How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: I need urgent help. 😭
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 08:45:37 am »I lived for 4.5 months without treatment and now I've been on treatment for 1 month. I'm using Biktarvy. Is 4.5 months considered late?
Treatment is recommended to start as soon as possible where and when its possible and appropriate, however, 4.5 months isn't a big delay and your results are great. Biktarvy is first-line treatment or as some members call it the "VIP treatment".
Give it a few more months and the remaining VL will be fully suppressed (below 200 copies). After that counting the CD4s is rather irrelevant and once you have a fully suppressed VL for six+ months and keep taking your treatment it also means you can't pass on HIV sexually. See detail here:
My second question is: should I firmly believe that it won't be transmitted to my family? Even in a scenario where semen on the toilet seat came into contact with my father's penis, would this still be the case?
Asked and answered already
Your father will only have HIV if he has been sharing syringes or engaging in condomless sex.