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some of my HIV story


good things and bad things

found out about my HIV about thirty year ago

enlisted service joined in 82 even got deployed over seas got an honorable discharge in 88. military gave me a physical and so did the VA  if I had anything they would have found it ?   SO I thought but wanted to be checked out just the same had a test for whatever the tested for ?  and HIV was found
used the GI bill to go to College . after getting the results  why did I work so hard at college knowing I might dye soon from the virus.

even got a job in he defense department. after about six months there my mother contacted me . she got a job managing a time share resort in the Caribbean and invited me to visit her. so went not like an opportunity like that would come around very often . got back and was fired from my job for taking time off ?    O well I was going to die soon  from AIDS why should I care . it was the nineties.  The death toll from HIV was high . got sick with AIDS in the mid nineties  New meds a wife and two kids later I am still alive but I feel very old and worn out from life just because I am old  at 56  . it is not the year it is the mileage and living with HIV is a lot of mileage.

that is me thank you for hearing me out   

that's my story some what     good and bad . a lot of stuff can happen in almost forty years .

I have read your story, thank you for your story, you are a long term survivor,  I wish you the best, take care

I have read your story, thank you for your story, you are a long term survivor,  I wish you the best, take care

I wrote that almost  four years ago ,   Thanks for the response .

likewise I wish you the best, take care

I am now working on my sixty first year of living.   health what should I expect I am over sixty and am a long term HIV survivor. I have known about my HIV for about thirty five years after being tested ,  could have it for many more years prior to that date of testing .

good things and bad things, I am proud to have made it through the bad and glad to have had the good.

Lost alot but have gained so much more.   

All the best to all that read this
When I received my HIV diagnosis and thought I need to enjoy the time I had .  That did not go well for jobs and interviews . What can you bring to this company ? I thought well if I am going to be dead soon not much. Most of my contemporaries  have gotten old and have old people problems of their own.   

One of my problems is not that I worked for a heartless company for many years . Something I may have regretted later in life . Instead I made do without the high pay and success. Many people I know who went down that road they are not so different from me proud of what they have in there lives and trying to do the best they can . Same for me .

sorry pointless rambling to say something while not saying anything just to pass some  time and  try to find peace in an untranquil turmoil  filled existence . A time and place that should be more in focus and make sense but false short of expectations that by my age should be clear but are not .  I think of all the older people I knew that I thought they have their lives in order must be nice but now I think they were not what  I thought they were . Their lives were full of struggles I over looked at that time . I have heard tell wisdom comes with age  .   

To give something to read that does not or at least should not cause pain and angiush but fosters thoughts of good will, contentment in my self and those doing the reading .

  sorry it is late were I am and have wasted enough of your time. to tell the truth rambling like this has made me feel better I hope who ever reads this   feels the same.

thank you   



               Ojo.         Hello there!… I’m glad that you feel good telling your story, we are here for you to read you and learn from your story and the story of others. I, like you, am A longtime Survivor and I’m 62 years old and I just celebrated my 30th hiversary and think that keep working saved my life even when I had to go to work with and IV in my arm, then in my chest, kept falling off until the doctor decided to send me to get a Metaport in. Those were difficult days, but now they are history and here we are come still enjoying our families and friends. Life is good… Hugs.


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