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Author Topic: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts  (Read 10933 times)

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Offline Dfwguy

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Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« on: June 17, 2021, 11:59:10 am »
Hello all,

long time Poz (35 years!) and have a question.
Has anyone had firsthand success with homeopathic or ayurvedic medicines to assist  in improving T cell counts ? My T cells are trending in the wrong direction (around 300) -they were mid 400's

In these last 35 years, I have seen every crackpot, quackery, snake oil supplement being sold (and even tried a few, DNCB , anyone?). So, I know a lot of what is out there is BS- Wondering if anyone has had first hand success with non traditional supplements .

thanks for your nice comments.
HIV dx .  08/1985

Offline Jim

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Re: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021, 12:45:47 pm »
Not trying to be mean but ill be clear to avoid disappointment. Anyone reacting to this post saying snake oil or an unproven treatment worked is going to get the boot.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2021, 06:06:52 pm »
My T cells are trending in the wrong direction (around 300) -they were mid 400's
since cd4 counts can change by 100 pts within a single day,  this change may mean very little. how long is the trend you have been tracking? Also since cd4 count (quantity) is not indicative of the strength (quality) of cd4s, a lower count doesn't necessarily mean a decrease in immunity or "health".

unfortunately, besides taking ARVs to stop HIV from killing cd4s and a general "healthy lifestyle" (proper diet, exercise, etc), there is no proven way to increase cd4s
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Lorenzopier

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Re: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2021, 12:21:42 am »
Hi Dfwguy, I to am a  long term survivor. 33 year Poz and I did not start on HIV medications until 15 years later after I was diagnosed, because of this extremely long delay I am sure I acquired a lot of immune system damage as well as gut immunity damage.
I have used micronutrients in a synergistic fashion to help me deal with several issues that I have had related to this delay, but unfortunately I have found that there are no micronutrient combinations, or any other type of adjunct therapy that can increase CD4 counts other than HAART. I have been searching for what you are are hoping for, for more than 20 years, but it just does not exist.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 12:34:17 am by Lorenzopier »

Offline Dfwguy

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Re: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2021, 05:54:16 pm »
Thanks for the replies, guys. I appreciate it- my t cells have been trending downward about a year now. My Doc is not too concerned, so I will stop worrying about it. I am now 60 years old- (never expected to hear myself say that !) it sounds like proper nutrition, exercise, blah blah blah is still the way to go- I was at Asian grocery store and passed by aisle of ‘health teas’, etc. and it got me wondering.    Thanks again for taking the time to reply- Cheers !
HIV dx .  08/1985

Offline BubbaPat

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Re: Homeopathy and increase T cell counts
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2022, 01:57:33 am »
Howdy Dfwguy,

I've been down this road too.  Even got chastised for it, which REALLY hurting sent me down a dark path, don't let that happen to you.  Your right... it's all about solid nutrition, exercise, sleep and taking your meds.  Good nutrition helps the proper meds for you do their thing.
I know for me... taking an iron supplement every so often and getting more spinach in my diet helps my migraines not show up as often.  As for the teas, sometimes if your brain says it helps and you feel good after drinking it, then mental health is improved.  What's wrong with that?
Take your meds.  Do the best you can.

Bubba hugs!
PS... I'm in DFW area as well.
Bubba hugs!


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