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Pneumonia & elevated levels

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Well I haven’t felt good since last Wednesday, went to the Doctors and they found nothing but then went to the ER Sunday and finally found out I have pneumonia (again).  Not too bad as of now but they were shocked with my AST and ALT numbers.

Having a fever of 101 to 103 for nearly a week had me taking Tylenol to keep the fever down and when they did the labs my AST was at 187 and ALT was at 263.  They did an abdominal CT and everything came back lookin fine (I have a new baseline now) but I have an appointment with my Primary Care to follow up and then depending on those results I’ll be making an appointment with my Infectious Disease doctor.  As I just had the prior labs done barely a month prior I think it’s just a blip from the Tylenol. 

Or should I be worried?  Just my luck.


--- Quote from: kentfrat1783 on July 30, 2024, 05:25:40 pm ---Or should I be worried?

--- End quote ---
well, of course you should be buddy.  ;) Pneumonia is :P ! Take care of yourself and hope you get better sooner!

what and when was your last VL/CD4?


           ojo.          Hello there!… I suppose
It’s a bacterial pneumonia, right?… Hopefully you feel better with some
Antibiotics…… Get better please keep us posted…hugs

Ps. I wonder how much space would I need to post all my blood work results since my diagnosis ask my signature.


--- Quote from: Tonny2 on July 30, 2024, 06:43:31 pm ---Ps. I wonder how much space would I need to post all my blood work results since my diagnosis ask my signature.

--- End quote ---
;D :D ;D :D ;D

In my sig-line I used to keep a graph of my VL/CD4 counts all bouncing around for 12ish years but that was just too much to keep updating all the time. Humorously last year I graphed out all the "new" numbers since I last made the chart.....and it was just no fun!  ;D ;D Those years of bad numbers were just a blip at the beginning and all the rest of the graph is flat-lined at UD. The finally climbing cd4 is the blip at this current point/end of the graph, and I'm happy to see that!

And now I have lyrics down in my sig ....because that's exactly how I fell in love with all three of my guys.  :-* :-* :-*

back to you Ken. Drink plenty of fluids and get rest!


--- Quote from: Tonny2 on July 30, 2024, 06:43:31 pm ---Ps. I wonder how much space would I need to post all my blood work results since my diagnosis ask my signature.

--- End quote ---

Well I've had to change my signautre line format a few times and didn't update it from my labs in June.  I need to get that updated.


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