure to as few docs as possible. Any doc that he will refer me to will be someone that he knows is "hiv-friendly" - no discrimination, tolerant, progressive thinking, sympathetic to our fate - whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately there is still a huge stigma in this country. I have heard of cases of doctors asking for more money to do simple procedures on people with HIV simply because they have HIV - it is disgusting, but it is what it is. So, i try to keep a low profile. Maybe i am over-cautious. Anyway, i will sweat it out. Today, btw, the rash is less red - more pink - looks better. My wife is convinced it is shingles. I worry that i got super-infected and i am seroconverting again! Anyway, time will tell... Thanks for the support Jim. I hope the weather is good in Dublin! I visited there a few years ago and loved it!

Offline zach

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 12:56:54 am »
Try changing soaps and detergents, I got sensitive after I started meds, basically used baby soap for a year... also colloidal oatmeal baths for relief if it itches

Offline terrymoore

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 04:55:28 am »
Thanks for the advice Zach - I will try that. So, I went to a dermatologist today. She is pretty sure I have  Guttate Psoriasis. It's a chronic condition - not HIV related per se - which can be triggered by  a number of things including lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption etc. That makes sense because it started the day after a very late night of drinking with almost no sleep.
I had no time for the biopsy but will go back after a short biz trip I must take. Reading online it looks like it's nothing really to worry about - only it is aesthetically ugly. Anyone know anything about this? I will make a new post regarding this condition.

Offline Wade

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2016, 07:56:07 am »
Hi ,
I haven't had any experience with Psoriasis, but have a friend who suffers from it.
He's convinced his is brought on by stress.
His is mainly on his arms and neck . They're dry flakey patches that itch like hell.
Also sounds like poison Ivy...lol
Hope you get some relief .
Best, Wade
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Offline mecch

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2016, 04:46:28 pm »
Terrymore, i want to ask you a personal question. Of course if its none of my business, fine and sorry in advance.
Where do you live that you need to be so concerned about HIV being in your medical record?
Where do you live that you could be refused health insurance for being HIV+?

It seems like a very complicated set up, the way you get your care.  I was curious as to why?  Or if there is a way this could be more straight forward and honest, eventually.
“From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need” 1875 K Marx

Offline terrymoore

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Re: this darn rash!
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2016, 08:03:19 pm »
HI Mecch,
I live in Thailand and, while they do not refuse treatment to HIV + people, there is definite discrimination and biased - especially with insurance companies. As an expat, i rely on the private health insurance.


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