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Do I Have HIV? / Re: Evaluate my chances
« Last post by leatherman on Today at 11:27:19 am »
What is the probability of contracting HIV infection after protected sex with condom
No chances at all. HIV is transmitted through unprotected anal or vaginal sex or by sharing injection needles.

So the story..
. . .
6. 146 days HIV1/2 rapid test with determine= negative.
We didn't really need your story besides telling us that you used a condom properly and had a negative test result after 5 months.

Currently everyone in my house is having symptoms.
I'm sorry to hear that but whatever is going on with them has nothing to do with HIV

1. ...Is the 146 days negative test conclusive to hiv2?

2. Could sharing food ,plates,cups,spoons and eating from the same plate transmit HIV?
NO. Once HIV is outside the body, changes in temperature and humidity kill it. HIV is NOT transmitted by food or utensils. It's not transmitted by bodily contact, kissing or even spitting.

3. Is it possible that while washing off

4. Can HIV transmit through saliva.
HIV is only transmitted by sharing injection needles or having unprotected anal/vaginal sex.

I'm really confused as I am still ill and my family is sick too.
You have reported a negative HIV test, so you do not have HIV. Whatever is making you and your family ill has nothing to do with you spreading HIV as you do not have HIV and HIV is only spread by unprotected sex and sharing injection needles.

You will need to speak with a doctor about the health issues you and your family members are having. I hope that you and your family can get diagnosed, treated and feel better very soon.

Have a good day,

Reducing Your HIV risks:
With no exceptions, use condoms correctly and consistently for anal or vaginal intercourse
Talk to a healthcare provider about PrEP as another layer of protection

Get tested yearly for HIV and other STIs.
If you don’t use condoms and/or PrEP, test more frequently

Some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other more easily acquired STIs. It is possible to show no signs or symptoms from an STI so testing is the only way to know.

Get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

What’s the ONLY way to know if you’ve been infected by HIV or an STI?
Get tested.

Please Note.
As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.
Do I Have HIV? / Evaluate my chances
« Last post by Ronet22 on Today at 10:07:28 am »
What is the probability of contracting HIV infection after protected sex with condom and washing of the genitals with soap and water.
So the story..
I had a one off sex with a lady on May 4th 2024 with condom,Oral without condom,no kissing. After ejaculation,I removed the condom carefully,there was no condom tear/bust and went to the bathroom to wash off with soap and water ( i did not wipe off with tissue before washing off). So on the 28th morning,I woke up with vomiting,diarrhea and localized abdominal pain on my lower left. Had a very mild fever the next day. I tested for HIV1/2 rapid test at 30 days post exposure and it came back negative.On 18th June 2024,the abdominal pain returned with diarrhea,lower back pain, neuropathy  on my toe and finger nails,and low grade fever. I have done multiple test since then as below:
1. Chlamydia= negative
2. Syphilis= negative
3. Hepatitis B&C = negative
4. H. Pylori = negative
5. 87 days HIV1/2 rapid test with determine/ Uni gold = negative
6. 146 days HIV1/2 rapid test with determine= negative.
Currently everyone in my house is having symptoms.
My question is:
1. I am based in West Africa where huv2 is prevalent .Is the 146 days negative test conclusive to hiv2?
2. Could sharing food ,plates,cups,spoons and eating from the same plate transmit HIV? I cut food with my teeth and give it to my little boy.
3. Is it possible that while washing off,the remnant of vaginal fluid on the pubic area can wash down to the tip of the penis and hence cause infection ( note I did not wipe off with tissue before washing off,meaning i might still have sperm at the tip)?
4. Can HIV transmit through saliva.

I'm really confused as I am still ill and my family is sick too.
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 09:20:49 pm »

                ojo.          Yea my friend, my mom also took that med a while ago she is 90 years old, never gave had a broken bone even though she has fallen twice. next week, I will start taking this new treatment. Hopefully it will help me because I already had a broken bone off my foot.… Thanks for replying and for your feedback… Hugs.
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Grasshopper on Yesterday at 06:07:45 pm »
My mother had to take that too, years ago, but she quit because of the side effects. (Not going to mention them as to not influence you  ;)  )

You have to take it on an empty stomach,  sitting-standing upright or walking around for at least half an hour.

Takes at least 5 years before you notice any strenghtening of the bones.

« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 12:45:19 pm »

               ojo.          Hola a todos!… Descuento: cómo les comenté Vial infectólogo y sólo platicamos sobre los resultados aunque hubo hubo una novedad, por primera vez una de mis enzimas del hígado están un poquito elevadas según el médico no hay nada de qué preocuparse.… El cirujano me comenta que es la primera vez que Tiene un paciente que se queja de dolor después de la cirugía me dice que probablemente es por tanto trauma que he tenido en ese Ojo ya que he tenido muchas cirugías así que tendré que aprender con este nuevo dolor y visitaré a la persona que me hizo la prótesis para que le haga un ajuste a ver si eso Ayuda a ignorar mi dolor ayer finalmente terminé con las inyecciones para tratar mi osteoporosis ahora para continuar el tratamiento contra esta mal tomaré una pastilla a la semana de aledronato de sodio (fosomax) por dos años para ser mis huesos más fuertes y prevenir fracturas. Es lo que hay para seguir viviendo una vida normal.… Dentro de lo bueno que es vivir con VIH este qué se me diagnóstico a tiempo la osteoporosis antes de qué se me rompieron un hueso. Les mantendré informados y como siempre si se van de fiesta o se portan mal me invitan y no olviden ponerse el gorrito… Abrazos
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 12:34:27 pm »

             ojo.     Hello grasshopper, I was diagnosed two years ago with osteoporosis. I think the range is -3 so since then I’ve been using Forteo which is an injection once every night, so last night was my last injection now I am going to continue the treatment for osteoporosis, taking a pill once a week, Fosamax of. (Aledronate sodium) to make my bones stronger and prevent fractures. I am going to be taking this bill for too long years, but to tell you the truth, it seems like it was yesterday when I started poking myself to years ago. Time goes by quickly…. thanks for the good energy…hugs
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Grasshopper on Yesterday at 03:52:08 am »
So, you are you going to take Fosamax (Alendronic acid) ?

Goodluck, and I hope it helps
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on October 11, 2024, 10:17:41 pm »

          Ojo.         Hello everyone!… Today was my last night poking myself, no more injection. Too long years of poking myself every night to keep my bones strong. Next week I will start the next phase to fighting osteoporosis, now I will start taking one pill a week For too long years. I’m really happy to finally stop the injection every night. It was a pain in the butt. Now we had to wait and see if the Foxonas does its job in repaired in my bones density. I will keep you posted… Hugs.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: Helmet and saftey goggles
« Last post by Jim Allen on October 11, 2024, 02:04:23 pm »
Asked and answered already. Move on with your life!
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Diagnosedat50 on October 11, 2024, 12:22:48 pm »
Loa- that’s great that you get to have bloodwork done every four months. I had frequent visits the first couple of months, but was switched to yearly appointments for CD4 counts and viral loads. Also, as someone who wholeheartedly believes in the power of increased physical activity for improved health outcomes, I also applaud you for continuing to hit the gym regularly!
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