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Main Forums => I Just Tested Poz => Topic started by: pozguypdx on October 11, 2013, 11:29:22 pm

Title: Greetings
Post by: pozguypdx on October 11, 2013, 11:29:22 pm
just a new guy here.  tested pos on 9/17/13.  you could have blown me over with a good stiff breeze.

my cdc count was 38,200.  my T Cells were at 520.  i started taking Complera 5 days ago.  I am just being treated at the local clinic. My doc used to work at an HIV clinic and she's an infectious disease specialist.

I'm almost strictly a top and let my ex-BF cum inside me once.  My opinion:  that's it. But maybe not.

Hey so I have a rash.  Diagnosed as eczema.  P;ease tell me this will go away.  If I'm true to the meds think I will go undectable?  How long will I stay that way?  My doc tells me I have a greater chance of being hit by a beer truck than dying of AIDS.  What do you all think?
Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: marcmoral16 on October 11, 2013, 11:54:22 pm

Welcome I'm new to the forums too, your on the right track already with an specialist and on meds. I was on complera didnt do to good for me but let's hope it works for you. ;)

Eczema unfortunately comes and goes, I have it myself and it pops up when I least need it too. Easily managed with some hydrocortisone. Eczema likes humid environments so hot showers are a no no and I love me a nice hot shower. Just try your hardest not to scratch it makes it worse.

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: tednlou2 on October 12, 2013, 12:09:03 am

Welcome to the forums, although wish you didn't have to join us.  Being diagnosed is a huge shock, even when we suspect it is highly possible. 

You started meds with your CD4 over 500 and a moderate viral load.  You should do great.  It sounds like you caught this very early??  As you were probably told, recommendations now are to start very early.  It is believed this will better preserve the immune system, even if in paper someone looks great. 

As long as you are adherent to your med, then you should get undetectable and stay that way.  You won't be dying from AIDS.  The bigger issues today are with the aging poz community.  However, many were on the early toxic meds.  And, lifestyle plays a huge role, too.  Since we see our docs so often, we are screened for lipids, glucose, and all that.  We should catch problems much sooner than our neg counterparts, because they aren't seeing their docs that often.

My suggestion would be to watch your mental health.  That is one thing many docs never ask about.  I was never asked about it.  I had to bring it up.  I now see a therapist.  You may adjust without any depression or anxiety issues.  If you feel depressed, don't ignore it. 

Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing.


Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: pozguypdx on October 12, 2013, 12:45:59 am
thank you marc and ted.  i've got the medical attention i need i'm just worried.  if the complera was working why wouldn't my rash go away?  it seems worse at night is that from me taking the meds in the morning and then they wear off?  i'm 51.  i run and exercise buy my diet is not so good. 
Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: tednlou2 on October 12, 2013, 01:00:17 am
Did you have a history with eczema before?  When a person's immune function is improving, some can actually see things like this, because your immune system is responding to things it may have ignored before.  Something like that. 

I'm not familiar with HIV with eczema, but I know more knowledgeable members will be able to give you much better info. 
Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: marcmoral16 on October 12, 2013, 01:31:10 am

I could be mistaken but HIV has NOTHING to do with eczema. Its very much hereditary but certain foods can bring on the symptoms as well. Your rash won't go away with the pills because its unrelated. Its a skin issue, that's all hydrocortisone will stop the itch and keep it relieved.

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: LukasFRA on October 12, 2013, 05:39:25 am
Hi Pozguy,

welcome to this world. Your numbers look good. I have been diagnosed one month earlier, my doc put me on Complera (Eviplera in Europe) as well. I am on it now for almost 2 months and have no problems at all. I take my pill with dinner, but while traveling in Canada I took it with breakfast (different time zone, 9hr difference). Both ways I had no problems at all. Once in a while I have an upset stomach or feel tired but when I start complaining or panicking that these are side effects of Complera my husband reminds me that this happens to everyone and that my stomach was sometimes upset in the last 48 years even without Complera.

About the rash. I had developed a rash before being diagnosed. Actually my doc in the skin clinic suggested to have a check of the immune system. When starting with Complera my HIV doc  prescribed me a skin lotion containing Metronidazol, which is an antibiotic, but you can use the lotion forever without side effects. He also told me that I might actually see an increase in all kinds of inflammations once my immune system reactivates. So far I have not seen anything happen, the rash (rosacea) is under control with the lotion, but still visible.

Check on your diet, but Complera likes to have a good basis :-), which does not need to be junk food. I have always some nuts and chocolate bars around. Three handful of nuts are sufficient for Complera.

I hope the adjustment to this "new chapter in life" goes smoothly for you. A lot of questions will come later, I am currently pushing a lot of things out of my brain as I am not yet ready to deal with them. But then I was always good in going into denial :-))

The forums are a perfect place to find information....

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by: Tonny2 on October 12, 2013, 09:52:41 pm
 8) Hi pozguy. Have you seen a dermatologist?. This maybe unrelated to hiv or your meds, your immune system is good. If I were you, I'LL see a skin specialist, if your ID doc can help you, ok

And your doc is right about being hit by  beertruck than  getting AIDS, you can always send me the beertruck  if you see it around hahaha

You are going to be OK, you'll see....Good luck, and SMILE, that eczema is treatable ;p

PS bear with me, English is my second language