POZ Community Forums

Main Forums => Living With HIV => Topic started by: DANIELtakashi on October 29, 2016, 10:04:44 pm

Title: chances of getting Ols
Post by: DANIELtakashi on October 29, 2016, 10:04:44 pm
Hi from ASIA.

In Japan,  we have to turn in a paper with a doctor's comment to the city office every year.
My doctor says in it this time that l might get another Ol in the future.  That one sentence only.
I cannot make it out.  I never miss any doses and have been undetected for three years.
Is there a chance we get Ols taking  medication and being with no resistence or have there been any cases in the past?  Confused and a bit scared.  Thank you.
Title: Re: chances of getting Ols
Post by: Ptrk3 on October 29, 2016, 10:17:23 pm
Though that's not a particularly useful or insightful comment from your doctor, it is accurate.  Opportunistic Infections (OI's) like tuberculosis or Kaposi's Sarcoma can occur with HIV infection at any CD4 count.  See this link for more information:


Most OI's, though, occur at CD4's below 200.

Nonetheless, your doctor's comment is not particularly enlightening.  You could also get hit by a bus, right?

Ignore it.  Keep taking your medications and continue to live a long and healthy life:  you don't want to be sick when you attend your doctor's funeral. ;)
Title: Re: chances of getting Ols
Post by: CaveyUK on October 30, 2016, 08:05:32 am
Yep, not a helpful comment from your doctor.

As Ptrk3 said, there are certain OI's such as KS which can occur at higher CD4 levels, although this is usually in the absence of anti-retroviral therapy.

Having a higher CD4 count reduces the risk of OI's, and staying adherent to meds and undetectable reduces the risk further.

If you are UD, with a higher CD4 count, then you should never experience another OI

Disregard that part of your doctors report.
Title: Re: chances of getting Ols
Post by: DANIELtakashi on October 30, 2016, 08:24:20 am
Ptrk and Cavey,

Thank you  much.
Title: more respect and understanding
Post by: DANIELtakashi on November 07, 2016, 01:33:17 am
I have been feeling bad about the few recent postings on the forum.
One looking for volunteers for media or something without permission from the moderaters,  one talking to us from his or her religious faith view, and one talking about the virus injected into food.
I wish those people would understand the purpose of this forum and were respectful and discreet.