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Author Topic: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023  (Read 15609 times)

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Offline Angel-Ronnie

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Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« on: August 21, 2023, 02:42:19 pm »
So, I've been keeping a low profile since my last post in 2021.

this year I reached my 17-year living with HIV and to be honest I don't feel any different other than I had to change from Atripla to Trenvir due to the fact that my medical aid does not supply Atripla anymore so we had to change my meds. My current CD4 is 1096 and VL is still UD all other tests are normal.

This year I decided to enroll in two courses at the University of Cape Town and improve my skills and qualifications. First Course I did was in Bookkeeping which I passed and now I am doing a course in Imports, Exports and Logistics Management, this is a course I wanted to do since 2015 and now doing it.

Focusing on my health and wellbeing, career and have been single since 2017, I have recently started training again to better my health and training 5 days a week gives me something to work towards.

So far life has been good to me, and I have rekindled my relationship with my remaining family members since life is so short and can change in a blink of an eye. It has been quite an adjustment to move on after the loss of my parents and one of my siblings as she was very important to my life. But we have to move forward regardless and make the most of life since time stands still for no one.

Hopefully I will be more active and online now as I do believe that my inspiration is most of the people on here and my motivation to do better.

Hope to reconnect with everyone that have made an impact in my life on here.

Much Love to All

« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 03:04:55 pm by Angel-Ronnie »
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it - Charles Swindoll
2012-04-23 CD4=847 VL=125 CD4%=29
06-02-2013 CD4=990 VL=<20 CD4%=28
05-07-2013 CD4=869 VL=<20 CD4%=30
05-12-2013 CD4=859 VL=262 CD4%=28
03-05-2014 CD4=743 VL=<20 CD4%=28
30-09-2014 CD4=291 VL=33 CD4% =30
24-02-2015 CD4 1065 VL=1814 CD4%=30
22-07-2015 CD4=974 VL=<20 CD4%=32
19-01-2016 CD4=940 VL=<30 CD4%=33
11-07-2016 CD4=646 VL=<30 CD4%=26
11-01-2017 CD4=749 VL=<30 CD4%=29
27-06-2017 CD4=948 VL=<30 CD4%=32
22-12-2017 CD4=824 VL=<30 CD4%=32
09-06-2018 CD4=1036 VL=<40 CD4%=31
12-01-2019 CD4=915 VL=<30 CD4%=31
28-05-2019 CD4=855 VL=<40 CD4%=28
24-06-2021 CD4=927 VL=<20 CD4%=33
04-12-2021 CD4=1240 VL=<20 CD4%=34
25-06-2022 CD4=1408 VL=<40 CD4%=33
04-01-2023 CD4=982 VL=<20 CD4%=31
27-05-2023 CD4=1096 VL=<<40 CD4%=32

Offline Jim

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2023, 02:59:25 pm »

Not sure how I missed your 2021 post but I did and apologize.
Glad to hear that you are doing well and life is good, best of luck with the University courses.

Best jim
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Offline Angel-Ronnie

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2023, 03:10:20 pm »

To be honest I don't know why I waited so long to do these courses. in 2015 when I wanted to do it the previous company, I worked for said there was no budget for me to upskill so I left it, then in 2020 our department was bought by a Romania Company again I was told the company will not pay so I paid for it myself, if I want to study, I have to invest in my own skills.

I don't regret doing it as it will give me leverage to look for a better paying job.


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it - Charles Swindoll
2012-04-23 CD4=847 VL=125 CD4%=29
06-02-2013 CD4=990 VL=<20 CD4%=28
05-07-2013 CD4=869 VL=<20 CD4%=30
05-12-2013 CD4=859 VL=262 CD4%=28
03-05-2014 CD4=743 VL=<20 CD4%=28
30-09-2014 CD4=291 VL=33 CD4% =30
24-02-2015 CD4 1065 VL=1814 CD4%=30
22-07-2015 CD4=974 VL=<20 CD4%=32
19-01-2016 CD4=940 VL=<30 CD4%=33
11-07-2016 CD4=646 VL=<30 CD4%=26
11-01-2017 CD4=749 VL=<30 CD4%=29
27-06-2017 CD4=948 VL=<30 CD4%=32
22-12-2017 CD4=824 VL=<30 CD4%=32
09-06-2018 CD4=1036 VL=<40 CD4%=31
12-01-2019 CD4=915 VL=<30 CD4%=31
28-05-2019 CD4=855 VL=<40 CD4%=28
24-06-2021 CD4=927 VL=<20 CD4%=33
04-12-2021 CD4=1240 VL=<20 CD4%=34
25-06-2022 CD4=1408 VL=<40 CD4%=33
04-01-2023 CD4=982 VL=<20 CD4%=31
27-05-2023 CD4=1096 VL=<<40 CD4%=32

Offline Angel-Ronnie

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2023, 03:21:40 pm »
I think when I look back to the year 2006 when I was Diagnosed when I thought this is it my life is over, didn't know much about HIV neither did I ever read up on it until that day, I isolated myself from the world until 18 months later when I saw that I am living a healthier life than before that was when I started living again, accepting HIV and accepting that I can live a normal life. Here 17 years later and living the live I always wanted for myself, although I have lost many loved ones it has not changed my outlook on my own life.

Still have my ambition to do better and succeed in life.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it - Charles Swindoll
2012-04-23 CD4=847 VL=125 CD4%=29
06-02-2013 CD4=990 VL=<20 CD4%=28
05-07-2013 CD4=869 VL=<20 CD4%=30
05-12-2013 CD4=859 VL=262 CD4%=28
03-05-2014 CD4=743 VL=<20 CD4%=28
30-09-2014 CD4=291 VL=33 CD4% =30
24-02-2015 CD4 1065 VL=1814 CD4%=30
22-07-2015 CD4=974 VL=<20 CD4%=32
19-01-2016 CD4=940 VL=<30 CD4%=33
11-07-2016 CD4=646 VL=<30 CD4%=26
11-01-2017 CD4=749 VL=<30 CD4%=29
27-06-2017 CD4=948 VL=<30 CD4%=32
22-12-2017 CD4=824 VL=<30 CD4%=32
09-06-2018 CD4=1036 VL=<40 CD4%=31
12-01-2019 CD4=915 VL=<30 CD4%=31
28-05-2019 CD4=855 VL=<40 CD4%=28
24-06-2021 CD4=927 VL=<20 CD4%=33
04-12-2021 CD4=1240 VL=<20 CD4%=34
25-06-2022 CD4=1408 VL=<40 CD4%=33
04-01-2023 CD4=982 VL=<20 CD4%=31
27-05-2023 CD4=1096 VL=<<40 CD4%=32

Offline harleymc

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2023, 05:43:00 am »
Congratulations Ron.

The courses you have done we I'll set you up for a prosperous future.

Fitness is a good thing to work towards,  benefits for mind and body

Offline leatherman

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2023, 08:51:19 am »
Congratulations! Improving your skill set and physical health are always great things. :) It's great that you're reconnecting to family.

And 17 yrs? That's great too! It can certainly be an eye-opener to get this far along and think back to the first thoughts and opinions when we were diagnosed.

Good luck on your Import/Export class!
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Charles.M

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2023, 11:36:29 am »
Awesome outlook on life, and your numbers are also awesome. As someone who is newly diagnosed and struggling with it. Can I ask you what your initial VL and CD4 count were in 2006 when you were first diagnosed.
05/22/23 INITIAL DX
05/26/23 CD4-72/VL-63,400/4%
07/05/23 CD4-NT/VL-63
08/08/23 CD4-163/VL-21/6%
09/15/23 CD4-NT/VL<20
10/17/23 CD4-162/UD/7%
12/25/23 CD4-149/UD/6%
05/28/24 CD4-162/UD/8%

Offline Jim

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2023, 04:56:55 pm »

To be honest I don't know why I waited so long to do these courses. in 2015 when I wanted to do it the previous company, I worked for said there was no budget for me to upskill so I left it, then in 2020 our department was bought by a Romania Company again I was told the company will not pay so I paid for it myself, if I want to study, I have to invest in my own skills.

I don't regret doing it as it will give me leverage to look for a better paying job.



Never too late to learn new skills and gain some qualifications. Similar to yourself I was working for a company that would have paid for it and I wanted but didn't and a few years later did but had to pay out of my own pocket. That's life.

Anyhow, wishing you the best and hopefully it will lead to better opportunities
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Offline Towel

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2023, 05:36:14 pm »
What an inspiring thread. It's so cool that you continue to invest in yourself and find new goals to work towards. After so many years, what is your stance on being single?

Offline Angel-Ronnie

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2024, 05:48:36 am »
Awesome outlook on life, and your numbers are also awesome. As someone who is newly diagnosed and struggling with it. Can I ask you what your initial VL and CD4 count were in 2006 when you were first diagnosed.

Yes you may ask.
just when I started Truvada and Stocrin my CD4 was 350 and VL was 3000. My specialist thought it good to start early HIV Treatment and that was 16 years ago
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it - Charles Swindoll
2012-04-23 CD4=847 VL=125 CD4%=29
06-02-2013 CD4=990 VL=<20 CD4%=28
05-07-2013 CD4=869 VL=<20 CD4%=30
05-12-2013 CD4=859 VL=262 CD4%=28
03-05-2014 CD4=743 VL=<20 CD4%=28
30-09-2014 CD4=291 VL=33 CD4% =30
24-02-2015 CD4 1065 VL=1814 CD4%=30
22-07-2015 CD4=974 VL=<20 CD4%=32
19-01-2016 CD4=940 VL=<30 CD4%=33
11-07-2016 CD4=646 VL=<30 CD4%=26
11-01-2017 CD4=749 VL=<30 CD4%=29
27-06-2017 CD4=948 VL=<30 CD4%=32
22-12-2017 CD4=824 VL=<30 CD4%=32
09-06-2018 CD4=1036 VL=<40 CD4%=31
12-01-2019 CD4=915 VL=<30 CD4%=31
28-05-2019 CD4=855 VL=<40 CD4%=28
24-06-2021 CD4=927 VL=<20 CD4%=33
04-12-2021 CD4=1240 VL=<20 CD4%=34
25-06-2022 CD4=1408 VL=<40 CD4%=33
04-01-2023 CD4=982 VL=<20 CD4%=31
27-05-2023 CD4=1096 VL=<<40 CD4%=32

Offline Angel-Ronnie

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Re: Fallen Angel Update 21-08-2023
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2024, 05:50:28 am »
What an inspiring thread. It's so cool that you continue to invest in yourself and find new goals to work towards. After so many years, what is your stance on being single?

I am open to a relationship, I think after being on my own for 8 years now would be an awesome time to meet someone I can grow old with.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it - Charles Swindoll
2012-04-23 CD4=847 VL=125 CD4%=29
06-02-2013 CD4=990 VL=<20 CD4%=28
05-07-2013 CD4=869 VL=<20 CD4%=30
05-12-2013 CD4=859 VL=262 CD4%=28
03-05-2014 CD4=743 VL=<20 CD4%=28
30-09-2014 CD4=291 VL=33 CD4% =30
24-02-2015 CD4 1065 VL=1814 CD4%=30
22-07-2015 CD4=974 VL=<20 CD4%=32
19-01-2016 CD4=940 VL=<30 CD4%=33
11-07-2016 CD4=646 VL=<30 CD4%=26
11-01-2017 CD4=749 VL=<30 CD4%=29
27-06-2017 CD4=948 VL=<30 CD4%=32
22-12-2017 CD4=824 VL=<30 CD4%=32
09-06-2018 CD4=1036 VL=<40 CD4%=31
12-01-2019 CD4=915 VL=<30 CD4%=31
28-05-2019 CD4=855 VL=<40 CD4%=28
24-06-2021 CD4=927 VL=<20 CD4%=33
04-12-2021 CD4=1240 VL=<20 CD4%=34
25-06-2022 CD4=1408 VL=<40 CD4%=33
04-01-2023 CD4=982 VL=<20 CD4%=31
27-05-2023 CD4=1096 VL=<<40 CD4%=32


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