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Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Today at 11:51:21 am »

                ojo.          Thanks Jim and leatherman for your replies and my first two appoinments are in the same building, ID and bone specialust, and the cornea specialust building is right besides the building where I’ll see the other two soecialust. And you are right leathetman, the Cleveland Clinic is huge…my best for Larry…hugs
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by leatherman on Today at 06:03:46 am »
that's great to get all your appts. lined up to reduce your trips. Hopefully all of them are close to each other on the Clev. Clinic campus. That's a huge place!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that someone will find something to help you out with your pain situation. That's got to be soooo frustrating.

Hang in there!
Forums Gatherings / Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness
« Last post by Jim Allen on Today at 02:51:48 am »
Thursday 19th Sept. Peer support call - Fitness

Are you thinking about improving your fitness? Prehaps you tried and stopped? Or have you recently started and have other questions or concerns?

Then join our upcoming peer support call with Kenneth, this month's speaker & fitness motivator. You can check out Kenneth's Instagram and his fitness posts here.

Meeting time:
12 AM Central European Summer Time

How to join?
Sign up by sending me a private message (PM).

An email invite will be sent three days before the support call. Video conferencing is through Google Meets; sharing your video feed is optional.

There is also a Monthly Social: https://forums.poz.com/index.php?topic=77368
Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 06:36:07 pm »
If it had been for something less serious, I would have suggested getting a makeup artist to age you by 10 years so that when he wakes up you can tell him it's 2034 and Trump's clone is now running the country.
when he's healthy enough for a good belly laugh, I'm going to tell him you suggested that. :D :D

I've been trying to keep our HIV/GP doctor apprised of what's going on and thought of something. They say PLHIV live longer, healthier lives because of the medical care we receive and this is certainly an example of that. Our doctor asked the right questions, did the right tests, and made the right referrals.

Having a heart attack at the cardiologist office is probably next best to having one in the ER, and Larry wouldn't have been doing a stress test if our doctor hadn't listened and followed through. Thankfully the actions he and we took kept that heart attack from happening at work and perhaps being fatal.

Since the ICU only has limited visiting periods during the day, I should stop by the grocery store in one of my trips to and fro. When Randy was in the hospital I made brownies. I did muffins when Jim was in the hospital. I learned the best way to ensure good care for my partners was to always be friendly with ALL the staff......and bring them treats!! Maybe I'll do some Fall or early Halloween iced cut out cookies. ;) (Like christmas cookies with dark colored icing!)

ugh. stupid adult thoughts I'm having while happy with the outcome so far. Larry still isn't out of the woods, so every message I send to everyone, including the post here, I reread and overthink about how to word things so that if everything goes wrong, I'm not jumping the gun and saying something that I might feel bad about later. I did some of that in my posts about Jim. I blame my brain and the PTSD (oh, and this new trauma) for thinking like that. :o ::) ;D

Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:11:33 pm »

                ojo.             I’m glad the surgery went ok, now get some rest and get ready for his recovery…hugs for both of you.

@JimAllen, I love your sense of humor
How Can I Prevent HIV? / Re: Can I have sex without condom?
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:10:13 pm »
Thanks, Jim. It's been way below that for more than 1 and a half year.
Yeah, well, it's something that she wants from me but yeah, I'll talk to her about it. Indeed I cannot have a kid right now to raise 😆.

Yeah, talking with your partner about your concerns, feelings and contraception is never a bad idea. It could be that they want condomless sex but are okay using other contraception methods.

Personally, I think if people wait for a "good" time to have kids (if that is something that you both want), they will never have them, as there is always something going on, life is messy. However, I agree with Tonny2, you are still digesting the diagnosis and overcoming some challenging issues so maybe right now isn't a great idea. 

Anyhow, hugs and wish you all the best.
Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 03:27:13 pm »
Excellent to hear that it went well with zero issues.

There must have been some relief hearing the result of the surgery but obviously, you are still worried sick, but do try to look after yourself and get some rest. Sending you good thoughts and wishes.

so he was still unconscious

If it had been for something less serious, I would have suggested getting a makeup artist to age you by 10 years so that when he wakes up you can tell him it's 2034 and Trump's clone is now running the country.
Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by leatherman on Yesterday at 03:14:33 pm »
the doctors all said the surgery went extremely well with zero issues. I got to see Larry for about 15 mins. ugh. so many tubes and wires! They're warming him up still after the surgery, so he was still unconscious and intubated. It's 230 pm here now, so I'm going to skip the 4-6 visiting hours, go home, feed the dogs, maybe cry a little more, and then go back for the 8-9pm visiting hours and see how he's doing.

I had my mom, best friend and his mom with me waiting this morning. By the time we got to see Larry though my mom and friend had to go to their own appts. So I'm going to grab my mom on the way back tonight so she can see her son-in-law is still in the land of the living. Hopefully Larry's mom is going to come out from Arizona in a few weeks to stay with us for a while.

Right now, I've got to put my phone on the charger! It's been eating up the power calling Larry's mom, and texting all our scattered friends and family, along with his co-workers (and adding some posts here) these past two or three busy days.

I know Larry isn't out of the woods now by any stretch; but I so relieved I haven't lost my third husband. While I lost Randy and Jim after 10 years each, I've been doing really well with this husband. :D We've had this little set back; but I've kept him alive 12 years so far, so I'm really trying hard to get a few more years out of this husband. LOL <3
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 02:46:22 pm »
Nice that they could arrange all the appointments to be on the same day, hopefully, things improve soon for you. Hugs and keep us posted.
Living With HIV / Re: Too much of a stress test!
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 01:16:17 pm »
Glad to hear the surgery went well for Larry. Hugs
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