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Autor Tema: HIV + since December 12  (Leído 20310 veces)

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Desconectado Hope4cure38

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #50 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:04:06 am »

         live every day as it was going to be your last day, before Jim’s bus runs you over, lol

That’s exactly why I’m HIV + 😂 now I have to live my life like I’m going to live 50 years more 😂 I’m not trying to collect all the STD out there (just jk)

I appreciate you

Desconectado Hope4cure38

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #51 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:07:55 am »
Life expectancy was a topic at this year's conference as well, although, having said that it feels like a topic that keeps coming up on conferences with the same answers.

Thank you so much Jim, I know I’m still digesting my dix, I really appreciate you taking your time to post all that data, I’m sure it will help many of us (new hiv poz)

Honestly this post was a HUGE help for me when I was first diagnosed

Desconectado Hope4cure38

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #52 en: Julio 07, 2024, 02:11:48 am »
my husband, myself, and literally hundreds of other PLHIV whom I have met at dozens of HIV conferences would like to tell you not to worry. :)

We've all been living with HIV for 30-40yrs, starting in the years when there weren't any medications. Most of us were at some point in those early years even hospitalized with AIDS and very near death. Now we're all taking some sort of newer HIV medication with no side effects. TBH most of us, even though we're in our 60s and early 70s, are still quite active and healthy.
I know this is just my personal experience compared to yours, but... :)

At 38 I had been living with HIV for 14 yrs, when meds were non-existent or were the earliest ones, and almost died of AIDS. Before that I had had no medical conditions except a bout of HepA when I was 23. When I was in the hospital I have a viral load in the millions, and my cd4 was 5. Needless to say, I didn't die and now 25 years later I'm 62 and couldn't be much healthy than I am right now. ;)

Personally, thanks to my grandmother's genetics (never forget, when your HIV is treated, the most likely thing that limits your longevity are the genetics your parents passed to you) and my HIV meds, I'm planning on living to 104 like she did. ;)

Your story is very impressive, I can’t imagine what people like you felt back in the days when we didn’t even had any treatment, you are brave my friend.

I’m sure a lot of people committed suicide after diagnose  I can see how easy is to go down the dark way, I’m glad we have forums and communities like this.

Desconectado Jim Allen

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #53 en: Julio 07, 2024, 08:34:46 am »
Thank you so much Jim, I know I’m still digesting my dix, I really appreciate you taking your time to post all that data, I’m sure it will help many of us (new hiv poz)

Honestly this post was a HUGE help for me when I was first diagnosed

,👍 you're welcome, glad it helped
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
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HIV prevention
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Desconectado leatherman

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #54 en: Julio 07, 2024, 11:13:06 am »
I’m sure a lot of people committed suicide after diagnose
Before we had any meds, I had two friends who turned to drugs and alcohol and died too early. But everyone else I have known through the years has actually done a lot to stay alive as long as they could. In a time when LGBT issues were finally gaining some credence, by the time enough people had died from AIDS to realize there was problem, people were too riled up to give up to suicide. Fighting for treatment, fighting for science, fighting for equality was the norm because "silence = death".

Then by the time we got meds, there has been no "reason" for suicide. For nearly a quarter of a century, HIV has been a treatable, manageable illness.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Desconectado Hope4cure38

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #55 en: Septiembre 21, 2024, 11:04:27 pm »
I noticed it’s it’s getting hard for me to keep my body fat low, it’s there any reason for me to think I will never be able to be in shape and have a low body fat the same way I was before HIV?

I love to workout and use testosterone but I noticed It’s getting harder for me to stay in shape.

Desconectado Jim Allen

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #56 en: Septiembre 22, 2024, 05:33:48 am »
I noticed it’s it’s getting hard for me to keep my body fat low, it’s there any reason for me to think I will never be able to be in shape and have a low body fat the same way I was before HIV?

No, you can live with HIV and be in shape, however, there might be some additional challenges.

Firstly untreated HIV burns a lot and now that's no longer the case as you started treatment, so those calories are now being stored, for some it's also a return to health weight gain. On top of that the meds can independently increase a bit of weight, others can be weight-suppressing or protective and of course, you will also continue to age.

However, there are things you can do like adjustments to lifestyle, workouts, and diet of course. Fitness including weight & fat was a topic at the last peer support call:

PROSPER-HIV trial - Weight gain, diet & exercise far from futile

Starting HIV Treatment Is Associated With Weight Gain

HIV May Lead to a Big Belly
« última modificación: Octubre 01, 2024, 02:25:59 am por Jim Allen »
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP

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Desconectado Loa111

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Re: HIV + since December 12
« Respuesta #57 en: Septiembre 30, 2024, 05:48:58 am »
I noticed it’s it’s getting hard for me to keep my body fat low, it’s there any reason for me to think I will never be able to be in shape and have a low body fat the same way I was before HIV?

I love to workout and use testosterone but I noticed It’s getting harder for me to stay in shape.

Some classes of our HIV meds can increase visceral bodyfat.
 I have discussed this with my own ID doctor. I am on Descovy + Tivicay and one of the drugs in my pill combo certainly does. 

It absolutely has happened to me. Though it is hard to figure out where natural weight gain started & how much weight did HIV meds put on me. See I'd an advanced Hiv (Aids) when I found out I was poz, so lost a lot of weight due to that & obviously I'd undecected HIV for up to 10 years which could have kept the fat off too!

I did vaguely discuss changing meds with the ID Doctor to a less fat/weight gaining med, but I've decided to stick with my current pills as they work well.

I always worked out 6 times a week, weights, cardio, martial arts, & no matter how much I worked out, I still could not get rid of the pot belly look.

What has worked well for me in recent months with loosing weight & belly fat has been 1). Intermittent Fasting - I rarely eat after 8pm & I try not to eat again until after 11am the next day, so that is 15 hours approx fasting. 2). High Protein - I cut out bread, rice & bad cards & eat mainly meat now, chicken breasts, lean beef with banana or avacado, nuts & greek yogurt. It is boring food but it works. I have lost 5 kilos the last few months & my belly is noticeable less fat.  I am in my early 50s too so this is a good result.

Now I still might have a McDonalds now & then but I stick 90% on the above. Try it, it might work for you.

Now the  testosterone supplementing you mentioned.  You can get TRT if you have a low T Score. I asked my ID Doctor about TRT & he was absolutely against it. He said with us HIV people already having a higher risk of heart disease later in life, that TRT could have an impact there too. Whilst I understand his concerns, I think he is being ultra-conservative on this matter.  Either way I cannot get TRT legally from a doctor. Maybe in a few years time I will revisit this.  But if you are thinking about it, do not go & get testosternone yourself & use it without proper medical supervision. You absolutely will be in a danger zone if you do.

Why not try the IM Fasting, high protein diet  & get into the gym a few nights a week in the gym, 3 nights weights, two nights cardio & outside of that walk, walk walk & walk more! That is what I do.


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